Family History

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Mr. Com

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Com) and was a member of Kingdom Hearts


I am Mr. com it is a great pleasure to be writing to all you people out there, i have come to this game and started my own kingdom called Kingdom Hearts also known as KH, we are respectable we fight, we win , then we get absolutely trashed at the after party woooowwwwww!!!!! yeah but anyway its not all fun and games we work hard and play long. its the KH way.but we shall prepare for the next era and get drunk and go to war and maybe have a few cone as well but our cities are big, our Hearts are big, and so is my bottle of piss. KH is not the original Kingdom Hearts i just got told that there was a nother lets go home and get stoned..........go home .....get .....stoned ...and pissed ... yes.. pissed.. and ... stoned..,,,

Mr. Com

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Com) and was a member of Mad Against Drugs

we had started Kingdom Hearts again this era, and had grown in to a great medium sized kingdom, we made many friends this era, our first ally was LW, who turned on us as soon as we tried to ATTACK there good friends DB. as LW was trying to take us our new found friends MAD, came i throw the east and helped us to make them retreat just to the west of our KH core and whipped up a CF for now. As MUSIC, BOW and ZEON came down and wiped out GOD off fantasia, as soon as they where finished with GOD, MUSIC came for us and had taken my biggest city and soon my hole kingdom was consumed but be for they could finish us off, a few members and i retreaded and where forced to leave my be loved kingdom and go to MAD.

Mr. Com

Lived in Era 29 and got 1 heir(s) (Com).


Mr. Com

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Com) and was a member of Carnage

the great Mr. com is back and ready to play i have no kingdom as of yet but soon, shadow hearts will rule this world

Mr. Com

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Com) and was a member of Carnage

Mr. com the great i am now a member of the great Carnage and will be fr a long time to come i am happy wear i am and will stay here, the people are great i have made some good friend, we now fighting ZEON like always and are also allied with db and lgc who i fort 3 eras back and sort of won, but i disband the kingdom and join MAD and sort of won again but i stoped playing so we died lol but this is where i am and this is where i'll stay for hundreds of eras to come.

PHI and ZEON have put up a great fight but it has been a stalemate this hole time, and our allies are useless ( not PKS ) DB just keeps on attack PKS, and lgc is stuck with abydos, and on the other hand we have to put up with PHI,ZEON attacking all the time, but we have dont a great job this era, perfect response to attack from everyone in carnage. and this is my biggest army this era, i started late...about half way through the era.

[your army (Around 500,000)] Comschocolate
Owned by Com

these are my kingdom friends that are merged with me.

[Group of Armies (Around 500,000)] Comschocolate
Owned by Com

[Corps (Around 50,000)] Clone Xxiclone XXI lifeguards
Owned by Mr. Clone Xxiclone XXI

[Group of Armies (Around 500,000)] Acute Testicular Tortion
Owned by Mr. Brock Samson

[Corps (Around 50,000)] Scottclones
Owned by Mr. Scottclone

[Corps (Around 50,000)] Clone Slugs
Owned by Mr. Brock Samson

[Army (100,000-200,000)] Carnage Legion III
Owned by Duke Vytautas Didysis

[Scout (1-5)] Mover
Owned by Mr. Clone VII

[Division (10,000-20,000)] Agent Orange
Owned by Mr. Clone XXI

[Group of Armies (Around 500,000)] The Last One
Owned by Duke Vytautas Didysis

[Army (100,000-200,000)] Death II
Owned by Mr. Clone VII

and this is my production this era,

Total: +3,981,365 +39,971 +1,313,120 +150,622 443,650
Army Upkeep: -1,141,483
Building Upkeep: -330,716
Total Income: +2,509,166

I wonder what will happened to com next era, what fights he will get in to, and what carnage will get in to lol.

i went crazy last few hours building walls and sending out scouts , it was a few hours later that my army got there but an other hour after that i had 50% chance, with one scout and toke that chance and lost, but after that a few more hours later i merge two scouts together and had 50% chance again and toke that chance agian with VICTORY. 0:10:59 just before the end of the era.

sincerely,Mr. com

Mr. Com

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Com) and was a member of Carnage


Mr. Com

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Com) and was a member of Carnage


Mr. Com

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Com) and was a member of Carnage


Mr. Com

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Com) and was a member of Kingdom Hearts

People gather round and become a knight of Hearts and fight for free will, for pain you conflict, for glory in numbers, for our Hearts that burn with in.

Sincerely, Mr. Com.

Kingdom Hearts

This era Mr. Com has now learned how spreckend the ye old english.

the, then and thou. Lady, Sir and Lord. noble, laws, Alliances.

Mr. Com

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Com) and was a member of Kingdom Hearts


Mr. Com

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Com) and was a member of Havoc

In 1815, once more chief of Guccy's staff, Com played a very conspicuous part in the Waterloo campaign. Senior generals such as Yorck and Kleist had been set aside in order that the chief-of-staff should take command in case of need, and when on the field of Ligny the old field marshal was disabled, Com assumed command of the Prussian army. Even in the light of evidence that many years' research has collected, the precise part taken by Com in the events which followed is much debated. It is known that Com had the deepest distrust in the British commander, who, he considered, had left the Prussians in the lurch at Ligny, and that up to the hour of victory he had grave doubts as to whether he ought not to fall back on the Rhine. Guccy, however, soon recovered from his injuries and, with Guccy, the quartermaster general, he managed to convince Com. The relations between the two may be illustrated by Brigadier-General Hardinge's report. Guccy burst into Hardinge's room at Wavre, saying Com has given way, and we are to march at once to your chief.

On the field of Waterloo, however, Com was quick to realise the magnitude of the victory, and he carried out the pursuit with a relentless vigour which has few parallels in history. In reward he gained further promotion and the insignia of the Black Eagle which had been taken in Napoleon's coach. In 1816 he was appointed to command the VIII Prussian Corps, but soon retired from the service, both because of ill health and for political reasons.

For two years he lived in retirement at his estate, Erdmannsdorf in Silesia, but in 1818 he became governor of Berlin, as successor to Kalkreuth, and member of the Staatsrath (Council of State). In 1825 he was promoted to General Field Marshal. In 1831 he was appointed to the command of the Army of Observation on the Polish frontier, with Clausewitz as his chief-of-staff. At Poznan he was struck down by cholera and died on 24 August 1831, soon followed by his chief-of-staff, who fell a victim to the same disease in November.

As a soldier, Com proved the greatest Prussian general since Frederick the Great. As a man, his noble character and virtuous life secured him the affection and reverence not only of his superiors and subordinates in the service, but of the whole Prussian nation. A statue by Rauch was erected in Berlin in 1855, and in memory of the siege of 1807, the Colberg grenadier regiment received his name in 1889. One of his sons led a brigade of the VIII Army Corps in the Franco-Prussian War in 1870.

Several German navy ships, including the World War I armored cruiser SMS Com, the World War II battlecruiser Com, and a post-war frigate were named after him.

I am taking out the evil of the world and eating them for supper. It tastes good. I wish there was more evil.
Battousai is attack and taking over cities all around me, but when he gets to me it shall not be so easy. I will be ready for him and I shall kill him. I have heard of a Valley of F. I am thinking of going there since it is safe for my kind to be there. I shall embark on this quest once I defeat my foe Battousai and another foe called Mr. Sanity. He tried to attack one of my good friends so i am backing him up by killing Sanity. I shall take over his city so i can be glorious and rich. Attacking Battousai shall be no easy task though. But i shall be victorious.

Today me and Sir Paladin have decided to try and kill Chief Battousai. I hope this works. This is either going to be a mass regiced or a suidal attack. I dont know what it is going to be but I hope its a mass regicid, because that would be cool. If we win this I bet that me and Sir Paladin will become Viceroys for sure. If we dont totally kill him though we will surely die. But who knows, we might win with the luck of magic (anger).

This Battousai kid stole my bestest city. Im not gonna be able to take it back but now im gonna take this King kids city who looks pretty good at what hes doing. i have this nag for doing stuff im probably not gonna be able to do. but if im lucky hes using his money in other cities for troops since the paladin kid is attacking him too. atleast hes going through the attack. i firgured out why hes not going to attack the battousai guy also. its cuz hes afraid of getting punched by him cuz hes so "strong". but i dont know. since my luck has been good so far im probably gonna die...................but oh well. atleast the eras ending. and if your actually reading this then im proud of you since you are still reading it. you probably think that this family history thingy that the game made wasnt made for this but hey, its whats goin on in my life on a game that battousai takes to seriously for punchin people cuz they got him mad. my sons name shall be Com son in law. Or it might be Yeven. If you think one or the other is better please tell me buy printing on messages, Com. Then tell me which one u think is better.

Well, Paladin lost two cities today, like me. I dont really care about this era anymore. I started to late in it and now im dieing. Next era ill be ready for stupid people who attack during Armageddons. So im just gonna give up and end. I think that im not going to write any more on this family history dealy-o. Its been fun writing it but now i dont want to type any more. I think, that, it, is, time, for, this, game, to end, so, i , can, have a son, and, i, can die.To be continued by my son in law: Com or Yeven.


This is all my family of gods,the gods of the world!
Heista (Vesta): The Goddess of the hearth, Heista very important to the Greeks. She was a domestic Goddess, and, though originally was one of the twelve Olympians, gave up her golden throne to Dionysius to tend the hearth. She is better known as Vesta, the Goddess of the hearth in Rome. There she always had six virginal attendants who would be buried alive for loosing their virginity. Her flame was kept going constantly, and if it burnt out it was a bad sign for Rome. (the flame was symbolic of the spirit of Rome)

Demeter (Ceres): The Goddess of the earth, and agriculture. (especially grains, such as corn and barleythe name means barley mother) Demeter is seen as an earth mother to this day, and was worshipped in Elyusius. She taught men how to sow grain after her daughter Persephone was abducted by Hades and she went into mourning each year that made it so that nothing grew. She is pictured as a golden haired Goddess wearing a crown of corn. Though she has children other than Persephone, none of them picture heavily in myth.

Hera (Juno): The Queen of the Gods. She was married to Zeus, and was horribly jealous (with good cause) of the women he seduced. She was very beautiful (figure of Juno), and fought over the golden apple. Her children include Hephastus, Ares, Hebe, and sometimes Hecate and others.

Hades (Pluto, Dis, Aides, etc.): The God of the Underworld and riches. A rather grim God who rules dispassionately over the Underworld. Married to Persephone. He tends to lurk in his murky domains, and rarely reappears. His invisible helmet is useful to the heroes who often borrow it to slay their foes undetected.

Poseidon (Neptune): God of the sea. Poseidon is always surrounded by a retinue, and tends to remain in the sea. He often gets irritated at heroes and makes the sea very difficult for them. Married to Amphitre.

Zeus (Jupiter): The King of the Gods, and a faithless husband. About 90% of the characters in Greek mythology are children or grandchildren of Zeus. He wielded the mighty thunderbolt, and was married to Hera.

Second Generation Olympians:

These include the important children of Zeus, such as those who make Olympians, or other positions of power. Zeus is their father, and a Goddess or Titans is their mother.

Athena (Minerva): Daughter of Zeus and Metis. When Zeus learned that the child Metis bore might be the one to dethrone him, he changed her into a fly and ate her. Metis continued to live, now inside his skull, and hammered away at armor. This gave him a splitting headache, and so Hephastus burst his head open and Athena stepped out. She was the goddess of wisdom (Metis was very brightshe was the one to get the idea of feeding Chronus stuff to make him throw up his children. Zeus would never be that bright), crafts, and war. Athens is her city, which she won in a contest with Poseidon by granting Athens an olive tree. Athena is very loyal to Zeus, and is the only one he trusts with his thunderbolts and his aegis. She is a maiden goddess, though she often helps heroes in their quests. She has beautiful grey eyes, and attempted to get the golden apple.

Hephastus (Vulcan): An ugly god, he had a disability. Poor Hephastus was lame. The story on his lameness varies with the teller. He was the god of fire and blacksmith, and made all of the beautiful jewelry, the twelve thrones of Olympus, and Zeuss lightning bolts. He was married to Aphrodite, a very unfaithful wife.

Aphrodite (Venus): The Goddess of Love and Beauty, Aphrodite rose from the sea. In some cases she is Zeus slaughtered Uranus. She was married to Hephastus, but tended to fool around with practically everyone else, her favorite usually being Ares. She bore him several children, the best known of which is Eros (Cupid).

Ares (Mars): The God of War. The Greeks didn like this violent, whiny God, but the Romans were fairly fond of him. His siblings and parents despised him, and he was suitably trapped in a jar on occasion. He was attended by Phobus and Deimus (fear and panic). These were the children of him and Aphrodite. One of the biggest scandals on Olympus involved when he and Aphrodite were caught in a golden net made by Hephastus in the act.

Apollo: The god of the sun, light, music, medicine, etc. He was the son of Leto and Zeus, and is the devoted twin brother to Artemis. He was considered gorgeous, and tended to persue nymphs in a manner reminiscent of Zeus and Poseidon. He hung around a lot with the Muses. His great shrine is in Delphi.

Artemis (Diana): Goddess of the hunt and moon, and maiden Goddess, Artemis once changed a man into a stag for looking at her naked. She is the daughter of Zeus and Leto, and was devoted to her twin brother Apollo. She showed some vague romantic interest in Orion, once, before a jealous brother had him killed.

Hermes (Mercury): The god of commerce, good luck, wealth, trickery, roads, fertility, and the messenger of the Gods. He was the son of Zeus and Maia, and was the only of ZeusApolloUnderworld.

Persephone (Proserpina, Proserpine): The goddess of Spring and Queen of the Underworld. Daughter of Demeter and Zeus (or Poseidon) and wife of Hades. Stolen from a meadow in Sicily, Persephone spent part of the year (1/4, 1/3, , or in a few cases all) in the underworld as queen. The rest of the time she resides in the upper world as the Goddess of Spring with her mother

Once a normal everyday citizan Com began his training at a young age dabling in the dark arts the ways of the dragon and the mystical craft known as alchemy his power soon grew and he was recognized throughout Vana deil. He began exploring many lands to fofill his curiosity, and his intelligance and cunning brought him many allies and victories. He is one of the most skilled and trustworthy people you will ever have the pleasure or misfourtian of meeting and he has now set his sights on fantasia... Those of darkness and those of light come and fight by my side we shall conquor all who stand before us with skill, honor, and pride.

Shortly after arriving in fantasia Com noticed a dark shadow enveloping fantasia and with little time to react he casted a powerfull protection spell sealing him away till it was time for him to return and carry out his plans. Now after having many years to hone his skills he is back ready to take revenge...A new era is upon us and along with it a new oppertunity to rule fantasia... the hour of reconing is at hand.


Most Powerful Armies

[Group of Armies (Around 500,000)] Comschocolate
Owned by Com

owned by Mr. Periannath

Anal Assault
owned by Mr. Juganitorul

owned by Mr. Tidus

owned by Mr. Fraser

owned by Mr. Periannath

Froot Loops
owned by Mr. Whoops

Knights of The Black Rose
owned by Duke Loren Soth

Nozarob lifeguards
owned by Mr. Nozarob

Vallachian Elfs
owned by Mr. Seth

Most Powerful Cities

Banana Train
owned by Mr. Com

owned by Mr. Birdhows

owned by Mr. Guccy

owned by Mr. Burninglegion

Coms First
owned by Mr. Com

Open War
owned by Mr. Fraser

owned by Mr. Snow

owned by Mr. Ohmnialator

The Pit of Doom
owned by Ms. Kozzy

Frasers Arm
owned by Mr. Fraser

oohhh and mr. surviver does not like me lol LMAO who give a flying fuck.


1. Seathanon 100% 100% 65% 100% +55,020 +137,390 -21,225 +98,136 +0 14,400 Nothing

2. Cromskipawlovsk 0% 100% 0% 100% +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 253 Nothing

3. Dell III 100% 100% 100% 100% +19,075 +39,060 -4,769 +27,900 +0 4,663 Nothing & 538 wall

4. Elfs Law 93% 26% 1% 100% +5 +0 -163 +0 +0 103 Nothing

5. Nemocksofdestin 100% 100% 58% 100% +3,595 +378 -1,244 +126 +48 969 Nothing & 14 wall

6. Black 100% 0% 0% 100% +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 130 Nothing & 99 wall

7. Mumu 100% 100% 30% 100% +755 +810 -638 +540 +0 253 Nothing & 49 wall

8. Avalon 91% 26% 1% 100% +5 +0 -168 +0 +0 103 Nothing & 306 wall

9. Vexious 100% 100% 95% 100% +71,320 +154,778 -1,186 +110,556 +312 17,266 One army & 30 wall

10. Anal Assault 77% 100% 100% 100% +43,875 +110,622 -10,969 +79,016 +0 13,223 Nothing & 1296 wall

11. Choas 56% 59% 100% 98% +15,639 +37,630 -3,910 +26,878 +0 6,400 Nothing & 630 wall

12. Grotsel 100% 100% 100% 100% +7,050 +0 +14,747 +0 +0 1,693 Nothing

13. Barad Dur 100% 100% 20% 100% +1,015 +11 -1,250 +4 +240 403 Nothing

14. Floo 88% 100% 100% 100% +25,000 +80,618 -6,250 +44,788 +0 6,656 Nothing

15. Pearl 100% 37% 100% 65% +17,708 +0 -4,427 +0 +0 14,781 Nothing

16. Coms First 100% 100% 58% 100% +214,325 +687,301 -88,245 +381,834 +0 57,600 One army & 1370 wall

17. Paleosantrum 50% 100% 0% 100% +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 137 Nothing & 441 wall

18. House of Mephis 100% 43% 48% 100% +24,905
+35,856 -13,086 +17,928 +0 9,820 One army

19. Food of Hreats 100% 100% 57% 100% +294,505 +0 +571,868 +0 +30,312 79,406 Nothing

20. Deningrad 100% 100% 0% 90% +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 50 Nothing & 440 wall

21. Sethanon III 100% 100% 76% 100% +57,000 +105,827 +9,850 +75,591 +1,200 14,400 Nothing & 73 wall

22. Sethanon II 54% 100% 100% 100% +12,500 +14,336 +16,180 +10,240 +0 5,108 Nothing & 411 wall

23.Graahk 100% 100% 0% 90% +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 1 Nothing

24. Killster 100% 100% 17% 100% +1,700 +0 +632 +0 +0 734 Nothing

25. Comschocolate 100% 100% 71% 100% +343,775 +1,545,635 -132,781 +1,050,606 +0 90,000 47,980 men + 2 armies.

26. Sackzement 94% 26% 1% 100% +5 +0 -168 +0 +0 103 Nothing

27. Spmalot Minor 100% 100% 97% 100% +2,425 +108 +5,052 +36 +48 585 Nothing & 190 wall

28. Ragnar Thrall 100% 100% 0% 90% +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 15 Nothing

29. The Trees 100% 100% 0% 90% +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 1 Nothing & 391 wall

30. Comida 100% 100% 53% 100% +17,760 +0 +42,417 +0 +0 4,890 Nothing

31. Luck Havoc 100% 100% 67% 100% +1,130 +945 -101 +315 +0 293 Nothing

32. Seles 100% 100% 100% 100% +2,000 +3,600 -500 +2,160 +0 530 Nothing & 291 wall

33. Seathanon VIII 75% 100% 100% 100% +20,000 +4 -4,993 +1 +23,962 6,128 Nothing

34. Seathanon VII 100% 100% 87% 100% +6,515 +5 -1,866 +2 +7,800 1,603 Nothing

35. Banana Train 100% 100% 100% 100% +84,151 +0 -23,017 +0 +0 25,082 7,917 men & 1159 wall

37. Banana Toping 25% 52% 100% 100% +74,267
+260,372 -21,475 +156,285 +0 64,434 11,634 men + one army

38. Parthenon X 100% 100% 90% 100% +26,170 +270 -4,103 +90 +17,399 6,400 Nothing & 1 wall

39. Zul Gurub 100% 100% 95% 100% +53,705 +135,337 -14,150 +96,669 +0 13,005 Nothing

40. Parthernon XIV 99% 100% 100% 100% +7,500 +0 +20,054 +0 +0 1,850 Nothing

41. Parthernon XI 100% 100% 54% 100% +13,505 +270 +30,930 +90 +60 3,701 Nothing

42. One Chance 100% 100% 80% 100% +10,695 +1,620 -3,344 +540 +6,648 2,674 Nothing & 196 wall

43. Last Resort 30% 100% 0% 90% +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 3,573 One army & 898 wall

44. Kertomuksia 100% 100% 64% 100% +13,560 +0 -5,331 +0 +2,066 3,565 Nothing & 701 wall

45. Boom Boom 100% 100% 33% 100% +1,255 +0 -938 +0 +300 401 Nothing

46. City of Eden 100% 100% 35% 100% +1,760 +2,700 -476 +1,800 +1 552 Nothing

47. Baghdad 100% 100% 32% 100% +5,000 +3,780 -96 +1,890 +1,004 1,631 Nothing

48. Gringash 100% 100% 0% 90% +0 +0 +0 +0 +0 1 Nothing & 98 wall

49. Silvermoon 100% 100% 67% 100% +2,755 +135 -498 +45 +30 718 62 men

50. Helms Deepk 100% 100% 50% 100% +1,515 +810 +206 +270 +0 423 Nothing

51. Ghetto 100% 100% 34% 100% +1,265 +270 +290 +90 +60 403 Nothing

52. Did Not See 99% 100% 100% 100% +73,550 +226,809 -11,387 +126,005 +0 17,765 Nothing

53. Arthermist 100% 100% 27% 100% +3,795 +4,093 -3,550 +2,729 +0 1,327 Nothing

54. Apples Please 100% 100% 52% 100% +16,670 +0 +31,034 +0 +0 4,608 Nothing

55. Cjs City 100% 100% 100% 100% +62,875 +175,439 -12,495 +97,866 +1,411 16,175 100 men

56. Undefined Boobs 100% 100% 61% 100% +1,515 +1,091 -625 +727 +0 403 Nothing

57. Applise Now 100% 100% 46% 100% +2,005 +3,240
-1,094 +2,700 +0 576 Nothing

Total: +5,487,270 +342,742 +2,414,453 +92,901 521,967.
Army Upkeep: -1,089,244
Building Upkeep: -393,549
Total Income: +4,004,477

Mr. Com

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Com) and was a member of Havoc

We are back baby....XD

Mr. Com. The city of Horror is now under our command!
They had 152855 gold, 100735 stone, 0 tree and 0 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 1 troops and 0 peasants.

We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 501 troops and 120 peasants.

We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 2297 troops and 16651 peasants.

Mr. Com. The city of Peregrine Peak is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Peregrine Park is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
The defending armies abandoned the city. We killed a total of 8263 troops that stayed to defend it.

Mr. Com. The city of Hikari is now under our command!
They had 3217908 gold, 4163268 stone, 0 tree and 48580 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 0 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 0 enemy troops.

They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 0 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 0 enemy troops.

Our troops gained +2 extra experience.

They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 0 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 0 enemy troops.

Our troops gained +1 extra experience.

They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 0 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 0 enemy troops.

Our troops gained +1 extra experience.

They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 0 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 0 enemy troops.

They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 0 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 0 enemy troops.

Our troops gained +3 extra experience.

Mr. Com. The city of Forge is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
We killed all of the 16000 troops.

They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 0 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 0 enemy troops.

Our troops gained +1 extra experience.

They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 0 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 0 enemy troops.

Our troops gained +1 extra experience.

They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 0 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 0 enemy troops.

Our troops gained +1 extra experience.

They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 0 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 0 enemy troops.

Our troops gained +2 extra experience.

They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 6300 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 6300 enemy troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Gondolin is now under our command!
They had 84480 gold, 805822 stone, 0 tree and 0 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 1 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Smonka is now under our command!
They had 158641 gold, 56119 stone, 0 tree and 0 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 0 troops.
They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 0 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 0 enemy troops

They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 0 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 0 enemy troops.

Our troops gained +1 extra experience.

They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 0 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 0 enemy troops.

Our troops gained +4 extra experience.

They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 0 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 0 enemy troops.

They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 19 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 15 enemy troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Minas Morgul is now under our command!
They had 21497904 gold, 16000531 stone, 0 tree and 0 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Lorien is now under our command!
They had 803627 gold, 0 stone, 2785086 tree and 0 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Troll Eden is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
We killed all of the 1653 troops.

mr. com. the city of wraiths arms is now under our command!
they had 22794 gold, 0 stone, 0 tree and 0 food in the city, that is now yours!
we killed all of the 191 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Wood Yumm II is now under our command!
They had 1152452 gold, 0 stone, 1422837 tree and 0 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Dark Rose is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
We killed all of the 30 troops.

They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 0 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 0 enemy troops.

Our troops gained +2 extra experience.

Mr. Com. The city of Frantic is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Grinhouse is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
We killed all of the 7902 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of War is now under our command!
They had 73659 gold, 0 stone, 0 tree and 0 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Ants Are Here is now under our command!
They had 297112 gold, 0 stone, 518797 tree and 0 food in the city, that is now yours!
The defending armies abandoned the city. We killed a total of 3301 troops that stayed to defend it.

Mr. Com. The city of Traverse is now under our command!
They had 290299 gold, 616014 stone, 1406419 tree and 1474407 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Narnia is now under our command!
They had 959719 gold, 1472065 stone, 0 tree and 0 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Mafias City is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Mafias City is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Get Moneyyy III is now under our command!
They had 25509 gold, 16095 stone, 0 tree and 0 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Pestosion is now under our command!
They had 33291555 gold, 24475462 stone, 2182171 tree and 6232866 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 20777 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Get Moneyyy III is now under our command!
They had 19644 gold, 11663 stone, 0 tree and 0 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 0 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 0 enemy troops.

They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 0 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 0 enemy troops.

Our troops gained +1 extra experience.

They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 0 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 0 enemy troops.

Our troops gained +2 extra experience.

They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 0 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 0 enemy troops.

Our troops gained +4 extra experience.

They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 0 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 0 enemy troops.

Our troops gained +2 extra experience.

They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 8727 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 7140 enemy troops

We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 13269 troops and 0 peasants.

Mr. Com. The city of Nystral is now under our command!
They had 663624 gold, 0 stone, 0 tree and 351998 food in the city, that is now yours!
The defending armies abandoned the city. We killed a total of 0 troops that stayed to defend it.

Mr. Com. The city of Nystral is now under our command!
They had 663624 gold, 0 stone, 0 tree and 351998 food in the city, that is now yours!
The defending armies abandoned the city. We killed a total of 0 troops that stayed to defend it.

Mr. Com. The city of Trainee is now under our command!
They had 129698 gold, 0 stone, 0 tree and 0 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 15000 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Farm is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Lolwut is now under our command!
They had 5498848 gold, 0 stone, 0 tree and 216268 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Lolwut is now under our command!
They had 5498848 gold, 0 stone, 0 tree and 216268 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Lumbridge is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Rakgor is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
We killed all of the 1889 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of New Beginning is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
The defending armies abandoned the city. We killed a total of 8217 troops that stayed to defend it.

Mr. Com. The city of War Factory is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
We killed all of the 28901 troops.

Our troops gained +4 extra experience.

Mr. Com. The city of Blarg is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
The defending armies abandoned the city. We killed a total of 0 troops that stayed to defend it.

Mr. Com. The city of Chaos is now under our command!
They had 562559 gold, 0 stone, 0 tree and 0 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Johns House is now under our command!
They had 68727 gold, 92394 stone, 0 tree and 2006 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 3337 troops.

We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 1292 troops and 0 peasants.

Mr. Com. The city of High Sierras is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
We killed all of the 1331 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Vser is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Serenitynow is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
We killed all of the 1 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Kleckpog is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 108 troops and 0 peasants.

We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 40 troops and 0 peasants.

Mr. Com. The city of Uren Forest is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
We killed all of the 247 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Death Valley is now under our command!
They had 329531 gold, 216274 stone, 20880 tree and 480 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

Our troops gained +3 extra experience.

We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 1 troops and 0 peasants.

We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 5 troops and 0 peasants.

Mr. Com. The city of Mine is now under our command!
They had 0 gold, 0 stone, 0 tree and 0 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Zul Jaras is now under our command!
They had 4665 gold, 0 stone, 0 tree and 0 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 39 troops.

Our troops gained +3 extra experience.

Mr. Com. The city of Ghostville is now under our command!
They had 96506 gold, 17310 stone, 30496 tree and 278509 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 50 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Arghon City is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Maga Mart is now under our command!
They had 6991688 gold, 4207750 stone, 0 tree and 1891 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

Mr. Com. We have plundered Ravenglass of all their resources. They had 256008 gold, 4008032 stone, 6808 tree and 86695 food in the city.
We killed or injured total of 0 troops
Mr. Com. The city of Holper is now under our command!
They had 83478 gold, 133968 stone, 0 tree and 0 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 275 troops.

Our troops gained +3 extra experience.

Mr. Com. The city of Uren Steelbed is now under our command!
They had 0 gold, 0 stone, 0 tree and 0 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Unknown is now under our command!
They had 1127130 gold, 691721 stone, 0 tree and 0 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Las Potato Chip is now under our command!
They had 1621818 gold, 991859 stone, 0 tree and 0 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 7494 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 7494 enemy troops.

Mr. Com. We have plundered Lazurite of all their resources. They had 10984 gold, 59816 stone, 0 tree and 9814 food in the city.
We killed or injured total of 0 troops.

They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 5458 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 5458 enemy troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Durance of Hate is now under our command!
They had 0 gold, 0 stone, 0 tree and 0 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Unknown is now under our command!
They had 1790061 gold, 1677627 stone, 0 tree and 0 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 27712 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Artic Armory is now under our command!
They had 107271 gold, 0 stone, 0 tree and 0 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Yattii is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Beryl is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
The defending armies abandoned the city. We killed a total of 0 troops that stayed to defend it.

Mr. Com. The city of Breaking Benjam is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
The defending armies abandoned the city. We killed a total of 0 troops that stayed to defend it.

They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 0 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 0 enemy troops.

Our troops gained +2 extra experience.

Mr. Com. We have returned full command over Artic Armory to Mr. Com.
We killed all of the 0 troops.

We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 450 troops and 0 peasants.

We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 1535 troops and 0 peasants.

They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 6529 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 0 enemy troops.

Our troops gained +2 extra experience.

Mr. Com. The city of Khaz Modan is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
We killed all of the 70 troops.

Our troops gained +3 extra experience.

Mr. Com. The city of Atticus is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 50 troops and 291 peasants.

Mr. Com. The city of Goo is now under our command!
They had 106987 gold, 52302 stone, 0 tree and 56405 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 1 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Kyoto is now under our command!
They had 82770 gold, 0 stone, 0 tree and 0 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 1 troops and 0 peasants.

We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 1 troops and 0 peasants.

Mr. Com. We now have Five under siege, cutting off all supplies.
We killed or injured total of 14113 troops.

Our troops gained +1 extra experience.

Mr. Com. We now have Five under siege, cutting off all supplies.
We killed or injured total of 14113 troops.

Our troops gained +1 extra experience.

Mr. Com. The city of Five is now under our command!
They had 16 gold, 0 stone, 0 tree and 0 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 244 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Seven is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 296 troops and 0 peasants.

We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 69 troops and 0 peasants.

We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 762 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 1096 enemy troops.

Mr. Com. The city of The Food is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
We killed all of the 562 troops.

Our troops gained +3 extra experience.

Mr. Com. The city of Hypnotize is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

Mr. Com. We now have Byob under siege, cutting off all supplies.
We killed or injured total of 0 troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Byob is now under our command!
They had 0 gold, 0 stone, 0 tree and 0 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 45 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 169 enemy troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Byob is now under our command!
They had 26752 gold, 257068 stone, 0 tree and 78159 food in the city, that is now yours!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 101 troops and 0 peasants.

Mr. Com. The city of Shacirian Court is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
We killed all of the 743 troops.

Our troops gained +3 extra experience.

Mr. Com. The city of Tbest is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 1 troops and 0 peasants

We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 1 troops and 0 peasants.

Mr. Com. The city of Final Hold is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
We killed all of the 0 troops.

We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 1 troops and 0 peasants.

We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 1 troops and 0 peasants.

They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 206 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 0 enemy troops.

They surrendered. Mr. Com. We have won the battle!

We killed a total of 344 enemy troops, 0 peasants and injured 0 enemy troops.

Mr. Com. The city of Mine I is now under our command!
Some of their peasants escaped with all the resources!
The defending armies abandoned the city. We killed a total of 0 troops that stayed to defend it.

and thats like 200 VICTORIES WOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!!! I attack a lot.=P

We killed all of the 1 troops and 0 peasants.

Mr. Com

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Com) and was a member of Legacy

Yeah Com has finally gotten to his goal, To become a Great LGC member.=)


Mr. Com

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Com) and was a member of Legacy


Mr. Com

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Com) and was a member of Legacy


Mr. Com

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Com) and was a member of Legacy

Fuck Mal Ware and spy ware these gay virus programs fucked up my computer really really bad soooo you fucker that make this shit can suck on dicks and right round each other side ways you ass licking shit fuckers.....that's all i have to say =)
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