Family History

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Mr. Algreth

Lived in Era 34 and got 1 heir(s) (Belgeraim).


Mr. Belgeraim

Lived in Era 34 and got 1 heir(s) (Celiserai).


Mr. Celiserai

Lived in Era 35, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Predators

Celiserai is proud.

He is a noble, he holds a position of hereditary authority. His respect
for any who have not proven that they are deserving of such, by dint of force
seems limited. He is quick to anger, and quick to lash out at the cause of
his anger.
would probably not be incorrect to say that he has a genius for
destruction. He destroys, but he cannot repair, nor it seems can he create
much easily. He creates the Sword of Souls, but can only do that once a
Zodiac, in our conversation he referred to creating a servant to sent amongst
us. He explained that it was a very costly endeavor for him. Whenever he
refers to creating something, he explains how difficult it is for him.
Yet destruction seems easy for Celiserai. The one item he does create is a
tool of destruction. He breaks Purgatory Pendants easily, a thing which
amazed Virgil, who believed that they were unbreakable.
It is important to note: Celiserai is incapable of repairing the pendants
war comes and goes but my soldiers stays eternal

Vini, vidi, vici
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