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Mr. Sinthoras

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Santa The Returned) and was a member of WARLORDS

Sinthoras was already growing old. His skin was tanned from working in the fields of his own village. He "ruled" it but everyone treated him like he was one of them. He was a happy man, satisfied with what he had. There were no enemies at the borders, no one trying to take his place. However, he also had no children. He and his wife had lived for many years together, but their marriage had always been a childless one. This had a simple reason, for he was an Orc and his wife a Troll. He feared the future of his village, if he did not find an adequate replacement. Then one day, his life changed.

This one day, a man, dressed as a soldier
of the village, came running towards Sinthoras.
"My liege! My liege! We have an...uhm...special visitor." The man said.
"What are you talking about, Garus? Sinthoras replied.
"An Elvish See'er is apporaching the city, sir. My men are escorting her as we speak." The commander of the city guard said.
"Have them be brought to me, when they arive."
"Yes Sir" The man said as he hurried off.

Only twenty minutes later Sinthoras heard a mumbling around him. He was standing on the villagesquare, with many villagers gathered around him. They were all curious about her message and so was he.
Suddenly, the crowd fell silent. As the people slowly moved aside, Sinthoras knew the See'er was here for him. He had dreamed about this for years, but he never thought it would happen to him. He would never had thought he would recieve one of the highest honours in all the known lands.

When she approached him, she spoke, barely moving her lips.
"Are you the one who lives with his people as if they are equal? Who is married with one of other race? Are you the one they call Sinthoras?"
"Y..Y..Yes" He stuttered.
"You fear for your legacy. You fear for your throne. Yet, you also fear for your people and their future. You fear, you fear, you fear, you fear! Why do you fear?!" The See'er exclaimed.
Stunned, Sinthoras replied:
"For I am childless, the future of my people is unknown. Who will lead my people when I pass away? Who will ensure their future as I have?!"
"Hmm yesss. I see it now all so clear. Your village shall be in capable hands. In those hands it shall grow to be a city, a kingdom and eventually it shall conquer an empire! Those hands will be the hands of your Son!"
Everybody fell silent. Never had a child of 2 different races been born. Such an impossible thing was unthinkable. They knew it and so did Sinthoras.
Suddenly getting angry, he yelled at the See'er:
"Never! Never will I choose another woman but my wife. You are wrong here, See'er. I am sorry to say it, but you are wrong."
"You think things to be true, when they are not. You all think you can not have a child with one of other race, and you are right. A powerful magic hinders this kind of reproduction. However, some are so strongwilled, that the magic, no matter how strong it is, will be too weak. You are one of those, Sinthoras. If your will is strong enough, your son will grow. And your will shall be strong enough and your son shall be born! And he shall be called... Santa!" The See'er yelled out before vanishing into thin air.

Filled with joy, the people cheered and celebrated. Filled with joy, Sinthoras hurried to his small cabin and his wife to deliver her the wonderful news. He would have an heir and his village would have a future...

Mr. Santa The Returned

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Santa of Macedon) and was a member of Dorian Empire


Sir Santa of Macedon

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Santa The Blue Eyed) and was a member of Dorian Empire


Lady Santa The Blue Eyed

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Santa The Green Eyed) and was a member of Dorian Empire

Born from the Darkest History of her kind, Santa knew nothing of her ancentors. It had been centuries since anyone had written scrolls on battles, politics or even sciences. But that would change. She would be the change! They already cheered her name in the streets of poor Slabbertje. That was just the beginning. She would make right where those before her had made their mistakes. She would claim whats hers, she would fight for her future, she would rule the worlds!

Lady Santa The Green Eyed

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Santa) and was a member of Dorian Empire

Day 1040:
Dear Diary
I write this with a broken heart and watery eyes for reality has broken my heart. My love Roheran has shown me how our love can never be true, how we can never be together. Our love would be drowned in the everlasting war between our kingdoms, our friends and our peoples. I am sure the Gods will repay our pain in the afterlife, I am sure we will be together.
My hart is both sad and happy for even though Roheran and I can not be together, I have recieved happy news. I am pregnant of Roheran! Our child will be the flower of our love, the glue to my broken hart. I will raise this child as good as a mother can do and I will think of my lost love every time I see it.
I've got to go now, the enemy has started their assault on our walls. It pains me to know that Roheran is among them, feeling the pain I feel.
Goodbye for now, Dear Diary. We will talk again.
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