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Mr. Live And Inconcert

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Rock Gods) and was a member of Freedom Fighters

It's ten after 8, this should have started 30 minutes ago, Tooti was thinking to herself. She checked her watch again...then looked at her cell phone just to make sure the batteries weren't dead. Sure enough....8:11.
"for as much as this cost me, i better be getting more than leg cramps!" Tooti was starting to get angry...and that's when it happened.
The lights went out in a hurry, making everything around her a pitch black. Probably one of the darkest places she'd ever been. Tooti's mood went from angry to very anxious in a hurry. When most people in this place would be scared out of their wits, Tooti started to get a little excited. But, she'd always sort of been that way. Tooti was one of those people that could watcht one of the most terrifying movies ever made and then, not think twice about going outside into the dark.
"what is that smell?" Totti thought to herself. She looked up and saw a HUGE cloud of smoke pouring out not more than 25 feet in front of her.
"It almost smells like.....Vanilla"
Then all of the sudden, one large ray of green light shown upon her like she was being targeted from a sniper rifle. Then there were more lights much like the one that was on her. As Tooti scanned the area around her, she noticed that it was packed with people and almost every single one of them had a green light pointed at them.
"GOSH! its now 8:22 and i have a freaking curfew!" The excitement and anticipation she was feeling was gone in less than ten minutes.
The green lights were gone now and in their place stood 5 BRIGHT spotlights...but the odd thing was, there was nobody under them.
BOOOOOM! a very loud sound boomed from the area where the spotlights were, it was so loud that Tooti's ears started to ring. Just then the corners of Tooti's mouth creaked up just a bit, and almost resembled a smile.
Then, the spotlights went out....
"Technical difficulties, has to be..." Tooti thought aloud.
Then she saw a very large shadow appear out of no where. The shadow was standing right where the center spotlight would have shown, and in a flash that same spotlight came on.
The man was very creepy looking. Looked like he hadn't shaved in months, had many piercings and tattoos. The man wore a plain black t-shirt, what looked like VERY expensive jeans and a pair of Black Chuck Taylor All-Stars...Tooti's favorite shoe. The man had came out staring at the floor, and still a few minutes later was still staring at the floor. He was holding something in his right hand, that Tooti could see very well. And although she couldn't recognize him, she felt like she knew him.
Then the man lifted his head and pulled the thing he had in his hand and.....BAM!
"Ladies and gentlemen, tonight live and inconcert...........

Mr. Rock Gods

Lived in Era 36, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Freedom Fighters

Then there was a long pause....
The anticipation started to kill Tooti.
At that moment the crowd around Tooti began to scream so loudly she could feel the fluid in her ears vibrating in her head. Then the chant started. Just then the spotlight came on and shown brightly on the stage. The man was in clear view now. Then the rest followed. With the flickering on each spotlight my anticipation grew. Then the man spoke again...
"WELCOME TO THE STAGE....the greatest rock band ever assembled on stage. The ultimate supergroup!"
The crowd was going berserk. I started to get goose bumps. the chills ran up my arms and down my spine. All of the sudden on of the band members came out and he was easily recognizable and as he took his spot in the back behind the largest drum set i have ever seen, i knew right then that this concert was going to kick ass.
The roadie, which is what Tooti liked to think of him as was still on stage, and as he spoke the drummer's name he litterally had to scream in the microphone.
"NEAL PEART," the roadie said...and no sooner did the t sound roll off his tounge, the crowd suprisingly go louder. The people next to me were yelling so loud i couldn't hear myself talk.
Neal Peart, Tooti thought to the greatest drummer of all time less than a hundred ft in front of me. How could it get better than this? Just then it did, Neal started a little drum roll and the "roadie" was about to the next name. So i focused all my attention on the man in front.
"And now the man on bass guitar...welcome Steve HARRIS!" the crowd again went absolutely bonkers.
The man on stage started to speed it up now, "On rhythm guitar please welcome..." then there was a short pause. "Malcom YOUNG!"
"WHO?", Tooti thought to herself. Tooti definately didn't know who this man was..."Psshhhh greatest band ever"
Then next name was rattled off..."a special guest is here with us tonight, ladies and gentlemen welcome to the stage...MR. ERIC CLAPTON!"
Now there's a name i know, Tooti thought to herself.
"Tonight on lead guitar...ladies and gentlemen, the legend Jimmy PAGE!"
This was the loudest the crowd had gotten yet!
"wow, jimmy page" to Tooti this was like a dream come true.
"now, introducing the lead singer of the greatest supergroup EVER.....and now he's back from the dead..."
"Dead!?", Tooti thought.
"Freddie Fucking Mercury!"
Tooti then started to see black..and before she knew it she passed out.
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