Family History
Mr. Eleandor
Lived in Era 16 and got 1 heir(s) (Efrandor).
Eleandor was a old and crazy man, he tried to build something that was doomed from the beginning, now no one will remember his name.
Mr. Efrandor
Lived in Era 16 and got 1 heir(s) (Efrandor).
Efrandor, son of Eleandor is just as bad as his father, the fact that his father was killed trying to build a city of his own hasn't come across his mind, and now he's trying to do the same, oh my.
Well I must say, Efrandor has ben rather good in building some sort of empire, he has even killed some enemies, not at all like his father Eleandor who got killed by enemies, loser.
Oh my, Efrandor must be some sort of beliver, more than once has he beaten away hostile armies with impossible odds and help from some friends, however, Gods help doesn't seem to be enough all the time, but what the hell, Efrandor still kicks ass!
Oh my x2, Efrandor has got news about the world ending and everything getting really nasty if you stick around, so he decided to build a nice looking shelter with some bushes and trees to sit in when the big armageddon arrived.
And so he did, with his bare hands, wow, what a guy.
Efrandor: A freaking cool guy.
Sir Efrandor
Lived in Era 17, got 1 heir(s) (Efrandor) and was a member of Freedom Fighters
What can you say, he survived the armageddon and is now trying to build a better world for all mankind, how kind can you get!?
It seems like the big boom has given Efrandor some brain-damage, to bad that the doctor that is needed for the operation is about 100 years away from being born, oh well, just to wait I guess.
The brain-damage made Efrandor to accidently press a switch during an attack on Pilantana that immediatly killed everyone and everything within a 2 mile radie, "too bad", he said when only he remained, "but I guess these kind of things happens", then he went and had some beer.
Wow, Efrandor must have some luck, he fell in the stairs today and hit his head, but instead of dying hes brain-damage dissapeared, a interesting thing is that the doctor that would be born 100 years from that stair-falling day had just that treatment for brain-damages, what luck hey.
Who would have guessed, after spending some time with some pirates in Riot, Mirror reappears in the living world.
Efrandor are a real nerd sometimes, one of his citys got colonised, but hey, he just likes the company, so he won't do anything about it, what a scarycat.
Efrandor has gotten himself up on the evolution stage, now he will forever be reminded as, "Efrandor - The fat and not so big Viceroy with a good heart, but steel as claws, so enemies, beware".
As not so many knows, Efrandor ain't that smart, he didn't realise that all that tiny fat he had on him woulöd give him a heartdisease, and that he would cut himself with those steel-claws of hes.
I guess you have to see the good with the bad, one good thing is that the fat got cut of with the claws, a bad thing is that the bleeding is bigger then the biggest river, and the claws hadn't been washed, so now Efrandor is infected, don't think it will work falling down a stair this time.
What luck, Efrandor meet an hero's deth, lying in his bed, getting warmer, hearing screams about some big red and yellow clouds coming towards the ground.
Sadly Efrandor never knewed exactly what it was before he fell asleep.
Good for him a sperm from his body managed to survive and somehove fell in to a huge brick of ice and when the armageddon came, the sperm keept on living within the ice...
Mr. Efrandor
Lived in Era 18, got 1 heir(s) (Efrandor) and was a member of Freedom Fighters
When the armagedon had cooled down, the iceblock started floating down to warmer lands, there it landed in front of a bautiful women, thirsty as she was, she started to drink the ice, accidently getting the one sperm in her body, and strange-made as she was she got pregnant and 9 months later, little Efrandor saw the light of the earth.
At the age of 5 minutes, he made his first city, giving tribute to his great grandfather he named it Laugor.
Efrandor felt like giving more tribute to his dead forefather, so, he made Laugor a shity town, with, literarly, lots of shit.
This, Efrandor tought, was a good plan to keep enemies away from it, he could never believe that himself didn't want to live in there, well well, why not go and take another city, to bad Efrandor got some stumick problem..
HAHA, the enemy tooked the ass-towns from Efrandor, guess who will smell poopy for the rest of their lives now, moahahaha!
Efrandor has also managed to becoming Viceroy, honouring his dead father and grand father, rest in peace y'all Ef's!
Oh my, it seems as Efrandor got some problems with his throat, let's hope he doesn't get to sick, that would realy be devestating, but, that great doctor with the stair-treatment will soon be born, he might be able to help Efie out some, let's hope, shall we.
Naaa, the doctor suggestet to decapitate the whole head, didn't seem like that good of an idea to Efrandor, so he will just take drugs until he feels alright, cheers for Jutussin R8!!
Damn, Jutussin R8 didn't do anything to help Efrandor, he just started sleeping alot instead, that made his son, Efrandor, very mad so he thought he would kill him, but just then the armageddon came, oh well, bette rluck next time, at least you're the ruler now.
Sir Efrandor
Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Efrandor) and was a member of THE GOOD SIDE
*Snigg sniff*
Efrandor smells the air as the first day since armagedon starts, his father is gone, and so Efrandor is now ruler from here on.
He decides he want's to go snowdiving so he builds his city next to some mountains very close looking to Mount Everest, hell, even close looking to Kebnekaise.
But oh my, what a nice place to go snowdiving on, Efrandor has no parents left in life, but he is happy, snowdiving-happy.
Wow, some nails and planks later Efrandor leaves for the afterski party, and whom do you think he sees there if not a long legged horse, Efrandor falls in love instantly and asks the horse if he/she wants to marry him.
- Gnägg Gnägg, said the horse.
"Wonderful", Efrandor tought and tooked the horse home to Psyket to marry... it.
160 days later filled with glamour, romance and tastefull straws Efrandor gets a baby in to the world, a little baby boy, he decides to call him.. Alvin.
No, just shitting you, he's called Efrandor, you don't think the father of the new Efrandor can come up with a new name when the father of the father of the new couldn't, and the father over that grandfather couldn't, no, the only one with some originality was Eleandor(you know, the one no one remembers anymore), who named his son Efrandor in the first place, anyway, who wants to join Effie and the horse for a drink?
Sooo, Effie have gotten some rumours to his ears about the end of the world coming to an end and stuff like that, at first he didn't want to believe it, but he then realised that it's how all his forefathers have died and that it's after all was a member of the own party that used the spell one late night at O'learys.
- Oh my, so it is true, where are my bags.
Efrandor is now busy filling his bags with some, to him, important things, stuff like... Bamboo, some seagals and one and another old man, or, fellow if you rather call them that.
The only thing that is missing now is the spaceship, but no worries, it is on it's way, Effie is working day and night to get it fixed, the only problem now is the hyperdrive..
Aaah, no need for our Effie to hurry, the flaming pigs from the sky has pout up their show to destroy the world to someday not scheduled..
- I guess I don't need this anymore then, said Efrandor and throwed away the spaceship.
Alot of trouble with the mob has put our Effie without any homes to live in, I guess he is a sort of Robin Hood now, but he only steals for himself and soon after it's all fire and ashes, noting for the children, no no.
Oh darn, someone attacked the nice big army, it had to flee north, there it did some work to help out other guys in need, that went good until it got trapped in a city and got slaughtered.
Now Effie is moving south to get some color on his white ass, perhaps even marrie someone, since the horse got slaughetered to.
Oh poor Effie, everyone buggs him even tough he just want's to party, he is now leaving he's party cruiser to go find something btter to do, perhaps he find some food to marrie on the way.
Some light have come into Effie's life, he is going to be married!
I guess there wasn't anything better to do, Effie got strucked down on his honeymoon by some paranoid porn-boy, luckily he left the hi-I-have-just-bee-pregnant-chicken to live, guess that was nice..
Well folks Efrandor is dead again, the King is dead..
Sir Efrandor
Lived in Era 20 and got 1 heir(s) (Efrandor).
The armageddon settles down and the world slowly starts running again, the chicken has a birth and aman crawls out from a lonely egg, Efrandor is born, long live the King!
As Efrandor lies in his own shells he looks upon the sky and see a great light moving towards him, it's the God Zeta the chicken tells him and Efrandor knows, he knows wich path he is to follow, he will follow the great light, the way of kindness, the nice way, Efrandor is on the good side, and he will never let the dark side win, hooja!
After the first days hard work has settled down Efrandor takes a well deserved nap and wakes up rested, he goes into the kitchen, have some meat and milk and goes to the bathroom, there a bath awaits him and he swims around with his little duck.
After one of his highly paid slaves enters the room and says what the time is Efrandor gets up from the bath quxik as heaven and runs to a small room in the far corner of the castle where a altar is placed in the mittle of the room, Efrandor moves towards the altar, drops on his knees and starts praying.
- Oh dear God, it is better to die in your name then to live as an infidel, may I be strong enough to make the world Good, give me faith oh dear God, give me faith, hooja!
The battle for the great Good has begun and after several days of Evil moving in on our area we have beaten them back! The Good Light never surrender, the shadows of Evil shall never prevail, hooja!
A great offensive has started and the party is going at 120% speed acid, lots of people happy, lots of people sad, a ordinary party, rock on hell yea, hooja!
The great and holy acid light have beaten the mushroom darkness back and every little citizen in the land of Good are happy, peace has finally arrived to these lands and Efrandor travells away for some time.
Lord Efrandor
Lived in Era 20, got 1 heir(s) (Efrandor) and was a member of Heaven
As Efrandor walks and travells, travells and walks he find himself lost after some time, all of a sudden he finds himself surrounded by alot of kingdoms..
- What is this, neither Good or Evil?
After some time Efrandor realises that he has travelled for so long that he is on another world, at first he is rather sceared at the tought that all he's kingdom mates are thousands and thousands of miles away, but he soon gets contact with a kingddom inviting him in, suiting enough it's the kingdom of Heaven and Efrandor continue hes long search for happiness for all.
There hasn't been peace for long when there is another Evil threat in this new world, the alliance of Legacy is killing all and all and Efrandor and hes kingdommates realises that something needs to be done fast, or everything will be lost..
Forunatly more of hes Good mates has travelled to Fantasia and a big alliance is formed against the evil threat and a big war breaks out, before everything gets stabble Efrandor is nearly killed, just before his hometown is taken over he is able to sneak out the backdoorwindow (From the long travell Efrandor is no longer fat) and rides away to rescue and beer.
When he is finally safe he starts constructing new towns and new armies to help in the fight against the mushroom darkness.
With the great and holy acid light things can't go wrong!
- Gaaah, Efrandor screams out angrily and rather hungry.
The battle is intense and things aint always going the way our brave lord wants it to go, even so, he does what he can to kill of the hallucinatiing mushrooms outside hes livingroom, not many has fallen to his (s)word yet, but they will, oh yes, they will, I have seen my master Efrandors armies, they are freking huuuge, oh damn, I'm glad I'm on hes side, bevare mushrooms, he's on a facking rampage, hoojah!
The end is coming near, my master Effie has said so, and I believe him, in just a few ticks the whole world will be destroyed by some super-magician able to do anything in this world we call home, seeing as that is rather horrible, my master has asked me to find a way to get rid of this boring destiny, in return I asked him if it wasn't his time to die and let his son take over as leader, he wasn't so keen on that idea, he still want a space-shuttle, so I built one.
Well, the end is coming near, besides having a ugly looking army by the name look by the city gates the world will end three days ago, woot!?
I've sent my master Efrandor in a orbit around the world and he will land when, and if, there is a new world to land on...
Lord Efrandor
Lived in Era 21, got 1 heir(s) (Efrandor) and was a member of Heaven
Lord Efrandor
Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Efrandor) and was a member of Lords of Carnage
*Swoooooosh, flooops, flip, plitch spliiiiiiiiish, sauuuuuusages, stoooomp. BANG!!!!*
The big space shuttle lands on the new soft ground after the new big bang and Efrandor steps out and smells the air.
- Mmmmmmmm... ....mmmmm.
Effie likes what he smells and heads out to settle a new town, he finds some big mountains and the first word he says is:
- Goosh.
And therefore the new city is named; 'Goosh'
Long live Efrandor, the wicked witch is dead, no follow the yellow brick road, hooja!!
The yellow brick road is a long and winding road to your door, and on the way Efrandor has meet up with some Pirates, of the fearsome kind as well!
- Iiih!
But Efrandor ain't scared.
- Iiiiih!!!!
He will fight them with his steel and bravery!
- Iiiiiiiiih!!!!!!
Efrandor, what a guy, hooja!
- What a blast, I actually managed to survive, wohoo.
Now what did I tell you folks, no one is strong enough to stand against the powerful Effie, ladies nor pirates, give it up, for EFFIEEEEE!!!!
- Thanks, thanks....
Wow, what a day, a whole kingdom has gone under in a matter of hours, anarchy is the new rule and everyone is running around like scared chickens, good for my Effie he got a escape plan, just like he's father he have made a great vehicle to escape this new plague, a superfast car! With that he will be able to destroy all his buildings and get away free from anyone fecking with him, hooja!!
- hooja!
Pjuuh, the car worked for my Master and Lord, Efrandor, he has nowleft this world, but do not be scared, he will be coming back just after I have done the right ceremony, I'm good at those sort of things you see.
Anyway, this era Efrandor was good as usual, yiada yiada yiada, he killed alot yiada yiada yiada, he went down 32 kilos to, hooja!!