Family History

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Mr. Arthur Pendragon

Lived in Era 30 and got 1 heir(s) (Uther Pendragon).


Sir Uther Pendragon

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Uther Pendragon) and was a member of Drug Lords

Uther comes from a strong bloodline of Celtic overlords, who owned the Kingdm of Cambria. He grew up and was raised in Cambria and when he came of age he went to war with his Father and Grandfather (Arther and Uric). In this battle Uther is knocked unconscious by a swinging flail and wakes four years later in the company of his guard to find that there is no longer any kingdom for him to be heired to, and that his father and grandfather deied fighting side by side in the oncoming waves of the Saxon Hordes. Cambria fought hard but it fell to it's knees and collapsed. With nowhere else to go he roamed the lands to find companions.
He then met Sanoh, a feirce enemy and a reliable companion and join him in the northern fleet of the Drug Lords in hope of one day rebuilding his on Cambria.

Sir Uther Pendragon

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Uric Pendragon) and was a member of Drug Lords

As a Member of the Drug Lords Uther had promised to back out and help and old friend. Little did he know that helping this friend would change his life and restore the old alliance of Elf and Man. Eventually Uther had to pose as his own Son (who doesn't exsist) in order to hide from the Saxon hordes from the North.

Now the time has come to defeat the ghosts of his pasts, and even time in it's self to finish his race to reach mortality as his Elven friend Transet is.

The Alliance has been finalized and the Beacons are lit and the horns are blazed....

A sunrise of blood aproaches

Sir Uric Pendragon

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Uther Pendragon) and was a member of Drug Lords

In the Short rise of the Black Chain Uther Pendragon and Transet ruled well and made good allies in the process.

Though this was done, people tend to back stab at the sight of growing power...

One allied kingdom split up and moved to another allied kingdom, who mereged with a friendly kingdom...

This kingdom stayed friendly for a day or so and was called by, The Alliance.

3 kingdoms formed into one.

Another alliance planned our demise all the way through, and they attacked. When this happened The Alliance joined in. All but two major defence cities were left one held my my father, Uther Pendragon and the other my my comrad Transet. Transet fought off many men with archmages but soon fell. As this happened Uther stayed behind to help our one honorable alliance, the Mafia to get a foothold in the west. Then 15K men at Mediobogdums gates left Uther Nervous, he attempted numerous time to break their seige but failed each time, but dwindled their numbers more. The final strike came and those Brave Twothousand left defeated the remaining eightthousand men.

Uther's men ran for protection as he stayed with Mafia to honor his friendship and Loyalty, and there.... he very well may have died.

I am Uric Pendragon, son of this honorable war lord and heir to his throne of Cambria. Though this kingdom may long be in ruins you can never take the courage of a people from thier leader. He promised to return and come on the dawn of our needs, for this i will always look to the skys for the Great Uther Pendragon, Knight of the Black. One day he will come back and lead as he has before...




and Valor

The way of the Warrior

Sir Uther Pendragon

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Ullic Pendragon) and was a member of The Black Chain

As every warrior begins one must meet it's end...

In the feild of Battle Uric was struck down by a severely blown arrow and has retired from the military and has started in his quest for the Black Goblet of Immotality.

Little did he know that the day after his leave his father came from the lands of Zete to reclaim his title...

Once again the reuniting of the Pendragon Bloodline has been posponed.

Lord Ullic Pendragon

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Ullic Pendragon) and was a member of The Black Chain

Chapter One: The Trinity

Once again as in Zetemania we are attempting a Trinity. In Zeta Trogdar was quick on the trigger finger and joined his alliances to kill us ruining the Trinity.

Now Slade our old alliance leader is forming Trinity with us once again with Burnts standard hanging high.
The Third Kingdom is Dark Assasians led by my old master Blaze/Postman who taught me much and i know i may very well trust the both of them. For the moment Slade/Anubis cannot be active and has set Ms. Critical Acclaim to the job of leading. I also feel that we can trust her as well.

Chapter Two: The Outlanders

As we are in celebration a distant scout does not return from his outpost position and we fear for the worst.
We send a party of eight to scout and find a civilization of Orc and Troll tribes over the mountains. I fear of what may come but we must act fast and use haste to our advantage with these brutish outlanders of the Angels.

Chapter three: The offensive
I threw cation to the wind and sent men to snub the outlanders out before they could do the same to us. In oing so all but 6 men died by sheer luck... and by chance i was one of those three... broken and battered we marched from a lost battle towards the safety of Avra... Though we did not know yet, Heliosantrum, my home town, the housing of my families and friends, was under the command of Orcs now. They countered me and i have caught myself in my greatest flaw... Underestimation... such a downfall...

Lord Ullic Pendragon

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Ullic Pendragon) and was a member of The Black Chain


Lord Ullic Pendragon

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Uther Pendragon) and was a member of The Black Chain

Chapter four: Rebirth

As time passes all wounds heal, as did mine and the shame under my fathers name... After i survive the Orc invasion i moved to a spacious land by the name of Nirvana. The trinity was lost in our downfall and though it may be relived one day it will not anytime soon. I have learned a great deal through my travels and have been hardened by battle.

Chapter five: The Highlander

I have spoken to the Highlander, a man of a near by faction and they seem to agree that an alliance will be good on both of our sides. I believe that our newfound ally is trustworthy. In finding him, i found an old enemy as well. But in saying this i must say that i run by "keep your enemies close" for that is what i did in Zetamania, and it has earned me a friend that was once an enemy. Burninglegion.

Chapter six: Battle Plan

As a war chief i have always put it to mind that a war tis not a challenge if there is nothing worth fighting for, and a war worth fighting in has no honor for simple treasures. The urgency to better oneself and to keep a safe haeven for those surrounding you is what comes to this mind on the dawn of war. On this notion i sit in my Campaign tent writing up battle plans for our possible conquests that may lay ahead.

Chapter seven: The Trade off

My good enemy BurningLegion has joined us in the Black Chain and we saved him from anihilation through politics... Now we have turned our heads on The Juganitorri for war prizes.

Chapter eight: Jugan**(%&#*

We have started warring with the Juganitorri and i believe that we can hold them off... but as a backup plan i have ordered the production of a hidden backup core...
In my heart i know that we can hold them though...

Chapter nine: The Standard of the Pendragon

At the tide of war nothing is rarely remembered except for one sight, one driven force to make you push on...
In this war when the tide was against us and all hope was gone i remember seeing the Crimson Banner over the hilltop and seeing the Celtic warlord that is my Grandfather stand before the Orcish horde...
Him and his band of knights, the "Four Forty" charged into battle from the hill. Armour shining in the rising of a new sum, and the roaring thunder of Calvary hoofs brought fear into the Horde. In the last clash of the battle we were victorious... Yet one thing will always be remembered and that was my Grandfather. Praefectus Castorum Uther Pendragon, The Knight of the Black charged into the center of the Horde.
He fought hard and came upon a decision. Fight for glory and take out the leader, or fight for infamy and hinder the running boomer headed for the city gates...
On this day Uther Pendragon dropped his stubborness and pride and took up the Crimson Banner of the Pendragon, with this banner he ran for the boomer, thrashing and smashing his way through the horde. He swept the boomer down to the ground and in a fatal explosion and smoke he was lost, and with him left his pride...

Chapter ten: Reclaimation

Now i Ullic Pendragon stand before you... MY PEOPLE! In honor of a fallen warrior, once FEARED BY ALL MEN. THE ONLY MAN TO THROW DOWN HIS SWORD AND TAKE SHIELD TO HAND TO DEFEND OUR PEOPLE!
I Declare TODAY! The say of the 33rd, as the DAY OF THE CRIMSON BANNER!

That the best of us made it possible for the dawning of a new era, and the RISE OF THE ERA OF THE CRIMSON BANNER!
Tommorow we will march from these walls, and they will hear our yells and feel ou raproach and they will feel fear flow through them like NEVER BEFORE!


Lord Uther Pendragon

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Carthac Pendragon) and was a member of Assassins Creed

Chapter 11: "The Champion"

In the prosperous times of Cambria my family has concieved two children. One of my wife and the other of my sister, by the name of Britannicus.

One named After the Celtic Bird Merlyn, and the Other after the bravest man i have ever known. Uther Pendragon.

Garreth Whistler, as my Champion to the Dragon Guard i am appointing you to choose your successor, and come the the Pendragon Stronghold to live out your days...

Merlyn lives safely in Camulod under the Varrus family's protection in the Villa Varrus. He is being trained in the art of Calvary as a Camulodian trooper. As this will be the same for Uther throughout the Spring and Summer of every year. He will leave for Camulod then and come back to us in Cambria in the fall.

I want him to learn from my best Whistler, and in a dying mans wishes, My father Uric's wishes i send you this letter. He fears that Uther holds he key to something grand in the world and will mean much to our great kingdom someday, as does the Varrus and Britannicus families in Camulod. I do not know what these great minds shared in past conversations but i know that they wished me to appoint you to look after the recently concieved Uther Pendragon and sire him into the man he was meant to be.

As a companion, friend, and relative Merlyn will always be at his side. They will learn and rely on one another as the hummingbird relies on the rose bush, and i appoint you to give the guidance of a warrior to young Uther.

Praefectus Castorum Ullic Pendragon
P.S. Metamorphosis from the cacoon is a precious thing friend.

As the endless years passed Whistler stood side by side with the me teaching all he knew of Morality and Honor in fighting. As many warriors also know these concepts they also knew fear.
One day as a child he told me,
"Do not run from your fears, turn and face them. For the moment you look away they will control you."
and up until this very day i have lived up to his words and taken everything into account. This man was not just a Champion of the Pendragon, though he may have been an outlander he was a friend, and family to many. He was a strange man, but a loyal warrior with a big heart and much love.

I stand here in front of you today as Uther Leaywnn Pendragon a boy sired from day one by this Grand Champion.

Today we do not cherish just Garreth Whistler's life but the life given by him even through death. As a true warrior Garreth did as he taught me to do and faced his fears. On the fronts in the east he fought to protect our lands and died there. Through to the end he remained Cambria's Champion and will always be so, but today we lay him to rest on this Pyre and send him on Babdah's back above the smoking battlefields and forth into the heavens.

May the Gods be with your soul Garreth.
And the day we honor your sacrifice we proclaim you duties as complete.

From this day forth i, Uther Pendragon take up the Shield of Cambria and fufil Garreth's dreams, for today the boy he has sired is now and forever will be The War Chief of the Pendragon.

Lord Carthac Pendragon

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Huw Pendragon) and was a member of Assassins Creed

It is now Decades past the Rule of Uther Pendragon of the wars in Cambria, and now after his death factions, Uther's highest and most trusted men are fighting over the throne...

The Pendragon lands are in ruin and beneath hatered.
There is one thing left dear to me and that is the Black Veil of my Ancestors, for i am... The true Heir.

Chapter 1: Carthac Pendragon

The alliance in the south east appear to be a strong start out and will progress quickly over time.

I do not fear for the worse but for the best...
I know nothing of what power does to men in the greatest of struggles...

Lord Huw Pendragon

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Uther Pendragon) and was a member of Assassins Creed

Entry #1:

I have noticed that my ancestor Carthacs diaries have gone missing. All i could find was the first entry. I do not know what happened to him but it may seem that he was correct about his suspicions and how power can change an alliance into a war.

Entry #2:

My time with Sanoh in EMO drawls to a close end, i will bring back the kingdom of my fathers and renew the Pendragon name.

Entry #3:

I look to the horizon and see that there may be now way out of this for me... Enemies surround me on all sides, i must escape to rejoin Uther Pendragon. It seems he has come to reclaim the throne of Cambria in my absence of war. I must go and fight for him, but first i must make my way from this hell hole.

Lord Uther Pendragon

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Uther Pendragon) and was a member of Assassins Creed

My Trusting and Faithful companion Huw "Strongarm" Pendragon has sent messenger to me. He has told me a situation of mass destruction comes not only to him but eventually the people of Cambria, My people.

Entry #1: The people of the Dragon

The hills of Cambria have stayed as beautiful as they have always been. In my bloodlines absence after the first Uther Pendragons disappearance in a Saxon raid, our people fought back and pushed the invaiders back to hold their homeland.

I learned this upon my arrival into Tir Manha, at first no one knew who i was for i was wearing a traveling cloak over my Armour.
I moved towards the Elders Chambers and as i moved the guards at the doors moved to stop me.

In the process of doing this one faltered and looked at the other in astonishment for keeping his guard. The guard who appeared to know that he shouldnt drawl a weapon against me bowed leaving the other standing at guard. The other man of whom i will soon know as Haslek looked at the bowing soldier in astonishment.

"Who is this man to make you bow Faradil? We are the Elders Guards"

In this small tussle i moved past Faradil the kneeling soldier and through the threshold. As i walked into the circular chamber with Red cloth hanging from the ceiling and furs on the ground of the entrance i heard Haslek call to me again.

"You do not ignore the Centurion of the Dragon Guard! You do not know who you are dealing with."

As i heard this i turned around with a look that some will later mythologize as being a glacier blue to peirce the heart of every man and said.

"No my friend you do not know who you are dealing with"

By this time all the six encumbered chairs of the Elder's eight were empty. All of the present six with their eyes on me watching me say this and wondering who I could be.

Haslek once again moves forward to stop me pulling his sword from its sheath to initiate his attack. From a clear twenty paces i saw the flash of his blade and i knew i needed to act quick.
As he closed on ten paces i threw off my travel cloak revealing by Amber Red Legion Armour with the Bronze crest of the Pendragon at the centre of the Chest. I drew my Long Calvary Sword and moved swiftly with great agility spinning off to the left throwing up a dust cloud with my quickly decided action. Holding the hilt of my sword in my right hand at even height with his head and pushing the flat face of the blade against my left at level with his abdomen i deflected his blow and flourished the hilt over his shoulder smashing in the back of his helmet and sending him falling to the ground.

The Elders could not see the majority of this skirmish because of the quickly drawl cloud of dust that accumulated with my movement. Though they did not see that they clearly saw who the victor was by the time the cloud left. They saw the Bronze and Gold faced Dragon upon my legionary Armour standing above the helpless Haslek with RavenThorn pointing directly at his throat.

"I will tell you who i am, though you may not like it i am that thrones heir. I am Uther Pendragon son of Ullic Pendragon. Names of which you know but sired to new men further down the bloodline. I come now to warn you of Dangers from the south and given you the full support of my RavenGuard."

As i say this the chief Druid moves forward to adress me and say.

"Uther Pendragon, i have longed to meet you for some time come claim your seat beside me."

Lord Uther Pendragon

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Uther Pendragon) and was a member of Assassins Creed

Now the Federation has risen and crowned its true king.
Sometimes i find it difficult to believe that my Ancestors kingdom has lasted this long without the BloodLine.

One day i was sitting in my Chambers and i saw out the window what seemed to be a Camulodian trooper riding fast towards out walls...

A few minutes later i heard a knock and the man came in.
He stopped a few paces short and gave a salute, slamming his closed fist to his Armour.

"Sir i have new from The Legions of Camulod, We have Saxon troops growing in the North, We sent a scout and he didnt come back. We are preparing to defend ourselves and Commander Merlyn wanted to ask the assistance of your longbows."

"Aye i will dispatch them as soon as possible. Huw will lead them and i will also the My Calvary, The FourFoury with more Knights. Tell Merlyn this and he will know to expect me in due time."

The Camulodian messenger then Salutes, turns on a dime and then leaves. Leaving me to my thoughts.

The preparations for war were slow, and we made sure we were ready to get the job done. There was no room for mistake, and in a way it cost me. My countries production went slim but the second i sent out we moved back to normal business. Well, not I... The council took lead in my absence and made sure the Provinces were fairing well.

Now i find that The FourFourty is prepaired and are a good ten plus days behind. We will follow up the Red Army and assist them. Every night we would set up a small camp to assist with just enough cover for one night, then as always head out as early as possible the next day. Each night me and my Decurions would discuss our battle strategies. Your Mobile Mountain Riders would take their smaller mounts into the mountains and forests to push the invaders out into the fields where they would face a rain of Arrows follow by the Heavy Calvary.

Lord Uther Pendragon

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Uther Pendragon) and was a member of Pendragon Federation


Lord Uther Pendragon

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Uther Pendragon) and was a member of Pendragon Federation

Entry # 1

In these fearsome battles things seemed to unfold nicely.

Towards the end of the first fall, there was an ambush upon our grounds and a warrior in our rank who was currently unknown came out of the comotion and showed leadership skills that would be natural to a Pendragon.

His name was Erastes, and like many others before his time he led and fought hard. Under any other circumstances we would hold the lines, but the odds we just to over whelming.

We fell back again, and again, until we were finally in the defense of Tir Manha.

This is where we will make our final push and is also where i am writing from. We have called for assistance but none has come, we are all in hopes that our Archery units have still been unseen on patrol and are waiting for the right time to strike.

Entry #2

The city of Tir Morlae stood fast and hard as long as it ever was expected to but once the walls fell we barely squeezed out alive.

Both sides had many casualties and now i fear that the city is beyond repair, mere rubble in the fields of my fathers.

Now we have retreated back the the front lines are depleating but we still have not given up. We have pushed and pushed every step of the way and now there will be no turning back from here, either it is die fighting or die giving in and i do not do the second one good at all.

Lord Uther Pendragon

Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Uther Pendragon) and was a member of Pendragon Federation

Inthe early start out of his era i look upon a alliance of promise, a well trusted and well placed alliance.

With huge enemies on the horizon i can only but wonder if we can hold out.

Lord Uther Pendragon

Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Uther Effing Pendragon) and was a member of Pendragon Federation


Lord Uther Effing Pendragon

Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Uther Pendragon) and was a member of Cease to Exist


Lord Uther Pendragon

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Uric Pendragon) and was a member of Cease to Exist


Lord Uric Pendragon

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Uther Pendragon) and was a member of Imperium of Knights

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