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Mr. Lurk

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Lurkgod) and was a member of The Musketeers

Lurk was raised without love and without a family, wandering the land with his foster father. But he never forgot his Barbarian blood. This intelligent and worldly young man now hopes to one day reclaim the long-forgotten glory and honor of his roots.

Mr. Lurkgod

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Lurk) and was a member of The Musketeers

LurkGod started city in the middle of era, his kingdom The Musketeers was attacking ROC, and towards his kingdom was heading army of Predators. After few months it was clear that he with his kingdom friends cant beat huge Preds army and decided to move behind the mountains to prepare for the incoming Preds army. Meanwhile our army took half of ROC cities, and other Half took Elements. Prepared for the Preds army we waited them in our north blocker.It was a hard battle, but we win. And after that Preds was devastated. We gather all army and head to Preds core, after a little of Preds struggling, we marched into preds core and last enemy fell behind our kingdom might. The Last Era of Musketeers ended with pride and the vistory taste of The Musketers members.

LurkGod is a firm believer that the roots of success lie in precision, thoroughness, and attention to detail. A stern and pedantic taskmaster, he is the bane of acolytes studying to become Knight. They do not begrudge the hours spent under his unforgiving eye, however, as he shows them that the harder you train in peacetime, the less you suffer in wartime

Mr. Lurk

Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Lurk) and was a member of Heaven

Lurk started his own life by joining Insubordination kingdom. It looks like our kingdom will share beautiful mountains and green valleys with another kingdom - Heaven.
After we settle our new colonies, we decided to go south, we saw there a little but proud kingdom -Dhara. We sent a few scout and untrained army there, they all got beaten. After that we decided to take it serious and sent elite troops to take down that kingdom. Dhara gave us a fight, but fell on his knees before Fuzzy might in few days.
New threat was from the south east. Lurk had the task to hold his kingdom walls from intruders. Although new threat -[MAD] Mad Against Drugs had strong army, they were wide open, without kingdom blockers. We attacked from west, Heaven kingdom from north. With a little of struggle we take over all MAD cities.Few partizan's are still in the woods and attacks time to time.
After we secured our south east lands, agreed to nap west kingdom Roc, we decided march to north and take over kingdom of Imperium of Knights(IoK). We build armories in far north lands. But before our armies arrived to the gates of Iok they surrendered. All we had to do- to take over its cities.
When our leaders was considering, which kingdom to attack next, we heard reports from scouts, that RoC Armies heading towards us. They signed treaty with kingdom with which they were fighting before and agreed both to attack us- Fuzzy and Heaven. So we send our armies to the west. I managed to build an armory in the RoC core zone and trying to destroy as much cities as i can, till our glorious armies arrive.
3 days left to the end of era we decided to merge into heaven kingdom. I didnt get the support till the end of era. Only two brave friends of mine were able to get to RoC core, but they've been cached. So i left alone in my lonely outpost between two my rivals -Roc and TD(The Devastators). I decided that 8 cities burned is a good result, and decided to wait for Armageddon to start. Few our armies brake through RoC defenses to the core after Armageddon, we manage to take most of it cities, but we left guard of our home core, and army of AoA break to ours. they have big armies, not bigger that ours, but we tried to take their merge one by one, and failed. Soon after that RoC take over its core, and RoC with TD armies appear in our core. Meanwhile i went even more to the west, to TD core, and trying to burn their cities, as i cant turn back and go to RoC.
This is the end we managed to gather strong merge, but we are tired, and just wait for the end of era. i'm still fighting intruders and taking back our cities.
Every our defense have failed, all armies are destroyed all cites taken, i have nothing left in this era, so im heading to the mountains, wait for next era. Maybe my sons have more luck than me.

Mr. Lurk

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Sleeper) and was a member of Heaven

#4 Fantasia Most Fearsome ruler

#4 Mr. Lurk has won 136 battles, captured 86 cities and killed a total of 749617 men and women

Mr. Sleeper

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Innos) and was a member of Heaven

Battle began from the start, rebirth had its colonies set in the south west, we fought it well. But then new enemy came from south east and war was lost.

Mr. Innos

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Adanos) and was a member of Heaven

ahh vacations on Valhalla.

Mr. Adanos

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Kira) and was a member of Heaven

110 ->33 -> 235
Mr. Adanos of Heaven
Total land: 46001 Batles won: 121 Cities captured: 66
Total killed: 627743 Science lvls: 20 Total troops: 65900
F: 0% M: 0% Z: 0% S: 94% N: 0% V: 0% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0%

Starta-Fantasia ; Orc

Mr. Kira

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Zero) and was a member of Heaven

#2 Mr. Kira has won 9 battles, captured 7 cities and killed a total of 4275 men and women.

Mantrax :d --resigned
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