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Ms. Mzzery

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Mzzery) and was a member of Dark


Ms. Mzzery

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Mzzery) and was a member of Dark


Ms. Mzzery

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Mzzery) and was a member of Dark


Ms. Mzzery

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Mzzery) and was a member of Spaghetti


Lady Mzzery

Lived in Era 40, got 1 heir(s) (Strawberry Mzzlkshake) and was a member of Hellbunnies

I was born in the last few days of the Era of Kobuskan. I was but an infant, struggling to learn how to live in the cold, Dark kingdom I was born into. The world was called Starta, and it was a start I guess.

Then followed the Era of Messiah. I learned the most basic things, but I was still but a child, looking for a great teacher to learn from. My kingdom was Dark, and I saw the light in a bowl of Spaghetti. I then knew where I had to go. The world was Zetamania, and I ventured into a few other worlds from there.

In the Era of Agent Smith, I moved and joined YUM, the kingdom I had found in that bowl of Spaghetti the previous era. My leader was the awesome Spoon, and I learned so many things from him. My friends in that kingdom were all amazing, and I could ask anything and they would teach me. <3 The world we grew up in, was Fantasia. We then moved on to Mantrax and then Armageddon.

The following era, the Era of Dvsmasta, I was all grown up. I was lucky enough to get most of my friends from YUM to come with me as I migrated to my own Kingdom, Hellbunnies. I shared leadership with 2 others, Ademo and Spoon. We had so much fun. I loved Hellbunnies, but we decided to move on after the era. We wanted less diplomacy and more wars. We got on a ship and sailed to the promised lands, where our Fate awaited us.

A Random duke had spent many days this era teaching me things I never knew. I owe him greatly for that. There was a bird running around, pecking the eyes out off it's enemies too. The bird couldn't fly, for it was a Penguin, but it sure did teach me a thing or two.

We have but sat foot on the soils of these barren lands, but the Foundation feels safe and we will build here.

Lady Strawberry Mzzlkshake

Lived in Era 41, got 1 heir(s) (Hammy The Squirrel) and was a member of Foundation

I am one of the 10 most fearsome in these realms, and 3rd most powerful. How intriguing. All I wanted to do was demolish what my enemies had built, and me and the other armies in my kingdom definitely succeeded in that mission.

A new era is soon to be born and I am not sure what will come of it.

So many great memories twirling through my mind, when the thundering clouds come storming in over the realms which I call my home.

I have so many friends with me. I love them all to pieces. Because of them, no matter what happens, at the end of the day I will be dancing yet again.

Sir Hammy The Squirrel

Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Mzzery) and was a member of Foundation


Mzz Mzzery

Lived in Era 43, got 1 heir(s) (Mzzery The Mzzchievous) and was a member of Fate

Era 43 was my best era thus far. It ended on xmas eve 2009. I shall remember it fondly.

Most Powerful Rulers round 43
1.Mzz Mzzery of Fate
Total land: 2 Million Battles won: 138 Cities captured: 129
Total killed: 2.4 Million Science lvls: 35 Total troops: 5.4 Million
F: 87% M: 9% Z: 0% S: 0% N: 0% V: 3% A: 0% T: 0% M: 0%

I started playing VU in the the last week of era 37:
Era of Kobuskan // Era 37:
Name: Ms. Mzzery
Ruler type: Elf.
Kingdom: Dark.
Score: 287th.
World: Starta.

Era of Messiah // Era 38:
Name: Ms. Mzzery
Ruler type: Human.
Kingdom: Dark.
Score: 124th.
World: Zetamania.

Era of Agent Smith // Era 39:
Name: Ms. Mzzery
Ruler type: Halfling.
Kingdom: Spaghetti.
Score: 173rd.
World: Fantasia.

Era of Dvsmasta // Era 40:
Name: Lady Mzzery
Ruler type: Orc.
Kingdom: Hellbunnies.
Score: 6th.
World: Nirvana.

Era of Magneto // Era 41:
Name: Lady Strawberry Mzzlkshake
Ruler type: Orc.
Kingdom: FATE
Score: 3rd.
World: Fantasia.

Era of Chipotle "Wolf" Snack Wrap // Era 42:
Name: Sir Hammy The Squirrel
Ruler type: Orc.
Kingdom: FATE
Score: 40th.
World: Fantasia.

Era of Chavez // Era 43:
Name: Mzz Mzzery
Ruler type: Elf.
Kingdom: FATE.
Score: 1st.
World: Valhalla.

Mzz Mzzery The Mzzchievous

Lived in Era 44, got 1 heir(s) (Mzzery) and was a member of Fate

After having barely had time and energy for anything but myself all era, a scout was sent to my castle with curious tidings. The note had this scribbled on it:

Era of Mzzery // Era 44:
Name: Mzz Mzzery The Mzzchievous
Ruler type: Elf.
Kingdom: FATE.
Score: 5th.
World: Mantrax.

I found it odd, but it was a great surprise, and me and my paesants will celebrate it for 5 days and 5 nights.
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