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Mr. Nieman

Lived in Era 39 and got 1 heir(s) (Samul).


Mr. Samul

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Sasuley) and was a member of Lightning Dust


For generations, the Orc have been looked down upon as vile creatures of blood and evil. Our love for war has made us despicable and shunned by other races. We were turned away from kingdom gates, left to fend for ourselves in the harsh lands of storms and disease. Hunted in the light of the sun, we were forced to run and hide from the armies of elves and men like wild animals. Night brought us little refuge, as beasts greater than even the Nazgul roam the dark lands. We took shelter deep in the mountains and far underground, where our many enemies could not find us.

In the beginning, we were weak... We hid in the earth, unable to protect ourselves. But after generations of rejection, we became strong. Our will was strengthened by the need to survive. Our hate of the other races grew, and drove us to do to horrible things... Unspeakable things...

But now is the dawn of a new age. A new time for my race. A new beginning.

I, Samul, son of Nieman, step into the light of the open lands, palms out with no fear of others. I shall build a world for my kind to live in, to prosper. No longer will we run and hide. We shall stand, and we shall live our lives as our culture demands. We will grow, and we will eliminate any that hinder our way. Expect us.


~recovered fragments of Samul's journal...~

... began the construction of our first Orc city, Laconia, named after the ancient land from which we came. Development is going well. We sent out scouts to survey the land surrounding us. Our scouts ... many nearby kingdoms, and immediately sent word to us. We have made peace with the ruler of a southern city.

A diplomat from a nearby Kingdom arrived today, and offered us the opportunity to join them. As a first step towards our new growth in this world, we accepted...

The colonizing of our second city has begun. Our future looks strong.

... have sent out our armies to the south, where an intruding force lies. We will take their city, and use it to expand...

Our newly ... city has been attacked by an enemy kingdom to the east! Our troops are taking up arms to retake the city, and expel the intruders from our lands. They will pay for the blood they spilled.

... city has been liberated by our allied kingdom member! Our people rejoice in the victory. Now we march forth with vengeance. Our enemies will fall under the force of our hammers...

Our allied kingdom members are making quick work of the intruders. But we still do not rest easy at night.. A new threat has emerged from the shadows of the earth, one we know of old. The elves of the south hunt us once again. ... this time we are ready...

... elves are fleeing the lands as our armies march upon them in with the ranks of our allies. They were no match for us. Few of their cities remain, barricading themselves in as heavily as they can. Their walls will crumble beneath our battering rams of stone. They shall meet the fate that our ancestors did long ago as we hunt their survivors to the gates of hell...

We have liberated our allies city from the elves, only to be retaken. Soon, our army will cast out their filth once and for all.

A mighty foe has ... in our lands. There's not a smithy in the land that doesn't have a fire roaring, and bellows blowing. The clash of metal and wood can be heard day and night as our troops train for the oncoming siege. We have faced many enemies in our time. This intruder does not intimidate us. We will be ready.

... defenses are breaking ... one of our southern cities was attacked and robbed of its resources. Our allies are putting up a struggle, but this may be a battle we can not win. The war has not yet come to our homeland, but it is pressing ever closer. ... must be ready.

Mr. Sasuley

Lived in Era 40, got 1 heir(s) (Saheil of The Fallen) and was a member of Lightning Dust

I am Sasuley, an Elf born of Orc heritage. There has been none like my kind before me. It was a miracle of ancient magic that brought me into this world. But for an elf to be born from the leader of an Orc civilization... It was dispicable. I was cast out as a monster, a freak of nature. It took all my father could do to protect me from the hungry eyes of the others. Though he did not understand my existance, he understood I was still his son... and he knew what must be done.

In the middle of night, I fled with my father's most trusted advisor. We ran far north, as far away from the rebelling orcs that were seeking to oerthrow my father for my existance. It was a long journey that led us to a small Elf encampment deep in the whispering forests of Valhalla. I told them my story, and they took me in as a miracle... a chance to unite the two races. They believed me to be sent by the ancient elves of old, through a spell cast through time. So they trained me to be as much of an elven warrior as any of their own native race. They taught me to be a leader, and showed me what it meant to lead a civilization. I learned much from these Elves, as they learned much about the Orc race from my stories about my distant homeland.

After many years, the elder of the Elven tribe summoned me, and told me what I must do. A war was raging, and our armies were losing. We had to resettle where none could find us... and I was to lead the new colony.

I marched north with small band of soldiers, carrying the future of our colony with me. We traveled far, and found a small crevice in the mountains to settle in. We begun the contruction of our cities, and built our walls high. Slowly, wandering elves started to join us, and our new colony grew.


Mr. Saheil of The Fallen

Lived in Era 40, got 1 heir(s) (Zaheir of The Risen) and was a member of Lightning Dust

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