Family History

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Mr. Knish

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Knisher) and was a member of Shen an Calhar

Mr. Knish was the firstborne son of a merchant-peddler.
Falling on hard times shortly after that sons birth the father died of the mountain-fever. Penniless and grief-stricken his mother placed him out on the street where he had to fend for himself at the age of nine. He quickly earned a reputation for being a fair and tough leader of the local orphans running the streets. When he came to age he went up in the mountains an startes a city with the orphans that soon grew and prospered under his leadership. That city was Dovecity.
He has since founded several more cities and come under attack by those jealous of his wit, charm and good looks.

After overcoming the devastating attack, and humiliating building of 'cookies' by the army "Ransoms Walk", he started rebuilding his empire after being allowed to retake Dovecity and Eagles Nest. The idea of revenge festered in his mind...

After joining the Kingdom of Dragons Lair, he set out an army to retake 'cookies' and evict Mr. Fenris from his lands.

Sir Knisher

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Knish) and was a member of Shen an Calhar


Sir Knish

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Knisher) and was a member of Shen an Calhar

Named after his glorious grandfather, he apparently had more in common than just his name. After his father had squandered his inheritance he set about rebuilding the empire in the image of his glorious grandfather. The cities Syconycteris, Chironax and Sphaerias were his startingpoint. And was later to become his great pride and joy, having singelhandedly founded each one.

Sir Knisher

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Knish) and was a member of Shen an Calhar


Sir Knish

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Knish) and was a member of Shen an Calhar

The story once again repeated itself.... Oh why do I bother...?

Sir Knish

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Knish) and was a member of Jumpers


Sir Knish

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Knish) and was a member of Jumpers


Sir Knish

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Knish) and was a member of Jumpers


Sir Knish

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Knish) and was a member of Jumpers


Sir Knish

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Knish) and was a member of Myrr


Sir Knish

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Knish) and was a member of Myrr


Sir Knish

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Knish) and was a member of Generation


Sir Knish

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Knish) and was a member of Generation


Sir Knish

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Knish) and was a member of Generation


Sir Knish

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Knish) and was a member of Freedom Fighter

After Generation was disbanded Knish had planned on a little vacation free from the butchery that made up the worlds of VU. Try a little building and farming. But it was not to be.
Paladins of the orde of the frozen flame recruited him by promises of good times and easy killings. Knish did not see the good times in the easy killings of his newfound friends by other kingdoms, so he set out across the void to see if he could find some of the freinds he had in Generation.

He found Viper, formerly Vpr, and asked to be taken in with FF.
He still avaits their verdict on this. If this does not work out he can always as to join Angels as Mr. Trendkill seens to be a nice guy.

After joining FF he set about rebuilding and making up for lost time. This would indeed be a time of trials, but most of all it would be fun!

There was never much time for building. Shortly after his cities were finished the kd was under fire from Eternity. The kd had already dealt with the Predators. This however lead to the disasterous decision to co-build mt's and sawmills. There was not really enough space, so he was severely hampered by the insufficient range in his spells. Nevertheless the kd persevered and Eternity was soon dead.

The sights were now firmly set on the kd of Heaven. And after their blocker was breached with a little magical help of Crush Walls, their core soon fell. Another kd, the Elements were already harrassing us. But with the help from Music, this was squashed and Demonic Shezmu singlehandedly raided their cities serving them with a major setback. Paving the way for the downfall of Heaven.

Mr. Knish

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Knish) and was a member of dead men

After a traumatic event, the past was lost to Knish. No longer remembering past victories or alliances he started rebuilding his empire. Knowing he was Knish incarnate, but nothing else, he took that very same name and set out trying to rebuild his sence of self.

Dreams of the past includes the 'Jumpers', 'Generation', 'Myrr' and 'Freedom Fighters' along with other ppl and places that can no longer be placed beyond the fleeting images of dreams.

Calling out to the Gods, or the admin if you like, to be restored seemed to be the only way of regaining what was lost. But as time passed this seemed like a futile quest. And the daily actions overtook this as the world of Armageddon demanded his attention. He map'd the kd 'Southern Cross' and set about rebuilding in the short time before the end of this era. Knowing full well that he would return with someone he thought he knew in the next.

And just when you would think that things were moving ahead with his new life the Gods, or Admin if you like, answered his prayers in their infinite wisdom. Giving Knish back his identity! He would finally be able to go forth in the world as a complete person! All the inhabitants of his cities rejoiced and celebrated this miraculous restoration.

Mr. Knish

Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Knish) and was a member of Retribution

Having joined kd Retribution and meeting up with 'old' friends Knish settled in Fantasia, ready to battle it out with the best of them. The times ahead are sure to be exciting.

Toil and hard work pays off and the kd which Knish has joined prospered and was now 2nd in the world of Fantasia. Even if Superheroes works hard to bring about our downfall, this seems less and less likely to happen as the days go by.

SH is on the run and nearly finished, the 'mopping up' of the rest has begun. Unfortunately two members left the kd and as a result the kd dropped in standings and is now only 4th. With LGC breathing down our necks.

Again it is apparent that hard work is the only thing required. The kd regained third place, but by now the other major kd's have banded together to ensure our destruction. PKS and Fate managed to escape our attention for a short while, and flanked us to our east. They are 'knocking on our door' and the outlook is far from good...
We will need to exact revenge next era.

Mr. Knish

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Knish) and was a member of Retribution


Mr. Knish

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Knish) and was a member of Retribution


Mr. Knish

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Edward Adams) and was a member of Retribution


Mr. Edward Adams

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Theseus of Athens) and was a member of Dorian Empire


Mr. Theseus of Athens

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Knish) and was a member of Retribution

Will try and live up to the previous era of more than 2 mill kills.

Will be tough now as we was overrun by MAD, DMC and Glory. Most of DE restarted, but Theseus saved what he could, and joined Ret for the remaining era.

Maybe the next will be a 'breather', getting a bit tired of it all.

The rest of the era proved rather uneventful. The old kd came out on top, literally. No threat real posed from any kd. Many tried but were pushed back. Fantasia was owned, and so would any other world if there were time. But every era must come to its conclusion. Lew was the top player, but decided to disband the kd.

The offers to join different kd's were numerous, but the decision was made. I would take a break next era... Much needed.

The end of the era was tarnished by the acts of Mr Smith who cheated his way to the top of the list. In my book, Lewatha was the winner...

Mr. Knish

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Knish) and was a member of Retribution

Drastic changes were implemented... Fixed troop cost, half upkeep in allied cites.
Buildings were burned when taking over...
Probably some others aswell, but I'm on a break.

Really...! I'm on a break!
Taking time off...

Mr. Knish

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Knish) and was a member of Dorian Empire

They killed me. I'll never play as Halfling again, what a useless race....
So I restarted with the rest of DE. I guess inactivity doesn't go well with Fant ;)
Been doing some farming... And more farming...
Maybe I'll train some troops?

Yeah... I got me som troops! Oh crap... I cba to move them anywhere. I'll park them and farm some more.

Mr. Knish

Lived in Era 40 and got 1 heir(s) (Knish).

Well well... A new era!

Mr. Knish

Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Knish) and was a member of Domination

And another one...
.......Glad it is over.
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