Family History

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Sir Charley II

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Ernie The Orange) and was a member of Zeon

Mr. Charley
Lived in Era 31, got 1 heirs (Charley) and was a member of BURNT

Entry 1
-His name was Mr. Charley....he was a man who had come out of the west to found cities in the east. He had been a captain in his father's army, The Tower Guard, before he left in order to lead a new life....he came to the land called Nirvana as a soldier for hire and ended up becoming a powerful part of the kingdom called BURNT. He at first started out slow due to his towns not respecting his authority and thinking he was too young to lead them. With help from Prince Sprout he became quickly oriented with the job of ruling. In the coming war with the kingdom Angels he proved his ability to lead and gained the respect of his people and they rallied behind him. He raised his villages from small areas of scattered buildings into thriving cities of industry and military power. He at first concentrated on building a strong infantry army but has recently switched over to a powerful army of knights and catapults in order to help with the huge war with the kingdom of Excalibur to the north. He sent many forces north in the war capturing and burning every town he came to. Excalibur is being pushed back but still remains very powerful. His most powerful armies of Valinor, The Army of the Crescent Moon, and his new most powerful army , The Knights of the Rising Sun. They are the best of the best and are heading north to take the fight to the final lines of Excalibur's fighting forces. Mr. Charley is planning to leave with the current leader Anubis for the land of Mantrix to take the kingdom into new lands in order to spread its power to the edges of the Earth
~Simon Ott of Fontiersland
-Main historian for the lands of Mr. Charley

Entry 2
-The war has dragged on....the economy is barely holding on....the armies push further and further north into the northern wastelands and plains that Excalibur controls....tens of thousands of men have died in battles waging from the plains to the streets of cities that are controlled by different kingdoms with each passing day.....Prince Sprout and Mr. Charley have pushed within sight of the river called Orion and have finally stopped to rest and prepare for the onslaught of their enemies.....We are not sure if the Army of Valinor will last much longer with the number of wounded it has accumulated over the last few battles in the previous weeks of the campaign. War has spread over the land....the kingdom of PHI wages constant war upon the kingdoms of Angels and Assassins Creed and even deep behind the lines the armies of Sir Sinthoras, a kingdomless man, attacks at the large cities of BURNT and has been causing chaos and frustration since most of the armed forces are in the north with the endless wars. The food stores are barely keeping up with the number of people coming into our cities and unemployment keeps rising with the decrease in our coffers.....Many of the unemployed men have gone into training as knights but the amount of gold needed to train so many is not in hand.....expansion has come to a seems that the end of our era will be a dark one....until the coming of the next one
~Simon Ott of Fontiersland
-Main historian for the lands of Mr. Charley

Entry 3
-The war continues and the kingdom of Excalibur is falling apart. Many of its members are quickly switching sides and attacking the people they once fought alongside. Mr. Charley and Prince Sprout along with Mr. Borazon, Mr. Anubis, and Mr. Chuck Norriis have made huge advances, pushing the enemy back to the river Orion and beyond. The Army of Valinor, in defense of the city of Minez was completely wiped out in a quick battle but the city was saved. Mr. Hunter of the kingdom of Angels quickly jumped into the fray and took over many of the Excalibur mining towns on the southern side of the river Orion. The economy is booming at an alarming rate and the number of knights being produced has risen by 500% along with the number of other troops which have risen up by about 400%. Armies are being formed to take on the enemies to the north and south of the Hades mountain range. Sir Sinthoras has caused much damage but the kingdom of BURNT is finally getting troops to the area and pushing him back and may make a counterattack in the near future. The Army of the Setting Sun has been formed for this purpose. To push Sir Sinthoras back to his own borders and to destroy him once and for all. The Knights of the Rising Sun have gone far north to reinforce the regions around Papagenu and Minez and also to clear the southern side of the river Orion. Words from the southeast brings news of a massive offensive by the kingdom of PHI. Armies have been conquering towns of the allied kingdom of Assassins Creed and are sweeping towards the river Osirus where they plan to be stopped and not allowed to cross. The defending armies have not made it to the river yet and things are getting very tense. Without troops at the river garrison's, the armies of PHI could easily cross over and sweep into the central plains of BURNT and wherever they please.....
~Simon Ott of Fontiersland
-Main historian for the lands of Mr. Charley

Entry 4
The war ENDS!....Excalibur has been defeated....the citizens dance in the streets and celebrations are taking is the end of the era and Mr. Charley moves Zetamania to carry the kingdom of BURNT into other lands.....
~Simon Ott of Fontiersland
-Main historian for the lands of Mr. Charley

Entry 1-Era of White Widow
Charley the second was the son of Charley the first from the lands of Nirvana. Mr. Charley the first followed Mr. Anubis to the kingdom of Assassins Creed but after a horrible storm him and several others somehow were in the land of Fantasia. Mr. Charley followed the others into the Kingdom of Zeon because the home kingdom was nowhere to be found and to be without a strong kingdom in this land was an invitation for death. Mr. Charley died soon after in an uprising by the loyalists ,in his armies, to Assassins Creed who wanted to wait for the kingdom to find them but hope was truly lost. Charley the second took command and put down the uprising. He joined up with the Kingdom of Zeon and prepared against the upcoming war with its enemies. He headed south.....away from the future warzone until a proper infrastructure had been constructed......
~Gideon Ott, son of Simon
~Main historian for the armies of Charley II

Entry 2-Era of White Widow
The infrastructure was set up shortly after the war started. Rockhaven was in a dangerous location but the kingdom of Peacemakers was a lifesaver that he did not count on when he first settled there. They would save the city from danger many times in the future and Charley the second would be in their debt. Many men then headed east towards Zeons main core and settled just outside to the northeast of it and started to fortify his position and build mines and armories. Gondolin was the home city after it had grown for many weeks and the main city of the guard was in Aruodas. Charley the second built up as much as he could....and then the war against White Wolf was supposed to be a quick and easy war but it dragged out and to make matters worse Dark Blood then started attacking the western border. The Sheolic Empire then started sending armies from the north of the Rivers Osirus and Titan and were laying waste to the cities of Zeon. Many men tried to stop the spread but it was too much and many fled to safer areas to regrow the kingdom again. Charley the second was safe for much longer than the rest of the kingdom and fortified his position more and more. Mr. Icy who was also helping defend the area suddenly dissapeared and his cities slipped into chaos before Charley took command of them. Then the Sheolic Empire started laying siege to the defensive cities of his land and the city of Lorien fell and they broke through the city of Doriath.....Mr. Charley then took the only course of action he had left....Burn Gondolin and take everything he had to Aruodas and prepare for the inevitable conflict that would happen.......Arctic Mines was already burned and Arctic Arms was to be abandoned because it would not be able to stop the coming armies. Aruodas was the last refuge of Mr. Charley's northern realm and they HAD to break out. Some people managed to settle a new town called New Gondolin to remember the glory of the mountain city that was burnt. The war continues.....and we will never surrender...not as long as the generals Finrod, Maedhros, and Turgon lived....and the other generals Fingon, Curufin, and the great general Feanor were planning their revenge elsewhere
~Gideon Ott, son of Simon
~Main historian for the armies of Charley II

The Fall of Gondolin-A Memory of Mr. Charley
Mr. Charley left his house and could hear the sound of the battle outside the walls.....he had ordered his army in the city to burn everything.....not to give up the city to the enemy.....suddenly a roar filled the air and the city gates were down....Mr. Charley and his Elite Guard rushed towards the gates and prepared to hold the enemy long enough for the peasants to get away to the city of New Gondolin....the memory of Gondolin. The enemy infantry were rushing towards them and the Elite Guard archers fired and the first line of Sheolic Empire troops fell to the ground. Then the Elite Guard scattered into the alleyways and narrow streets putting up a strong resistance but many of them would ultimately die in the retreat. General Turgon met Mr. Charley at the gate that was secure and talked quickly about the situation and how General Finrod's men were holding the gate until everyone was safely away. Mr. Charley then climbed up on his horse and turned one last time towards the city he loved as he rode away....the city was bright of blood. He watched as the remaining men of his Elite Guard were rushing out the gate and then climbing on their horses they rushed away as the Sheolic Empire troops rushed out after them. Many men fell from arrows in the retreat and few made it away safely. Many tears were shed for the city of the Hidden Rock or Gondolin as it was called in the Evlish language.....
~Mr. Charley II
~King of the men of Westernese and Baron of Numenor

Entry 3-Era of White Widow

The times have been tough....nonstop war with the kingdoms of the Sheolic Empire and Dark Blood have hurt Zeon much in the recent times. But there is hope in the future. Allies are growing in power and fighting against our enemies and aiding us while we rebuild our strength. Mr. Charley the second retreated to the south. The town of New Gondolin was lost in a bloody series of battles that ultimately led to a failure. But a new city was even greater than the first Gondlin. The new Gondlin was greater by far and it was accompanied by the new Lorien. Also built were the cities of Nargathrond, the northern city of defense, Moria, the mining town of the Lonely Mountain, and the new Angband of the lands of Soul Society. The coffers are filling quickly and resources are becoming abundant and armies are being trained and fitted with strong armor and weapons. Even now the first of many armies is being formed and will lead the forces of Mr. Charley to glory for Zeon. WE FIGHT FOR ZEON!!!
~Gideon Ott, son of Simon
~Main historian for the armies of Charley II

Entry 4-Era of White Widow

Times once again take a turn for the worst.....Sheolic armies surrounded and destroyed the forces at Nargathrond completely....there were no survivors. Moria was threatened but was successfully defended and the city of Remenber was taken and held until the kingdom of Peacekeepers took command of it due to the overextension of Mr. Charley's forces. Rockholm was captured by the kingdom of Dark Blood for a short time but was ultimately returned into our hands again. The north is a constant warzone between the armies of Peacekeepers, Dark Blood, and Sheolic. Down south Sheolic is constantly bombarding our defenses while Sir Binh The Destroyer of Dark Blood causes havok in the middle of our area with his orcish armies and nazguls. Human knights are no match for the monsters. A convoy of peasants was sent far to the northwest and the mining town of Menengroth was founded to be a safe and productive mine for Mr. Charley and also to branch out and raise troops for the war effort. It would finally be used as the last retreat for Mr. Charley's forces if every other town was overrun. Moria is unsafe due to its position and its lack of strong troops in case of a large enemy attack and Rockholm is still in danger by Sir Binh. Angband is supporting the defenses to the east as best as it can but things are looking very grim. Gondolin to the west has been relatively unused except as a gathering spot for peasants heading west for safety and new opportunity. Lorien seems to be the more peaceful spot...Along the edge of the forest of Radiman. It has seen no danger and has produced no troops. The war drags on and the ups and downs in the economy seem to be balancing out and starting to rise steadily and hopefully it stays that war so that I may live my days in peace while they last.
~Gideon Ott, son of Simon
~Main historian for the armies of Charley II

The War of the Flames-The Fall of Mr. Charley II
Personal Entry
~Gideon Ott, Son of Simon
~Main historian for the armies of Charley II

The city of Gondolin was the last stand of all the forces of Mr. Charley II. The enemy armies were overrunning our allies and many fell back to this point. The men were arrayed upon the walls when the enemy came in great numbers. The hideous orcs of Binh the Demonisher began their assault. The battle waged for days before the walls were lost and the enemy managed to break down the gates and the nazgul flew overhead like a nightmare snatching soldiers and throwing them into the wind. The orcish troops stormed into the city slaying any in their path. Our archers fired wave after wave but they just kept coming. General Fingon fell before the orc forces pierced by many arrows and surrounded by his best men. General Turgon called many of the troops back to the main keep to make a last stand. The doors were smashed in and Turgon retreated to the final chambers along with Mr. Charley and their remaining men. The doors were torn down and the orcs charged into the room but were cut down by the defenders. Ogres then entered and threw men into the walls killing them and finally General Turgon fought long and hard against the dreaded ogre lord Glormag until he was finally struck down by his mighty club and did not rise again. Mr. Charley then ran at Glormag, who then swung down his great club but missed, hitting the ground hard. Charley then ran up the club and sliced his head clean off. Thus fell Glormag, son of Blormag, one of the deadliest of the ogres. Mr. Charley then climbed to the top of the final tower where he was attacked by one of the nazgul lords. He fought long and hard before he sliced off the head of the flying beast and cast the lord and himself into the abyss below, killing them both. Charley the second was dead, but his son lived on. His family escaped the land before the gates fell, via a secret escape path that was made in case of such an incident. The city fell and all the cities of Mr. Charley II were lost to the onslaught of his enemies but his line still lived on and would have its revenge.
~Gideon Ott, Son of Simon
~Main historian for the family of Mr. Charley II

Sir Ernie The Orange

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Charley Statler) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore

Entry 1-Era of Dark Blood
The son of Charley II was named Ernie The Orange. He recieved this title due to the fact that his eyes were a piercing orange color, as if he had an intense fire burning within him. He took up the leadership of his fathers and grandfathers forces and led them to the land of Zetamania to join up with the Kingdom of Sarafan Knights. It was led by the friend of his father Sir Slade, who had fought alongside Charley II in the War of the Flames that eventually led to his fathers death.

Ernie took his starting forces and established his first city and then set out and started constructing the second. Alliances and pacts were being decided as the future conflicts seemed to be heading towards a point.
~Edward Ott, Son of Gideon
~Main historian for Sir Ernie The Orange

Entry 2-Era of Dark Blood
The city of Angband was established. Named after the fortress of the first Dark Lord it was an appropriate name for the main army camp of the forces of Sir Ernie the Orange. He also settled a town on the bridge to the west in order to watch the comings and goings. The cities of Sir Ernie were flourishing and people were flooding to the cities by the hundreds. The armies of Ernie were being assembled for war as the kingdom of Sarafan Knights planned its fight against the armies of Dark Riders Empire and Dark Riders Wing. Also the kingdom of Havok needed to be destroyed because it threatened the peace. Havok was warring many kingdoms at once and it deserved to burn for overstepping itself. The kingdom of Border Patrol was aiding Sarafan very well in its conquest of The Knights of the Blood Rose. The kingdom of Dark Fires was also leading many armies to speed Blood Rose's doom. Ernie watched from the top of his white tower Spirian the lands within his sight....and what would soon belong to Sarafan.
~Edward Ott, Son of Gideon
~Main Historian for Sir Ernie The Orange

Entry 3-Era of Dark Blood
The kingdom of Havok was on the offensive. Many armies under its banner marched north against the Royal Order of Claidhmore. The forces fell before them but the mountain pass MUST hold or the enemy could spread into the plains and unable to be completely held. The forest city of Lorien was constructed just south of the Crescent Mountain range, on the edge of the forest of Nilithian. It would help supply the cities of Ernie the Orange with the supplies they needed to keep expanding. The forces are preparing to head south to stop Havok before it can get too far. Mages are being trained and knights are gathering to fight for Sarafan. They were the Knights of Sarafan.
~Edward Ott, Son of Gideon
~Main historian for Sir Ernie The Orange

Entry 4-Era of Dark Blood
Sir Ernie The Orange had built up his cities magnificantly and the coffers filled quickly. Stone was sold very well and troops were trained. The kingdom known as The Black Chain had sent mocking messeges to many kingdoms in the area, challenging their authority. They had overstepped themselves and would be punished. The war with the kingdom of Havok was put on hold and the front was changed once again but the actual conflict had not. The time for the beginning of the war was unknown. It would be days or even weeks. The forces of Sir Ernie were gathering at the bridge town and waiting for a signal to move out. Many scouts were sent into the unknown territory and brought back news of heavy fighting between the kingdom of Border Patrol and The Black Chain. They would settle outposts to keep an eye on things and would also get ready for the ultimate conflict. Sir Ernie would send General Targon to lead the forces of Sarafan to victory. He was the son of General Furgon, who was killed in the War of Flames. He was every bit as strong and wise as his father and proved to be a valuable commander. At the bridge town though, Captain Cirvan was having trouble organizing the defenses when suddenly a Havok attack force tried to sneak through to attack the kingdom of Dark Fire. The mages under the command of Captain Cirvan managed to use freeze spells to hold the army in place but it would not last long. The forces under his command were not strong enough to win against the nazguls of Havok. Archmage Pesterd of Dark Fires had told Sir Ernie not to let their enemies pass through and he was not about to go back on his word to him. He would do whatever it takes to protect his allies. Sir Ernie then climbed to the top of his tower, Spirian, and pondered what he would do to achieve victory.
~Edward Ott, Son of Gideon
~Main historian for Sir Ernie The Orange

Entry 5-Era of Dark Blood
Times had grown better for the lands of Sir Ernie The Orange. His economy was growing and his forces grew very strong. Just recently he had given the order for a foreward camp to be established to send troops to attack The Black Chain. The enemy army of Havok that had caused so much trouble for Sir Ernie had perished with the help of the kingdom of Dark Fires. Captain Cirvan provided magical support and greatly led to the eventual destruction of the rogue army. The bridge town was becoming a main marshalling point for the troops and it was growing in size constantly to hold the numbers. It was also kept secret from the enemy. The numbers were unknown and would remain that was until it was too late. Sir Ernie recommended Captain Cirdan for promotion to general and lead the attack on The Black Chain. Cirdan accepted the order and would leave in a few days after recieving a few more shipments of troops before moving out. General Furgon would hold the garrison at the bridge town and send Captain Falzar with more men at a later time
~Edward Ott, son of Gideon
~Main historian for Sir Ernie The Orange

Entry 6-Era of Dark Blood
The armies had been sent out. As many as seven traveled many days to reach their destination. They created the city known as The Tower which they used as a staging ground for the assault. Then another town was created very close by and many magic towers were raised behind its walls. All of the mages of Sir Ernie the Orange took up residence there and casted spell after spell at the enemy. General Cirdan headed the grand army of Sarafan and would fight at the front. The battle of all battles was ahead and it would be decided soon.
~Edward Ott, son of Gideon
~Main historian for Sir Ernie The Orange

Entry 7-Era of Dark Blood
The armies of Sarafan all joined together into one army. The Doombringer under the command of General Cirdan was commanding over 20,000 knights and 5,000 swordsmen for Sarafan. These men were battle hardened and well trained. They carried superb weapons and armor and marched on the kingdom of The Black Chain. The main fortresses guarding the mountain passes began to fall beneath the power of the kingdoms of Border Patrol and Sarafan and one final pass remained that was not secure. There was a fortress keep in the Pass of Carcun simply called Stone. It held a garrison of over 50,000 troops of The Black Chain. The battle there would be costly and would decide the fate of the war. During this time Mr. Dark Lighting of Sarafan almost caused a war with the Royal Order of Claidhmore, a close ally of Sarafan. His actions caused him to be removed from the kingdom and slaughtered for his lies and incompetence. It was a good day to fight.
~Edward Ott, son of Gideon
~Main historian for Sir Ernie The Orange

Entry 8-Era of Dark Blood
Battle of the Pass of Carcun
General Cirdan sieged the fortress of Stone for many days until finally the walls were destroyed by magic spells from the magicians of Doombringer. The knights of Sarafan charged forth into the fortress keep and slaughtered all in their path. They battled into the night and finally killed the lord of the fortress and General Cidan took his place. Shortly afterwards the army left the city and quickly chased after another army that was retreating. The large army of dwarves was overtaken at the mouth of the pass near a magic city and were destroyed. The victory was short lived. General Cirdan met in the combat, Dorwin, the chieftain of the dwarves in the area. The armies fought around them while they had their duel in the middle of the carnage. Dorwin swung his mighty axe down upon Cirdan and dealt him a fatal wound to the chest. Then Captain Kinzman rushed to his General's side and impaled Dorwin upon his longsword. The battle ended shortly afterwards with the victory going to Sarafan. Then Captain Kinzman took command of the army and led it towards a mining colony occupied by a large enemy force. The battle was intense but a retreat had to be called. Captain Kinzman and the rearguard he formed were completely wiped out and casualties were high but a large number of troops escaped to Stone to regroup and recover from injuries.
~Edward Ott, son of Gideon
~Main historian for Sir Ernie The Orange

Entry 8-Era of Dark Blood

The war was gruesome. Millions died in the war with Havoc. Havoc assaulted the territory of Royal Order of Claidhmore and dealt a devastating blow to the economy, but was eventually fended off. A counter-attack then was mounted which ultimately was bound to destory Havoc completely. Then at the last moment, armageddon occurred, destroying the land, but many managed to escape.
A strange world opened up and the cities of Sir Ernie the Orange escaped. It was worse than anything they experienced. Sir Ernie The Orange was killed in a battle against unknown creatures, but his son, Charley III(Charley Statler), lived on.
~Edward Ott, son of Gideon
~Main historian for Sir Ernie The Orange

Sir Charley Statler

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Charley Deallus) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore

The Return
Charley Statler managed to return to the lands of Zeta. It is not known how, but the people followed. They found their kingdom of Royal Order of Claidhmore in the land called Mantrax. They soon prepared for what would have been a war with the kingdom of Retribution, but ended up becoming strong allies. RoC saved Retribution from an onslaught from the kingdom of Dacians. During the war, an enemy army tore through the lands of Charley, burning several cities and killing many. It took a long time but things managed to be rebuilt. Then a war with the kingdom of The Musketeers began, and things began going downhill. The city holding the East Bridge, fell to enemy forces and was never retaken.

The war intensified when the kingdom of Elements joined the war. They stormed north, destroying all in their path. They were unstoppable with their deadly armies and the defending cities of Claidhmore fell. The kingdom began being overrun city by city. The end was in sight. Retribution was being hard pressed and The Musketeers broke through the southeastern passage.

The armies of Charley Statler prepared to make a final gallant stand, and burnt all cities in preparation for a glorious death. Before the final battle was fought, Charley retreated far to the northern lands, where he prepared to rebuild his lands. He did not see the need to sacrifice his people alongside his armies. He bided his time and grew his strength and watched as the enemy grew closer.

Sir Charley Deallus

Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Charley Deallus) and was a member of Royal Order of Claidhmore

Charley Deallus, son of Ernest Deallus, was born in the magnificent city of Tasidian. Tasidian was the sapphire city of the sea, since it was located on the coast and had the beautiful sapphire colored sea behind it. Charley Deallus had been in many adventures in his lifetime. He was first sent along with a large group of people to settle a colony in the land of Kallion. The city of Kallios was founded and it grew up quickly under the leadership of Lord Malex and The Four Lords of Kallios.

After the city had been established, Charley was called back to Tasidian, which had just finished a war. A dark war had quickly started with a new enemy known as The Fallen Ones, which were a strong breed of Orc. The war seemed to be a lost cause, but it in victory thanks to the effort of the Elves.

Soon after the war ended though, the king was kidnapped by The Desert Wolves, a mercenary group, and he was taken to the an island chain a few days away. The armies, under the leadership of Charley Deallus and his friends, Septim and Erunion Telcontar, managed to free the king and destroy the power that the Wolves had in the area.

Several years later, mysterious letters were sent to a number of heroes of The Great Hunt, which the search for the king was called in later times. The 18 heroes were sent to the Sempar Islands, but were sucked into a vortex and sent into a distant land that was controlled by evil. They met a mystic named Kalah, who aided them, but in turn they had to help him. They fought numerous enemies and creatures of darkness, including a necromancer that claimed the lives of a number of the heroes. Kalah then gave guides to the group and they moved to the lands of Telrion.

The heroes moved into the swampy forest lands near Telrion, the magic city of the north. The men of Telrion aided the group as they fought the evil forces in the area, including natives that had been possessed by evil due to the effect of an enchanted chest. Shortly afterwards, the evil forces withdrew to the plains of Feledar and Dark Lord Zurmon unleashed evil upon it.

The group, after suffering heavy casualties and leaving very few of the original followers left, moved onward once again to the plains. They came to the aid of the Feleri, the rogues of the plains and gatekeepers to Buldar City, the old capital of the dwarves. A twenty foot tall stone gate guarded the entrance, but evil forces, including golems and demons, had taken it. Evil forces poured into the mountain lands and began fighting the dwarven armies. Charley and the remaining heroes were called upon to free an ancient wizard from a spell that held him captive. They had to battle the mages of Lord Zurmon and defeated them all, but they could not free the wizard. He had been cursed by the gods to an eternity of sleep and captivity for crimes that he committed long before anyone remembered. The group then went to the main gate to Buldar and fought a captain of the stone golems, Hewlon The Great, who carried a great stone axe that cleaved anything he struck with it. Charley, himself, killed the great golem with magic he had begun to master in his travels. Before the group could enter the caves, Lord Zurmon himself appeared before them and laughed at their attempts to stop him. In their attempts to kill him, Zurmon cursed Charley. Charley would not age anymore unless he killed Zurmon himself. Zurmon then teleported the group back to Antioch, that they left so long ago. Zurmon then had free control of the lands without their interference. Charley, in his frustration, continued doing all that he could to find another way to find Zurmon.

Lord Charley Deallus

Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Charley Deallus) and was a member of Retard Insertion Point

Eventually Charley did return to the lands of Buldar and found Zurmon again. After a long duel in the caverns of the dwarves, Charley managed to knock Zurmon into the unknown abyss that surrounded them.
Feeling that he had won, Charley returned home and spent many days in the Deallus castle with his father and family. Then one night, assassination attempts were carried out, and King Ernest Deallus was killed. Charley Deallus III was then crowned as king shortly after his father's funeral, but it was short lived. Rimoras, the neighboring kingdom, invaded Tasidian and quickly conquered it with incredible force, that was found to be backed by Dark Lord Zurmon. Zurmon was not dead after all and in fact was stroner than before, which he proved by defeating several of the brothers, including Charley himself. He had Tasidian burnt to the ground and the entire population exiled to the city of Talimon in Rimoras. Talimon was a city specifically made for prisoners, and many people were placed inside its large walls.
Many years passed and hope was running low within the city, amongst the slaves. Then out of nowhere, Hunter Deallus, the youngest of the family, appeared to the brothers. A plan was revealed to free the people of the city and fight off the defenders of Rimoras. Shortly afterwards, the brothers all escaped to the forest outside Talimon and prepared for the upcoming assault. Charley was presented a sword that his ancestor, Charley Deallus I, had made himself out of a special metal. Taking the sword reverently, Charley planned on using it to free the people of Tasidian from the city of Talimon.
Charley had a vision of the founding, building, and fall of Tasidian and also had a vision of its future. The next day, Charley and several others snuck back into the city and opened the gates for the attacking forces. The city was taken after several hours of fighting and Charley went to face the stewerd of the city. The stewerd had an eastern ninja as a bodyguard, and it led to a long battle that was evenly matched. Ultimately, Charley won, but it took most of his strength. Soon afterwards, Charley killed the steward in a quick duel that used up the remains of Charley's energy. Finally, Charley rested and waited for the time when Rimoras would be overthrown and peace would be restored to the land.
To be continued...

Lord Charley Deallus

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Charley Deallus) and was a member of Retard Insertion Point


Lord Charley Deallus

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Cedric Deallus) and was a member of Retard Insertion Point


Duke Cedric Deallus

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Michael Deallus) and was a member of Freedom Fighters


Duke Michael Deallus

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (John Berkeley) and was a member of Freedom Fighters


Demonslayer John Berkeley

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Scientist) and was a member of Freedom Fighters

*The Creation of Ergo*

In the beginning, there were the five gods of Ergo.

Drago was the god of creation. He could create life in almost any form that he desired and loved everything about it. The group of people that worshiped him were called Dragoists, or druids. They loved nature and live and did as much as they could to learn to learn and grow with it.

Dargas was the god of wisdom. He searched always for more ways to increase it and also bestowed some of his own upon those he felt worthy of it. His followers were the Dargists or philosophers. They were also reknowned for being the source of many great wizards of the time.

Druma was the god of balance. He worked to make sure that no group of people completely dominated another unless the same act eventually came back to get the dominating group. Karma was his rule and everyone was affected by his gaze. Everyone kept note of his teachings, and several secret societies, or Drumists, were established to keep balance in the world.

Mantos was the god of death. He sent out his underlings to gather the souls of those that were to die and brought them into this great halls in the heavens. His home was one that was far larger than any of the other gods, and it showed with radiance and magesty. No group followed him, but all knew of his presence and respected it. No kingdom dared slander his name or they would be weighted by a Doom that had no cure.

Edane was the fifth and final god. He was the god of power and made sure it was well known throughout the world of Ergo. Any warlike kingdom worshiped him in order to be bestowed with greater strength in order to defeat enemies. Sacrifices were common in his name, but many saw him as an evil god of war. The other gods did not trust him well for he spun many webs of lies amongst the people in order to gain the favor of all. Most peoples did not openly speak against him or face death at the hands of his followers. The Edanate were the followers of Edane. A group that believed themselves pure of heart and mind, they tend to wear white clothing or armor all the time to portray this to others.

The world of Ergo was created in a short time and many peoples were brought from the old world of Arga. The old world was destroyed by the sixth god of war, but was destroyed by a group of heroes. In his final moments of life, the evil god destroyed the world along with himself.

Terrified, Drago rescued as many people as he could and brought them to Ergo as early as 100 years before the destruction of Arga. The final people he managed to save were great warriors and kings that had helped save the world, but their memories were lost in the mayhem. Humans, elves, dwarves, and other peaceful races were brought to Ergo by Drago. He let them settle in the numerous lands as they saw fit and then the other gods revealed themselves. The people worshiped the god they seemed aligned to and the gods were adored. Many gifts of knowledge or material items were given to the people in return for their continued following of a god. Kingdoms were established and grew in power and knowledge.

*The Defiling of Ergo*

Edane was the most jealous of the gods and wished that everyone worshipped him over the others. He spread lies among the people that would turn them against the other gods and more towards him. He gave gifts of weapons and armors to many of the great lords. Dark elemental weapons of fire, energy, earth, water, and air were given to them in return for their alliegance. Fearful that Edane might corrupt the people of Ergo, Drago and the other gods created weapons of light that would be able to defeat the other weapons. Pure elemental weapons of fire, energy, earth, water, air, and life were given to any lords or warriors that wished to protect their lands from evil. Many temples were founded to house these weapons and legandary warriors.

Edane, seeing the attempts of the other gods to thwart his plans, brought races such as orcs, trolls, and he spawned demons of many shapes and sizes to do his bidding. He blended humans and elves with wild animals until they were perverted and vile beyond imagination. He scattered them throughout the land to strike terror into the hearts of those who did not fear him already. Kingdoms created walls around all of their cities to shut out the creatures that lurked in the darkness for fear of the death that was brought upon them.

When Drago and Druma cornered Edane about what he had done, he simply stated "This world is too boring with only peace. I felt that it was my duty to let them work towards their own peace." Drago and Druma planned on apprehending Edane, but he escaped quickly and hid from their sight. Mantos watched from the heavens to capture Edane wherever he appeared, but that day was far from coming.

----The Chronicles of Ergo----

A man appeared at the top of a hill, seemingly disoriented and lost. He was a tall man with black hair and hazel eyes, but he wore nothing except a black cloak. He stumbled several more steps before falling onto the ground roughly. Another man rushed over quickly and turned the fallen person over. "Hello? Who are you? Hello?!" said the man. "Seamus! Hurry up and help me with him. He is starving and freezing here!" shouted the man to his friend. "I am coming John! I did not see what you were running for!" said Seamus, the companion of John. The two men picked up the unconscious person and then carried him off.

*Two Days Later*

"Hello? Are you awake?" said a voice. The unknown man opened his eyes and looked around. "Wha-where am I?" he said. "You are in the Carstil Tavern in the village of Chartes. We are in the lands of the Kingdom of Warson in the northwestern lands. Seamus and I found you collapsed up in the northern wastes while exploring. Who are you?" said John. The man looked at both Seamus and then John. "I...I don't remember my name." he said sadly. "I just woke up suddenly in the middle of a frozen wasteland and had no idea where I came from. I had been wandering for only a day or two before you found me...I think." said the man. "Well...we cannot go calling you about Martin?" suggested John. "Martin...Martin...? Martin sounds fine. It is better than not having a name." he said with a slight smile. "My name is John Berkeley, this is my close friend Seamus Connelly." said John as he motioned to Seamus.

Martin looked at the two men around him. John was a tall man in his early thirties with jet black hair and hazel eyes. He carried a sword at his side in a strange sheath. Martin could not see the sword, but hoped he could look at it later. He sat up on the bet and looked at Seamus. Seamus Connelly was a young man in his mid twenties with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. He did not have a weapon with him that Martin saw, but something told him he used a bow. He had nothing to prove it except he saw the calluses on Seamus' hands.

"It is nice to meet you both. I am Martin...Martin Dalles." said Martin. "Dalles? Did you remember your name?" asked John, who was surprised. " means 'forgotton' does it not?" said Martin. "It does actually" said John in a quiet voice, as if thinking to himself. "I am guessing you are from an area not far away if you know the language. Rest some more and I will check on your tomorrow." he said. Martin closed his eyes and leaned back into the soft bed, unsure of the dreams that would follow.

The next day John woke up to find Martin already awake. "How did you sleep?" he asked. "Very well. A nice dreamless sleep was just what I needed. I feel much better." replied Martin. "Seamus and I plan on travelling to the capital of Warson. Do you wish to come along?" asked John. "I am very interested in this world. I hope to learn of my true identity soon enough." said Martin as he stood up. "I will need to find you a weapon first. The world is not as safe as it used to be. Followers of Edane, the god of power, are dangerous to us. Seamus and I are followers of Druma, the god of balance. If you wish to follow him also, we will take you with us." said John as he packed up his belongings. "We are meeting some people in Verdas, the capital."

Seamus walked into the room with a maple bow across his back as well as a quiver of arrows neatly arranged. "We should leave soon before anyone spots us. Being followers of Druma is dangerous when the Edanate are out hunting down those that could threaten their god's power." he said quietly into John's ear. "Indeed. We will leave in a moment, but first we need to get Martin a decent weapon." replied John as he lifted his pack onto his shoulders. "Come Martin, we will go to the blacksmith for some weapon. We will get you a fine one in Verdas."

The three men walked out of the Carstil Tavern and were at the blacksmith's within a few minutes. John walked in with Martin while Seamus stayed outside. "Kind blacksmith, would you recommend a weapon for my friend here? He has never wielded any in his life, but these are trying times and any kind of protection is worthy of the price." said John as the blacksmith looked at him curiously. "I have several iron weapons of fine quality here. Have a look at my wares and tell me which you would prefer." said the blacksmith in a jolly tone. John looked back and forth at several short swords of decent quality, but he was hoping for something better. He picked up an iron armor of chainmail and observed it carefully. "This is a good armor of chainmail for my friend here. Now, for a weapon..." said John aloud. The blacksmith smiled and waited for a weapon to be chosen.

John continued looking at swords until he saw a single longsword of iron. "Martin, see how well you handle this sword here." said John as he handed it to Martin. The younger man took the sword in his hands and seemed to hold it fairly well. "I guess this will do. Blacksmith! The chainmail armor and fine sword of iron for my friend." said John as he moved to pay for the items. "Martin, go put that ar*beep* and put the sword in a sheath at your side. I will take care of paying for this."

Martin walked outside after putting on his chainmail armor underneath his clothing and with his sword at his side. Seamus immediately handed him a long black cloak with a hood. He was also wearing one with his head hidden. "Quickly, cover yourself and hide your face. We must hide ourselves from those that wish to kill us. We will leave immediately. John knows what he is doing." whispered Seamus as Martin put on the cloak. The two men then quickly began walking out of the village.

They had walked for a short mile when a man stepped out of the trees near them. He was wearing a white cloak that blended into the white snow, but Seamus saw that he had a sword at his side. "Halt in the name of Edane." the man shouted. "Reveal your faces to me before I allow you to pass." Seamus began reaching for his hood when he suddenly revealed his bow. "Stay thy hand or die!" shouted the man as he drew his sword and ran at Seamus and Martin. Seamus notched an arrow and fired it swiftly, striking the man in the shoulder. Martin drew his sword and stood between Seamus and the Edanite. "Your deaths shall be assured!" the man said as he slashed at Martin with his uninjured arm. Martin blocked the attack and quickly threw the man off balance. He followed with a quick thrust at the man's chest, plunging the sword through the hard sternum with a cracking sound. Martin continued pushing on the sword until blood poured out and the resistance against the sword ceased. He pulled it out quickly and watched as the man fell forward, staining the snow red.

"Quickly, grab his sword and then cover him in the snow." said Seamus as he hid his bow again. Martin wiped his sword off and sheathed it quickly. He grabbed the sword of the Edanite and attached it to his belt before pushing snow over the body. "We must flee away from here before someone realizes he is missing." said Seamus as he led the way towards Verdas again.

Seamus and Martin moved as quickly as they could towards Verdas, but the journey would take them almost four days to make it there. The two also felt that they were being followed, which made them take very few breaks. Seamus eventually did realize that they needed to rest or they would never make it. "Martin, stop quickly and hide yourself in the forest. We will rest here for the night, but we must not make a fire." said Seamus quietly as he moved off of the road as well. The two hid themselves among the trees as best as they could, but sleep seemed impossible.

Martin did eventually fall into an uneasy sleep, but several hours later noise caused him to awaken. Four men on horseback trotted past slowly, looking around as carefully as they wanted to. "Darlas, why do we have to search around these lands? I wish to stay out of this cold." complained one to the lead man. "Silence Trent you slime. Haldrim ordered us to search for the Drumists and we will search. Otherwise your head would be on a platter for him." snarled the leader. They continued on their way silently and Martin felt that he held his breath until they were out of sight. Seamus breathed a sigh of relief, but kept his guard up. He knew that trouble awaited them in Verdas.

The companions woke up the next day and continued on their journey. Martin eventually did remember that he stole a sword from the man he killed, and unsheathed it. He saw a fine broadsword of steel that was of a simple design, but effective for combat. "That is a fine sword that you got from him Martin. It is far better than that iron one that you have there. Keep the old sword and sell it to someone who may have use for it." said Seamus as he looked at the sword. "Alright let's keep going."

The two travelled for several more hours before resting. They were sitting in the open on the plains because they had finally passed the Dralor Forest which the first forest between Chartes and Verdas. Seamus estimated that they were about halfway to their destination, but they needed to keep hurrying. He hurried Martin up as much as he could until he saw two horses coming for them. "Martin, do not draw your sword yet. Let us see who they are." said Seamus as he watched the two horses approach. Both of the riders drew swords, revealing their intentions. "Draw your sword now!" shouted Seamus as he notched an arrow. He let the arrow go as the riders approached, striking the lead man in the chest directly. The rider clutched at himself where the arrow struck him and then fell off the horse.

Martin prepared himself as the horseman raced towards him, but then remembered his iron sword. He drew it out quickly and then threw it at the horseman as he dove out of the way. The iron sword hit the rider hilt first, but it still knocked the man off balance. He dismounted and then prepared to rush at Martin when an arrow struck him in the stomach. Martin heard the moans of pain from the man before approaching. He lifted up his sword and brought it down upon the man's neck, severing it instantly. He wiped his sword off and scavenged the weapon from the dead man. He did not have time to look at it because he was busy chasing the man's horse.

Seamus managed to grab the first horse and calm it down after its owner had been killed. Martin jumped onto the back of the second horse and was carried off several yards before it calmed down as well. "Martin! We may reach Verdas by late tonight if we hurry! Come!" shouted Seamus as he began to ride off. Martin raced after him with his horse as best as he could.

They raced along with the horses for a number of hours until twilight began approaching quickly. Seamus moved next to Martin and motioned for him to slow down. "We will enter the city tomorrow morning. I wish for us to be rested and also with our minds sharp. We will rest in the forest a few hours from Verdas." said Seamus as he dismounted. "Alright..." replied Martin as he prepared to sleep.

Seamus woke up just before dawn and looked around. Something felt different about this day compared to the previous nights. It seemed like the tense atmosphere he was sensing was now gone. He walked over to where Martin was sleeping and gently shook him awake. "Time to get up and enter Verdas. Remove your cloak and keep your swords sheathed." said Seamus, remembering that Martin had three swords on him. "We can sell some of those for money."

Martin rose to his feet and rubbed his sore back. The hard ground was nothing near comfortable in his opinion. He removed his cloak and put it in a pack he was given, along with two of his swords. The sword he had gotten the day before was a simple steel longsword, but it was not as good as the one he got before. The two men then approached the defensive walls of Verdas. Two men wearinig leather armor and carrying swords stood by the tall doors, and then they helped open them up for Seamus and Martin. The two walked into the city and began looking for the blacksmith. They walked down the street for several minutes before Martin spotted a sign outside of it. They walked inside and showed the swords to the blacksmith. "Hello there, would you be willing to buy two fine swords?" said Seamus as removed them from Martin's pack. "These are some fine swords you have here. I am more interested in the steel one because they are rare in these parts. The iron one I will buy for ten gold coins and the steel one for twenty." said the blacksmith as he looked at them.

Seamus thought for a moment and then nodded his head. "Agreed! Thank you for this fair price. I would like to know where my friend and I may purchase some furs for this cold weather." said Seamus curiously. "Ah, you may try next door. Beron is the man you want to talk to. He trades in animal furs and clothing he has made from them. Worth the price I say." said the blacksmith. "Thank you very much kind sir." said Seamus as he walked out of the blacksmith's shop.

Martin and Seamus walked next door to a small home with a sign on the outside. The sign had a picture of a stretched animal fur which told Seamus that this was the right place. He walked inside and greeted the owner who was standing in the corner working on some furs. "Greetings Beron, the blacksmith next door told us of your fine furs here so I have come to purchase some hopefully." said Seamus cheerfully as he looked around. "Ah, I see that Merdok is giving me more attention here. I will thank him for this. Please, look around and tell me what you are interested in." replied Beron as he worked on sewing some fur together. "I am looking for some warm furs to protect my friend and I from the cold winds. I was wondering which fur is the best for this?" said Seamus as he continued looking around. Martin stayed near the door because Seamus was handling the business. "Well, I have some white wolves fur which is very effective." said Beron as he stood up and showed Seamus some. "It is soft, comfortable, and keeps you from getting wet." said Beron as he gathered several items of clothing. "It can also be useful for drawing less attention from...those that you don't want to find you." he said in a slightly lower tone of voice.

Seamus heard those words and understood that he was a man that could be trusted. "I see that you are willing to help many people. Beron, what group do you follow?" asked Seamus. "I am a Dragoist but I am part of the Drumists." he replied carefully. "Do you know where the meeting place is?" asked Seamus. "I am here on business. My friend here is hopefully joining and we will then move out on our mission."

Beron looked at the door and then whispered to Seamus. "The grand temple of Drago has a secret room in the basement. That is where the group is meeting tonight." Seamus listened carefully and made sure he remembered the words. "Thank you Beron. We will pay you for this clothing and then wait until the meeting." said Seamus as he pulled out his pouch of gold. "I will let you have these items for half the price since we are allies." replied Beron. "I hope you know that Merdok is a Edanite, but a less enthusiastic one."

Seamus nodded and then paid for the items. He handed Martin his clothing and then placed his own into his pack. Martin did the same and then followed Seamus out the door. The two men saw the large Dragoist temple down the street more and made a mental note of it. "Martin, we will be staying at the inn here until John arrives. He said he would meet us there sometime today if he could." said Seamus as he led Martin towards a taller building. Seamus opened the door of the building and walked inside. Martin followed after him and was pleased to know that there was a large fire warming up the inside. Seamus walked up to the bar and sat down at a seat. "I wish to rent three rooms here for a night." he said as Martin sat next to him. "That will be fifteen gold for all three." replied the bartender as he revealed three keys. Seamus handed him fifteen gold coins and was handed the keys. He left his seat and walked for the stairs in the corner with Martin following him still. He walked to the end of a hallway and found that he got the three rooms at the end of the inn. "You get the room on the left, I will get the end room, and John will have the room on the right when he shows up. Get some rest until tonight." said Seamus as he handed Martin his key. The two men walked into their own rooms and closed the doors before locking them.

Seamus looked at his room and was glad to know that it had a comfortable looking bed, two chairs, and a chest for clothes or belongings. "I guess this will do." he said to himself as he reclined on the bed. He looked at the ceiling and wondered where his friend was.


John Berkeley walked in the gates of Verdas several hours later and quickly moved to the inn. He walked inside and sat down at the bar. "Bartender, I wish to know if two men arrived here earlier today." said John. "Sir, many men arrive here and you expect me to remember?" the bartender replied honestly. "They will have gotten three rooms for only two men." said John. "Ah...well...yes I remember two younger men requesting three rooms, but I did not notice who would get the third room. They got the three rooms at the corner of the inn." said the bartender. "Thank you, that will be all." said John as he walked upstairs with the bartender looking curiously at him, but shrugging it off when someone requested a drink. John knocked on the end door of the hall and Seamus opened it slightly. "John! It is about time you arrived." he said in surprise. "I was hoping that you were not captured or killed." continued Seamus. "I was delayed slightly and I can tell you the story later. The meeting is in an hour but I do not know where it is at this time. They change the locations often." said John in a discouraged tone.

Seamus pulled him into his room and locked the door. "I found that it is in the basement of the Dragoist temple in the city. Martin and I were planning on waiting for you until going there." whispered Seamus. "Ah, the Edanate would not dare attack a temple or else the Dragoists would become their enemies as well. Most of the other groups wish to remain neutral in this conflict because they do not want a war." said John almost completely to himself. "John, where will we be going after this meeting?" Seamus asked. "I am not exactly sure, but we may have to travel to the Kingdom of Drambes or Yarles. They are openly supportive of the Drumists and have temples down there that may get us a mission against the Edanate. Up here, Drumists have to be more secretive since Edane has his followers taking over everything. The Dragoists do not like it, but they do not want to fight." whispered John as Seamus sat on his bed and listened. "Strange times we are in. What kingdoms are openly supportive of Edane?" asked Seamus. The Rembrach Empire and surrounding kingdoms are basically all under his grasp. Others have not openly declared it, but are leaning towards his support. The southern continents are still wrestling with his supposed peaceful intentions so they are safer for us. Get Martin...we are leaving for the temple." said John as he stood up and looked out the window.

Seamus walked out of the room and knocked on Martin's door twice. When it was answered, Seamus silently motioned him to follow. Martin followed Seamus back to the other room and was surprised to see John there. "John! You made it here alright!" almost shouted Martin until John motioned for him to be quiet. "I will tell that story another day. We are going to the Dragoist temple for a meeting. Gather your things but keep your weapons hidden. A Dragoist temple is not the place to show weapons.

The three men gathered all of their belongings and then left the inn silently. They walked down the street and stopped at the large doors of the beautiful temple. The entire building was made of white stone and designed so that it looked like nature had overtaken it. Stone vines and plant life coated the outside in a beautiful display of the nature loving Dragoist fashion. Upon the top of the tall temple was the representation of Drago himself, a stag with a flower in its mouth. John looked upon the building for a moment before knocking at the door. A single elderly man wearing robes that were almost white if it was not for a slight tinge of green in them. "Greetings kind sir, may we enter this shelter of Drago for a short time?" asked John in a very humble tone. "Certainly young one, the dwelling of Drago is for all of those with peaceful hearts and minds." replied the priest of Drago as he opened the door.

John, Seamus, and Martin walked into the temple slowly, hearing beautiful choral music that seemed to come from the high ceiling. The group slowly walked up towards the front of the temple while the music and singing continued to echo praises of Drago and nature. John walked into a back room with his two companions following. It turned out to be a private room for worship. John and the others knelt down and looked as if they were praying. A single priest walked in and knelt down next to John for a moment. "Friend, do you wish to go to a more secluded place for worship?" he asked with a whisper. "Yes, my friends and I wish to pray in such a place." replied John automatically. The priest stood up and motioned with his hands for them to follow. John stood up and tapped his friends on the shoulder to come with him.

The priest walked them to a quiet part of the temple and then stopped near a statue of Drago in human form. He placed his hands upon the arms of the statue and it instantly opened up a wall next to it. The priest waved the three men in before closing it behind them. John led his two friends down a stone corridor before going down a some steps and entering a basment room. There were about nine men there already. "Nice to see some more people arrive. We do not expect our numbers to be great since the Edanate are forcing us into hiding in this realm. My name is Roland Haldax, the head of the Drumists in this kingdom. This will be one of the last meetings we will have here before we move southward. Edane's power grows stronger daily and our lives are all in danger." said a short but strong looking man. He had a short brown beard and wore a cap that hid most of his hair.

The other men in the room introduced themselves to the trio until the last man spoke. "My name is Alistair Cidan, a man with no past but willing to fight for Druma. You may call me Cidan but I have no real name other than that given to me by others." spoke a man who sat in the corner of the room. He had blonde hair with green eyes and looked of almost noble lineage due to his look. "No past?" asked Martin curiously. "I also have no past." Alistair looked at Martin curiously for a moment. "Did you also wake up without knowing who you were or where you were from?" asked Alistair firmly. "Yes...I woke up in the northern wastelands starving and almost frozen to death until John and Seamus here saved me." said Martin back firmly. "Interesting...maybe there is some connection." replied Alistair.

"Well, we need to finish up this meeting quickly. Our time is short and Edane's spies are everywhere." said Roland in a slightly nervous tone. "John Berkeley, I want you to head south to the capital city of Krans in the kingdom of Yarles. There is a strongest Edanate presence, but I need you to assassinate Lord Draven. He is a powerful man who controls several areas around Yarles, and he is threatening the king to follow his orders. If we killed him, the king may reestablish his power and cast out the followers of Edane. You others I already gave your missions. Alistair, you will go with John's group. I know of your skills and they would be very useful. John, this man is a very deadly fighter and will help you greatly." said Roland as he paced back and forth.


Two columns of men clad in armor approached the doors of the Dragoist temple. They bore the emblem of Edane upon their arms, the white blade clutched in a fist of strength. There were ten men in each column as they quickly stopped at the doors of the building. The four lead men rushed at the door and smashed it open quickly. "Search out the Drumists and kill any that stop you!" the leader shouted as the soldiers rushed inside. Then a man wearing a grey cloak seemed to appear out of the shadows and stood next to the captain. "I am positive that they are in there. I saw two known Drumists enter inside about fifteen minutes ago. The Dragoists are sheltering them but no longer." he spoke softly. The captain glanced over at him before lighting a pipe. "They will not escape. I sent in nineteen men and I have some men walking around the outside to make sure none escape without us knowning." he replied as he puffed away at his pipe. "We will get them."

The columns of leather armored soldiers filed into the temple quickly, ignoring the protests of the priests. Finally, one of them stood in front of the column and held out his hand. "Halt in the name of Drago!" he shouted before the first soldier slashed his chest open. The priest screamed as he fell to the ground in a bloody mess and was trampled on by the soldiers moving forward. The eldest priest then stood in front of the column like the previous one, but this time he was chanting something to himself. He did a series of symbols with his hands and then knelt down. He placed the palms of his hands upon the ground and a flash of light erupted from the floor. Instantly, a large bear and wolf appeared and stood before the priest. "Remove them from this temple however you see fit!" he ordered them and the two large animals charged at the soldiers.

The columns scattered around the temple as more priests began summoning animals themselves. One priest stood before a group of soldiers and did something similar to the second priest, but he placed his hands upon himself and he turned into an animal-like creature. He bared his claws and charged into the soldiers with an enraged roar.


"C-captain!" shouted a soldier as he left the entrance of the temple. "The priests are fighting back with incredible abilities!" he continued to shout. The captain sighed and looked at him for a moment. Alright is coming." he muttered as he raised his fist into the air. Instantly, twenty more soldiers appeared and charged into the temple with swords ready.


Soldiers were fighting animals all over the temple and were hard pressed until the reinforcements arrived. Then they took the offensive again and soon began fending off the animal attacks. The bodies of a number of priests littered the floor along with the bodies of soldiers. The animals, when killed, merely disappeared and many were summoned again until the priests grew exhausted and collapsed. Bears, wolves, hounds, and fierce birds flew around in total chaos, attacking any enemy of Drago.


Drago looked down from his realm upon a temple of his being attacked. He turned to Dargas and Druma. "This is your fault Druma. If your followers were not hiding in my temple, then my priests would not be getting killed." he growled angerly. "Drago, open your eyes. The attack upon your priests was ordered. They are good people and chose to defend my followers who are being persecuted. Edane has gone too far. He has begun attacking and killing peoples in great numbers. We need to unite to combat him!" replied Druma with all of his wisdom. "Druma is right." said Dargas. "He might as well openly declare war upon us. I think we need to call upon Mantos and his followers to join us against him. He has chosen to remain neutral in this, but his power is great." continued Dargas as he watched the battle from alongside the other gods. "You may not openly involve yourselves in these wars. While they are your followers, you may only involve yourselves indirectly and through your wisdoms." said a voice that they soon recognized. Before them stood Aldros, the creator of the gods and their king.

The other gods bowed and then continued to watch from above. "Indirectly you say? While Edane hides down there and showers his followers with power and weapons of strength and death?" said Dargas angerly. "You may support those you wish, but I will not have you go down there yourselves and kill those that you wish. That is a rule that all gods are forbidden to break unless I break it myself." he said as his anger seemed to flash through his calm appearance. The other gods went silent and continued watching.


Seamus was the first to hear the battle above their heads. "Edanate! Attacking the temple?!" said Seamus in anger. "They dare declare war upon yet another god? Drago will never forget this!" said Roland as he revealed a sword at his side. "We must escape! You all know your missions. You must escape and complete them as best as you can." said Roland quickly as he could. John grabbed Martin by that arm while Alistair and Seamus followed close behind. He raced to the exit of the underground hiding space and began moving to the back door of the temple. Then the back door slammed open and three soldiers drew iron swords. "Halt where you are Drumists!" the lead one shouted.

John looked back at them for a moment before an arrow flew over his shoulder and struck the lead man in the chest. He fell with a grunt and his two other men charged forward. "Nice shot Seamus! Now let's get these two!" shouted John as he drew his flamberge. Martin was about to move forward with him, but Alistair drew a sword from his side and raced forward. It took only a few seconds, but John slashed open the chest of his enemy while Alistair almost cut his opponant clear in have. The group of four then raced out of the temple into the city.


A soldier ran towards the captain and stopped quickly. "Sir! A group of Drumists have escaped out the back of the temple! We have men chasing them as we speak!" panted a guard as he tried to catch his breath. "Do not let them escape or I will have your head..." replied the captain with annoyance. The soldier ran off quickly, fearing for his life, and the captain turned to the mysterious man next to him. "I think you should help my incompetent men hunt down those Drumists before they escape." said the captain. "I will follow them and attack if I see an opening." replied the man before he disappeared into the shadows. The captain puffed away at his pipe and looked up at the clear sky. "Strange men those Edanate are..." he whispered to himself.

John led Martin, Seamus, and Alistair southward in the city streets. A number of city guards were chasing after them, but were not going to catch them so easily. The group of four was moving swiftly up and down alleyways while avoiding the larger streets. Men with torches rushed around the streets searching for the Drumist escapees. John was just about to cross into the southern half of the city when he halted the group in the shadows. A pack of ten guards rushed past. "I think I heard that they were racing south. Prepare to close the southern gates." said the lead guard as they moved past.

John turned to Seamus and pulled him close. "We may need to find an alternate exit from the city. We may need to find the aquaducts underneath the city." whispered John as he kept his eyes open for any enemies. "I believe that there will be one near the center of the city. We are right around there since this is the major street in the city." replied Seamus in a quiet tone. "I know where it is." said Alistair in a low tone of voice. "It is only a minute up the street here, but there will be plenty of guards." John thought for a moment before looking onto the street again. "We have no choice. It is either fight through the gates or exit through the aquaducts." said John as he motioned that the street was clear.

The group of four quickly moved down the dimly lit streets. There were revolutionary oil lamps that lined the street, more advanced than most other cities at this time. They made it about halfway to the aquaduct entrance when four guards spotted them. "Hey there! Halt and identify yourselves! All people are to be indoors because there are violent criminals loose!" said one of the approaching guards. He carried a torch in his hand and he raised it up a little until he saw their faces. "It is the Drum-" said the guard before his head fell to the ground along with the top half of the torch. Alistair's sword gleamed red in the torch light with blood as it flashed through the air again. Another guard had his chest torn open as he fell to the ground with a shriek. The two other guards were suddenly cut down by Martin and John as they drew their swords and made quick work of the inexperienced fighters.

Alistair wiped off his sword quickly and sprinted ahead towards the aquaduct entrance. The opening was in the middle of a circular stone area with a fountain, and it was very revealing of their position. The four men entered in it with a few guards chasing them. "Wait! Don't follow them. The Edanate will handle them now. We are to make sure they do not come back this way." one guard said as they halted. It was unfortunate that John and the others were just out of earshot when this was said.


The captain of the city guard stood outside the aquaduct entrance with twenty other guards and sighed to himself. "Well, you men will be here to make sure those four do not escape. Everyone else will continue searching the city for any other Drumists." said the captain in a loud voice so that everyone could hear. The guards began breaking up into groups and moving away, but about five men not wearing uniforms moved closer. They each wore leather armor and carried unique weapons at their sides that the captain could not identify. The most dangerous looking of the group was the man cloaked in grey. He spoke not a word to anyone, but they seemed to sense an order to move forward. The mercenaries instantly rushed single file into the tunnels and disappeared from sight.

The chase in the aquaducts would be a memorable one for Martin. All that was heard was the sound of heavy footsteps echoing around the stone tunnels that winded around the city. John knew they were being followed and urged the group onward as fast as they could go. "We will be out of the city in no time at all. Keep up and do not fall behind." he said as he continued to run. "I wish I knew which way we are going." said Seamus as he kept pace with John. They ran down the winding tunnel with the water in the middle of it. The running water seemed to keep pace with them as they continued on their marathon.


The grey cloaked man led the other four Edanate men behind him swiftly. "They are not far ahead. We will overtake them soon enough and kill them all." he said in a quiet voice. The others merely nodded their heads and continued after him. They ran very quickly despite the weapons and armors they wore, but they were better trained than the other scum that had been hunting before them.


Seconds turned to minutes, minutes turned to hours, and finally it seemed like time stood still when John spotted the exit. "There it is!" he said loud enough for the others to hear. He raced out of the tunnel into the bright light outside. "Gah! It seems like it is dawn already. We have been running all night. My legs are killing me." said John as he rubbed at his muscles. "That won't be the only thing killing you if we do not hurry." said Seamus quickly as he passed John by. The group ran away from the exit for a few minutes until they ended up in a grassy field. There were several large boulders that stuck out from the ground and a river not far away. Then John turned around to see five men standing together facing him. " seems they caught up faster than I thought...the Edanate hunters." muttered John in disappointment.

The five Edanate men stood silently before finally they dropped their cloaks to the ground. They all were wearing studded leather armors and carried various weapons. "Greetings John Berkeley of the Drumists. I am Farthon, your death." he said with a sinister grin. "My companions are Gunthor, Jenkar, Ruthless, Spiker, and Balrug." he continued as he pointed them out. John looked at each man carefully and hoped to learn something from his observations.

Gunthor rested a great steel axe upon his shoulder and was indeed a very large man. He had numerous scars upon his face and arms that showed he must have been involved in vicious past battles. He wore a sleeveless tunic and leather armor, loose fitting trousers, and had huge muscular arms that seemed perfect for his axe. He was bald and had a short black beard that covered his jaw.

Jenkar was a slim man that carried two very short curved steel blades that were held firmly in his hands. He wore a loose jerkin and leather armor with no shirt underneath. He had long twisted black hair that hung down to his shoulders in a mess. He had long and skinny arms that looked like they would not inflict much damage if attacking with his swords.

Ruthless carried a strange weapon that John had not seen before. He twirled a blade on the end of a long chain next to him with a grin upon his face. He wore his studded leather armor and loose fitting trousers to compliment his blonde hair and handsome face. His looks seemed to conflict with the weapon he was using as he continued to twirl it next to him.

Spiker was a tall but slim man that carried many daggers that lined his belt and legs. He had red hair and a wild look on his youthful face. He had short and slim arms that looked like they could move quickly if needed be. His leather armor was covered in places to store knives and increased his deadliness. John assumed that he would use throwing knives at a very fast speed due to the large number of them. Spiker had skinny legs that seemed to hide an agility that was felt by all.

Balrug was an athletic looking man that carried two long steel swords that were slightly curved. He had a calm composure to himself as he sheathed them by his sides. He did not wear much armor and even removed a pipe from his pocket and puffed away at it. His hair was greying slightly at the temples possibly displaying his experience with the sword.

John looked at each man carefully and knew they would be trouble. He finally looked at Farthon and saw an averaged sized man with brown hair and green eyes. He had a single long scar the started at his right cheekbone and descended to the right side of his neck. He had lean arms, waist, and legs that made him look very average. He wore leather armor with chainmail armor overtop of it and loose fitting trousers. He carried an odd weapon that looked like a staff, but the weapon had a curved blade at one and and a straight blade at the other. It was as tall as Farthon and it was made completely of an unknown metal, but it could have been steel.

John glanced over at the others in his group and motioned them closer. "We need to decide who we are fighting or else this could become a mess." said John to the others. "I will fight the dumb looking one with the axe." said Alistair calmly as he looked at his opponant. "I will get the little one with the throwing knives." said Seamus confidently. "I will fight the one with short hand blades." said Martin in a slightly nervous tone. "Alright then, I will fight the one with the strange chain weapon." said John as he looked at the enemies. "What about the remaining two?" asked Alistair curiously. "What if they attack us during our battles? They have not offered to fight us in single combat." John thought about that for a moment and then cursed. "Then we will have to improvise. I am hoping that the other two are so confident that we will die that they will not interfere." replied John as he began walking towards his opponant.

"So it begins Farthon. How about we face our opponants in single combat and see who is superior here?" said John with a cheerful tone. "It will not matter. Die whichever way you see fit." replied Farthon with a snicker as he folded his arms. John and the others pointed out their opponants and they split up slightly to not interfere with each other. They then readied themselves for the battle.

Demonslayer Scientist

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (William Berkeley) and was a member of Abydos

I am Lord Scientist >.>
Yes...that is and improved!

Demonslayer William Berkeley

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (The Confused Demon Farmer) and was a member of Abydos


Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer

Lived in Era 40, got 1 heir(s) (The Infidel Killing Kitten) and was a member of Abydos


Demonslayer The Infidel Killing Kitten

Lived in Era 41, got 1 heir(s) (Charley Deallus IV) and was a member of Abydos


Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV

Lived in Era 41, got 1 heir(s) (Nathanial Jardes) and was a member of Hot Inactive Veterans

Cheers to all. Was nice hanging around, but it is time for a break.

Prince Nathanial Jardes

Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Whiskers The Feline God) and was a member of Hot Inactive Veterans

Not playing this era...burnt my city and disbanded my armies as soon as I restarted just so no idiot could claim that he killed me. May play for real another era...but until then, nothing now.

This is not part of the official Deallus timeline.

Prince Whiskers The Feline God

Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Charley The Kitten) and was a member of Hot Inactive Veterans

Same as the above history. Just screwing around. Burnt my city and killed my armies just to change my name.

Not part of the Deallus timeline.

Kittens ftw!

Prince Charley The Kitten

Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Ceiling Cat) and was a member of Girl Power

Im silly...
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