Family History

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Mr. Rimtasii

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Ltmen) and was a member of Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste


Mr. Ltmen

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Rimtas) and was a member of Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste


Mr. Rimtas

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Rimtas) and was a member of Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste


Mr. Rimtas

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Pinguin) and was a member of Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste

he lived nowere :D he was the greatest nowere worrior

Mr. Pinguin

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Madpenguin) and was a member of Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste


Mr. Madpenguin

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Penguin) and was a member of Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste


Mr. Penguin

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Penguin) and was a member of Music


Mr. Penguin

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Penguin) and was a member of Music

amm..mhmh... MUSIC !!!!!

Mr. Penguin

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Penguin) and was a member of Music


Mr. Penguin

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Penguin) and was a member of Music

whahaha we are fighting carnage now and i can say just one thing :D
carnage likes to suck zeons balls :D
carnage sucks ;)
i had died and left zeon because i didnt had the realy a lot of time to play on fantasia so im trying to join mantranx / zetamania kd

Mr. Penguin

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Penguin) and was a member of Music


Mr. Penguin

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Penguin) and was a member of Zeon

wtf a lag or sth? :D the era 29 i wasnt in music :D ...
Zeon and Zoidbergmania
1. Mr. Penguin Music Dwarf 1324942
12. Mr. Rimtas Uz Lietuva Dwarf 1840725
118. Mr. Penguin Music Dwarf 444662

a little bit of stats and scores

Mr. Penguin

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Penguin) and was a member of Zeon


Mr. Penguin

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Bird Boy) and was a member of Zeon

this is from Mr.Gilths history... Era 28, Fantasia , Music vs Carnage

In the mean while, a famous Elf Warlord known as Tak Daken had breached the defenses of our wallcities. His armies were small and apparently not very strong. But he used all his magical might as an elf to slow our armies while his would still move, making it very difficult for us to destroy them. Music was successful in repelling this first small wave; Tak Daken was driven back behind blockers. Those blockers were still controlled by Carnage though. And while Music was planning an invasion, Carnage sent new armies to distract the generals of Music's armies. One of them was a powerful army filled with the most feared soldiers that roamed Fantasia: Nazguls. Commander Architect controlled this army and it was only thanks to the help of a Dwarven Master Smith called Penguin that Music was able to defeat this incredibly powerful force.
This was the last time the Leaders of Music got a positive message from the front. Only a few days later, when the skies turned red and every soldier taking up his arms was enraged by a mysterious force, Heart Breakers fell. The Carnagian Warlords created an army powerful enough to break every defense currently known to the people inhabiting Fantasia. At the same time, another powerful army controlled by Carnage took over a fortress a few days to the east.

and topic in hangaround :D Vu survivor funny game u have to give + and - to people when one goes to 0 then he dies and leaves the game.. when there is just 1 left he picks new formation.. and Kobuskan picked me in :D

Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum

VU survivor

2/11/2008 10:30:23 AM Roxbury 4 (-)
Lewatha 9 (+)
Penguin 5
Might The God of Cows 7 (-)

Lady Pirate promised sex if I help her win :)

BTW, who the fock is Penguin? And what Kingdom? :(

Mr. Kobuskan


2/11/2008 1:12:58 PM Roxbury 4 (-)
Lewatha 9
Penguin 4
Might The God of Cows 8(+)

Penguin = the great Pengu from Lithuania, member of zeon

Im the best, im THE GREAT PENGU ;DDD simply the best
funny era :D LDk toked my city so i had to make the best revenge ;) i toked LDKs king main minig city and razed it now im taking LDKs citys and destroying everything... one army is coming to attack me in their core but we will see what will happen ;)... ah fun is over java killed my army ;( but still i have another filled with nazzies :D

highest income 5M... :D i like those free cities when u take over it with only 36nazzies and get 46M gold and 45M stone :D rrr :D

Mr. Bird Boy

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Arctic Devil) and was a member of Dark Blood

Duke Vytautas Didysis [WoL] (3/21/2008 2:21:21 PM)
greetings , i hear what u take Penguin , Can i don`t agreed with this ? :D Our members don`t want what he play in DB , he trait our kingdom twice , can u kick him ? If he play in your kingdom and we create NAP we still attack him , ofc not all players but around 15 players hate him :)

another msg

Duke Vytautas Didysis [WoL] (3/21/2008 2:35:21 PM)
send send :) we merge kingdoms I and him same leaders just i don`t have time to be here a lot so he take leader position. But what about Penguin, we hate him , is my mistake what we not inform you , but just because for Penguin , we can vote against NAP with u r kingdom. Now when he be in Zeon , he special attack us.... He betray 2 times us. Ofc we be enemies with zeon , but he attack us just for one reason ,
Maybe boW vices accept NAP , but me and my vices don`t want if in ur kingdom play traitor. Please think , i like u , i like u r kingdom , u r kingdom nice ally , but I have my code( or rule, i don`t know how need say better) , Penguin is not so bad guy in real world but for him need grow up :) but in game we cant forgive him ;)

The best english ever ;DD and most stupid thing to ;D

Mr. Arctic Devil

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Penguin) and was a member of Dark Blood

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