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Mr. Gambino

Lived in Era 20 and got 1 heir(s) (Gambino II).


Mr. Gambino II

Lived in Era 20 and got 1 heir(s) (Tirading Virus).

Made my kingdom, and we're doing good.
I hope we can keep it up.
I'm expanding down, hopefully I will find a place to settle where there are less people.
I have no thoroughly traced back my history.
I come from a long line of Bacardi's, but, they do not share this world with me.
i must wait to join them.
We will not be stopped.
We are a revolution, and we will continue until we die.
so, Brother Hood wants a war, i ofered them an alliance, and they sauid nothing, so i assumed the worst, bring it.
I knew they where nothing
We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Mr. Gambino II. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 7548 troops and 0 peasants.

Troops Alive Dead Injured
Paladin Legion (your army)
Swordsmen 2209 281 38
Archers 444 57 8
Knights 1348 172 23
Magicians 0 0 0
Catapults 0 0 0
00:02:02: The Forsaken lead by Mr. Thrasher attampted to take over Starta V. We lost 312 Swordsmen, 34 Archers, 454 Knights, 150 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle.
00:02:02: Our Praetorian Killers successfully defend Starta V. The Forsaken lead by Mr. Thrasher attampted to take over Starta V. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Archers, 0 Knights, 3 Magicians and 0 Catapults in the battle and 7 of our soldiers got injured.
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