Family History

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Mr. Liovsk

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Arumnus) and was a member of Sparta

Liovsk Von Deustchet
He was a Military commander who was bent on controlling everything in his sight even if his target was one of his own. He plundered many native cities and treated them as animals not even as slaves. He captured many cities and was soon to be an unstopable force until the unexpected happened...after all his time making sure his soldiers would follow him to the end,, they rebelled against him for his immoral actions. Before escaping his famous words still hold many strong in his faith: " I am a warrior and I will stop at nothing to conquer all, if you're opponets are just building on democracy and not an army then they should be captured...."DEUSTCHET PREVAILS!" His followers were thrown in prision but later released as workers. After what seemed like 5 years Liovsk Von Deustchet returned with an army and once again gained controll over his colony. Since then he has been "rehabilitated" and is calm most of the time. He is now slowly rebuilding his life and colony without violence but if you mess with him he will snap.

Mr. Arumnus

Lived in Era 30 and got 1 heir(s) (Asgarth).

After the death of his father arumnus spent most of his time tring to figure out a way to avenge his father's death. He soon relized that to do so he was going to need a new colony and so with the last remnants of thr royal army he settled his first colony. Which he states: "This is only the first of my villages I will conquer in my father's name...

Mr. Asgarth

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Asgarth II) and was a member of Knights of the White Wolf

Learning for his father's mistakes, Asgarth studied all of his father mistakes and leared a great deal about the art of war. He then waited for the right time to shine of his military brillance and extract revenge on his father's blood. He waited for 5 years until making his first move....

From the Diary of Asgarth:

Day 1

There was a huge break up in the kindom I recently had joined. Little did I know there was a turncoat involved. Most of the members were kicked and the turncoat seized his chance and started to demolish the others. I was well perpared. I quickly built up a defence again him and soon started to overpower him. But he was vagilly smart and build thousands of troops, the fool. It might have seemed foolish to fight someone with over 10 cities under his command but I knew that those sities were just for show and were very weak if I was just lucky enough to get an attack to them. I relized the only way to stop these hordes was to play a defencive stragety, then counterattack.

Day 2

I let the first few waves of 10,000 soliders die at the hands of my massive defence then I quickly perpared a battle plan to counter attack by destroying his cities to prevent him from takeing them and getting an advantage but before It had even begun the fool had 3 more armies on their way. I had dispached them with ease as my superior army had fought them many a time and knew their weaknesses. The enemy was new and had little knowlegde of his enemy , me.

Day 3

I had now wiped out what I thought was his last of his troops but I was wrong, my scouts told me they had heard distant battle cyies in the horizon but I cares little about this and prepared to make my move, but again before I could mount anything there was now a huge army on the horizon headed to my nearest city. This army was vastly larger than my armies but I relized that if I would just merge my armies I would crush it and finish the last of my worries....but I failed...

From the famous Asgarth himself "Thses armies we face ar nothing compared to our might! We will win this war. Whhy you may ask? Beucase we are the spartans going against rats!"

Mr. Asgarth II

Lived in Era 31 and got 1 heir(s) (Leiodonas).


Mr. Leiodonas

Lived in Era 31 and got 1 heir(s) (Lanshin).


Mr. Lanshin

Lived in Era 31 and got 1 heir(s) (Hiroshima).


Mr. Hiroshima

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Hiroshima) and was a member of Against All Authority

Ever loyal to their commander, the troops of Hiroshima would rather have died defending what they believed in, than to face the shame of defeat. They were trained to never be afraid and to die for their glory, not for their families, nor their children. To them, dieing was the only way to get respect. Even if their was only one soldier left, he would die knowing he would always be remembered. The troops of Royal Army, who were commander by Mr.Liovsk, is still remembered today as they defended what they believed in. They all died in battle, including every peasent that was in the city Kijidland. The city was now deserted but their sacrifce was not in vain, They started a new era of soliders for the people of Arumnus and now that faith still grows strong in the faith of Hiroshima's people.

Mr. Hiroshima

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Hiroshima) and was a member of Against All Authority

After his father died, his son Hiroshima had taken the throne. He was only 18 but he was well taught by his father. He was taught many thing especially the ways of his success. "To learn after every defeat is the only thing you should worry about when it comes to warfare, that is the way you learn." So the new leader spends most of his time in the libary looking in the old documents of past wars and skirmishes. trying to find new informantion on what his enemies are like and what to expect of them....but while he is gaining knowledge of past battles, he also inspectes the troops trying to find weaknesses in thier armor, for he knows should his enemies find one, they will surely exploit it....

Mr. Hiroshima

Lived in Era 32 and got 1 heir(s) (Hiroshima).


Mr. Hiroshima

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Hiroshima) and was a member of The Last Legion of Spartans


Mr. Hiroshima

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Hiroshima) and was a member of DARK ANGELS


Mr. Hiroshima

Lived in Era 32 and got 1 heir(s) (Hiroshima).


Mr. Hiroshima

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Hiroshima) and was a member of against All Authority

After several years of looking thought the history of his people, Hiroshima the 7th was a fast and cunning leader. He found an ancient scroll deep within the archives. This scoll told a tale of how a former leader orginzed his troops, people cities, and everything! To his surprize his separted his government into three different catagories, each with their own distinct differances in battle, building, and buying/selling items almost everything. Of course they all had their own down side, so using the scroll as a guide, the leader decided to test the people. He tool his best advisors and separted them and all his peasents into 3 different, distinct governments. Since they had a choice most of them enjoyed moving to a government who shared their dreams and hopes. After a while Hiroshima came out and to his surprise, his peasent were all lined up ready to give in the tax of the month. They all were happy with the new governments so he keep the idea and named them accordingly:

Avatar government: This Government exceeded in magic use and magic defence while lacked in areas such as general defence and offence. The peasents got rained money and their crops prospered only becuase their government used special magic to do this. Althought they did have good crops they hardly eat them as they had bad taste so they had to buy crops from the Earth government.

Juggernaut government: This Government excelled in areas such as general defence and offence but lacked in areas such as magic offence and defence and since they were bad farmers they fought eachother for gold to use to trade food from the Earth government. Since this government has direct ties to the leaders stash of gold, they only took enough that they needed to survive...

Earth government: This government excelled in areas such as farming and agriculture, where as gerenral and magic offence and defence were out of the question. This government also played a huge part in the market, and kept our nation from falling into dispare...

Using these governments strengths, Hiroshima made a great nation and an even great allly or foe...

Mr. Hiroshima

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Hiroshima) and was a member of against All Authority


Mr. Hiroshima

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Hiroshima) and was a member of against All Authority


Mr. Hiroshima

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Hiroshima) and was a member of against All Authority


Mr. Hiroshima

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Hiroshima) and was a member of against All Authority


Mr. Hiroshima

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Hiroshima The Infestation) and was a member of against All Authority


Mr. Hiroshima The Infestation

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Hiroshima The Infestation) and was a member of against All Authority


Mr. Hiroshima The Infestation

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Hiroshima The Infestation) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore


Mr. Hiroshima The Infestation

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Hiroshima The Infestation) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore


Mr. Hiroshima The Infestation

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Hiroshima The Infestation) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore


Mr. Hiroshima The Infestation

Lived in Era 34 and got 1 heir(s) (Hiroshima Infected Form).

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