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Ms. Vampire Queen

Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Vampire Queen) and was a member of Dark

Deep in the Dungeons of Time was born the Dark and from the Dark came the Evil that became corporal as Vampire Queen.

Her subjects worship her with blood sacrifices, her armies kill for her glory.

There is no greater Evil than the Dark

Lady Vampire Queen

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Vampire Queen) and was a member of Dark

Dawn shoots sharp rays of light streaking into the sky as wisps of fog roll across the field of battle.

The acrid smell of burning bodies fills the air with the cries of the wounded and dying.

The Vampire Queen strolls confidently out of her tent toward the growing pile of bodies of the enemy dead and dying. A slow, evil grin begins to appear as she surveys the long expanse of burning cities. Slaves herded into work parties pick up the bodies of the dead and dying tossing them on the pile before her.

She walks up the pile to the top and slowly turning enjoys the site for miles in all directions.

Her faithful armies begin to chant her name and scream for more blood, more carnage, more WAR.

Off in the distant north she sees War continues as her sister-friend engages new enemies and the grin widens.

A giggle escapes as soldiers drag a struggling slave forward and slit its throat, catching the blood in a large basin. A brave and strong soldier runs it up the pile of bodies. The Queen accepts the offering.

The intoxicating smell of warm blood, deep in color, tantalizing.

Lifting the bowl above her head, she tips it over herself to the cheers of her armies.

The sticky, warm, life giving fluid runs down her face as her tongue darts out to catch blood and bring it into her mouth.

A giggle begins and slowly rumbles into maniacal laughter

As the armies chant WAR WAR WAR

Monarch Vampire Queen

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Vampire Queen) and was a member of Dark

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