Family History

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Mr. Littlemaster

Lived in Era 19 and got 1 heir(s) (Rubedo).

Born in a city called Miltia with his brother Gaignun and his father Dmitri, his brother Gaignun had murdered their father, Dmitri. Dmitri was corrupt, and wanted to become a god. Gaignun and LittleMaster (Jr.) moved to Kukai when they where about 12 or 13. After his brother Gaignun was killed by Jr.'s twin Albedo, Jr. set out and started Second Miltia. He had a few folowers, and after he got Second Miltia running, he sent his troops out to start another city. In time, these troops had started the Miltian Gate, and Abraxas. Thehy had also found the original Miltia. The cities had went thorught some trouble without having wood, but in time, it was fixed. After colpletely abondoning all cities other than his capital, Second Miltia, he has become even more rich, putting in about 200 new building every day. (Real time=:1 hour :P) That is where his story is now, and is unfolding as we speak.

Mr. Rubedo

Lived in Era 20, got 1 heir(s) (Ragnarok) and was a member of The Angels of Death

The son of Mr. Little Master. "Team Rubedo" as he calls himself, is trying to rebuild Second Miltia. Now that the ruins of Second Miltia have been restored to good condition, livable condition, he is setting his troops to Warton. He believes that land is the site of Miltia, the exact area Warton is on. He plans to rebuild Miltia, then start a colony all his own, called "Kukai". Now that Warton is gone, and Miltia is there, he is going to do some more work on Second Miltia, and Miltia. Afterwords, Kukai will be founded. After a grueling battle with Mr. Heaven, Rubedo decided to give up, He had founded Kukai during this battle. During the battle he took over Woodas and Asinjaad, but is going to give Woodas back, after extracting the 6000 slaves from the city, and Asinjaad had been taken over, and Kukai was destroyed copletely. After a small Skirmish with the Beloved Dutchess of Valar, we came to an agreement. She fought for control of Second Miltia and failed. and then tried again and Succeeded. She also gained Miltia, and now I have nothing. Valar is on a war path, and I need something. I cannot keep my troops for much longer. In a mere 2 days, I will be attacking Kukai to regain control of my lost city of hopes. I jsut hope Mr Heaven dosent take this the wrong way. If he does, I will be in a worse position than I am now ...

Mr. Ragnarok

Lived in Era 20 and got 1 heir(s) (Ragnarok II).

My father, Rubedo has died, and his his son I'm going to destroy the bastards who killed him! Im going to start my city Zarathustra now, and i have some protection from my fathers friend Navis II. I have founded the Ragnarok Empire but, alas, my fathers good friend Levi has died. I'm hoping his son will be able to take over out kingdom in his place, or we will fall apart ...

Time passed, and things happened, I fell in love, and had a kid, Ragnarok II

Mr. Ragnarok II

Lived in Era 21 and got 0 heir(s) .

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