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Mr. Fletcher

Lived in Era 45, got 1 heir(s) (Fletcher) and was a member of Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame


Mr. Fletcher

Lived in Era 45, got 1 heir(s) (Fletcher) and was a member of Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame

Mr. Fletcher I

Mr. Fletcher was the king of a number of small but productive cities. he joined just before the war between the allied forces of The Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame, Music, Domination and Submission against FEAR. during that brief period of time Mr. Fletcher managed to organize several armies and sent them to war, in defense of his kingdom. not one soldier survived the invasion of FEAR. at one point, and army consisting of over 400 soldiers were masacared by a small troll patrol made entirely up of berserkers. the loss of so many soldiers was a devastating loss to Mr. Fletcher. realizing that the allied forces could not hold back FEAR, Mr. Fletcher tried to persuade his kingdom away from war. believeing that the allies had the upper hand, the war continued. not long after, FEAR and pushed through the kingdoms Music, Domination and Submision and was now rallying for a push through The Frozen Flames blocker, Fifth. at this time, Mr. Fletcher knew that his kingdom must surely give way to FEAR but that it did not have to be the end of his people. he sent a swordsman and a magician west, further west then anybody in his kingdom had gone before. it was there at this moment that Mr. Fletcher met with members of other kingdoms to leave his kingdom and join theirs. it was painfully obvious that his own kingdom could not survive any longer against FEAR. not long after plans were finalized a letter arrived from one of the most powerful rulers in of the kingdom FEAR, stating that FEAR was the victim of this war, and that all would be forgiven if all the remainder of the cities were handed over. Johnny Bacardus the Just replied saying that if FEAR wanted the ruins of their kingdom, they could have it, after the raped their horses and rode off on their women, and pulled the last city from their dead hands. in this moment, Mr. Fletcher's loyalty was renewed to his kingdom. he would still be leaving it, but he would resist FEAR every step of the way. FEAR eventually captured or destroyed all of Mr. Fletcher's cities. Standing alone, with just a sword and the undying loyalty to his kingdom, Mr. Fletcher charged one of FEARS largest armies, alone. Mr. Fletcher died that day, but he died a hero, forever to be remembered and honored by his seed.

Mr. Fletcher II

following in the steps of his father Fletcher maintained that plans to leave his kingdom. but Fletcher could not leave immediatly. Like his Father, he two had an undying loyalty and sympathy for the Order of the Frozen Flame, and would do all he could to harrass FEAR, even if it was too late to save the Order of the Frozen Flame. Fletcher started a small colony which quickly grew, named Mercy, for any who would ask for it should recieve it from him. Fletcher dreamed of retaking Mud Hole and Cask, the first cities his father had colonized, but realized that sucsess was unrealistic. secretly in his heart, he would settle for taking the cities enslaved by Mr. Jet, who had taken Cask from his father, and burned his fathers last city.
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