Family History

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Mr. Facepalm

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Facepalm) and was a member of The Dacians

Shadow of Conquest
Part 1 The Beginning
Spring and Summer 1050 FL

In the year 1048 FL the long-standing general peace in Flour came crashing down with the appearance of demons in the Southern Desert Empire. The demons started awakening the dead from their slumber and formed the Devil Alliance. With an army of the undead backed by demons half of the Southern Desert Empire quickly fell before the Devil Alliance. Then with a foot hold in the land and the Southern Desert Empire appearing helpless to stop them the Devil Alliance decided to spread north into the Kingdom of Breno. With their initial surge the undead managed to successfully over run the southeastern corner of the Kingdom of Breno and transform it into a lava field and darkened lands. Hearing of the news King Grenan Sonu accompanied by his son and the bulk of the Kingdom of Breno’s Royal Army went to stop the Devil Alliance. Also receiving the news the leader of the United Church of Flour Anol the Divine sent forth Bishop Xu Zun with part of the United Church of Flour’s Divine Guard to stop the uprising of evil. Arriving first Xu Zun faced off against the leader of the Devil Alliance Sena and her forces. Sena’s army still being at full strength destroyed Xu Zun and the Divine Guard that had come with him. When he arrived King Grenan Sonu and his forces faced off with Sena and her forces just outside of the Lava Field. The battle raged on for over three days until in a daring move to turn the tide of battle in her favor Sena flew in and attacked King Grenan Fernu. In the duel between them that ensued King Grenan Sonu almost won ramming his sword into Sena’s chest, but as he did Sena struck King Geran Sonu down. With her body dying and the Royal Army starting to gain the advantage with the last of her strength Sena used her most powerful ability to petrify the prince and the rest of the Kingdom of Breno’s remaining army at the battle.

With the King, Price, and most of the Kingdom of Breno’s army dead or petrified, for reasons unknown the Emperor of Renauv took the opportunity to launch a surprise attack on the Kingdom of Breno. With the Kingdom of Breno’s capital being very close to the border in the first battle the Empire of Renauv captured Basil. With the capital lost Breno fell into chaos and Queen Revela Sonu, Princess Lillian, and the rest of the Kingdom of Breno’s government and army fled to the Kingdom of Breno’s last stronghold. With heavy resistance seeming unlikely the Emperor of Renauv set up his own government in Breno the Occupation Force. By the end of the year 1049 FL after a failed attempt to recapture the Kingdom of Breno’s capital in which General Saria was captured, the Kingdom of Breno’s rightful government was forced to retreat to their stronghold yet again. Now in the Spring of 1050 the war that would almost destroy and would determine the fate of Flour had now officially begun.

Occupation Force- When the Empire of Renauv took Basil Renauv’s Emperor set up a government of soldiers and a couple nobles of Renauv in Breno. The Occupation Force quickly started to grow independent of the Empire of Renauv and turn into its own government. With people like Gerinax Fargir leading the Occupation Force it is good for the Occupation Force becoming separate of the Empire of Renauv but bad for the people of Breno. Successfully stopping the Kingdom of Breno’s latest attempt to reclaim Basil the Occupation Force now sets its eyes on taking complete control of Breno and then conquering other lands.

Suppression- With the general populace not supporting the Occupation Force Gerinax Fargir has often resorted to military rule to control the people. Whenever the Occupation Force has at least 200 soldiers stationed at a location any rebellion against the Occupation Force’s rule will automatically be suppressed.

~Leader~ Gerinax Fargir:
A former noble and good friend of the Emperor of Renauv, when a new government was being set up in Breno he used is skill and friendship with the Emperor to get appointed the leader of that government. Once he was in the position Gerinax started to distance himself and the Occupation Force from the Empire of Renauv. With his continuing actions Gerinax has ruined his relationship with the Emperor of Renauv and made the Occupation Force into a fully independent government.

Slick Tongue- Having even managed to convince the Emperor of Renauv to appoint him leader of the Occupation Force over more qualified people Gerinax is very good at using words to his advantage. As of such whenever he attempts to use negotiation or diplomacy with a neutral force he has a higher chance of success. Passive

Power Lust- Gerinax’s lust for power is so great that he can even pass on his willingness to do anything for power to opposing factions soldiers, causing some soldiers to turn traitor to their leader. Affects will vary based on enemy army size and moral. Once per battle

General Trestu:
A former experienced general of the Empire of Renauv, who join the Occupation Force in an attempt to gain greater power. Trestu’s skill and experience is a great asset to the Occupation Force. Trestu has greatly helped manage to keep the Occupation Force’s soldiers loyal to them as they have become more independent from the Empire of Renauv and was the key factor that turned the Kingdom of Breno’s attempt to recapture Basil fail.

Seasoned General- From his experience as a general General Trestu has learnt of ways to help better train his troops for battle. All units under his command have +2 offence and +2 defense. Passive

Great Charge- One of the skills Trestu excels the highest in is the art of charging the enemy. In battle General Trestu can order a charge which will be highly effective against his enemy but causes his units to be more open to damage the next turn. Once per battle

Valesa Salight:
One of if not the best assassins in all of Flour, her skills have been essential to helping Gerinax Fargir in his attempts to conquer Breno and stop rebellion. Valesa joined the Occupation Force when Gerinax asked her to join because he had heard of her great skill as an assassin and seeing how having a government on her side could help her Valesa accepted his offer. Not much is known about Valesa before she became a member of the Occupation Force. One thing that is known about her before is that she had become affiliated with almost every underground organization in Flour.

Slave Trade- Valesa has no real care for most people and finds no real guilt in selling her fellow man or woman into slavery. Whenever Valesa takes a village, city, or town with only her army and herself she gains gold from selling some of the populace into slavery. (Amount determined by the size of the population of the location and what race they are.) From selling some of the populace to her friends in the underground the populace that remain become less content and more likely to rebel.

Assassinate- Being the best assassin in Flour in all of Flour in battle Valesa can attempt to assassinate an enemy commander, sub-officer, or grand-officer. 50% chance of killing an enemy sub-officer or grand-officer. If the attempt fails the sub-officer or grand-officer losses 50% of their health. 50% chance of inflicting 75% damage to an enemy commanders remaining health. If the attempt fails no damage is done to the enemy commander. Once per battle

Kingdom of Breno- The long-standing rulers of Breno the Kingdom of Breno ruled peacefully for over 300 years before the Devil Alliance entered Breno. Since the attack by the Empire of Renauv, many early defeats by the Occupation Force, and a failed attempt to recapture Basil the Kingdom of Breno is in its darkest hour. Though in its darkest hour the Kingdom of Breno is not yet out of hope to reclaim Breno, due to the will of its people and the leadership of Queen Revela Sonu.

Support of the People- Due the Kingdom of Breno’s past as a peaceful and kind rulers people are generally willing to step up to join the Kingdom of Breno’s army, to help insure cruel people like Gerinax Fargir don’t come to reign supreme. After successfully capturing a city, town, or village all of Breno’s commanders in the location will normally gain 100-200 soldiers, from people volunteering to join the Kingdom of Breno’s army.

~Leader~ Queen Revela Sonu:
With the death of her husband King Geran Sonu Queen Revela has become the new leader of the Kingdom of Breno. Though in the beginning she was no the most prepared to take over the Kingdom of Breno, with the help of the remaining members of the Kingdom of Breno’s government she has become a skilled leader. Queen Revela has made it her goal in life to see Breno reunited.

Kind of Heart- Queen Revela is a kind and caring person who tries to insure that as few people as possible from her army die in battle. At the end of a battle no matter what the outcome recover 20% of the total number of units lost in the battle (rounded up).

Hope of Breno- Queen Revela is considered by the people to be the last hope they have of fully restoring the peace that they once had. All soldiers serving under Queen Revela have +15% morale. Passive

Princess Lillian:
Princess Lillian always wanted a chance to prove her self in the field of battle, but being King Geran Sonu’s only daughter he would not allow her to. Now that her father was killed in battle and the Kingdom of Breno being short on generals that can command the respect of the people and soldiers Princess Lillian has gotten her chance to prove herself. From studying about strategy and war Princess Lillian has actual not made that bad of a commander.

Fencing Knowledge- Having managed to convince her father to let her at least learn to fight Princess Lillian has become skilled in the art of fencing. Knowing of her skill all Fencers are more willing to serve Princess Lillian. All Fencers cost 25% less to recruit. Passive

Swift- Being graceful and fast on her feet Princess Lillian’s soldiers have been inspired to be faster, so they can be able to keep up with her. All units have +3 speed. Passive

General Glash:
The greatest of Breno’s remaining generals General Glash has come into command of a lot of the Kingdom of Breno’s remaining army. Though only being a few years older than Princess Lillian General Glash has enough skill and experience that he has been greatly responsible for holding the Occupation Force to the area around Basil. Being a loyal a valiant soldier he has made it his mission to assure the safety of the Kingdom of Breno’s remaining royal family and help to reunite Breno.

Great Reputation- Having accomplished many great things in his time as a general and even managing to defeat General Trestu a couple of times soldiers need less incentive to serve under him. All units cost 10% less. Passive

Battle Cry- Ever since the fall of the capital General Glash has made his battle cry “For Breno”. When a battle appears to be going in his enemies favor General Glash can use his battle cry to inspire his troops. All units who are fleeing will return to the battle, all units under his command gain +10% morale, and all units gain +1 attack, +1 Defense, and +1 Speed until the end of the battle. Once per battle

Devil Alliance- With demons having returned to Flour from the Hells they have come to do what they always wanted to, to bring all living to pain, suffering and misery. Having successfully awakened some of the dead from their slumber the Devil Alliance quickly took over half of the Southern Desert and then the Demons moved north to Breno. Though having faced their first set back of loosing their original leader Arch-demon Sena the Devil Alliance is not yet defeated.

Haunted- With the Devil Alliance forcefully bringing the dead back to life they have caused many spirits to return to seek vengeance on the rest of the world for not protecting their resting places well enough. All locations controlled by the Devil Alliance are haunted by spirits that will attack units not belonging to or under the control of the Devil Alliance.

~Leader~ Arch-Demon Belianu:
Originally the second in command of the Devil Alliance Belianu has taken over as the leader of the Devil Alliance ever since Arch-Demon Sena’s death. Though not as strong of a demon or good of a strategist as Sena, Belianu still is very strong and a good commander. It is his goal to finish what Sena started and bring all of Flour under the Devil Alliance's rule.

Hell Blast- Being one of the strongest Arch-Demons Belianu can use some of an Arch-Demon's most impressive and deadly abilities. In battle Belianu can summon forth a blast of demonic fire to attack his enemies with. Once per battle

Demonic Fear- Being a strong Arch-Demon and since most living have a natural fear of demons Arch-Demon Belianu’s presence at a battle can strike fear into his enemies. When fighting any enemy not under the command of a commander of the United Church of Flour his enemies are more likely to flee or if unable to flee surrender. May not work on some animals and dragons. Passive

Grand Necromancer Tarus:
The strongest and most powerful necromancer in all of Flour, his power has made him a twisted and cruel person. It was only fitting of him that he offered to join the Devil Alliance to help them bring all other living to pain, suffering, and misery. Through his skills he has helped greatly bolster the ranks of the Devil Alliance with the undead he summons. Though his exact age is unknown, it is believed that Grand Necromancer Tarus is over 200 years old.

Necromancy- Being the strongest necromancer in all of Flour summoning the undead is an easy task for Tarus. When victorious in battle Tarus can reanimate 50% of his enemies fallen soldiers as Death Knights and Death Riders.

Crush Will- Yet another power Tarus has gained from his skill as a necromancer. All soldiers under Grand Necromancer Tarus’ command have absolutely no free will of its own and will mindlessly fallow Tarus’ commands. Passive

Dark Bishop Xu Zun:
Once a bishop of the United Church of Flour Xu Zun was sent to destroy the Devil Alliance, but him and his army lost to Arch-Demon Sena and were all slain. As Bishop Xu Zun lay dying Arch-Demon Sena passed over him and decided he could be of use to her so she healed Xu with her demonic healing powers. When Sena had finished healing him Xu was now in both body and mind twisted, dark, and part demon, with a new purpose in life, the destruction of the United Church of Flour.

Half Demon- Being healed by Arch-Demon Sena’s demonic healing powers Xu Zun is now part demon. In battle Xu can let his demonic side fully take over for one turn and he will attack his enemies with near unlimited power and strength. Once per battle

Demonic Heal- As a side effect of how he was healed Xu Zun gained some of the power of demonic healing from Arch-Demon Sena. For one turn in battle Dark Bishop Xu Zun can halve all casualties sustained that turn. Once per battle

United Church of Flour- Normally a peaceful group but with the rise of the Occupation Force and Devil Alliance the United Church of Flour has now become an active force in politics along with its already active position as the major religion of Flour. How far the United Church of Flour will go now to protect Flour appears to be anywhere from just destroying the undead, demons, and corrupt leaders to taking over all of Flour. With the god of Flour on there side they will fight till the end.

Divine Protection- With the god of Flour watching over them when in battle or in danger the god of Flour will use some of his power to help protect the United Church of Flour’s soldiers and commanders. All loses the United Church of Flour sustains are lessened.

~Leader~ Anol the Divine:
As head of the United Church of Flour he is considered to be responsible for the protection of the good people of Flour both spiritually and physically. With the rise of the Devil Alliance in the Southern Desert Empire and spread north into the Kingdom of Breno, Anol was forced to make the United Church of Flour become a governmental force along with the religious force it already was. Though not liking unneeded loss of life Anol the Divine is willing to enter into battle and war to protect all that is of good, light, and virtue.

Divine Light- Not liking the loss of life Anol the Divine has learned of ways to help insure that those who fight for him are less likely to die. In battle Anol can call for a light which covers him and his soldiers for three turns giving his soldiers +2 attack and +2 defense. Once per battle

Heaven Defense- Being the leader of the United Church of Flour Anol the Divine is the closest to the god of Flour. Through this Anol can call on the god of Flour’s aid more than any other. Once Anol knows who he is fighting in a battle Anol can declare one of his enemy commander’s, sub-officer’s, or grand-officer’s abilities to be blocked by the god of Flour by pming me which ability you whish to negate. Once per battle

High Bishop Faleu:
The second highest-ranking member of the United Church of Flour and a friend of Anol who joined the United Church of Flour after serving as a siege weapons expert for the Kingdom of Breno. Faleu shares Anol’s want to protect good, light, and virtue even if it means going to war. Amongst the members of the United Church of Flour his devotion to the United Church of Flour and its causes are unmatched.

Devotion- High Bishop Faleu’s devotion to the United Church of Flour has rubbed off on his soldiers making them more loyal and devoted. High Bishop Faleu’s soldiers will not flee unless he commands them to and have a lesser chance of betraying him should things go poorly. Passive

Siege Expert- Before he became a member of the United Church of Flour, Faleu was in charge of building and designing siege weapons for Breno. Still having that knowledge Faleu can build siege weapons in half the normal time and all siege weapons under his command perform better. Passive

Lady Celestias:
The greatest female paladin in Flour, Lady Celestias joined the United Church of Flour to help destroy the Devil Alliance. Beyond her want to destroy the Devil Alliance and skill as a paladin Lady Celestias was also able to join the United Church of Flour because she had experience at commanding armies which was something the United Church of Flour needed. Lady Celestias cares greatly for the safety of the average citizen and is known to be an honest person. From those traits Lady Celestias has gained the trust and respect of most people she meets.

Trusted- Nearly everyone who is a good person trusts and respects Lady Celestias, including her soldiers. All troops under Lady Celestias’ command have +25% morale and are less likely to disobey orders. Due to her reputation of being trusted and respected by nearly every good person in Flour for her care for the average citizen and honesty whenever using underhanded or generally cruel tactics she is less likely to succeed.

Holy Wraith- Through her great skill as a paladin Lady Celestias knows how to use some powers that the regular paladin can’t. In battle Lady Celestias can call a blast a light from the heavens to attack her enemies. Holy Wraith is its most powerful when used against soldiers of the Devil Alliance. Once per battle

Commander Stats
Commander Stats Located in your Faction's Faction Center

Sub-Officers and Grand-Officers- Sub-Officers and Grand-Officers are different from regular soldiers as they are much stronger and can command troops in battle at different locations than where you are. When you buy a Sub-Officer or Grand-Officer you can give them a name if you like or if you don’t I will create a name for them. You can give your Sub-Officer or Grand-Officer orders on what you want them to do but I shall control their specific actions.
Elite Units- Units that are classified as Elite take 3 turns to recruit as their training takes longer than that of other units.

Occupation Force
Occupation Force Swordsmen- Swordsmen who excel at the use of the sword but are less armored so they will still have a decent speed in battle.
Attack 7 Defense 5 Speed 5 Moral 89% 150 Petas for 100
Lancer- Soldiers trained in wielding spears into battle. A fairly average unit in battle.
Attack 8 Defence 7 Speed 6 Moral 94% 175 Petas for 100
Ranged Units
Crossbowmen- The ranged units of the Occupation force. Crossbowmen wield a miniature version of the ballista, which can pierce metal armor.
Attack 10 Defense 4 Speed 4 Moral 87% 180 Petas for 100
Stealth Assassin- Shortly after Valesa joined the Occupation Force many of Flour’s great assassins started to offer to join the Occupation Force. Quick, silent, and deadly they are pretty good fighters when used the right way and average at commanding troops.
Attack 18 Defense 12 Speed 17 Moral 130% Cost 850 Petas 2 per commander
Poison Trap- One of the many skills Stealth Assassins are good in is laying traps for their enemies. They can cover the battlefield in traps, which have a 50% chance of poisoning a large amount of their enemy’s soldiers. Once per battle
Fallen General- Generals who for one reason or another no longer serve their original ruler or commander. Due to that fact they fit in perfectly with the Occupation Force.
Attack 26 Defense 26 Speed 26 Moral 173% Cost 1,775 Petas 1 per commander
Shield Wall- A Fallen General can command his infantry to form a shield wall which will reduce casualties for 3 turns but greatly reduces the amount of enemy soldiers his infantry can kill in combat for those turns. Once per battle

Kingdom of Breno
Breno Pikemen- The most common type of troop in the Kingdom of Breno’s army. Breno Pikemen are the same as regular Pikemen except faster.
Attack 6 Defense 8 Speed 5 Moral 95% 200 Petas for 100
Fencer- A specialty type of troop of the Kingdom of Breno who use a modified form of fencing and wield a rapier in battle. Though not wearing much armor the Fencer makes up for their lack of armor by being able to out maneuver an opponent and dodge their attacks.
Attack 8 Defense 3 Speed 9 Moral 98% 250 Petas for 100
Ranged Units
Longbowmen- Archers that excel at hitting enemies at a long distance. Longbowmen are the standard archers of the Kingdom of Breno.
Attack 6 Defense 4 Speed 7 Moral 89% 125 Petas for 100

Tactician- Though not skilled warriors Tacticians excel at commanding troops in battle while keeping themselves out of harms way.
Attack 5 Defense 15 Speed 18 Moral 145% 600 Petas 2 per commander
Tactical Mind- All strategies used by a Tactician have a greater chance of success and being an effective action. Passive
Breno General- One of the Kingdom of Breno’s few remaining loyal generals. They fight on to restore the Kingdom of Breno to its rightful place.
Attack 25 Defense 22 Speed 29 Moral 195% Cost 1,500 Petas 1 per commander
Will to Fight- For one turn in battle all units under a Breno General will cause more damage to their enemies and have +20% Moral till the end of the battle. Once per battle

Devil Alliance
Zombie- The weakest and least expensive undead to summon. They are essentially just regular human citizens that have been raised from the dead.
Attack 4 Defense 2 Speed 3 Moral 80% 25 Petas for 100
Death Knight- Actual soldiers that have been reanimated into the ranks of the undead. Death Knights still have some of the skill they had in life and are even more deadly because they are no longer held back by the limits of the human body.
Attack 8 Defense 4 Speed 6 Moral 89% 100 Petas for 100
Ranged Units
Bone Archer- Your basic archer that has been reanimated from the dead. Strangely they are still an accurate shot for not having any eyes.
Attack 6 Defense 3 Speed 7 Moral 87% 100 Petas for 100

Necromancer- Masters of the undead. Summoning and controlling the undead comes easily to a Necromancer.
Attack 17 Defense 19 Speed 15 Moral 138% 800 Petas 2 per commander
Raise Dead- When on the victorious side of a battle a Necromancer can summon 100 Death Knights and 50 Death Riders from those who have fallen in battle.
Arch-Demon- A powerful demon who fights along side the Devil Alliance to make the demons cruel dream a reality. Arch-Demons are just as strong as their good counter parts and a fearsome force in battle.
Attack 29 Defense 28 Speed 28 Moral 193% 1,975 Petas 1 per commander
Demon Thunder- In battle an Arch-Demon can fire a bolt of demonic lightning at their enemies that will strike down some of their enemy’s soldiers. Once per battle

United Church of Flour
Warrior Monk- The holy men who have made a stand for justice, light, and all that is good. Though they aren’t the best fighters they will fight till the end.
Attack 6 Defense 4 Speed 6 Moral 100% 125 Petas for 100
Crusader- The trained fighting force of the United Church of Flour. Wielding heavy armor, shields, and weapons they are very slow, but a devastating force when they reach their target.
Attack 10 Defense 10 Speed 2 Moral 99% 375 Petas for 100
Ranged Units
Magi Bowmen- Archers who combine magic with their skill with a bow. A pretty good unit at holding their own in battle.
Attack 8 Defense 7 Speed 5 Moral 100% 225 Petas for 100
Paladin- Warriors who devote their lives to fighting the forces of evil and the undead. The Paladins joined the United Church of Flour shortly after the rise of the Devil Alliance.
Attack 17 Defense 18 Speed 15 Moral 150% 975 Petas 2 per command
Paladin Heal- Heal up to 75% of the units under a Paladin’s command that were lost last turn. Once per battle
Arch-Angel- With the world of Flour in great peril the god of Flour sent some of his personal soldiers to help the United Church of Flour fight against the forces of darkness. They are just as strong as there evil counterparts and a powerful force in battle.
Attack 28 Defense 29 Speed 28 Moral 200% 2,000 Petas 1 per commander
Divine Flare- An Arch-Angel can summon forth a divine fire from the heavens that burns on the battle field for the next 3 turns damaging all units not owned by the United Church of Flour. Once per battle

Siege Weapons- Powerful machines to be used against enemy soldiers, walls, or structures. All siege weapons can be built by any faction unless specified otherwise. Siege Weapons will take a certain amount of turns to construct and can be constructed either at the site of a battle, site of a siege, or in a populated location you control. All siege weapons start with operators that have basic proficiency in the use of that siege weapon.
When building siege weapons at a populated area you own siege weapons will have a slight cost.
Siege Ladders- 5 Petas per Siege Ladder to build
Ballistas and Catapults- 50 Petas per Ballista or Catapult to build
Battering Ram- 70 Petas per Battering Ram to build
Trebuchets and Siege Towers- 100 Petas per Trebuchet or Siege Tower to build
When you are in a siege or battle siege weapons cost no Petas but will take 1-2 Turns longer to construct.

Siege Ladder- The simplest means of getting on an enemy’s walls. Though quick to produce they are easy to destroy or push off a wall.
1 turn to build Max 20 per turn
Ballista- One of the quicker types of siege weapons but slightly easier to destroy. Pretty effective at taking down soldiers with its giant arrows but not that effective against walls or well built buildings.
2 turns to build Max 5 per turn
Catapult- A siege weapon built to hurl large rocks at enemy walls or buildings. They can still be used against soldiers but tend to be less accurate and better used at aiming at large groups of soldiers rather than single units.
2 turns to build Max 5 per turn
Battering Ram- A large slow siege weapon that has two wooden walls and a roof to protect the operators as they swing the ram. Used for bringing down enemy walls and buildings, but essentially useless against soldiers.
4 turns to build Max 3 per turn
Trebuchet- A more destructive means of hurling rocks at your enemies. A Trebuchet has a longer range than a catapult but is only really able to target immobile targets like walls or buildings. Only able to turn to the right or left once fully constructed a Trebuchet must be first built in a packed up mobile form to get it into position.
2 turns to get ready 1 turn to build when on site 1 turn to repack up Max 3 per turn
Siege Tower- Large, slow, mobile wooden towers which are used as an effective way to get onto an enemies walls. Though having no attack of its own archers and soldiers can be positioned on the top to defend it from enemies or to use it to gain a height advantage. Highly recommendable not to build unless at the start of a siege as they would greatly slow down an army in travel.
4 turns to build Max 2 per turn Unable to be transported in ships

Ships- Unless you want to have your army swim great seas and raging rivers you’ll need ships. To build ships you must own a location with a dock and must be at that location.
Size- As it wouldn’t make since that all types of units take up the same amount of room unless specified otherwise every category of unit has a certain amount of space they need.
Infantry 1, Ranged Units 1, Magi 1, Other(unless otherwise stated) 1, Calvary 2, Siege Weapons 5, Elite Units, Sub-Officers, Grand-Officers, and Commanders 3

Rowboat- The most useless and weak type of water craft available for purchase.
1 turn to build Transport 3 5 Petas
Genio Ship- A fast small ship that is unarmed.
1 turn to build Transport 100 150 Petas
Frigate- A small slow well armed ship. The Frigate sacrifices space to have a few ballistas for defense.
2 turns to build Transport 30 400 Petas
Terstoni Ship- A medium sized ship that has average defenses including one ballista, speed, and room.
4 turns to build Transport 600 650 Petas
Galley- A large ship that can hold many troops but is only defended by a small group of archers from the crew.
5 Turns to build Transport 2,000 1,000 Petas
Galleon- A large slow ship that is armed with many ballistas and a couple catapults. Even with all its defenses the Galleon can still hold a fair amount of troops.
7 Turns to build Transport 500 1,500 Petas

Gold and Troops
Petas- The Peta is the offical currency of Flour. For all intents and purposes you can just consider it like you would points or gold. You can gain Petas by winning battles, capturing locations, tax, and resource collection. Their may be other ways to gain more Petas but those are the 4 main ways.
Gold and Troop Counts Located in your Faction's Faction Center

Northern Breno
Baisul- The largest city in Breno and was originally the capital of the Kingdom of Breno. Ever since it was captured it has been the Occupation Force’s capital. The once beautiful city has been greatly scarred by the war between the Occupation Force and the Kingdom of Breno and Count Deston’s cruel rule of the city. Tax 6,250 Petas Occupation Force
Stone Walls, Wooden Towers
Alian Plain- A vast beauteous plain located west of Baisul that borders the mountains to the north. The quarries located at the northern most parts of the Alian Plain provided most of the stone that Baisul’s wall and towers were originally made from and is still a large producer of stone. Resource 3,000 Petas Neutral
Vurrio- A city populated mostly by those who have been displaced by the war. The city itself is a refurbished ancient city that was raised up from the ground. Vurrio has become an important city in Breno with the guidance of Duke Selvus and a means for the people to rebuild their lives. Tax 5,000 Petas Neutral
Stone Walls, Wizard’s Tower, Magic Walls, Armory, Braziers, Rolling Logs
Shrine of Nature- The shrine to the Spirit of Nature. The area around the shrine is nearly fully over grown. The Shrine of Nature is valued for the rare plants that grow around it and because somewhere inside the shrine is supposed to be the Artifact of Nature. Resource 3,000 Petas Neutral
Glou Hill- Glou Hill is the easiest, quickest, and safest way to get to the southern regions of Breno from Northern Breno. A merchant decided to take advantage of that fact, built a wall, and hired a small army so he could enforce a toll to pass through the wall. Though around the wall is a place for his soldiers to live Glou Hill doesn’t truly have the status being of a city, town, or village. Tax 1,500 Petas Neutral

Sourean Sea
Beji- A small village built around the torch signal on the Banj Peninsula. The village’s main purpose is to maintain the torch signal that guides ships safely around the Banj Peninsula. Tax 300 Petas Resource 200 Petas Neutral
Katang- A village island in the Sourean Sea. Katang is home of a large trading company and a small fishing industry. Tax 1,500 Petas Resource 200 Petas Neutral
Western Sourean- A wide-open expanse of the Sourean Sea in Breno. There really isn’t much here besides water, fish, and the occasional fishing boat. Resource 100 Neutral
Alute- A jungle island in the Sourean Sea with a small fishing village on it there isn’t really much more to Alute than that. Tax 200 Petas Resource 150 Petas Neutral

Hydralst Cave- A cave in the Sourean Sea that is large enough for ships to sail into it. It’s rumored that the Hydralst Cave is the lair of a type of sea serpent. Resource Unknown Neutral

Cespio Swamp
North Cespio Swamp- The northern edge of the Cespio Swamp that is valued for the pitch and poisonous plants and animals that can be found in it. Resource 2,000 Petas Neutral
South Cespio Swamp- The southern edge of the Cespio swamp its only value comes from the hunting of dangerous mutated animals that were created by wizards a long time ago. Resource 700 Petas Neutral
Picht- A village in the middle of the Cespio Swamp. Picht’s main purpose is as a prisoner labor settlement used to harvest the pitch and other natural resources of the swamp. Tax 900 Petas Resource 500 Petas Neutral

Foristeel Forest
Foristeel Overgrowth- An overgrown section of the Foristeel Forest that supplies most of Breno’s wood but is infested with wolves and home to a couple outcast vampires and werewolves. Resource 1,000 Petas Neutral
Desjun- A town built in a natural circle of rock walls that was founded by a group of soldiers from the Kingdom of Breno when Baisul fell to the Empire of Renauv. The citizens of Desjun have tried to live relatively cut off from the rest of Breno ever since it was founded. Fallowing the heroic act of General Glash helping save the town it appears their faith in the Kingdom of Breno has been restored. Tax 400 Petas Resource 500 petas Neutral
Ra’Sha- A city of the Drakin which is located within the Foristeel Forest. Exact details about Ra’Sha are unknown since the Drakin rarely leave their city, when they do they only tell about their city to those who they greatly trust and know will keep its secrets, and the fact that Ra’Sha is protected by some sort of magical force field. Tax 3,000 Petas Resource 2,000 Petas Neutral
Elwu- A great city of elves that have been the guardians of Foristeel Forest for as long as human history records. In the past the elves of Elwu took little care for the events happening outside of Foristeel Forest, but as times are changing so must they. Tax 3,750 Petas Resource 3,250 Petas Neutral
Wizard’s Tower, Stone Walls, Lookout Towers, Magic Walls, Stone Baskets, Armory

Dry Canyon
North Dry Canyon- Once a great river a former King of Breno built dams throughout the river to block the river’s flow. The former riverbed has become a dangerous and harsh desert. Resource 500 Petas Neutral
Aerospir- A city of Harpies that was formally an island on the river, but ever since the river was dammed up it has been considered a plateau. Though the city still interacts with the other cities in Breno since the river was dammed up its citizens have little want to deal with any ruling force of Breno. Tax Unknown Resource Unknown Neutral
South Dry Canyon- A harsh and dangerous desert just like the North Dry Canyon. The South Dry Canyon is rumored to have valuable items buried deep beneath its sands. Resource 700 Petas Neutral
Mount Galuius- A dormant volcano on the eastern side of the southern exit of the Dry Canyon. Resource 300 Petas Neutral
Mount Fiembel- A dormant volcano on the western side of the southern exit of the Dry Canyon. Resource 300 Petas Neutral

Southern Marz
Azel Temple- An ancient temple that was the northern most extent of the Southern Desert Empire back before the Kingdom of Breno was founded. In recent times the Azel Temple has become the home to a group of bandits that have no clue about the temples true treasures or purpose. With the Sourean Sea to the east and north and the North Dry Canyon to the west the only way into the temple is from the south which has been blockaded by the bandits. Resource Unknown Neutral
Velime- A large village in the Southern Marz that is divided by a stone wall into a farming and processing area in the north and a residential area in the south. One of the major reasons Velime is a nice place to live is because of the small forest and lake just south of the residential side of Velime. In recent times Velime has become strained by refugees that have been displaced from their homes by the Devil Alliance.
Tax 1,200 Petas Resource 100 Petas Neutral
Port Kismun- A small city that is the southern most port city along the shores of the Sourean Sea. Port Kismun is mostly a city of sailors, fishermen, and traders. Port Kismun is also considered one of the most beautiful waterside cities in all of Flour. Tax 1,000 Petas Neutral
Dock, Wooden Walls
Night Glade- A city of Dark Humans near the edge of the Lava Field. When the Dark Humans of the city refused to side with the Devil Alliance an Arch-Demon placed a curse on the city that put all of its citizens into a deep sleep. Tax Unknown Neutral
Stone Walls, Medium Towers, Rolling Logs

Fangmire Cavern
Fangmire Way- The mouth of the Fangmire Cavern it is with out a doubt the safest part of the Fangmire Cavern. Fangmire Cavern’s entrance is so large that even the biggest dragons could go in and out of it easily. Resource 50 Petas Neutral
Depfir- A city of Dark Elves that is located inside the Fangmire Cavern. The city itself is hidden within the walls of the cavern to protect the Dark Elves from the dragons that live in Fangmire Cavern. With the exact location of the entrance to the city unknown the city has little contact with the outside world. There is also rumored to be an entrance to the city somewhere from the Sourean Sea. Tax Unknown Resource Unknown Neutral
Dock, Armory, Engineer’s Guild
Zelesha’s Lair- The lair of the weakest of the three great dragons that call Fangmire Cavern home but by no means should you consider Zelesha weak. Zelesha is a serpent like dragon that focuses on using barrage attacks in battle. The exact size of her treasure is unknown. Resource Unknown Neutral
Semati’s Lair- The lair of the second most powerful of the three great dragons that call the Fangmire Cavern home. Semati is just a large version of a normal dragon but with far more power that focuses on using powerful single hit attacks. As with Zelesha’s treasure nobody knows the exact amount but his should be a larger treasure than Zelesha’s treasure. Resource Unknown Neutral
Horgath Nest- The nest of the giant Horgath Spiders that were the first inhabitants of the Fangmire Cavern but have lost the majority cavern to its other inhabitants. When the Dark Elves moved in the Horgath Spiders and the Dark Elves became friends but when the three great dragons moved in the Horgath Spiders had to live with it or be destroyed by the great dragons. Resource 500 Petas Neutral
Venio’s Lair- The lair of the most powerful, large, smart, cruel, and deadly of all of the three great dragons that call Fangmire Cavern home. Venio is a giant eight-headed dragon that has declared himself the king of all dragons and could possibly be the most powerful dragon in all of Flour. Beyond that not much is known about Venio as no one has ever seen Venio up close and lived to tell about it. The exact size of his treasure hoard is unknown but it can be easily assumed that it is a gigantic treasure that is much bigger than Zelesha’s or Semati’s treasure hoard. Resource Unknown Neutral

Ilumin Separ
Oria Monastery- The capital of the United Church of Flour which is located on the western side of the Ilumin Separ. Oria Monastery is a large city that sprung up around the original Oria Monastery and eventually became the main city of the United Church of Flour as bigger and more beautiful places of worship sprung up throughout the city. All of the citizens of Oria Monastery are devote followers of the United Church of Flour. Tax 6,250 Petas United Church of Flour
Stone Walls, Wooden Towers

Galm- A town which is located on the western side of the Ilumin Separ. The only thing that separates Galm from any other town is the fact that it was one of the first cities to join the Kingdom of Breno when it was first founded. Tax 3,800 Petas Neutral
Wooden Wall
Joan Hill- Located on the eastern side of the Ilumin Spepar Joan Hill was once a prosperous city in the time before Breno existed. During a war with the United Church of Flour the army of the city captured the saint who had been leading the United Church of Flour’s army and burnt her at the stake to prevent the United Church of Flour’s army from saving her. Upon the saint’s death both the god and devil of Flour unleashed their wraith on Joan Hill, the god of Flour for killing one of his most loyal followers and the devil of Flour for taking away his chance to try to turn the saint into one of his followers. Ever since that day the city has remained in the same state that it was from shortly after the god and devil of Flour unleashed their wraith upon the city. Whether or not there is a way to save Joan Hill from the terrible fate that befell it is unknown. Tax Unknown Neutral Ruined
Stone Walls 15%, Medium Towers, 13%, Wizard’s Tower 5%
Shrine of Light- The shrine to the Spirit of Light. Located on the eastern side of the Ilumin Separ the Shrine of Light is the second of the two known shrines located in Breno. The Shrine of Light is valued for the healing properties of the water that comes from its fountains and because somewhere inside the shrine is said to be the Artifact of Light. Resource 3,000 Petas Neutral

Sylia Mountains
Brenvan- The last stronghold if the Kingdom of Breno and the capital of the Kingdom of Breno at the current time. Since Brenvan is located near the middle of the Sylia Mountains the Occupation Force has never managed to reach Brenvan since the Kingdom of Breno has always managed to stop the Occupation Force’s attempts to cross the mountains to reach Brenvan. Tax 6,250 Petas Kingdom of Breno
Stone Walls, Wooden Towers
North Mountain Pass- The pass leading through the Northern Sylia Mountains which is the quickest way to travel through the Northern Sylia Mountains. Though not important for the monetary gains it gives it is still important. Resource 50 Petas Neutral
South Mountain Pass- The pass leading through the Southern Sylia Mountains which is the quickest way to travel through the Southern Sylia Mountains. Though not important for the monetary gains it gives it is still important. Resource 50 Petas Neutral
Santif- Formally a great mining town Santif was almost completely abandoned when a group of goblins moved into the mines. Wild animals that are mostly unfriendly to humanoids have infested the region around Santif along with the goblins. For Santif to be brought back to its former glory there are many things that must be done. Tax 40 Petas Resource Unknown Neutral
Ashen Forest- A large forest of pine trees in the Sylia Mountains that is always covered in a light fog. The Ashen Forest is widely known for the magical properties of its trees and the lively animals that live in it. Resource 1,000 Petas Neutral

Veshalia Flood Plain
Veshu- A city of Mer People which is the only city in the Veshalia Flood Plain. Due to the fact that all of the Veshalia Flood Plain is always covered by at least 3 feet of water Veshu is a pretty nice place for Mer People since both the part of them that likes land and the part of them that likes water can be satisfied. The Mer People of Veshu and the United Church of Flour have had good relations for about as long as Veshu and the United Church of Flour have existed. Tax 3,800 Petas Neutral
West Flood Plain- The West Flood Plain is a beautiful area filled with all manors of aquatic flowers and other plant life. The beauty of the West Flood Plain has inspired many artists and craftsmen to do great things and help many regular people gain inspiration to go after their heart’s desire. Resource 900 Petas Neutral

East Flood Plain- The East Flood Plain is home to many types of fresh water fish, reptiles, and birds. With the water level never dropping below three feet and an abundance of plants that live in water in the East Flood Plain, the East Flood Plain is nearly paradise for all the animals that live in it. There is said to be a terrible beast living in the East Flood Plain that is meant to stop those who aren’t welcome in the Veshalia Flood Plain from causing the Veshalia Flood Plain any harm. Resource 1,120 Petas Neutral

Lotus Ruin- Just east of the Veshalia Flood Plain is a mystical place called the Lotus ruin that is said to have existed since shortly after the birth of humanity. The Lotus Ruin’s true purpose is still unknown to Flour. This would be because first no information about its purpose was ever written down by its creators. Second a magic barrier projected by three stone pillars protects the Stone Lotus that exists at the center of Lotus Ruin. Thirdly the Lotus Ruin is protected by a race of creatures that will attack anyone who tries to pass the magic barrier. Resource 100 Neutral

Chaos Field
Doom Glade- The capital of the Devil Alliance that is the first city of undead in Breno. Doom Glade is a city of misery, despair, darkness and pain. With the addition of demons to the undead Doom Glade is a truly terrifying sight for most mortal beings. Tax 7,500 Petas Devil Alliance
Stone Walls
Lava Flow- One of the many effects the massing of the Devil Alliance in the Chaos Field. The area is barely possible for those who aren’t part of the Devil Alliance to pass through as the great heat produced by the flowing lava can easily overwhelm those who aren’t accustomed to it or can feel heat. Resource 300 Petas Neutral
Sourae Tower- One of the best places in Flour for magic users to train in the art of magic, which would have been destroyed by the Lava Flow had the wizard Sourae not created a magic barrier to protect his tower and the area around it. Even though his tower is now surrounded by lava he still continues teaching those who want to learn in the ways of magic. Tax 600 Petas Resource 300 Petas Neutral
Durmen Battle Field- The site of the battle between the King Grenan Sonu and Arch Demon Sena that is located close to the Lava Flow. All that remains there is the petrified form of the Royal Army who went with King Grenan Sonu into battle, the petrified form of the Prince, and the petrified body of King Grenan Sonu. It is yet unknown if there is a way to reverse the affect of Arch Demon Sena’s petrifaction spell. Resource 400 Petas

Total Locations 48
Occupation Force 1
Kingdom of Breno 1
Devil Alliance 1
United Church of Flour 1
Neutral 28

Defensive Structures- Building and structures that will in one way or another make populated regions better defended against enemy attack.
Wooden Walls- The most basic type of wall that can be built, which is used to give your ranged units a height advantage, slow down your enemy’s attack, and keep wild animals away from your people. Wooden Walls can be damaged by all types of units with an attack except ranged units, but it will take your soldiers a longer time to destroy Wooden Walls than Siege Weapons.
400 Petas 1 turn to build
Stone Walls- A strong and durable type of wall, which can only be damaged by Siege Weapons. Stone Walls give all the advantages of Wooden Walls plus the fact that a stone walls can be outfitted with various types of upgrades that can give Stone Walls even more defensive power.
1,000 Petas 3 turns to build
Wooden Towers- The most basic type of towers available to build which give your ranged units a better height advantage than Wooden Walls and Stone Walls, are much harder for soldiers to damage than Wooden Walls, and are too tall for Siege Ladders to be used against them. Wooden Towers like Wooden Walls will not stand up long against Siege Weapons.
500 Petas 2 turns to build
Small Towers- The most basic of all stone towers which is slightly taller than the Wooden Towers and can only be damaged by siege weapons. Though made out of stone Small Towers won’t far much better against siege weapons than Stone Walls.
700 Petas 3 Turns to build
Lookout Towers- A specialty type of tower that is about as tall as a Large Round Tower, which is used to help detect an enemy armies’ presence near the populated area they are built in. Though being tall Lookout towers aren’t considered a real use in a defense beyond sighting an enemy quicker since Lookout Towers only have enough room to fit 10 soldiers and are about as easy to destroy as Small Towers.
600 Petas 3 Turns to build
Medium Towers- Pretty average towers in terms of height, durability, and room for ranged units. Though being a nice way to improve a populated area’s defensive abilities the only real drawback of this tower is the fact that it is still too small to use mounted Siege Weapons.
1,000 Petas 4 Turns to build
Large Square Towers- The second best type of tower available, which is a pretty good addition to populated areas. Taller, more durable, and have more room for ranged units than Medium Towers. Large Square Towers offer a nice range advantage to garrisoned ranged units and can be enhanced by the addition of Mounted Siege Weapons.
1,500 Petas 6 Turns to build
Large Round Towers- The tallest, most durable, and having the most room for ranged units, the Large Round Tower is with out a doubt the best defensive structure you can buy. If you aim to destroy one of these towers you will need either a lot of Siege Units or a long amount of time. As with the Large Square Tower, adding a Mounted Siege Weapon on top can enhance Large Round Towers’ defensive abilities.
3,000 Petas 8 Turns to build

Siege Defenses- Upgrades for certain types of Defensive Structures and some other means of making your populated areas have a better defense against enemy attacks.
Killing Pits- Traps meant to bring enemy soldiers to a sharp and pointy end that are randomly spread around the area they are built in. For the safety of the citizens of the location all Killing Pits are located outside of the locations walls or if no walls are present away from high trafficked areas.
400 Petas 3 Turns to build
Rolling Logs- Though not having an extremely long range a bunch of logs rolling at and enemy formation or siege unit can prove a pretty good means of spreading chaos amongst the enemy’s ranks. If Braziers have also been built in the same location as Rolling Logs the logs shall be set afire right before they are released to cause even more mayhem, chaos, and destruction to your enemies ranks.
300 Petas 2 Turns to build Requires Stone Walls
Stone Baskets- Baskets of rocks and stone that are placed on your walls which allow units on the walls who lack a ranged attack to drop stones and rocks on the heads of enemies who come too close to the walls.
200 Petas 1 Turn to build Requires Wooden Walls or Stone Walls
Braziers- Metal containers located on your walls that are filled with flammable material which will be lit in the case of an enemy attack to allow your units that fire arrows to ignite their arrows to cause more damage to enemies and ignite Rolling Logs right before they are released.
300 Petas 1 Turn to build Requires Stone Walls
Tower Mounted Ballistas- Ballistas that have been modified to be able to work effectively on towers that are immobile except for turning to the right or left. Tower Mounted Ballistas are good at attacking Siege Weapons and very slow units but aren’t that effective against units with a decent speed.
500 Petas 2 Turns to build Requires Large Square Towers or Large Round Towers
Tower Mounted Mangonels- Catapults that have been modified to work effectively on towers that are immobile except for turning to the right or left. Tower Mounted Mangonels have a slight difference from Catapults, which is that they fire a spray of smaller rocks and stones at the enemy instead of one larger stone or rock. Tower Mounted Mangonels are good at attacking large groups of soldiers but have to rely on good luck when trying to target a single unit.
500 Petas 2 Turns to build Requires Large Square Towers or Large Round Towers

Training Centers- These are buildings that can be built which you can use to give your soldiers, Sub-officers, and Grand-Officers extra training in a certain stat.
All training centers cost the same to use and the cost is
30 Petas to train 100 soldiers upon purchase, 60 Petas to train 100 soldiers after purchase
50 Petas to train a Sub-Officer or Grand-Officer upon purchase, 100 Petas to train a Sub-Officer or Grand-Officer after purchase
Dueling Arena- Having a Dueling Arena built in a populated area will allow you to give your soldiers extra training in how to fight with their weapon giving them +2 Attack.
200 Petas 2 Turns to build
Attack Room- Having an Attack Room built in a populated area will allow you to give your soldiers extra training in how to defend themselves giving them +2 Defense.
200 Petas 2 Turns to build
Agility Course- Having an Agility Course built in a populated area will allow you to give your soldiers extra training in agility giving them +2 Speed.
200 Petas 2 Turns to build
Mock Battle Field- Having a Mock Battle Field built in a populated area will allow you to get your soldiers better prepared for the sights and sound of war giving them +20% Moral.
200 Petas 2 Turns to build

Other Structures- Structures that don’t exactly fit into any other category but will still give you certain advantages.
Wizard’s Tower- A tall and impressive tower built near the center of a populated region that a wizard lives in. In battle the Wizard that lives in the tower will use his magic to help defend the location. What you will get from a Wizard can vary from turn to turn and varying anywhere from casting bolts of elementally charged magic from the tower to attack enemies to using his magic to help further protect your units from damage. It may be possible as Shadow of Conquest goes on for you to unlock more abilities of the Wizard’s Tower for your faction.
7,000 Petas 10 Turns to build
Magic Walls- With the addition of this ability to the Wizard’s Tower, the Wizard’s Tower will magically enchant your walls, towers, and buildings that will make them less susceptible to damage and being ignited.
1,000 Petas 4 Turns to install at a Wizard’s Tower Requires Wizard’s Tower
Magic Barrier- With the addition of this ability to the Wizard’s Tower, the Wizard’s Tower will project a magical barrier over the sky above the location when the location comes under attack that will protect the city from aerial assaults and having siege weapon fire go over your walls.
500 Petas 2 Turns to install at a Wizard’s Tower Requires Wizard’s Tower
Engineer’s Guild- Having an Engineer’s Guild in your city will cause a few citizens to be trained in building siege weapons, and repairing your walls, towers, and buildings. In battle an Engineer’s Guild will cause all damaged structures at your locations to be slightly repaired each turn. When not in battle an Engineer’s Guild will decrease the time it takes to repair any damaged structures and decrease the amount of time it takes to build Siege Weapons and Ships by 1 turn, but not bellow 1 turn to build.
600 Petas 2 Turns to build
Armory- When a populated region has an Armory and comes under attack the Armory causes the quality and quantity of civilian militia that will aid in the defense of the location to increase. Though working in a slightly different way for cities of undead an Armory will still give the same effect to a city of undead as it would for a city of the living.
500 Petas 3 Turns to build 2 Turns to restock after a battle.
Military Camp- A type of structure that can be built at locations that isn’t a city, town, or village. A Military Camp is required if you wish to garrison units at locations that aren’t a city, town, or village.
100 Petas 2 Turns to build

Other Important Information
1 Turn = 1 Update
Years- A year on Flour is slightly different than an earth year as Flour’s solar cycle fits in almost exactly with the change of Flour’s seasons because of that the year in Flour goes Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter.
Part and Section- Shadow of Conquest is divided up into two groupings a part and section. A section is one of two pieces of a part and a part is two sections.
Resource and Tax- In Shadow of Conquest there are two main ways to earn credits that doesn’t require fighting or negotiating control over a location Resource and Tax.
Tax- Tax is the money you can get from the people in your cities, towns, and villages and from the profits of certain types of businesses. You can only tax a location once per section
Resource- Resource is the money that you will get from the harvesting of natural resources from an area and the selling of that resource. Resource will be collected at the end of every section and given to the leader of your faction upon the start of the next thread. From there on the faction’s leader can distribute the resources at will.
Current Races
Humans- If you don’t know what a human is you’ve got serious problems.
Undead- Your basic undead except they still have a little bit of free will.
Elves- The elves of Shadow of Conquest look like beautiful humans that mostly have lighter shades of hair and eye color and a slight point to their ears. Along with the physical the elves of Shadow of Conquest are immortal stopping regular aging around age 26, generally peaceful, and have some powers of magic and nature.
Dark Elves- The dark elves of Shadow of Conquest are a lot like the elves of Shadow of Conquest except they mostly have darker shades of hair and eyes, darker and paler skin, are generally warlike, and instead of having some power over nature they have some power over shadows.
Dark Humans- Almost the same as regular humans except they pretty much don’t have any sense of morality and are slightly stronger and more magical.
Harpies- The harpies of Shadow of Conquest look like the more human and beautiful types of harpies. The harpies of Shadow of Conquest also have a mental state that is similar to that of humans.
Mer People- The Mer People of Shadow of Conquest are Mermen and Mermaids that have the ability to switch between a fully human like to having the body of a fish from the waist down whenever they chose.
Drakin- The Drakin are a cross race between humans and dragons that have a wider range of hair color, dragonic eyes, stronger skin and nails than humans, and human sized dragon wings on their back. The only other differences between Drakin and Humans is that Drakin have more inherent power over magic than humans and that Drakin are more reclusive in nature than humans.
Unit Creation- You can try to create new or improved types of soldiers, siege weapons, or ships but that doesn’t mean that it will be a success and sometimes creating new units can take more than one turn to create. One note on unit creation “As of the current gunpowder has not yet been discovered. This means if you try to create something that requires gunpowder to work it will most likely fail.”
Migration- Say a certain race would be to eager to rebel against your rule or you don’t want anything to do with a certain race you can change the race of a populated area to a race that your faction has a city of through a forced migration. To migrate a populated area just state that you wish to migrate the populated area to the race you wish to migrate it to. Migrating a populated area will take 5 turns to complete.
Purchases- When purchasing units pleases list how many you want and the costs to buy that group and then at the bottom of the purchase list put a total cost, how many Petas you started with, and how many Petas you have left.
Communicating with other players in game- Sending messages to other players is allowed even if you are in battle but it will take a certain amount of time. The amount of time it will take for a message to get to another player will vary depending on how far it is between you and the person you are sending a message to. The only time a sending a message will not take at least 1 turn to send is when you and the other player you’re sending a message to is at the same location as you.
Mortal Enemies- When two factions are Mortal Enemies it means that that those two factions can’t trade with or have an alliance with the other faction. All factions will have at least one mortal enemy that is determined by events that happened before the game officially started.
Mortal Enemies List
Occupation Force and Kingdom of Breno
Devil Alliance and United Church of Flour
PvP Battles- Whenever more than one player is in a battle if one or more players fails to post a move in time I shall take control of the character that failed to post a move for that turn. The move that I will give you a move that will be either random, average, continuing with previously used tactics, or below average which shall be determined through a system I have decided upon to make it random which type of move you get.
Battling- When battling you should not god mode it will be very simple with the other player doing something and then you countering that move. Then I as the neutral third party decide what happens. This stays true for all battles including battles with other races. You can do most anything with your troops including fight with them do advanced orders etc.
Player 1: Longbowman fire at the Zombies
Player 2: Have Zombies continue charge and my Death Knights are two stay right behind Zombies.
Mod: Some of the frontline Zombies fall but for the most part the charge continues undeterred. Zombies are one turn away from soldiers. Death Knights have fallen behind Zombies.
Loss: 350 Zombies
What won’t be accepted is this
Player 1: I Fire Arrows at Zombies
Player 2: Zombies charge toward the archers and hit them like a tidal wave breaking through them and killing everyone it turns into a complete route.
Mod: -_- Player 2 suddenly dies.
Leave of Absence- If you are going to be unable to post a move for over two weeks you can let another member of your faction control your character until you return as long as you should be gone for less than two months. Note I must be informed if you let another member of your faction control your character.
Posting Formats- These are the ways you should start off your move. Repeatedly failing to use one of the formats shall get your move ignored.

Name Name
Location or Faction
Faction Location

Inactive- If you have failed to post for many turns in a row you will be labeled inactive and your spot is open for replacement by another forum member. If you would get labeled inactive and show up before your spot is given away you can keep the spot but if you go inactive again you shall remain permanently inactive.
Major NPCs- These are NPCs of Shadow of Conquest that will play more of a role in the game than the rest and you could possibly get to ally with you. As Shadow of Conquest progresses more Major NPCs will be added as they are discovered.
Duke Selvas- The Lord of Vurrio Duke Selvas was single handedly responsible for raising the ancient city that was refurbished and renamed Vurrio. How exactly he raised the city from the ground is unknown to Flour. What is known though is that Duke Selvas is a strong and smart leader. Though his allegiance is unknown if he would side with a faction he could be a great asset to them, with his only real problem being he is more independent than most other Major NPCs. Location Vurrio
Abilities- Unknown
General Saria- One of the Drakin who have ventured outside of Ra’Sha. When she heard of what was happening in Breno Saria found the Kingdom of Breno’s stronghold and offered to help them against the Occupation Force. The Kingdom of Breno in need of more aid against the Occupation Force allowed her to join and when they found out she knew how to lead soldiers in battle promoted her to the rank of General. After some overall successes for the Kingdom of Breno after General Saria joined them General Saria and the rest of the Kingdom of Breno’s major figures joined up in one great big attack to retake Baisul. During the battle the Occupation Force captured General Saria and since then nobody is exactly sure what happened to her. Location Unknown
Abilities- Unknown
Count Deston- A cruel man who is a lot like Gerinax Fargir that was appointed by Gerinax to keep Baisul’s citizens from trying to start a rebellion against the Occupation Force that even the Occupation Force’s oppressiveness couldn’t stop from forming in Baisul. Though able to make sure Baisul keeps on being as profitable as it did before the Occupation Force took over and crushing attempts to start a rebellion in Baisul, outside of the city he has been of little use as to do his job he has to be at Baisul. Location Baisul
Regent of Baisul- Being appointed to ensure Baisul stays loyal to the Occupation Forces Count Deston can’t leave Baisul and must be killed before Baisul could be taken over by another faction.

Faction Major NPCs- Each faction has a special Major NPC that will be extremely loyal to their faction, will bring your faction a new unit when they join, and should one of your faction’s members die will become a playable character but first they must be unlocked during the game. Unlocking the Major NPC is the hard part though since there will be something special you will have to do to unlock them.

One hint to every faction- “The Major NPC of your faction is not on the list of Major NPCs that were known of at the start of the game.”

Clues for Each Faction- There may be possibilities in the future to win or buy more clues for your faction.

1. Fallow the forum rules.
2. If you have a comment on another player’s move or application pm them.
3. If you think I missed you, forgot something in your move, or made a mistake pm me unless my pm box is full. If my pm box is full then you can post it in the game.
4. Don’t spam my game with posts that are just a bump.
Application Form- I put this down here to try and get you people to read the game first

Desired Position: (You are allowed to have 2 back ups at maximum.)
Why should you get that position: (Self-explanatory)
Forum- Should this go well and if I get enough people to play then I will create a forum for this game.
Note- This game was originally created for a forum that is more developed and much more active then this one so it might change slightly depending on how things go.

And yes this is somewhat like Battle for Rome(made it a while ago)

Mr. Facepalm

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Facepalm) and was a member of The Dacians


Mr. Facepalm

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Wicked Witch of The West) and was a member of The Dacians


Mr. Wicked Witch of The West

Lived in Era 35, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Peacekeepers

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