Family History

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Mr. The Great

Lived in Era 11 and got 1 heir(s) (Marcus).

I was only a child when my folks were attacked and massacred by the orcs. I hid in the dungeons of my fathers castle and waited untill the orcs left. After they left, I saw my family ripped to shreads and now I have no mercy for any orc on this world. I was forced to fend for myself and feed myself off of roots and plants till i was 12 and learned how to hunt. I then found a merchant and he told me that i could give him 100 food and he'll give me 100 gold coins so i agreed. After that, I left for the city of Mecca with my gold when i was 20. I was hired as a soldier and soon became a Knight. I was unstoppable on the fields and when the king of Mecca died I took controll of the city. And now i will carve this world into my own kingdom just like i did this city. JUST WATCH ME.

Sir Marcus

Lived in Era 11 and got 1 heir(s) (Marcus The Second).

My Father was killed trying to controll the world. So now i will follow in his foot steps but not trying to controll the world but to controll my kingdom. So now I shall do my best to procide my fathers legacy and also take out the one who took him from me.....................Lady Melisia.

Sir Marcus The Second

Lived in Era 12 and got 1 heir(s) (Trollex).

My father died when Armagedon was unlessed. It destroyed my whole fathers cities and kd. My mother and I were saved by hiding under a mountian and when we got out 3 days later it was over and a new Era was to be built on. Now I start to build my own legacy and aim for the top. I start on Illian.....

Illian has been taken by Duke Gragnar of M and now he sulks in his city of Woodtown ploting and building to get Illian back when a thin ray of hope shines.....and He has taken Illian back.
But at what cost? He now loses all other cities but Illian and Treelogger stands. Marcus has full respect for the duke and hope this will not be so hard on him and hopes he is well.

Now another challenges Marcuses right to rule Illian. A old enemy of his father and grandfather.....Lady Jenny Jen or better known as Lady Melisa. She now has 27000 trolls outside of the city of Illian and Marcuse with 11k men inside it doent not look too good for him.....but she doesnt have any towns that he can see, so she should be losing those men. And now the time comes to see the victor and it is..........Jenny Jen of Legacy. Now Marcus lays dead on his trone.
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