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Mr. Anubis

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Anubis) and was a member of BURNT

Hello i am Anubis
I have Returned to my Navtive Race(Elf)
I have Entered the World Nivarna
and found Home in a Kingdom Called Burnt
I am one of the Viceroy and i am Helping may other Elfs in my Kingdom
i Found an Enemy in Angels
evan tho i was once an Angel and i Helped them Fight Preds on Mantrax
But we have just Finnished our OOP Wars so the real war should be soon
it should be fun.....

Sir Anubis

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Anubis II) and was a member of BURNT


Sir Anubis II

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Slade) and was a member of BURNT

I have return to Fantasia to Fight DB once again
but this time it will be different
i have become a better player
aslo i was Knighted By my Glory's King Messiah
i am controlling the Dwavin Race this era......

Sir Slade

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Slade) and was a member of BURNT

A Warrior arises for the Ashs to Fight an Age old Enemy of the Night
The Warrior knew he was going to die but he knew if he did nothing he Slaves hes Followers his freinds and Family would all Perish by the Hand of the WarLords of Dark Blood and Sheolic Empire
So he did what he had to do
He Went to the Temple of Zeon Were the monks Held the sacred Sword of Zeta
it was Said it was Carved by the God Zeta him Self
He Spoke with the Templar Monks and Asked to Talk the Sword
but it was it was against the Laws of the Zeonic Council to Remove the Sword from the Sacred Resting Grounds
So the Young Warrior Left the Temple
but he returned later that knight and under the cloak of Darkness he snuck into the Temple and took the Sword of Zeta
He then Ran as fast as he could until he could not Run no more
he soon past out under a tree in the Forbidden Forrest
When he awoke he found him self in a Bed he then Jumped out of the Bed and Grab his sword
He Serched the whole cabin but no one was there
but just as he was about to LEave a Great Mage Appered right infornt of Him he say
'Child the time of Darkness has fallen apon the Realm of Fantasia the Warlords Plauge the World and know one will stand against them if nothing is done they will go though the whole Realm leave nothing but ashs and Ruins form town to town then will Sweep thought the Realm like a Blood Stain Hurricane the will leave the Groung Soaked in Blood and pills of Dead bodys'
the young Warrior stared at the mage and ask what he could do
the mage said
'you are a Brave Warrior and people will follow you lead the people of the Free World against the Evil WarLords Rase the Army of Zeon they will be Bless by the One and Only GoD Zeta
and the Sword you carry is a powerfull weapon do you know what Power it holds
the Warrior grip his Sword and said it hold the same power as every sword does
they Old mage laught at the Warrior and said
it Hold the Power of Zeta i will train so you can use the full power of that sword
so for many months the Young Warrior Train with the Mage
but while he Trained with the Mage the Evil Warlords Conqured more of the realm little time was left
after the seventh Month the Warriors Trainnign was complete
and the mage ask the Warriors Blessing to join him in his Quest to Fight the Evil Warlods
The young Warrior thoguht and soon aswnred Yes
so the Mage and the Young Warrior Headed for the Zeonic Capital of Gaster
As they Arrived The Great King Messiah Gretted them and gave them a place to stay
later that knight the Warrior and the mage sat down and told the King of there quest
and the Great King Messiah Told the two of what he has been plainng so there plans just came togather
the Great King Then Told them to go to bed because they would have to get up Early in the Morrning
in the erarly hours of the morrning the Warrior and the Mage Were woken up by the sounds of music as the went out side they noticed it was a festivle and it was in there hounor
later that day the Great King Messiah Knighted There warrior
The King ask what the Warriors name was
he then said
'my name is Slade'
so shall it be dont you are now know as Sir Slade Knight of Zeon
Sir Slade please take ten thousand of my best men to aid you in your battle
Slade then thanked the King and contuned with the Festations
When the Sun Grew Dim the Warriors Set the way to the Final Frontier to Fight the War Lords
they Marched as Men
they Marchs Heros
They Marched Saviors of the Realm
and just before they Left the Gates of Gaster a Voice Called out and said
'This is a eath wish you are marching to your Doom'
Slade then Shouted out
So the two heros march towards the Hordes of armys that awaits them at the Great Plains of Zeta
were it was Said Zeta Acended From the Mortal Realm to the Realm of Gods Were he Created the Kingdom of Gods were he Remains as the King of Gods.
So the heros march not know if they shall return

Sir Slade

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Slade) and was a member of Sarafan Knights


Sir Slade

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Slade) and was a member of Sarafan Knights

I have Created A Kingdom Called Sarafan Knights
i am Hoping to Dominate Zetamanina i have mad many new friends and enemys but im hoping this era will be fun

Lord Slade

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Slade) and was a member of Angel Of Retribution


Lord Slade

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Slade) and was a member of Angel Of Retribution


Lord Slade

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Slade) and was a member of Angel Of Retribution


Lord Slade

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Nephilim The Redeemer) and was a member of Angel Of Retribution


Lord Nephilim The Redeemer

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Slade) and was a member of Sarafan Knights

In the beginning of Time ten-thousand Angels rebelled against God and the way of peace, they thought they should over throw him and make Heaven the way they thought it should be but they failed and were banished to the second kingdom of earth. There Leader Celtar was sentenced to an eternity of imprisonment in the Underworld of Hades.
So the Followers of Celtar were sent to Earth to walk alone until they prove worthy of Redemption, It is said that a Redeemer will be born Nephilim but under the law of God Nephilims were an abomination and were to be killed at birth, So god gathered his most loyal angels and were told to hunt down any Nephilim and kill them. Those Angels were Lead by Ractar, Celtars Brother. Ractar asked How will we find them my Lord, and God Spoke " When a Child born from the blood of a Mortal and the Blood of an Angel there will be a Bright light and a massive energy will be sent though the World but only you can feel that energy and that is how you will find them". Then for thousands of years the Children of Mortals born from the seed of an Angel were Murdered and there souls sent to the other world were Souls wondered in a world of nothingness. Until one Day a Nephilim was Born called Slade and with in minutes the Angel Hunter were at the birth place of Slade but hes Father and his closest Friend Dranor Fought the angles so that Ashley and Slade could escape. they managed to get to the Fallen Underground were very few Nephilim had escaped to there they meet Celtar he was chained to the wall and was unable to leave he had been stuck down there for five thousand years. Celtar Spoke with Ashley and then a bright light blinded all that looked and Ashley was gone, Slade Grew up in the Fallen underground for 16 year until the day that changed his Life his arm Glowed and with in seconds his arms were covered in strange Marking. They were written in the Ancient Language of Tracnesh the people who were said to be the ones who created the universe


Lord Slade

Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Slade) and was a member of Sarafan Knights


Duke Slade

Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Slade) and was a member of Sarafan Knights

As i stood there and watch the Blockers hold steady i wonder what would happen to me and my fellow Kingdom mates, There has been word that there is three horde armys Marching toward three different blockers soon the fight will be a good one.
"The Day of the attack is Hear my Grace" Shouted one of my Generals it is time to send it all, I ordered my Mages to Freeze the smaller armys in there places, i lit up the sky with my Magic and casted meters down from the heavens to burn all that march toward us. The armys of Ali, Quiteone, Binh, Warlock, Mielo, Raist, Remember, Josef Fritzl, minister, Xerxez, Soulofdoom, Tango, Elvis Impersonator, Soccer And Gilthanas March towards the enemy with Pride and Honor and never to back down. They Hold the blockers for days on end but its know that they will not hold forever. Then the Knights of Peacekeepers Broke though West blocker soon after that the Warlords of Foundations Broke though the Northen Blocker so we were Fighting on two fronts and still defending two blockers all was lost. Two days later Slade and many other Lords of Dark Blood lost there lives, But there sons will take revenge on there Father killers and bring peace to there souls.
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