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Mr. Mensies

Lived in Era 13 and got 1 heir(s) (Mensies).

We always live in peace, but we if we are uner attack, we will fight back like a lion. I hope this will be a warning!!!!!!!

We fight together and we belong together.

Greetzzz Mr. Mensies

Sir Mensies

Lived in Era 13, got 1 heir(s) (Mensies) and was a member of The Excalibur Dragons

I like war. I've a bether army now then before. We will fight till we are dead

I'm not such as my father that coward

Greetzzz Son of Mensies

Mr. Mensies

Lived in Era 14 and got 1 heir(s) (Mensies).

As a United Army we will stand together if we must fight. My dad is dead, but i will take revenge and will be the biggest ruler in the world.

Greetzzzzzzzz Mensies

Sir Mensies

Lived in Era 15, got 1 heir(s) (Mensies) and was a member of Mirror

I will take revenge for my place in Era of Aldebert. The begin of the Era of Leo for me was bad. I lost different cities. Now I have all my lost cities back. I have taked in the begin some guys of narrse out. in February i've taked some guys out with big cities. My upkeep is rising, and i'm training many troops. We are still fighting against Legacy. Now I'm trying to liberate some cities of friends and WAR members.

After many victories is my army "United Defenders" taking the south, my army taked and burned a few cities of EFK and Dog.

I'm trying to liberate Varna Iii, Venomz helped me with the spell:Dispel Magic
I and the Griever have liberated Varna Iii, we lost a few hobs but that doesn't matter. Venomz and I have taked Theofirstunlimm.

I'm now training some troops to take some Narrse guy out in the south. I don't know if they have many troops, i think so because there is one big unlimmited city.IOn my way to narrse 've spotted a few dog cities, i've taked them. I've taked 1 citie of the narrse guy. I only must capture a unlimmi. it's defended with 160k men.
I've caputured it after a long time full with attacks on the city.

I'm currently trying to liberate Devils Unlimmi. Many Serenity members has helped to liberate devils unlimmi and finally we liberate it.

Now i'm razing some colonies of KOH and PKS, it's going great. Now i'm moving my army close to many enemy cities. Many Serenity members are going to take KOH cities in.

Currently i'm still traveling to other enemy cities, it won't take long and the era is over. In the last days i'm taking out some DP guys near my city "Wannabegood" in the east of the map, jeroen is sending some Nazguls I'm searching for a good kingdom because Serenity stops. Many guys will quit or are going to other kingdoms. I hope i will find a good kingdom next era and many friends



Viceroy Mensies

Lived in Era 16, got 1 heir(s) (Mensies) and was a member of Mirror

My place in ERA OF LEO was 38 in Fantasia. I've a new kingdom now, it's named Mirror. When the era of draiken begun i've started near other mirror members, that's great. I didn't get a good place there my city is between a few mountains.Currently we can't use tavernes any more for peasants grow, we have to do it with tax.

The begin goes good, i'm in the highscore with largest cities, but that will not take long and i'm out the highscores. My city of the highscore was taken by the number 1 strongest army. I've no income, so I must take some cities of weak guys for my income. A few little cities are taken. I must continue with this, and don't get any losses again. My income is rising, i'm training many troops for the battle agianst abydos. Abydos is going to take the north were we life, we will fight agianst the death. We've done a little counter attack but it was stopped by 35 nazguls. We are now trying to stop them, with merging armies. I've attacked the nazguls of elsin with 900 warlords and it was not enough. I'm now pumping troops on a nice place. One of our blockers did not hold the troops of abydos, we're trying to get it back and defeat their troops. Mirror has almost lost this whole area, only First Man and I could defeat them, but now there are comming 10k-20k troops to us, i don't know if we could kill them, but i will fight untill the death. Our West base is gone and our North base is under attack by rumour. It's getting a little bether in our base, but outside our base it's terrible. Many troops are fighting and will all die. Rumour has ownaged some cities of us, we are trying to fight back at the invasion place. Efrandor and i are working together and we have a strong army to beat their armies. I've finnaly made contact to the South base, that happend after the nap with abydos. The Armageddon will take longer then normal, because the Admin is on vancation in spain :). We have put all our troops in 1 big city and the enemy has take that city over. I've lost lots of troops, but i still have a nice city. I'm sure rumour could not find my city because the era is still 26 days

Sir Mensies

Lived in Era 17, got 1 heir(s) (Mensies) and was a member of Holy

I had a bad place in the Era of Draiken. Started on a spot near one of my kd members the others are in the west en the north, everyone is on a other place. When i finnaly maked contact to the west guys they desided to disban mirror. My city in the east has lost because i was fighting alone againt almost whole valar, i've killed 3 armies but they were merging so my city fell. I've joined Serenity, it's just like a few era's ago, everyone was there. When I was raising my income a few serenity members desided to attack Blocker osgiliath of legacy. We had very strong armies and finally we broke the blocker. Whole legacy desided to unban their kd. Most of them joined Rumour so we are in war with rumour now. First Man and i trained some troops and make a invasion in Valar Territory and taked a few cities over. We are now moving south for more valar cities. In the top of the south we saw strong resitance, we didn't expect that because we all thought we had beated Valar. They beated our little army and now are we preparing a enormous and glorious army. We are sure that Valar can beat this one. Sir Fizban of rumour casted the armageddon so we put all our troops of serenity in merged armies and we desided to move to the Armagaddon city "Istar". Many losses of Rumour and Abydos and we have a few little losses. I'm defenitly sure that Rumour won't survive this era.

Mr. Mensies

Lived in Era 18 and got 1 heir(s) (Mensies).

I've desided to join holy this era. We are fighting against Passion this era, after many attacks we finally won the war against Passion. The next turn was to secure our area with blockers. First we were attacking pks, xiax make some trouble, but all problems have been solved. The next turn was SE in the north. We've taken the north without any problem. Now we need to secure the south blockers of our area who are in hands of audacity. It's hard to take those blockers, we had a army of 500k but after a siege attack it was only 100-200k. It's hard to take those blockers. We desided to pull back and reinforce our armies. Zeon is still attacking the other blocker, don't know how they are doing, but i wish them the best.

Mr. Mensies

Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Mensies) and was a member of The Finall Order

Mensies is back in Action!!!!

After 2 weeks of inactivity (i was on holiday) i finally started again. It was a big suprise i've started on mantrax. Zeta has maked a few updates. A kingdom can have maximum 3 members and there are no unlimmited cities anymore. At one way i hate this update, but on the other way i really understand this update.

i've started in the east of the map of mantrax. It's not bussy on mantrax or everyone is in the west of the map. I've joined The Unholy Elites and i hope it will be a great era with them. I've settled a armory in their area and i'm pumping troops to beat Fog(later the name was NBK). I desided to make a blocker, but i saw there was a whole in it were armies can get through, that's why i lost my armory. I'm pumping troops in the east now. I'm waiting untill some else send troops to my blocker and helps me. It looks i have to do it all alone, but maybe it will change.

But it hasn't changed, lost the blocker, but i was glad Selleron tooked it over. I've left Unholy Elite and i've maked my own kd. Many friends are preparing a attack on UV. I'm on the hoh list second most powerfull town and if i put the troops in my army then i'm third most powerfull army. I'm pumping and pumping like a mad freak :).

Mr. Mensies

Lived in Era 19 and got 1 heir(s) (Woopie).

After we lose the war against UV, i restarted. I hope the next era will begin soon. I'm sure i won't get good place on Mantrax. Next era it will be bether.

Also are there on UV some very stupid hackers, a lot of gus have been hacked.

In the last weeks before the era ends i'm rebuilding all my towns. I'm trying to get faster a income. Now i have in 1 week 1 mil income. I'm now training some more troops, i hope i will end then higher in the highscore. I'm doing this fast because Zeta wants to end this era.

I think he wants to upgrade some thing in VU. He wants to play the Good vs. Evil game.

The era has come to a end and i'm number #11 of mantrax

I wish everyone good luck next era and you will see me again^^

Mr. Woopie

Lived in Era 20, got 1 heir(s) (Woopie) and was a member of Shiftness

At the begin of this era i desided to play with some old friends. Xuaron and First Man. We started very close to each other. Pokemon attacked us, after a few big battles we desided to get a nap with each other.

We had some problems with Mr. Juustusai. We didn't knew what he was doing, but he was defitly using a bug. He has been removed and we've got our towns back.

Then I worked a lot with income, preparing for the next attack of some others. And there it was, Insomnia was attacking us. They are confusing us a lot because there was a hole in the blocker. I've fixed the hole by making a new blocker. We are currently working to get them out our area since no one can come in. Insomnia and saintz(both legacy) are napped with a lot others. A lot of "Legacy" kds were attacking the other kd's. But soon there will begin a huge offensive against them with all Anti Legacy kd's. There will be a lot of fun :)

After a huge battle against Insomnia we lost the battle. Congratz to Sir Juchi which have won this era. I ended on place 13 of fantasia. Era of Juchi will come soon :)

Mr. Woopie

Lived in Era 21, got 1 heir(s) (Woopie) and was a member of Shiftness

And again "almighty me" has started on Fantasia. I'm not starting at a great spot. I rather like it to start in a edge, but we started in the middle. Now let's hope we can build up a good economy and then secure some area's for Shiftness.

Mr. Woopie

Lived in Era 21, got 1 heir(s) (Woopie) and was a member of Shiftness


Mr. Woopie

Lived in Era 20, got 1 heir(s) (Woopie) and was a member of Shiftness

I died twice this era thanx to legacy. Legacy did a great job and had almost conquered whole fantasia. They were just to strong, next era we will beat them.

My place on era of Juchi: #37

See ya all next era

Mr. Woopie

Lived in Era 21, got 1 heir(s) (Woopie) and was a member of Shiftness


Mr. Woopie

Lived in Era 21, got 1 heir(s) (Woopie) and was a member of Shiftness


Mr. Woopie

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Woopie) and was a member of Holy

Finally we have unlimmited kd's again and finally i'm back in holy. We want again to make succes to kill legacy.

I've started really great, i didn't lost any towns so.. that's very positif. And my income is really good now.
Narsse en Holy are really trying to close Legacy in. We are together killing a lot of armies. But the last 48 hours there was a little breakpoint, A lot of Legacy armies were commin out the east and are attacking our towns. We are trying to kill them but's it's very hard.
I'm still waiting untill my army is ready. When it's ready then i'm ready to kill. I'm waiting for mages and some more pony's. Legacy will feel pain with this army.
Botw is also attacking our towns... We didn't expect that attack.
Holy will fall and that's the only truth. I desided to join Carnage. I can never find against 2 such powerfull kd's.

In carnage i only have to fight with 1 of them....Legacy is the target.

After i was for a few weeks in carnage then Some people were deleted.... Whole Carnage fell on his knees.

With carnage there was nothing to do... Our whole era was ruined...

Then i desided to join narsse... But we still have the same enemy as before... LGC !!!!

Lgc is a big treath to us, we are currently trying to make the old carnage area anti-legacy :) But not everything is going as i hoped for, but i will all go soon better...

I still have my army of 20k ponys and i'm still winning....=D YAHOOOHH

After some big battles my pony's were all dead...Lgc took over a big area and Narrse is now pumping a lot of troops in the blockers to defend and try to cast the arma. The arma was not been casted because we didn't had enough time.. And now lgc broke trough our blockers with a amazing force and took towns... I still have troops here, but i don't think it's enough to attack them.

The whole arma core is lost... we all moved to other cores... I am very lucky i still have a town in the north so i can easily attack legacy =D

I a other core ,were i was pumping like a mad freak, arrived legacy. Finally i see Rommels Army again. He doesn't know what i all have, but he will feel it soon. There are a lot of armies commin to my town, so i expect i can kill a few armies...

The era has ended and my place was : #79 on fantasia, that's not bad for a era were we lost =(

Mr. Woopie

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Woopie) and was a member of Holy

This era is desided to join the kingdom Spaghetti. I am sure spoon needs my help. ^^ I am totally alone here on a spot and i hope that will stay for a while so i can build my towns bigger and get a nice income. I need to gain very fast income or else i will be dead, the begin of the era is always the hardest...

I have not met much enemy's at the moment, so i can still increase my income. My income is still nog high because i don't have a mining bonus yet... but that will come soon =)

My income is rising and rising, i have secured my own area and i will rise my income a lot. While some are fighting and allready have a high income, am i still raising my income =D Spaghetti Tha BEST!!!!!!

Finally in the war against Crown the blocker fell... It is great news for us... Now we can destroy/take all their towns and armories. Crown can't hold this... they are under attack at every side, Abydos, Jester and Spaghetti are attacking crown with a overwhelming power. But we are all not working together and we all fell back, because they had a lot more troops... Big armies have all been killed by crowns Nazzies...

Also i my own little core i've been under attack by crown. They are trying to push on and kill my armies and take my towns. But they haven't been succefull yet.... There could be some problems, but i hope it can be fixed.

After my wall was taking, which gives acces to the main are i desided to make another 2 blockers....

1 is at max size and the other still needs to be bigger. A big crown army is on the way... and i hope i can beat him or hang out for 230 tics... The arma has been casted so i hope i can still hang out for a while... i hope my reinforcements from the north will arrive soon... so i can wipe out crown....

After a big battle with Crown i finally lost to a army of Fordius... 65k knights were lost in battle and my own little core is lost... I will wait for next era and then begin again

My end score in era of Draiken: #78

All because i've lost my biggest town...

Mr. Woopie

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Woopie) and was a member of Holy

Just like every other era i desided to join a kd, This era my choice was Baccus Monks. I know a few guys here and i think it will be a succesfull era.

This era we have an enemy named: Girl Power. They have 5 members but they are very strong.... and have experienced players, but after they took a few towns, are we fighting back. 1 important town is back and i hope we could push forward. Finally after some big battles against a lot of nazzies we pushed them back. And after pushing them back we also breaked through their blocker. We took some towns and after that we maked a wall to Defend this little area...

We are afraid Girl Power can not do it alone and they will ask legacy. Our scouts have found a few lgc towns, so we don't know if they have agressive intentions, but probably they have!

The war against lgc has started....(after Vendetta casted arma) We are striking very hard to them. ... All GP towns have been conquered and we have been victorius! We surivived and beated most GP. There was not much time to beat legacy either... The arma has ended...

My place in era of Ezatious : #67

Mr. Woopie

Lived in Era 25, got 1 heir(s) (Woopie) and was a member of Holy

I desided to stay with Baccus Monks for 1 era. The era of Virgin has started well for the Monks. We haven't got much war at the moment, but we are preparing.
Everyone is getting the neutral towns and is trying to get a nice income.
After we started we found the kd Freedom fighters in the south and Pks in the north. The Monks were preparing an amazing attack and overwhelmed the Freedom Fighters and Pks.
Monks also made a fusion with Holy Flame, and now monks is on the #3 place of the most powerfull kd's.

My own start had not gone well, every time i visited the market, the tree market was empty. And as an elf i need trees to build. Finally after buying 1 mil trees i could increase my income and trying to gain fast.

Currently the monks are fighting with mirror in the south. We are still doing well and our area is completely blocked by blockers.

The war against mirror seems to be over and we, the monks were VICTORIUS!!!... almost all towns has been razed or taken en Mirror isn't a reall threat any more... But now a new danger is commin from the north.... Legacy again... We think we are well prepared, but we will see.....

Lgc attacked us and tried to break through our blockers... But... They could not.. the blockers were extremely well defended so they pulled back.. And then we made a counter attack... some players are striking their towns and burning everything what comes on their way

The monks desided to cast the arma.. and i had to cast it... I tried 1 time and it was succesfull... 240 days untill the arma ends... I am sure that no one can stop us....

After many posts in the forum al most the whole world thinks we did not well this era. They think we haven't got a good battle... I agree this era was short, but it was a funny era... We beated Mirror and FF and after that we were fighting Lgc... This era has ended and no one will forget it..

My place in Era Of Virgin: #68

Mr. Woopie

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Demeter) and was a member of Carnage

This era... In the era of Crissxcross i desided to join Carnage. I am glad to see old friends again =D It looks like a sort of an reunion... but still a few players are missing.

Carnage had a great start... we napped Drenthino's kd and after that we took out Predators... We are curently fighting Music and Zeon, it's a bit hard because it's a long distance to travel to them...

Zeon attacked us and we have succelfully let the attack fail... Now we broke through in the south and we are going to zeon... Zeon will deffintly die since Darkblood broke through their blocker =D
It may took a while with zeon.. but they finally will die. New update: Zeon has been whiped out =D

And a few weeks later we broke together with mirror through the Music blockers... so the new update is: Music is dead =D

And after music we desided to attack IE in the east of the map... but there was 1 problem... we had all to go south because DB won't let us in... finally we made it and almost all IE towns were taken by DB... let's no look for a new enemy =D

After the zeon we have to go after music.. they are defending well... but i am sure we can break through their blockers.. 3 big kd's are putting presure upon them.. Carnage, Darkblood and Mirror... They can never survive that...

Finally after a while we Mirror broke through the walls and we did it too =D we captured a few towns... and against music there was not much trouble.

Just after the war against music had finished.... we desided to attack IE =D a few have captured some towns.... but DB was just before us... Now the arma has been casted and we 've got trouble with PHi =(

We've lost the conquered abydos area to phi... But they can not break through... we are still putting presure upon them and they have a lot of problems with us.

After traveling for 50 tics, i finally reached some LDK towns.... I took many big towns including a 60k mine town =D Everything is going well down in the south.... I am together with DB and LGC armies in the area... we are taking all LDK enemies out. I also saw Baccus... but i didn't want to attack them.... I am ex-member of baccus and i am proud of it. I hope they will ever return....

After many battles in the south with killing phi armies and burning big mines, my armies died.... Our core is still under heavy attack.. and finally the arma ended..

My score in Era of Crissxcross: # 52
I was the 5th best person of carnage...
and the 9th best elf =D

Ms. Demeter

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Eipoow) and was a member of Carnage

okay guys!!!! Era of Amon Hen has started =D All members of carnage desided to change their name to a greek god. So here i am , DEMETER!!

The begin of the era: We started on a nice spot and we don't have much big kd's close to us. We've allready whiped out Templar Crusaders, Brotherhood of Destiny and a part of Jester Empire.

Our enemies are probably this era: Zeon, Music, LGC, DB and maybe more.... But we are very lucky because we are far away from them.

Finally we began to secure our core... We've set up some blockers and we saw another kingdom in our area. Army of Anubis, we are still fighting them... they don't are very strong but we are not sending much armies down here. Finally we had some progress... Their merge was taken out and we took some more towns. I hope they are gone soon.

During our little fight with anubis..... had mirror a problem. They were attacked by jester and music. And they had a trator in their kd, condinho. Thanx to him was Mirror down. They are currently recovering in our area. I hope they are soon there to help us.

After i came back from vacation i saw we were still surviving... Mirror became stronger and most of mirror have joined us so they can merge with us. We are still fighting zeon and Abydos. Redhand is also an enemy.

Abydos has showed their face.. They tried to take us.. but it failed... Abydos merged army was not strong enough to take us down..!

Now we are waiting in our blockers.. and we are sending our other forces to Zeon which broke through our east blocker.. But they can't get any futher because WE ARE CARNAGE !! MHUAHAHAHAAHA !

With zeon in the east... and Red hand in the west...we have to spread our forces ! We've booked many victories upon red hand but they came with a merged army ! our merged was not strong enough and i've lost some troops...Me army is currently retering and i hope they will be pushed back into their red dark woods !

After some days with fighting against Red hand i desided to invate their territory. And with succes!! I've took some mine towns and i was able to establish my own little area with walls... and i was able to secure it... because the era was almost over.. i desided to pull my army out and take some more mines... :D
And again Succesfull!

My place in era of Amon Hen : #43

Mr. Eipoow

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Woop Antmeister) and was a member of Carnage

Haven't got the mood to write a story about the era..

My score: #56 on fantasia

Carnage dominated Zeon, Bow and Music

Mr. Woop Antmeister

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Clone Xxiclone XXI) and was a member of Carnage

Last Era or names were backwards... This era we desided to choose the bug theme... :)

My score in Era of Asystole: #21
My score on Halfer list: #2 (from the 7 halflers)
My score in Carnage: #7

Next era: Era of Lenard

Mr. Clone Xxiclone XXI

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Woopie) and was a member of Carnage

This era we desided to choose the theme: Clones.. =D

This era was boring: it was a sitting war with Zeon and us...
In the meanwhile phi came from the north.. but we could hold them... that was the end of the story this era

score in Era of Lenard the knight in Fantasia: #77

Mr. Woopie

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Whoop) and was a member of Carnage

This era we desided to go back to our old and most famous names.
So this means i am Woopie again :)

We beated: Eternity, Dark Fire
Currently fighting: Dark Blood & Abydos

Score in Era of Grumpy old bastards in Fantasia: #20
Troll Score: # 1 =)
Kingdom score: # 5

Mr. Whoop

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Whoops) and was a member of Carnage


Mr. Whoops

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Whoops) and was a member of Carnage


Mr. Whoops

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Whoops) and was a member of Carnage


Mr. Whoops

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Whoops) and was a member of Havoc

It was time to restart and create a new kingdom with Ulgrin, Surviver and corothius :)

We had to fight against Highlands Honor, Juginatorii and some small nub kd's..

We conquered whole nirvana ;)

My place on nirvana: #1

Mr. Whoops

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Whoops) and was a member of Havoc

We have set up our kingdom in Zetamania :) lets see how all of them will be doing. There are some new players so it wil lbe hard job.

We have beaten: Eternity, Dark riders Wing, Border Patrol and Sarafan Knights

Mr. Whoops

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Whoop) and was a member of Havoc


Mr. Whoop

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Whoop) and was a member of Havoc

Zetamania got destroyed by the armageddon.. and the whole highscore list is full with bugs.

Well, we have started on the Talents world and are far behind of all the other kingdoms. It would be great if we can survive here ;)

Mr. Whoop

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Whoop) and was a member of Havoc

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