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Mr. Apophis

Lived in Era 40 and got 1 heir(s) (Apophis).


Mr. Apophis

Lived in Era 40, got 1 heir(s) (Apophis II) and was a member of Tupac

Imagine a small room. The room is scantly furnished and poorly lit. The few items of furniture there are all made of solid-black rock, as are the walls and floor. A single candle on a sturdy, large table illuminates a troubled face, muttering silently. This figure is all alone, yet speaks. The figure stands, somewhat stooped, and strides across the room to a large, dark double door, and grabs one of the handles and pulls. The door slowly creaks open, resenting every movement. From the other side of the door comes a snarl. A hideous creature steps forth into the room and swings a crude, misshapen sword at the figure. With uncanny speed, this figure ducks, dropping to the floor on its hands, kicks out with its feet, and forces the monster's legs out from under it, sending it to the floor. The monster looses its weapon, which clatters away. The stooped figure grins and grabs the weapon. The monster is seemingly undeterred and slowly stands up, eying the weapon, so near, but in the wrong hands. The figure hurls the blade out the door, and the door shuts. The candle goes out, yet the light remains. The figure begins to laugh hysterically, watching the monster tremble in fear as the world around it does the impossible. "Now, my new friend, see how well you can battle me without aid of steel. Test your luck against my might, and lets see what happens, hmm?" The odd light in the room fades out, leaving the two beings in solid blackness. the monster roars, the light returns, and the figure, now laughing again, lies bleeding on the floor. "Odd. I don't like this outcome." The figure's wounds close. It stands with unnatural speed, plunges its hand into the monster's chest, and removes the monster's heart. "I do, however, much prefer *this* one!"

Mr. Apophis II

Lived in Era 41, got 1 heir(s) (Apophis III) and was a member of Tupac


Mr. Apophis III

Lived in Era 41, got 1 heir(s) (Anubis) and was a member of Sol Invictus

" When fools unite, there can be hell to pay. A singular notion or idea that upsets an individual can spark sheer and utter disaster. It seems that even the lowest form of life are capable of communication. Foolish Orcs and their brutal minds, stuck up Elves who can not think past their favorite wines, gold-thirsty Dwarfs and their precious ores, those damned, insane Trolls, commonly known to kill one another even when allied, and of course, those foolish humans who simply gallop in to trouble, can all seem to find a way to spread their filth and contamination through the communication of ideas. I sent my armies against one foe, and he has been able to ally himself with hundreds!" Apophis the third walked to the map, resting on a large, round table in the center of a well-furnished room. "Curses! Damnable treaties! Rotten and despicable politics! How could I be so blind. There is never ONE fool I must purge from the world, there are always hundreds!" Apophis left his map for a large cabinet against the wall. He swung the two doors wide open and rummaged through its contents stacked on the many shelves inside. After finding a certain parchment listing the various soldiers under his command, he walked back to the large table and spread the sheet out. "my armies are spread far and wide, doing as I asked. They will fight their battles, win, and rejoice. They will believe me a glorious leader, only to find hell at their doorstep in a meager few days. I shall hope that my generals can command my soldiers well." Apophis paused for a moment. "if only there were a few more ambitious even than I...some that are so far past insanity that they would be willing to aid me. No, not the ignorant many who will simply hurl their men at walls to create a hole rather than opening a door, but the intelligent madmen who would be willing to aid me for the thrill and challenge; they who would aid me because their armies need testing, because their armies are bored with their current foes. Yes, i will seek out one kingdom I know to be just as mad and cunning as I. I will Join Sol Invictus!" Apophis rushed to his messenger to relay his thoughts. The messenger quickly departed to greet the leaders of this mighty kingdom and offer a proposal. Apophis found a nearby chair and sat in it quite heavily, feeling tired from the days ordeals. "At last, I may have found comfort and protection. Damn. it would be something to brag about if I could manage to ward off these fools by my self! I suppose I will just have to share the glory with these others."

Mr. Anubis

Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Apophis IV) and was a member of Rebirth

Several years ago, my predecessor, Apophis III, allowed me the honor of fighting in one of his more esteemed armies. it was rather huge, and I was eager to do battle with any kingdom foolish enough to challenge us. I recall the event quite vividly, as I often do during random times of day and sometimes in my sleep. I recall the battle for Haunari, and earlier a battle for an enemy city. The city that we attacked, though I have forgotten the name, was a spectacle. I recall riding on the back of a huge Nazgul, its screams piercing the night sky, causing hairs to rise and blood to boil. My mount plummeted downwards, aiming for the archers on the walls of the establishment below. My Nazgul roared down, raked its claws against the many defenders, and then flew with remarkable speed back towards the sky, as hundreds upon hundreds more did beside and before and behind me. Soon, the soldiers retreated from their defense, rushing to the protection of their castle, located at the center of the city. The soldiers were slow on foot, and we upon wings much faster. Many fell to the talons of the nazgul. Soon, however, several hundred soldiers were penned up inside of the mighty fortress. A small unit of our riders, nearly five-hundred in size, dismounted and attacked the fortress. They burned down the only doors barring our entrance, and rushed inside. Once the door was down, I had decided to join the foot soldiers, and I dismounted, too. I followed the men rushing in, and narrowly dodged a projectile shot from one of the archers within. Murder holes allowed defenders the pleasure of attacking with impunity, but I intended to remove said impunity. I ran through the door, following a smaller group of men, only fifty in size, up a stairway to the left of the entrance. We ran down a narrow hallway, dotted with enemies, and hacked them all down. There was an intersection down the center, and our forces split again, I chose to continue straight on, the others went to the right. Soon, we found another stairway leading up to a tower, possibly where my attacker almost killed me. I rushed up the stairs before my men, so they were forced to follow. I found many archers in my path, some of which drew longsword and fought. The first was struggling to draw his blade, and I gut him down quickly. The man behind was prepared, however, and wearing chain mail. I swung my sword from my side in an arc towards his own side. He blocked it with his sword, and then moved to stab me. I deflected it myself, and then made as if I would hack at his throat, but rather than carrying through, pulled my blade back. he fell for the trick, and moved to block what was not there, while I ran him through. The other remaining soldiers put up a similar fight, but none prevailed but I.
It was not long before every soldier had fought and died against our forces. We lost few, and they lost thousands. The city was ours! The soldiers and I spent the day rejoicing over our victory, usually involving a tavern, sometimes not. Mostly involving taverns, though. Within a few days, we made our way back home to Haunari, only to find an enemy perched at its walls, besieging our home town. There would be hell to pay. The force was very strong, and the soldiers withing were having trouble fending off the attackers. The siege did little to our city, but posed a threat to the health of our walls. Once my army was home, we would have a chance of breaking the siege. However, they attacked first, in the most suicidal attempt I have ever witnessed! Their first wave did nothing to us; not a single man died. We were stationed on our walls, firing arrows, bolts, and miscellaneous other bullets at them. They lost thousands, unable to break our defenses. They soon retreated, but struck again very soon. Our nazgul rained death upon them, riders nor carrying bow and quiver, striking out with talons and arrows. The enemies broke out gates, only to find hundreds of thousands of well-trained men within, me among them. We rushed their force, losing only four-hundred of our men, killing all of theirs. We left the safety of our fort to rush the enemies outside, slaughtering them to the man. Victory was ours, and the battlefield wept with blood. Haunari stayed safe!

Mr. Apophis IV

Lived in Era 43, got 1 heir(s) (Apophis V) and was a member of Rebirth

Few have heard of my predecessors. My family passes through this maelstrom of a world leaving little behind save the smallest, most insignificant wake that doesn't affect the world around it. I have known this for years, and have decided that this will change. Be it my only creed, it shall remain that I will conquer. The wake behind me will be impressive, and the world will shudder from its effects.
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