Family History

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Mr. Tovladian Soltyr

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Reece Soltyr) and was a member of Border Patrol

Tovladian Soltyr of Mjolnar did not become a ruler over night. He was once a humble ranger of the Nightshade forests, until one day that all changed. The king of Midgaurdia charged Tovladian with the saving of his son, Reece Tyrhand, Prince of Midgaurdia. Tovladian fought many foes and gained many friends along the way of completing the task before him. Upon slaying the Demon, Zalcor, and rescuing Crimson's son, Tovladian was awarded land and riches for the completion of his task.

Since this time he has settle a small city of elves that he named "Frenris" after a wolf of the norse people. It is a city that is quickly growing and becoming known among the lands. Soon came the times of war however and a king by the name of Sorra a dwarf of the monarchy of Kingdom Hearts prepared to attack his people. Tovladian knowing the times when to flee and when to fight new that it was time to escape his fair city and avoid the loss of any of his followers. Tovladian and his people travaled into the core of a monarchy known as The Alliance, and settled a new city there, the city of Mjolnar. He lived happily within the kingdom of The Alliance until war broke, which it was not a good time for war since it was this time, Reece Soltyr was born, being named after the boy he saved to become a ruler in the first place. The war went on for many years and in the end, The Alliance was over powered, Reece was now 15 at this point and fearing for his future, Tovladian sent his son with a few soldiers to go away from the battle and live his own life. He gave Reece enough money to survive upon and perhaps start his very own civilization. Reece left and now journeys to new land where safety is what he seeks. Tovladian unforchantly died in battles later to come, over powered by the armies that came from the Kingdom Hearts.

Tovladian is said to be a fair and friendly ruler and is gaining in popularity among his followers. He can be a very formidable opponent in times of war and will do all he has to, to protect his people. So warning to all those that wish to cause harm to his followers.

Sir Reece Soltyr

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Tovladian Soltyr) and was a member of Border Patrol

A lone tear streamed down the face of Reece as he left his family, his home, and his life as he knew it behind. He was commanded by his father, Tovladian Soltyr to flee the once grand city of Mjolnar during the times of pending defeat.

"Father, Mother, why don't you flee with me?" Reece cried.

"We must stay here and defend our people, Reece, someday you will understand why one must make sacrifice for the ones they love. I wish your mother would go with you, but she wishes to stay by my side as my wife to the end. You Reece, must continue the blood line, carry the Soltyr name onward to the future. I have faith in you son, you will be a great leader someday," Tovladian replied to his heart broken son.

After receiving the last memories of his mother and father that he would have to carry with him, Reece left the city with one of Mjolnar's most skill soldiers to guide him to safe lands. From his mother he received a necklace that was of a tears shaped sapphire entwined with a silver frame. From his father, one of the finest elven crafted longsword to be seen far and wide, the blade was long with a faint blue tent to it with an etching of a dragons neck and head on the blade, the hilt formed the wings of the dragon in gold, and the handle formed the body and tail. Reece to this day has never released those items from his person.

Reece and the army guarding him traveled to far off lands and settle within a kingdom known as the Border Patrol which the monarch of the kingdom was a friend of Tovladians. Reece was given some land to settle by King Army and thus Tivargull was born. Not to long after Tivargull started to flourish, Reece went on to settle Fljotmatr and Yagrisil. After his cities started to become larger, Reece decide he would like to become a very active warrior of The Border Patrol and within no time his now main city of Tivarofridr was settled and he prepared to construct an army the likes that no one has ever seen before. With as likable as Reece was he had no problem getting peasants to enlist in his armies, cause they new he was a fair and honest ruler.

And thus...the Era of a new Soltyr has started.......

Lord Tovladian Soltyr

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Emberforge) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore

Named after his grandfather, Tovladian is the next generation of the Soltyr bloodline. He studies the arcane arts much like his father and grandfather before him did. A scryer once cast their vision into a crystal ball to view the future of the boy when he was birthed. With the most gleeful of grins the old mage said....He will be a lord of the arcane arts known far and wide within the lands.

His story is just beginning, for his father Reece Soltyr has given him a small army and enough gold and resources to venture off into the world and make a name for himself. To learn the ways of the world, he is still young and wet behind the ears so Reece wants him to experience what it is like to build and grow a civilization before handing the Soltyr Kingdom over to him. Reece still to this day resides in Tivarofridr and has a scrying pull where he keeps a good eye on Tovladian. Lets see what unfolds for this son of a Soltyr.

Tovladian seemed to take to leading his own cities much like a fish takes to water. The first city he settled was Gullriki, followed by Holtriki, and Buriki. After those cites began to become populated and flourish he decide it was time to build and army. He with a few of his men settled Herlidriki, soon to produce the largest army of elves known to the lands!

The Border Patrol has now joined up with Shinobi to form the new kingdom of The Alliance, the very same kingdom that his grandfather served in. Tovladian's only fears are that history has a way of repeating itself, will it be Tovladian's time to pass? To become yet another cut thread of the tapestry of life and thrown aside like so many other scraps. He however doesn't have a son, only a Dwarven child he found along the travels to Zeta. The child has called him father ever since Tovladian rescued him from an Orc village that had many people captive as slaves, all the others were adults that could fend for themselves but the dwarven child was alone, so Tovladian took the child under his wing. The child has become very adept at magic under the care of Tovladian, his name....Emberforge. What shall become of Tovladian Soltyr and his adopted son Emberforge with the on going war. The City of Gullriki where the peaceful Grey Elves dwelled has been burnt to the ground. Destiny's armies are relentlessly trudging through the lands of the alliance destroying city by city. Hopefully Tovladian and the Alliance will be able to emerge victorious in the war, but only time will tell.

Holtriki was the next to burn at Destiny's hands, followed not to long after was Buriki. Not to long after their destruction, Tovladian sent out a few armies in different locations to try to settle new lands outside the tides of war. He sent Emberforge with one of them, and they settled Ohofriki, which would be the new home for the Grey elves and some of the woodelves as well that survived the attacks of Gullriki and Holtriki. The 2nd army settled a new place for the aquatic elves to move to, it was named after there old lands, New Buriki. Ohofriki was settled within one of the cores of the Royal Order of the Claiyhmore with the permission of The Ancient Basio. New Buriki was established in the 2nd main core of The Alliance...sorry to say however it didn't last very long. It wasn't to long before Destiny had broke into The Alliances 2nd core and started destroying cities. New Buriki was one of the cities to be destroyed. Herlidriki was standing wave after wave of armies from both Destiny and Knights of the White Wolf, which it had seemed that the calvary had arrived so to speak with Trogdar of RoC stepped in and protected Herlidriki from the Wolf forces. Herlidriki stood under the pressure of attacks for a long time, but it seemed to be written in the stars for Herlidriki to be captured. It was finally taken over by Kunga of Destiny, however it wasn't an easy takeover by far. With the defeat of Herlidriki, Tovladian had no choice but to flee with his people to Ohofriki which is now the main lands of Tovladian kingdom.

Now that Tovladian is safe within the walls of Ohofriki he has been sending out armies to establish new lands to build his once strong army back to it's full force. One of the armies that Tovladian had sent out finally reported to him that they had settled some land in an open area near the forest and named it Yagrasill, it shall house a population of wood elves. Another army reported that a new spot for the aquatic elves was established by the name Legend of Burik. The age seems to be turning around for Tovladian and his son, Emberforge...could revenge be in the stars for the Soltyr clan......I believe we shall soon find out.

Ohofriki is now a virtual metropolis, one of the largest cities within the Alliances control. Tovladian is now preparing to take back Herlidriki and with Destiny now at peace with the alliance, Tovladian has a chance to focus his battles with the Knights of the White Wolf. The reign of Tovladian Soltyr is turning out to be very unlike his grandfather. He now has new hope for his adopted sons future within the world, Tovladian's wife, Fraylanna has given birth to their son, Txanmic Soltyr. I'm sure we shall see more of the Soltyr name once Txanmic is old enough to take the throne. Until then when Tovladian decides to be an advisor instead of a leader he shall let Emberforge take the throne to lead a city as he sees fit.

Lord Emberforge

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Txanmic Soltyr) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore

The sun peers just over the mountain side, glowing brilliantly with it's rays dancing within the sky. This is the day of a new era, of a new dawn, and that of a new ruler. Tovladian stands before Emberforge, who is now the equivalent of a young adult by dwarven and elven standards. Tovladian removes the crown from his head and places it upon the head of his adopted son.

"These lands are yours now, I stand by yourself as an adviser now M'lord, my son, Emberforge," Tovladian said as he knelt before the new ruler.

Emberforge nodded his head and asked his father to rise, "Aye fother, I hope to be as good a leader as you were to these people, a city full of elves and dwarves alike, living in unity. Lads and lassies, I come to you not as your leader, but as your friend. Should you follow my orders I promise only good can come from it. Together we will fortify these lands, and grow to be world renown. Together with the Royal Order of the Claidhmore we shall conquer these lands, probably making many friends and enemies along the way. But we shall stand together and we shall stand strong against all odds!"

It was on that day that the crowds of people could be heard for miles around. Emberforge then with 50 of his most trusted soldiers went out to settle new lands for his people to populate. The first city he shall settle shall be named Gold Hammer, this shall be the capital of his cities where he shall live and keep his strongest soldiers.

What will this world hold for Emberforge, shall he become as strong as his father, Tovladian, or shall he even surpass his father in strength? We shall soon see as we follow this story, the story of an adopted Soltyr.

----------------------------Chapter 2----------------------------------------------

Emberforge has now settled Gold Hammer as well as a small community by a river by the name of Hammervale. A clan of Plains Dwarves have settled within the city of Hammervale, which pleased Emberforge cause he had only heard stories of Plains Dwarves, all the dwarves he knew of lived in the ground or in mountains. After he successfully build some cities for gathering resources he then constructed a city in the far off lands, Ironwood, to have a refuge for his people should the Kingdom that they are at war with proved to be more powerful then expected. However it was not needed cause the Royal Order quickly eliminated the vermin known as Excalibur from their core.

The time had come though, for Emberforge to begin construction of his city of war. Hammerstorm was constructed in between Gold Hammer and Hammervale and many armories were constructed within it's walls. Thus countless Axemen and Runemaster began their training. Emberforge hoped to have enough forces to claim a spot upon the Hall of Honor before the end of his reign.

----------------------------------Chapter 3------------------------------------------
Emberforge now has 10 cities under his control, some built by his people, and other taken from enemies. He thinks this era has gone very nicely for him and is ready to pass the crown on to his brother, Txanmic, for a new reign of a full blood Soltyr.

Lord Txanmic Soltyr

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Crimson Tyrhand) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore


Duke Crimson Tyrhand

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Crimson Tyrhand) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore


Duke Crimson Tyrhand

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (of Distruction) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore

Crimson Escaped his city with his people to go settle new lands further away from the relentless attacks by TRIO and Elements, The Royal Order has more then proven itself in his eyes. For we are fighting 2 kingdoms from the realm of Fant and still survive, Fant is known to be the hardest realm to fight in and we are holding our own against not one but two kingdoms from that realm!

It was a tough battle but Crimson did what he could to protect his people and his kingdom. Now that he has his people safe he shall rebuild, for glory, for justice, and for REVENGE!

Duke Crimson Tyrhand shall live up to his destiny of becoming one of the greatest kings to ever walk the lands. As is forseen by the prophets, so shall it be!

Duke of Distruction

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Omnis Raywind) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore


Duke Omnis Raywind

Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Xanmere Bloodaxe) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore

Duke Omnis Raywind was born in a city known for crime, death, and corruption. He was an orphaned Air Genisi (Humaniod Elemental) that was taken in by a Elven Rogue named Lilith. She took Omnis under her wing and taught him the ropes of being a Lord of Thieves, however he was taught morals and honor as well. Lilith believed in theft from the Corrupt Nobles to preserve personal survival and help those in need. Omnis later found out that Lilith was the leader over a underground group known as the Celestial Dragons that basically had dealings in a little bit of everything from the black market to the government. Omnis later on became the 3rd in command of this organization and now has his own casinos set up and other operations.

He now has settled some cities in a kingdom known as The Royal Order of the Claidhmore.

The Era has been a long and hard fight and now it seems all hell has broken loose on the world of Mantrax for the spell of Armegeddon has been unleashed upon all the worlds. Omnis is doing everything in his power to keep him and his kingdom mates safe, what shall be the fate of this quickly dieing era? Omnis has taken a liking to an Orc prisoner and began teaching him and even named him as when in his tribe he was only known as grunt. The name Omnis has chose for the green skinned brute is Xanmere Bloodaxe. But for Xanmere, that is a whole knew story......

Duke Xanmere Bloodaxe

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Xanmere Bloodaxe) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore


Duke Xanmere Bloodaxe

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Xanmere Bloodaxe) and was a member of Peacekeepers

After re-establishing himself within the kingdom of Peacekeepers after Fusion virtually fell apart Xanmere began quickly at constructing the proper means of survival. Xanmere was able to grow strong with the Peacekeepers just not as strong as he'd hoped to be. Peacekeepers were having a struggling battle against the kingdom Foundation. Will Xanmere survive this war, only time will tell.

Foundation came the out numbered Peacekeepers wave after wave after wave. However Xanmere was surviving, not well, but surviving none the less. He may have not proven himself to be an unstoppable force on the battle fields of Fantasia but he did however prove he could survive with the best of them when the going got tough. Rather a tiring game of cat and mouse, unfortunate for Xanmere being the mouse.

After his travels with one of his remaining armies he has come to a hard choice. King Deadpool of Vengeance had contacting Xanmere informing him that his greatest allies of the Peacekeepers, Lord Insane IV and Mr. Jangsta were joining his kingdom and that he would extent an invitation to Xanmere and his people should he want to join his brothern. He enjoyed his time with the Peacekeepers greatly, however Xanmere likes a sense of familiarity, and Lord Insane and Jangsta were that. So it was with a heavy heart he announced to the king of the Peacekeepers that he had accepted Deadpool's offer.

Next time Xanmere is met on the field of battle, It will be an era of VENGEANCE!!!
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