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Mr. Lithlego

Lived in Era 24 and got 1 heir(s) (Lithlego).


Mr. Lithlego

Lived in Era 24 and got 1 heir(s) (Lithlego).


Mr. Lithlego

Lived in Era 24 and got 1 heir(s) (Aixinjeuro Nuerhachi).

As the flag of red and white burnt, Lithlego's heart sank. After eras of building a kingdom with battlemates, all have to come to a tragic end.

The fall could not be swifter, but due to the slowness of decision.
The fall could not be more painful, but due to the painlessness of inaction.
The fall could not be more complete, but due to the emptiness of loss.

Thoughts of past swelled in his mind. After surviving in the north pole, facing the onslaught of Serenity eras ago, Lithlego served the flag of red and white loyally and he had hoped, eternally. But smaller, dishonourable enemies caused the downfall of the kingdom, and he had no one to blame but himself.

He could had seen the enemy, but yet, he chose not to. He could had created more armies, but greed got in the way. Magic had granted him eternal life, but had not grant him knowledge and wisdom.

He cursed himself, but alas, his forefathers will not turn his body into a crystal, and let his soul rest. The wish of Urluas will not be reversed. He turned away from the burning flag, despite his fallen King's request to join him to another kingdom. Lithlego felt he had lost, and had insulted the name his father Hlego had given him. He shall live in isolation from now on, and be freed from the shackles of a kingdom, organisation and duty.

Until, unfortunately, a certain Squire Tadas decided to cross Lithlego's path, breaking the peace and quiet he had enjoyed. As he persued Tadas till the end of the era, he felt the calling of war in his bones again. He shall rest, until the higher gods decide to resurrect the worlds. When the worlds arises, he shall too.

Sir Aixinjeuro Nuerhachi

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Lithlego) and was a member of Carnage

As he aroused from the sleep, he found himself in snow, surrounded by vast plains. From a distance, he could see dark mountains; and from near, he could see horses and tents. He can smell a faint hint of the sea as the wind blew from east to west.

The world the gods had resurrected is the world of warriors, and a world of the future. The weapons that the soldiers held were made of strange alloys. All of them don uniforms that were made of fine silk, and armour of silver.

"Nuerhachi! You had waken! Spare no more time in your slumber, for we have mouths to feed and the Worded to fight!"

Turning to the person who spoke to him, he realised all of them (including himself) wore a pig-tail. The person's name suddenly came to him, "Muerhachi, we shall see what the gods have installed for us. The tribes have been united, but we still need to fight for our survival. As you had said, we must move to warmer climates before we can get food. We shall move before sunrise, and all our men shall march!"

With that, he realised that the heavens had played a joke on him. He have to finish this quest before he can become what he was before.

Sir Lithlego

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Eleutherios) and was a member of Carnage

As he awaken from his sleep induced by Tak, the chief Archmage of Carnage, he found that he had lost his pig-tail. Looking at his hands, he found that he had been transformed back to his usual self, that of the sea-elf.

Climbing out of his bed, he gazed at the night sky to look for the star of his patron goddess. He bowed his head as he saw it, and prayed "Urluas, you have kept me safe. I hope I had accomplished my mission to your liking, and grant me more wisdom and courage."

His last mission was to lead a tribe of halflings out of the plains and into the world of Fantasia. Thousands had sacrificed to make it, and more will die during the wars against PHI and MAD. He will never know why he was transformed into a halfling to aid them and he will never want to know.

Looking at the rest of the Carnage lords awaken from their sleep, he proceed to pick up his weapons, armour and his horse from the armoury of the king. Rubilegos was long dead from old age, but his son, Heliostaph was no less faster and sturdy steed for Lithlego.

As Vencrow addressed the Lords, Lithlego could not help but think what will be in store for him this era...

Once again, Lithlego has his choice of warriors to lead: the sturdy Halflings, the intelligent Elves and the sly Dwarves. He look at all the lords who are recruiting for their armies, and he looked at what he had in front of him.

The tribe of Halflings, from the house of Hageordof had been loyal for a few eras, and he had lead them through thick and thin.

The tribe of Elves, from the house of Ursluahaus was where he was from, and had been loyal servants from the start of his career.

The tribe of Dwarves, from the house of Dugendeep, was with him for only one era, but had proved to be an effective group of warriors who actually makes war economical.

After he ponders his options, he declared to the chiefs:
"Virengold, Chief of Dugendeep. I thank you for responding to my rallying call. However, as there are many of your kindred in the battlefield, I cannot let you shed the blood of your forefathers. You shall bring your tribe to the southern mountains, facing the South Star and the seas, and wait for my next call." Virengold, surprised at the response, could only nod and retreat to the shadows of his entourage. He was surprised that Lithlego had read his dilemma, and was given the perfect excuse not to go to the battlefield.

"Elendnia, Daughter of Tyreuas. I cannot let my tribe be unprepared for war. I can see that you are regrouping, but while you are ready for magic, you are not ready for bloodshed. I am not belittling your abilities, for I known you since you were born. Your ways with the staff and, the bow and arrow are unparalleled, and your leadership may one day surpass mine. However, as you had just taken over the position of your father, you will need more time for the House to be re-organised. Be assured, you are my voice in the house Ursluahaus, and your father, though retired, will still aid you." Elendnia was unhappy that she could not go to war, as victories will boost her standing in the tribe, and on her own merit. She can only bow and lead her group of advisers out of the tent.

"Jumkildo, Leader of Hageordof, you will aid me in my battles, as your father had done in the last era. This will be the last era that you shall aid me, before I dispatch you and your house back to the southern fields of Hasen. We never fight for peace, and I foresee many will perish. But the gods had grant you invisibility, and I need that to my advantage. Your peace will come to you, and your retirement after that will last a few eras." Jumkildo was ready for war, for his house had been warring with Lithlego for a few eras. But his fear for bloodshed is well-known, as compared to his warrior father Yudhand. Reluctantly, he leads his group to rally troops for the wars.

As Lithlego looks at the chiefs of the three houses, he knew that he had made the right choice, however, mistakes from Jumkildo will cost him dearly. The lucky Halfling had turned from reality to myth.

Lord Eleutherios

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Ogelhtil) and was a member of Carnage

"The High Council has decided: we were able to find a tribe of people called the Chkreeks, who had abandoned worshipping their gods, and mistaken us for gods who desend upon them to punish them. As they have the lands and resources, and we have the magic and armies, we have to assume identities befitting as their gods. When you leave the building, all of you shall be a god."

Suddenly, a voice thundered from the skies, "Thou shalt have our powers, and the Chkreeks gods will decend upon thee." With that, the Lords of Carnage saw a flash of spirits in front of their eyes and they have the powers of the gods, and 2 voices in their heads: one that belongs to their original self, and one that belongs to the Chkreek gods.

Staring at Echion and who was Venomz, Lithlego could only nod his head and assume the identity of Eleutherios, the Liberator. "I hope this is not an indication of what is to come of the era..." A new name should allow him some breathing space from friends and foes alike, especially the foes.

Revenge trans-passes generations, and immortality only reinforces the burn of hate, and a higher chance of being hunted down. Imagine, for example, that your grandfather is long dead, and yet his enemy lives, with the same face and the same name. However, when the identity is concealed, you could had been very good friends with your grandfather's enemy. The world will be a better place with more friends, thought Lithlego, and proceed to start the era with the selection tribunal.

Looking sadly at Jumkildo, Lithlego simply passed him a red envelope and a dagger. Jumkildo's luck was extremely bad last era, and it did not help that Lithlego's luck was bad as well. Battles that could be won were lost, and treasures were missed when they could be found. The red envelope contains the Parchment of the Unspoken Word, which Jumkildo had requested from Lithlego. Even though Lithlego had known about the existence of the Parchment, which is sacred to the Halflings, he knew nothing about it. He had managed to get the Parchment from a luckless Halfling he had slayed on the battlefield eras ago.

When he looked at the contents of the Parchment, he could only make out one word: Irly, which means 'nothing' in some obscure Halfling dialect. The dagger is the Sword of a Hundred Seas (Sonderial), which is smithed from the precious metals mined from a hundred seas. With the tokens of appreciation, Jumkildo left with a heavy heart.

Virengold, the leader of the Dungendeep, awaits with excitement, as is Elendnia. Looking at the leaders, Lithlego's gazed stopped at Elendnia and nodded. Virengold, seeing the gesture, heaved a sigh of relief and left. This was the most silent tribunal ever to be held, and only highlighted the understanding between Lithlego and the tribes loyal to him.

"Arm our people, for this war shall be fought with many enemies, and will prove that children under Ursluahaus will be worthy fighters once more. I have heard from my tutor that you have improved your temper, Elendnia, and believe me, patience is the best friend of the strategist, and the worst foe of your enemies."

With that, Lithlego and Elendnia proceed on to rally the troops and arm them.
As the era ends, Lithlego gathered his troops and gave them a final toast. All will retreat to the safety of the forests and seas, and will answer his rallying call next era. Their sons and daughters will once again come forth to fight, and Lithlego, who will be alone through out the Armageddon, will once again reacquaint familiar but strange faces.

It was a good fight while it last, but Lithlego realised that he can not fight and be good at magic at the same time. Perhaps Elendnia or her son, Gaothris, will let him know next time. Right now, it is a time for reflection, rest and renewal.

Renewal of hopes, renewal of trust, renewal of friendships and renewal of self. The road of learning is never short, but the pain of learning is never dull.

Lord Ogelhtil

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Ogelhtil) and was a member of Carnage

Elendnia with her five hundred ghosts approached the city of Telejet cautiously confident. Sire Drunken, Knight of Legacy, had sent a thousand soldiers out to field, and are approaching the capital of Ogelhtil's realm. With the era just started, she felt that she can attack with a small force. No doubt, the kingdom of Legacy is one of great tradition and filled with sages of the pen, wand and sword; but Elendnia felt that the price with such qualities is paid for with haughtiness.

Elendnia felt wrong. Haughtiness does not equate over-confidence. At the walls of Telejet, she met her worst defeat and was overwhelmed at the first wave of attacks launched from the city's gates. When she returned to the capital, her life was barely sustained by the health shield she casted to protect all near to her side. As her recovery was to be slow and tedious, her duties were transferred to her son, Gaothris. He will be the third generation of the Ursluahaus to be advisor to Lithlego.

As Lithlego left the room of Elendnia with Tyreuas, Lithlego asked, "Your line and mine is cursed with immortality, but with immortality comes a very slow learning experience. Gaothris have been training his mind and his strength for as long as I can remember. But is Gaothris ready for the field, my teacher?"

Tyreuas, with his silver long hair and beard, replied, "When we attained the curse of immortality, we thought of it as a gift. Little that we know this curse will be passed from one generation to another. The only escape is to be on the battlefield. However, I see that our council has decided to be in the shadows instead of the battlefronts. Gaothris is not ready, but nobody is ready for anything if they never try. Use your magic wisely, my lord, for I can see the flags of blue are abound again."

With a sigh, Ogelhtil nodded. Now he is wondering if he had chosen the wrong house during the tribunal....

Lord Ogelhtil

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Ladybug) and was a member of Carnage

As Ogelhtil and Gaothris stroll upon the city walls of Thefaceaintlist, Ogelhtil felt a sense of shame and relief. Shame that he is not in the battlefront, nor is he exerting magical influence against his enemies, and shame that the defence of the city is over.

Having to weather rocks thrown by the nazguls is one thing, deflecting the spheres of darkness thrown by their riders was another headache any city defenders would like to avoid at all cost. Until this day, the evil laughter of the nazgul riders, the sound of dispair ringing from the spheres of darkness, and the whistling of the stones being released from the air still seem to travel to the ears of his men when the wind blows. Though his elven riders and archers and other defenders from other rulers managed to defend the fort, Ogelhtil and Gaothris agreed that the worst is over.

When the enemy retreated, the relief is enormous. Now, Ogelhtil can sit back and reflect, only having to play the role of a defender, and faraway from the frontlines. He can now only plot what is to happen the next era. Gaothris, it seems, will still be chosen over the other two houses......

Duke Ladybug

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Clone) and was a member of Carnage

Lithlego strolled in the gardens with Gaothris, discussing on how to start the era effectively. As Lithlego felt that it will be a waste of effort to summon the other tribes for the tribunal, he simply did not issue any calls to any of the lords loyal to him.

Instead, a letter was sent to them: "My faithful friends, rest well and be well. Next era, I shall choose between the house of Hageordof and Dungendeep."

Gaothris is tired of the battlefield, and suggested that they should play a more passive role in the battlefields. However, Lithlego favoured the more balance approach. In the end, Gaothris will be proved right, and Lithlego wrong.

When time came to choose a name for the new era, Lithlego, chancing upon a ladybug, decided to name himself Ladybug to confuse his foes and friends alike......

Duke Clone

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Lithlego) and was a member of Carnage

"1 stone of Running Root, 2 bales of tricky leaves and a dash of talking barks. Boil all in a pot and throw in a pound of deer meat. Once the mixture simmers, add in 2 cups of own blood and cool."

"Conjure your own image with the spell: Splitias Imagery!"

And thus, Lithlego takes a rest, whilst his clone wreaks havoc in his place. However, as his rest was not restful, nor his clone as good as he hope him to be.

The clone can only produce, but not fight. His intended rest was interrupted by letters from the houses of Hageordof and Dungendeep. Hageordof had sent one of their lesser lords in this era, and he is as good as the clone. Dungendeep had indicated that they will let their newly married princess send her lord to fight the next era. They have yet to reveal the identity of the lord, but it seems unlikely that he hail from the close-knitted clans of Dungendeep affiliates.

With this, Lithlego rested fitfully, unsure of what is to come, and what is to past......

Duke Lithlego

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Lithlego) and was a member of Carnage

Lithlego walked around the consort of Dungendeep, studying him keenly. Tur Hunden stood calmly and composed, with his hands respectfully behind his back. Lithlego cleared his throat, and the consort immediately shifts his arm to the side, standing at attention.

"I see that Princess X'ian Enab must have a lot of affinity towards you, and you to her. I can not imagine such an union until now. I have chosen the house of Dungendeep, and I shall place my trust in the champion they have chose. What are your strengths?"

Tur Hunden smiled and said, "Economy."

Lithlego sighed. "You do know we are at war with a lot of factions this era. Economy is an invitation to for invasion. I have no doubt about the virtues of gold. What I need is no doubt in war." Lithlego raised his left hand, and a cast iron broadsword, floated from the weapons rack to his hand. The blade is a foot and a half long, and 6 inches wide. It is the handle that is strange: it has a diameter of 2 inches, but is 4 feet long.

Lithlego continued, "I doubt that you only have brains, Prince Consort. Your build betrays you. Have fun with this weapon and I await your good news."

With that, Lithlego threw the weapon at Tur Hunden. Tur Hunden received the weapon, gave it a twirl with both arms, before placing the blunt end on the floor. Lithlego smiled, "You can go now." Tur Hunden bowed, and turned. He smiled as he walked towards the hallway. Outside the castle walls, there were 3 flying beasts. The center ride is empty, awaiting its master; whilst on the left and right, rode 2 Nazguls.

Duke Lithlego

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Lithlego) and was a member of Carnage


Duke Lithlego

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Steve Rogers) and was a member of Carnage

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