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Mr. Bongs

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Bongs) and was a member of Rebirth

back after a little break :)


There was this great knight that took a little break after he got hurt real bad in a harsh long battle. He was not able to do very much at all. He was told that he was nothing and did not have a chance to do anything with his life any more cause he can not fight. He was told that a mans job is to fight and only fight. The men of his old kingdom wanted to kill him. He was a mouth to feed that did nothing. They planed and planed cause they knew that his mind was still in war with everyone and everything. A man can only take so much of being told hes not good enough.

Days... Weeks... Months.... Went on....

Then one cold, cloudy night the great knight heard alot noices that he did not ever hear. He got all his knives and swords ready for a long battle. The noice stoped for about 15 mins and then he heard it again. This time he saw a shawdo but it was of a dear. The great knight did not stand down. He knew something did not feel right about this knight. The knight decided that he would come up with a little plan of his own. He made it look like he was in bed and then dimed his candle. Then out of no where there was 10 or men in hos room stabing the bed. Then went on for about 10 or 15 mins of this. The the great knight poped out and stabed 4 of them men. Cut of the head of about 3 men and the rest died from killing each other in the heat of battle. The great knight then packed up all his things and left the camp of his old friends, family, fellow warriers and even his wife. He had to once the other men saw what happened. He told his family to get out of there. He did not want to see them get hurt. They all left in the middle of the night saying there good byes to thier loved ones they would never see again.

The great knight was roaming the great map he had drawn up. Going from town to town only watching them. He never talked to anyone. He felt no one could be trusted. This great knight even got a nick name and it was The Shawdo Man. All this man was doing was trying to see if there was a group he could trust. A group that would train him. Years have gone bye. He has looked at many poeple and yet did not say a word to any of them. Years have passed bye and now he may see someone that will help him. He knows these are the poeple cause they are helping everyone and everyone is very happy. Its not about age there are fights young and old. You can tell its about family and love for each other. They dont go out and cause war for no reason. He tried for many days to go to them but can not. He walks half to theh gates and runs back to the woods. But then one day we was sleeping and opened his eyes to about 5 people both women and kids. They say hello friend. Thats when he knows what he wants. He sees that there is team work. He goes in the city and starts his training. He learns alot more here and he thinks because hes happy. Hes been there for one day and is already in the ranks. They can see what a great fighter he is. You can see it in a mans eyes when hes ready to go to battle and the great knight always has that look.

The men and the great knight are already in war. Its with a kingdom called the guild. They have won battle and also lost battles but its the team work that keeps them going. They work togather and weaking the guild buy 50%. They see the opening! They know what they want. They know they need to finish the job.

Mr. Bongs

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Bongs) and was a member of Rebirth


Mr. Bongs

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Bongs) and was a member of Rebirth

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