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Ms. Skull Gigi

Lived in Era 38 and got 1 heir(s) (Skull Gigi).


Ms. Skull Gigi

Lived in Era 38 and got 1 heir(s) (Racheal of The Skulls).

My Grandma once told me of a land far away were the right person could establish its own nation. that was 3 years ago on her deathbed. now ive found that hidden land im named affter my grandma Skull Gigi. this land seems to be in chaos and anarchy i havent found any organised ressitance hopefully it will remain that way. my scouts report many small independant city states and nations not one of them work together. well i guess il justhave to see wat happends. my scouts just reported in of large organised groups all around this world but that they dont see us loners as threats.

Ms. Racheal of The Skulls

Lived in Era 39 and got 0 heir(s) .

The world is changing i can feel it the end is drawing closer but my armies and strentgh will not falter. the council of The Allied Kings saw it fit to send me an invitation to join their casuse.

many years have passed and war has spread like a plague across this land we the lords and ladys of The Allied Kings have however stood calm and united thus far.
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