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Mr. Roran Eindringen

Lived in Era 37 and got 1 heir(s) (Roran Eindringen).


Mr. Roran Eindringen

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Oromis) and was a member of Deaths Embrace

As being the 67th King of the Dwarfs, Roran swore that he would bring back the dwarfs to prosparity once again. For the longest time the clans have been in Durgrimstvren, or "clan war". This Durgrimstrven has been fought for 200 years and has nearly destroyed all the clans. Roran took his clan, the Durgrimst Ingeitum, a clan of skilled fireworkers, and brought peace to his people. With this his fellow clan chiefs appointed him the title of Grimstnzborith,"king", all of the clans. Dugrimst Quan, Dugrimst Ingeitum, Dugrimst Feldunost, Dugrimst Vrenshrrgn, Dugrimst Nagra, Dugrimst Urzhad, Durgrimst Ebardac, Durgrimst Undin, Durgrimst Ledwonnu, Durgrimst Ragni Hefthyn, Durgrimst Knurlcarathn, Durgrimst Gedthrall, Durgrimst Fanghur. Finally with all of the clans united he could do what the first king of the dwarfs did, bring about riches for all, but for Roran he knew that he could not accomplish this in his lifetime, so he will have to pass this greatness to his son and his sons son and so fourth.
Now that the clans are united ive sent 2 of them on a misson to take over a pest that is just a day north of our colony. I bid them the best of luck and the blessings of. All did not go well with the clans we broke apart and fell into another Durgrimstvren this time it has wiped us out. So with my heir I sent him to the elfs to be raised so that he may not have the burnden of being born into such troubled times maybe one day the dwarfs will be reunited but im afaid that time wont be during my lifetime. So it is here i say farwell to the world.

Mr. Oromis

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Demetri Eindringen) and was a member of Deaths Embrace

I inherited my farthers kingdom, only 50 guards. Not alot but enought to rise to power. The elves have tought me lots with my stay here. They even used their magic so that i may look like one of them so i wouldnt have troubles around their kind. Just setting up a city state right now waiting for a chance to continue building.
My time with elves has come to an end, I have learned many things from them and hope to use this knowledge to remake the dwarf clans like my father had dreamed. I am now taking my 50 guards in search of a home so i may once again be at peace.

Sir Demetri Eindringen

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Silvanus Eindringen) and was a member of Brotherhood of the Wolf

My fifty guards and I have found sanctions, I changed my name back to the name of my family, instead of my elf name the elves gave me. The journey back home was long and trechrous but never the less i have made it back. upon returning i found a group of races and leaders, They called themselves the Guild of the Fallen, I find the name suiting, for my family and race has fallen but are on the rise again. So far i am the only dwarf to come into their ranks.

34 days later***********************************************************************

rebuilding the citys of farthern dur and, tronjeim is going well. execpt to throw enemys off we have decided to use the human tongue for the city, The helm of giants, also The glorious leader of the guild has asked me if that my dwarfs could build the blockers for the kingdom. I was delighted to hear this news. So my dwarves had built a total of six blockers to protect our capital cites. With completed we allied our selves with Roman imperian. With our backs covered we headed off to war Fantsia santuary of in the far east. The war was going good and we totally destroyed them. Now our kingdom was suprem of the world. Then on that fateful day, Revaltion, Botherhood of the wolves and the predtors attacked us from all sides. We were doing good with the war with revaltion pushing them back to their world and got a cease fire with the predtors and Botherhood of the wolf. After a couple of days of peace and rebuilding, one of our kingdom mates betrayed our Non agression pact with Retribution. So now we had Retribution waring with us. Within a few days Retribution had swept towards our capital cities. With this news and fear of total annailation the dwarf clans that i commanded were through into chaos. I feared that this Durgrimstvren would be the end of the dwarves as we know it. And it was. Retribution then swept past my blockers made of stone and swept through our captial cities. The whole kingdom went into full retreat and merged into the Botherhood of the wolfs. With this chance to rebuild i sent a small workforce to build a couple of cities for what remained of the dwarves. Once again we started to propser but that would not last long. The few remaining cities we had in our orignal land were taken and the armies of Retribution now head for the botherhood of the wolves captial cities.

It has been a turn in the fortune of the kingdom we have now mounted a mass counter offensive against Retribution, so far it is working as it caught them by surprise, one by one we are taking back the cities that once belonged to us. As far as the first cities my fellow dwarves and i have built im afraid are lost to us for the rest of time. I have been pondering lately what shall become of my son, Silvanus, for he has no dwarven kingdom to go back to, but the stars hold in good fortune for the boy. This may be my last chance to write down the events that are happening for I have been stricken with the upmost terrible diesease and I fear it may take my life. May the dwarf gods bring good fortune and prosperity to my son.

Sir Silvanus Eindringen

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Silvanus) and was a member of Brotherhood of the Wolf


Sir Silvanus

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Silvanus) and was a member of Brotherhood of the Wolf

******************************Chronicles of Silvanus*****************************

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