Family History

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Mr. Mac

Lived in Era 13, got 1 heir(s) (Mac) and was a member of Peacekeepers

During the Era of Jeker he was betrayed by Erunion brother who seized his fathers kingdom. To avoid death he retreated to the elven colony of Tirian and made it into a mighty city. There he waits for an oppertunity to punish his evil brother for what he had done.

Erunion however fled during a battle and fled to his twin brother Durin a member of the Ted clan. However Durin is under seige and will soon be destroyed. But it is only a matter of time before he renames himself and starts again on his lust for Mac's destruction.

Sir Mac

Lived in Era 14 and got 1 heir(s) (Steve).

Sir Mac
Height: 6'2

At the end of the Era of Jeker, Mac the 1st was dying and asked his son to rebuild the empire. He openly accepted and began to rebuild the glory of the although short, lasting empire of his father.

After many days he had built the cities of Tirion and Gondolin. Remembering
the glories of his fathers kingdom he set out to make those cities more glorious then when his father had built them.

After three days he went to find what had happened to Erunion, his fathers brother. After many days of searching he finally discovered that Erunion was dead. However he had a son and he was going to join the Peacekeepers. At a banquet to celebrate his cousins entry into the Peacekeepers he met him, Erunion the 2nd was sitting opposite him. And after many hours of convrsation he was accepted into the Peacekeepers, they resolved their differences and they are now best friends and allies.

Several days later, Erunion visited him they decided that the people's lives were to boring and that all they had to do was practice with weapons, build structures and eat so they brought together all the leaders of their cities and brainstormed a sport for the people to play. They decided upon Laccross. However this sport could only be played in the summer so they thought of another sport. One day later, still with no sport in mind they walked across a frozen lake to get to Minastirath. When they arrived they decided on a second sport. They would have the people play hockey. They would build massive rinks and freeze water in them. The people would wear skates to move quicker on the ice and they would use sticks to hit a puck and a net for the pucks to be shot at.

As a game was commencing in Tirion, word came that massive armies of elves and trolls were marching to attack Tirion and Osgilia. The word struck Mac like bricks and in moments he had recovered and organized huge forces. Osgilia fell withen days but the opposition was mauled terribly, then the trolls attacked Tirion. A quiet wind started and the banners of the city shone, as the banners flew in the sky and the peasents and soldiers prepared themselves for battle the enemy continued to come. It was only a matter of time before they reached the massive walls of the capitol......

Although under seige and outnumbered six to one, Mac sent out scouts to the nearby regions and discovered that Erunions city Norgothrond had fallen, as well as his city Pskov. Several massive cities of the PKS were also under seige and then the word arrived that Gondolin, was under seige. It was only a matter of time before the cities tiny garrison was overwhelmed. However as he sat in his city and built new defences, two armies had been mustered and were now on their way to liberate the empire of PKS.

After many days without word from Gondolin, Mac was worried that it had fallen however as the enemy continued to come closer a messanger arrived and told him that the garrison of Gondolin had lost half of it's forces but that the much larger unorganized army of Sir Love had been shattered and that it had fled hundreds of miles back the way it came. Upon hearing this he sent the word around the seiged city, and the morale went up massively. The enemy may outnumber us, but we fought for the Peacekeeping of the world.....

Tiron fell after a massive battle with thousands of troops killed on both sides. Mac and his armies retreated to Gondolin where an army was being built to reclaim Tirion for the PKS. As the battles raged throughout the kingdom of the PKS, a few small cities grow and challenge the powerful NT. The battle would be long and difficult, but the PKS would do whatever it could to reclaim it's empire.....

Day after day the battles raged, but Gondolin did not fall. The Mall was recaptured by Mac, but it was to late. Upon capturing it the forces of Bertrand marched on it. The battle would be over soon, but they would make a stand of it. However the armies of Donut Forsakeme and Galadriel fought by their side. Against the power of NT there may be victory.....

However, as well as they did defend the mall, it fell. Western and Eastern Osgilia came under seige again, but the cities garrisons had doubled over the last few days. During all this a division of troops was being prepared to march out and reclaim the cities in the region of Gondolin for the Peacekeepers.

Many months after the fall of Tirion, the armies of the Peacekeepers reclaimed the cities that had fallen. It is now a time of rebuilding, a time of peace. But how long can it last?

The kingdom of the Peacekkepers was once again united but armaggedon is coming. In 20 days the world would be destroyed. Mac's nephew had already decided to lead with his generals the Orcs. His capitol would be Utapau and his kingdom would be strong.

Sir Steve

Lived in Era 15, got 1 heir(s) (Brad) and was a member of Peacekeepers

Sir Steve
Height 6'1

I do not remember much about my childhood. But what I do remember was that there were screams. So much screaming. I remember seeing a great white light then I woke up beside a fire. There were several men there in armour. Their names were General Grievous, General Mac and several of their bodyguards. A few days later we were met by a band of Orcs. They swore allegience to us and joined us. We started to build, and build then one day on my 18th birthday, all the generals gathered together and crowned me the ruler. We built a few cities but they were in bad locations so we spread out. It is only a matter of time before Geonosis and Utapau are constructed.....

Sir Pallando of Legion did his usual annoying program. He attacked and took Hypori without warning and without even a War. However with another member of the Peacekeepers, the war cities in his region may soon be under Peacekeeper control, but after that Hypori will be an easy reclaim.

The battle in the Northern Region has started. The war armies around 15000 men have marched against almost 50000 men under Peacekeeper banners. The battle will come soon, and the war will soon be over. Disaster! The forces of the Peacekeepers were routed and one of them fled. As the battle ended Steve retreated to his other region.

Several days later, Sir Steve while mustering his forces was attacked by Chuck Norris. His cities of Astroid and Geonosis were captured, however Norris withdrew and now is the time to re-take these cities.

As the Era came to a close, Constantine the leader of DOG attacked and destroyed the power of the northern Peacekeepers. Without provocation to rack up points he began to attack city after city taking them. However the era will soon be over and Steve's heir was named after his father Mac. He would build on the cities of his father and he would rule the orcs.

But it did not end. All the people who were trying to end the era were killed and Steve began to liberate his cities. His armies fought hard and defeated many cities and armies. Now he will begin to liberate his allies cities.

However the vast economy of Constantine was to much for the PKS armies and remaining cities. He joined EKF and with Chuck Norris their armies overwhelmed the PKS and all the cities fell.

Jeremiah from Mantrax has begun to end the world and withen 100 days it will be over. His son Sir Mac woll attempt to re-build his cities in the next Era.

Sir Steve 6th Lord of the Peacekeepers

Sir Brad

Lived in Era 16, got 1 heir(s) (Mac) and was a member of Peacekeepers

Sir Brad
Height: 6'1

Many days after wandering looking for somewhere to settle my cities, I found a region under control by my fathers nation the Peacekeepers. I arrived and found the heirs of my fathers friends and one person I did not expect to find. I found the general of my fathers army with my family history. General Grievous.

General Grievous was a powerful looking man who when he wasn't doing anything coughed quite alot. When he was asked why he coughed he would just say he didn't know and would ask for something to drink. As a General he was brilliant he was able to inspire troops and give out good orders. But as a leader of a nation he was lost. His first instruction to me was to start organizing the cities. I did this and after much diliberation decided what I would call them.

I was crowned King three weeks after locating my people and had already found the relatives of many of my old friends. My friends Sir Telcontar and Wedge Talon were nearby and during the beginning of peace we built several areanas and hosted many a hockey tournament but it was not to last.

The greedy kingdom of Abydos looked on the peacekeepers land and although they were few in number they decided to be like thieves in the night and conquer before the Peacekeepers could react. This they did they attacked and took several cities withen the first few weeks but they were not content. They continued their thurst for blood and death all the way to the core of the Peacekeepers and here they fought and would continue to fight with the best of the Peacekeepers.

The war with Legacy and Abydos continued and Abydos suffered a massive defeat at the hands of Sir Xiax. For 3 hundred men he killed 12 thousand and turned back their hordes. Now the armies of the Peacekeepers are on the offensive to return their land to it's former glory.

Many a long day passed as the armies of the Peacekeepers fought on. Some of the best warriors fell and were mourned but more powerful and numerous were the warriors who came after them and the tide turned. My economy though weak from the many days of fighting is growing and with an army that is getting more powerful day after day it won't be long before the armies of Abydos and Legacy will be met in battle.

With his friends Sir Erunion and Sir Kuli, Sir Brad launched attacks on the armies of Abydos. In the first few battles Abydos was completely defeated suffering casualties in cities and in troops. The armies of the Peacekeepers now march to reclaim the cities seized by Abydos. The battles will come soon and victory may be acheived, but at what cost?

Katsumoto was a member of the Peacekeepers yet his greed for more led him to seperate and become the King of the Last of the Samourai. With the armies of Abydos and legacy starting to stop attacking the Peacekeepers began to become more powerful, nap declarations were being considered with Abydos and re-claiming what they had lost from Legacy was also in consideration. Only time will tell if these can be accomplished before Armageddon once again destroys the world....

Armageddon continued and Abydos's King and one of their powerful members attacked the Peacekeepers to gain more points. Utapau was overwhelmed and Westwind was quickly destroyed but Talon's army was on the move.

As the armies from Abydos approach these documents were smuggled out of the city. I will stay in the city till the end but the woman, childran and some of the men have left. They will set up a colony somewhere and then cities as the era's continue.

With a heavy heart I see my family and my people leave. Tomorrow it will all be over.

Sir Brad
Son of Steve
6th Lord of the Peacekeepers.

Sir Mac

Lived in Era 16, got 1 heir(s) (Mac) and was a member of Peacekeepers

Sir Mac
Height 6'4

As the battle raged up north, a group of refugees numbering around 1050 arrived at a location to the south of Sir Brad's old capitol Utapau. They set up some cities and began to prepare for war.

The war continued and several cities up north changed hands several times but the armies of Abydos numbered to many. In only a few days Utapau had changed hands four times and Kashyyk the same number. However the Peacekeepers forces were fighting better and harder day after day.

The era will soon be over Auspice has not been stopped and her power grows. Charlotte launches an attack on my remaining cities in an attempt to raise her power. By Grabthar's hammer, I shall be avenged......

Sir Mac
Son of Brad
6th Lord of the Peacekeepers.

Sir Mac

Lived in Era 17, got 1 heir(s) (Mac) and was a member of Peacekeepers

Sir Mac
Height: 6'2

Darkness took me, and strayed from thought and time. But it was not the end, I felt life back in me again. By Grabthar's hammer I had been spared. I settled my colony and found my old General. The General of my family for the last several generations had survived and once again was looking to assist me in this era.

After the distruction of my armies and my cities General Grievous has been sent with my people to form a new city for the Peacekeepers I myself will stay here till the last and *writing trails off*.

Sir Mac

Lived in Era 17, got 1 heir(s) (Mac) and was a member of Peacekeepers

Sir Mac
Height: 6'2

I awoke a few hours later in a camp. Several houses and other buildings had already been constructed. After a few minutes I found out that all my people had evacuated Thermia and had taken me forcebly with them.

In the space of only a few days my cities had teipled in size. My army had been mustered and now I am ready to attack and re-claim cites for the Peacekeepers.

Mr. Mac

Lived in Era 18, got 1 heir(s) (Mac) and was a member of Confederacy of Independent Systems

Sir Mac
Height: 6'3

Once again the Peacekeepers were on a Jihad to destroy NT. But not everyone was willing to sit down and watch this happen. Holy and Zeon were attacking at every opportunity for no reason but eventually we repelled these attacks and were on our way to defeat NT.

However they were relentless all our wars finally paid their toll and we were defeated and spread all over Fantasia. But we will be avenged and we will defeat them.

As the PKS was forced to diminish its numbers, some members created small kingdoms which were allied with the PKS. One of these kingdoms was the Confederacy of Independent Systems led by King Mac. The kingdom will be strong and united.

Long Live the Confederacy of Independent Systems!
Long Live Rothgar Negus leader of the Peacekeepers!

Mr. Mac

Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Mac) and was a member of Confederacy of Independent Systems

King Mac: Height 6:3

Once again General Grievous and I found a spot where we could create our core and at this spot the two other members of the CIS arrived and we soon had a powerful region. We shall be strong and we will defeat our enemies.

Mr. Mac

Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Mac) and was a member of Confederacy of Independent Systems


Mr. Mac

Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Mac) and was a member of Confederacy of Independent Systems


Mr. Mac

Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Mac) and was a member of Confederacy of Independent Systems


Mr. Mac

Lived in Era 19 and got 1 heir(s) (Mac).


Mr. Mac

Lived in Era 20, got 1 heir(s) (Mac) and was a member of Confederacy of Independent Systems

Set upon by UFFA the CIS was defeated early on. But we will rebuild and defeat our enemies.

Mr. Mac

Lived in Era 20, got 1 heir(s) (Mac) and was a member of Confederacy of Independent Systems


Mr. Mac

Lived in Era 20 and got 1 heir(s) (Mac).


Mr. Mac

Lived in Era 20, got 1 heir(s) (Mac) and was a member of Confederacy of Independent Systems

"At last we shall reveal ourselves. At last we shall have revenge."

This is how we began. A petty empire struggling for survival on Fantasia. Now we are on Mantrax and this time we will win. By Grabthars Hammer we shall be avenged against our enemies!
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