Family History

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Mr. Celebrity

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Celebrity) and was a member of Shinobi Empire


Mr. Celebrity

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Bagstros) and was a member of The Illuminati Empire


Mr. Bagstros

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Bagstros) and was a member of The Illuminati Empire


Mr. Bagstros

Lived in Era 25 and got 1 heir(s) (Bagstros).


Mr. Bagstros

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Bagstros) and was a member of Jester


Mr. Bagstros

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Bagstros) and was a member of Jester


Mr. Bagstros

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Diomedes) and was a member of Jester


Mr. Diomedes

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Diomedes) and was a member of Nemesis

From the ashes arose a new breed of warrior. One that had not been seen in this land or world ever before. What happened was a tough and hard fought battle with the evil kingdoms of Carnage and Phi. Unfortunately the battle was lost and on the battlefield came death looking for Bagstros and the only thing left standing was the once used mighty sword of the Leader. With the start of the new age the sword was swallowed by the molten lava of an unexpected volcano and from it came Diomedes. Somehow the gentle touch of unknown magic force placed a mysterious spell on the sword so that even in Bagstros defeat he could live on as a new warrior. For Bagstros was a dwarf and had always been a dwarf but with the new warrior came a stronger warrior. Diomedes became a troll in an effort to thwart any warriors who deemed it necessary to battle with Diomedes. Now the problem that perplexed Diomedes was that to survive one person can not do alone. You must surround yourself with strong warriors who will protect and serve each other. A brotherhood of warriors that will fight and conquer the world. Diomedes looks up and sees a bright light up in the heavens and a voice speaks out. The voice is familar...someone who he knows from past life but not from fighting with or against. Someone who he has spoke to in the past in other cities and towns while drinking some whiskey to relax from a hard day. Then the voice becomes more familiar and it is clear that the voice is that of friend, Lord Crom. Crom has a brotherhood of warriors that he would like Diomedes to join and share in the wealth. Diomedes throws down a shot of whiskey and stand up to his Orc friend.. He ask Crom will I be able to kill those that stand in my way? Crom smiles and says Diomedes my brother I will stand with you and destroy those that stand in our way. Crom whispers, "But I will not be the only one to stand with you. I have my fellow warriors from an ancient brotherhood called Abydos. And some from Zeon and even some from a new brotherhood called Luna Wolfs. Diomedes ponders for only a short minute and realizes that it will be a joyous day to join the Crom in War. A firm handshake and the earth beneath begins to trimble and shake. For this is a sign from the Gods that all on Fantasia will be well and many will fall and run from the new brotherhood of NEMESIS. Diomedes looks up and sees that the clouds begin to move out as the Gods blessing for a safe journey.

Now the journey was longer for Diomedes as he traveled at slower pace and had much farther to travel than his new brotherhood. It took him a while to start a new life because everytime he wanted to build his house someone already started a house before he arrived at his destination. Much grief filled his mind and heart as he wanted so bad to impress and start well with his new brotherhood. But while speaking with his new Warrior leaders on the path to his new place in this world he obtain valuable information and encouragement to lift his spirits. He understands that not everytime can you start as well as your last and sometimes you will start better than other times. Then he remembers that he brought a bottle of whiskey for this trip but he can not remember where he put it. Diomedes mutters in discontent and starts beating his head on the tree he is leaning on then all of a sudden he sees a light again from the heavens. The gods must be looking over Diomedes as the bright light blinds Doimedes and causes him to fall down and hit the tree again. When he hits the tree a large branch falls and the light is gone. Diomedes opens his eyes and realizes he has been asleep for several hours after he got hit with the branch. But by good luck the fall caused Diomedes to drop his bag and on the bottom of the bag was an old pocket he had sowed many years ago and he sees the cork top from his moonshine bottle and he gleams with joy as he takes a few swigs from the bottle and gets up and looks in the horizon at a wonderful sight only a days travel away. The day ends and Diomedes finds the perfect spot to build a house to surround it with much wealth. He builds where he has a glorious view of the Mountains to his West and overlooking to the East he sees a great ship he can use to sail and fish in a deep and crystal blue sea. So Diomedes waits and his citizens follow him to his glorious city he names after a former great hero he once knew as Achilles.

After several days of building Diomedes moves on to expand upon his legacy and he builds a second house. He thinks of a name for his new city and remembers of his time well spent with a lady friend. He daydreams for a little while with a smile on his face and decides his second great city must be named after that fair lady named Athena.

Diomedes continues to expand and takes on smaller kingdoms with his fellow warriors and destroys them with ease. He helpd to set up a stronghold for the kingdom in what will eventually lead to a large scale war against another great kingdom.

The call comes out and Diomedes receives a special message from his leader Dark Orion. Dark Orion sends word that all should have their troops ready soon for the large war is near. Diomedes trains and learns that his citizens are becoming good warriors and they grow stronger each passing day. Dark Orion sends the last message we attack at daybreak. We join with fellow kingdommates and meet a wall of Dark Blood warriors. After several hours of hard fighting, Dark Blood loses and 83K of troops are killed in the beginning of what will be a long hard fought war of great kingdoms. The first wall is down and we march on and take a second wall much less defended than the first. The kingdom of Nemesis decides it is time to spread out and pillage through any Dark Blood city in sight.

At first Dark Blood did not have the armies large enough or near our incoming forces but withing a day or so Dark Blood is able to mount a defense and pushes our Nemesis armies to a standstill. We build our forces into one large army and we finally crush another large fortress compiled of Dark Blood warriors. During this time Diomedes is able to continue his training into his largest army yet since becoming a warrior for Nemesis. After he has created his large army he looks and see that is ranked #1 in all of the world and the Gods are pleased with his creation. Now is the time as LGC has sent a few armies to test Nemesis borders and Diomedes will have to provide defense or attack in the second wave.

LGC was able to take a blocker to get a small amount of warriors through but they were killed shortly and the wall was fortified with troops and told to maintain their ground. LGC has fully come to Dark Blood's aide as we all know that they are brother and sister and everyone can decide which one is the brother and which one is the sister. Through Dark Blood's walls LGC sends a large army of different races and warriors. LGC mounts a strong offensive as Nemesis did not have the forces to compete so far from their own lands. Many losses were sustained by true warrior heroes. Then LGC tries to send a large army of at least 100K in knights. The army has brilliant patience as it somehow finds a small hole in the wall protecting the Nemesis land. The army was able to take a 3-4 day hike in Nemisis land and before it can take any Nemesis city it is subdued by magic and a even larger force from Kurosoki. So all remains well in Nemesis land.

It was now time to mount the offenseive against the great LGC warriors. Armies led my great gods such as Asystole, Kurosoki, Dark Orion, Crazy Xurion....etc. move towards LGC armies and LGC cities. with much ease LGC citites start to burn to the ground and the troops defending the cities either run in fear or die without any mercy given. All of the armies of Nemesis now get to enjoy the spoils of war and smile as they look at the fires that burn in LGC land.

Mr. Diomedes

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Diomedes) and was a member of Abydos

After great battles a photo on Diomedes wall remembers the great triumph of Nemesis rise to the top of all worlds. What the photo details is a silouhette of 24 warriors with an axe, sword, bow, or other weapon raised above their heads in victory. But the sadness overwhelmed Diomedes as some of his Nemesis leaders and brothers decided to take a vacation and Nemesis was disbanded while it was still on top. But the great Asystole whispers to Diomedes that he is joining a new faction of great warriors. These great warriors took a vacation during Nemesis victories and now have came back to reform a great kingdom called Phi. Diomedes smiles and slaps Asystole on the back and says sure I'll join up where do I sign.

Now Diomedes decides that learning the troll traits was fun but not his cup of tea so he went back to a race of miners in the dwarf race. He sets up much quicker in the area than last time and begins to build his following. Quickly it is learned that the Tribes of LGC and DB are to our North and a war is immenent as the members of Phi and LGC/DB have never gotten along. Now another tribe called "Freedom Fighters" is in the middle and decided to join with LGC/DB. Oh how luck they have joined with that side as we would have destroyed them 1 on 1. So now the tables are set and unfortunately with the strong tribes outnumbering Phi and the small MAD tribe member, Phi is forced to go on the defensive and amass troops on their perimeters.

Mr. Diomedes

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Diomedes) and was a member of Abydos


Mr. Diomedes

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Diomedes) and was a member of Sheolic Empire


Mr. Diomedes

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Diomedes) and was a member of Sheolic Empire


Mr. Diomedes

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Diomedes) and was a member of Sheolic Empire


Duke Diomedes

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Diomedes) and was a member of Legacy

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