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Mr. Arthur Dent

Lived in Era 38 and got 1 heir(s) (Arthur Dent).


Mr. Arthur Dent

Lived in Era 38, got 1 heir(s) (Arthur Dent) and was a member of Kd of Delusions


Mr. Arthur Dent

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Arthur Dent) and was a member of Kd of Delusions

Era 38 and 39 through my eyes:

I was in the newest kingdom on Starta. The Angels were not doing very well, mainly because of one ruler named Asmegin. this ruler had taken all of my cities, my friend Skinny Vinny's cities, and many other cities. He came from the southern border and ended up in Luna, more than half way up. he broke through one city of mine that had stationed in it over 200k axemen, and over 80k hammers or runecasters. Well while i was being destroyed i was noticing the kingdoms Foundation and Retribution coming to attack Starta. These kingdoms were over 3000% of us when we were at our best. They had teamed up and attacked every kingdom in Starta. The only kingdom that stood up at all was BoW. BoW had (as my friend Junior Guildmaster Shmeh pointed out) joined with the Guild of the Fallen in order to combat this foe. Heaven tried to fight the enemy but was too close to the border and was destroyed. As my cities were being taken over i noticed the massive amounts of soldiers coming from BoW through the Angels territories and defending against Foundation and Retribution. The first "Horde" i saw in my first era was that of BoW, before it got destroyed by the many Retribution and Foundation armies. BoW in percentage was much worse than Retribution or Foundation, but it was holding its own. I looked up to all the members of the group, especially Drakos and Karac (and Shmeh :). When i asked if i could join them next era, to my excitement they said yes! Now in Era 39, i am part of BoW, and very proud. The Guild of the Fallen has once again become a seperate kingdom, and Bow has a Map with them that has saved our kingdom. I believe that i have contributed to BoW even when it was against two new enemies both much stronger than itself. JUICY with its horrible logo, and Rebirth both attacked our cities and almost killed us all, but we fought them back. I am writing this at a point where we have not fought them back yet, in fact the situation looks ghastly. i know however that we will repel this enemy, i know that we will become much stronger and even hold out against the enemy "foundation", because i realize they will not be content with killing Luna, Foundation will come after us. I believe that we will not only repel these 3 kingdoms, i believe, no, i know that we will attack them and take back all the cities they took from us. In helping our cause The honourable Junior Guildmaster Shmeh opened his gates to me in a time of need and for this i will be eternally grateful to this saint-like player. because of people like Leon Carnage, Skinny Vinny, Chade, Shmeh :), and many other great players, we will take their cities and show them that a Brotherhood of Wolves and a Fallen Guild is not to be trifled with. i doubt anyone has taken time to read my little biography, but in case someone has, i would like to say thank you, and good luck.

Mr. Arthur Dent

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Arthur Dent) and was a member of Vengeful Ornery Wolves

Ok, well i was wrong about us fighting back against the invaders but whatever! it was way to much for our kingdom. 3 kingdoms over 200% of us attacking at the same time is hardly an easy thing to survive against. Well we started a new kingdom called Vengeful Ornery Wolves (VoW) in Arma. Sadly though, we responded right next to Lightning Dust (LD). many of our players left or hadn't joined us yet, and when i got out of protection we only had about 7 players. LD had 41!!! so as soon as we got out of protection they attacked us, they haven't killed us yet but are most certainly going to. i have lost 2 out of 4 cities already and have only 5k slinger, yeah sad. in a few tick we will all die. Drakos is actually doing very well and putting up an amazing fight oop. i have no idea what we are going to do now, probably die and restart on Talents, where we will die again. I am too proud however of being part of the brotherhood to leave. We may have died twice, but i will keep with it. our greatest kingdom ally, Guild of the Fallen, had responded on Arma shortly before us and have died now as well. Arma just opened and the huge terrible kingdoms are starting to come in and kill everyone. It is now noob slaughterfest. my friend Junior Guildmaster Shmeh, who once valiantly opened his gates for me, has left GOTF and doesn't have a kingdom as of now. He is on Talents and i think i might be seeing him shortly! well this era is pretty depressing and the new training times are what is killing newbs, i hope the get ready of it. thanks again for anyone hwo has taken time to read this, i will now sulk on my couch and eat spaghetti.

Mr. Arthur Dent

Lived in Era 40, got 1 heir(s) (Arthur Dent) and was a member of Phi Factor

We are with Phi now and that is good and bad. from the time that i joined BoW there is only Drakos and millman who is still from BoW who made it to Phi. all others left us. Even Karac (although i think he had a good reason) left us and went to chocolate. We were doing well until Duke insane attacked us from behind as we were defending against Dynamite. we allied with Hellbunnies and they are doing amazing. our second core is safely behind their blockers. Rebirth is the KD i am rooting for though and i think they might win. Dynamite is almost dead and we will push dendarii away after we get our production up.

Now (a week after the above was made), Rebirth is nearly dead from MAD and Dendarii has taken all our core. Mr. Water (penguin) is butt-raping everyone and is the best in Nirvana although his kingdom (Dynamite) is faltering. CRAZY has ended their farmfest and is in some pretty cool wars. JUICY also is dying on Fantasia and will most likely not win the era. Chocolate is now the KD that I am rooting for, because Karac is in it and he is just amazing :D Well I was talking with Karac on the forums actually and it seems like BoW will return next era! YAY! BoW is the Kingdom i want to stay with as long as I can, so I am really excited for next era. These new improvements to the game have made it much more of an individual game and this era has been really fun. Next era will be amazing and BoW will pwn the world! MWHAHAHAHAHAHA! Well good luck to anyone who reads this, and remember that wolves will eat chocolate and even dynamite, also hellbunnies.

Mr. Arthur Dent

Lived in Era 41, got 1 heir(s) (Arthur Dent) and was a member of Phi Factor


Mr. Arthur Dent

Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Arthur Dent) and was a member of Phi Factor

Ok, well this is our last era with Phi. Things went pretty well this era. After amazing fighting with RVL last era, we ended on the same map again and decided to have a MAP. That was a good decision and after killing GODLIKE, we were the only KD's left on Starta. RVL then quickly invaded Fant, with us a little behind. After defeating the honorable GOTF RVL, No Pulse, and PHI went through to Fant. After a few days of standstill at the FATE blockers, RVL and No Pulse broke through, with us right behind. After the blockers were broken, only 2 of our members continued the fight, because the idiots in KoH declared war on us. After we fought them back and was about to go into their core, we agreed on a NAP with them. After a few scandals with Crazy, KoH declared war on us AGAIN right after one of their largest armies (and the largest in HoH in Starta) broke though our blocker. Because of our amazing mages, however, we froze him and destroyed all of his armies, and I took the northern cities that he had taken from us. I am about to launch an attack on Valhalla and KoH, but Rebirth also decided to declare war on RVL, and thus us, so they are at our back door. I am sending a few troops to defend against them, but most of my efforts are against the evils of Edd, whom I despise. Oh, and HIV declared war on RVL and PHI as well, but RVL and PHI fought em back. Things are wrapping up and No Pulse is most likely going to win the era, although RVL kind-of has a chance. But this era has been my best and I got around 250k Advents which is my most so far. Food prices has been amazing towards the end of this era, and that has really helped me train a ton of troops, even though I have a -400k income.

I can't wait for BoW next era, we're going to have around 25 members and we are going to kick ass. Woof Woof.

Oh and the history for era's 39 and 40 is full of lies. I was in BoW for both those era's, and I was in PHI for this era. Next era I will be in BoW again. Cept this time I'm a vice wohoo!

Mr. Arthur Dent

Lived in Era 43, got 1 heir(s) (Arthur Dent) and was a member of Brotherhood of the Wolf


Mr. Arthur Dent

Lived in Era 44, got 1 heir(s) (Arthur Dent) and was a member of Brotherhood of the Wolf

wth?... It deleted my history for era 43...

K, so quick update for era 43, it was awesome. My first era back with BoW, we started on Nirvana. We landed on top of RoC (with whom we had good relations), and right north of Rebirth and right south of Domination, with LH and KBW and such to the east. Anyways, we NAPed everyone but Domination, with whom we had a war with from OOP through the era. We outnumbered them, but Rebirth didn't do squat for the longest time and when they did it was after we held off our blockers to protect everyone else. Era 43 was the longest stand-still I have ever been in and will probably be in. After what seemed like an eternity of waiting in Fantasia and Nirvana, the allies were able to break through and almost kill Domination by era end. It was a good era I guess, I didn't do so hot as a player cause I lost my largest army whenever I tried to break the stand-still, + I lost 230mil in food cause it piled up after a below .95 market the ENTIRE ERA. Although as a player I sucked that era, I was starting to get the hang of things being a vice, largely thanks to Endless (<3). Endless owned in magic (along wtih Wyzer) and were just as good as Wraith and Knish from Domination.

Anyways that's basically era 43, pretty fun with the king-of-the-map update and such, but the lvl 5 RoF sucks...

ERA 44!!!

K so this is pretty early in the era, VU Day 104, 1174 days left...
Fantasia just opened, and because of our amazing 2nd place finish last era we landed on Mantrax with FATE, Fight Club, RoC, LDK, LH, and some Relentless players (former BoW). Sadly spawning messed up us so me, Garou and Millman (who spawned later) all spawned in a different part of the map than the rest of the KD. FC and Relentless were between the two cores so we had to war them. At first FC started raping our second core, but now I'm coming with an ok army of 12k slingers and 5k MU's to do some damage to FC. I'm really liking what Zeta did to halfers this era, they can build soooo quickly OOP and build armies very easily. Some updates I'm not too thrilled about but for the most part, right now, I'm liking it. I decided to go Halfer mage this era, but because of the spawning issue I'll have to put that on hold while I try to keep our kingdom alive with the help of Millman, Karac and some others.

Endless left us for FATE this era :( But it's all good cause I can still talk with her and we have a NAP so we can still own together, but I'll be spanking her scouts.

K so that's all the history for now, some stuff I left out but I'll be back.

Ugh things didn't go too well. I never got an army out cause I lost my mines to the feds, (Uther and the bitch called Wolfgore)

Mr. Arthur Dent

Lived in Era 45, got 1 heir(s) (Arthur Dent) and was a member of Brotherhood of the Wolf


Mr. Arthur Dent

Lived in Era 46, got 1 heir(s) (Arthur Dent) and was a member of Brotherhood of the Wolf

This is a fuuuuuuuuuuuun era! Started OOP as a halfer. Great choice. Just like last era (where we got ganged by relentless and Glad) halfers are the best race for OOP. We started off near Paladins, us with 8 guys, them with 28. Fortunately for us they are all new players, except their leader, Jonny, who's played since era 19. Well so far only Karac and I have really done anything. Little Feet is starting to get strong armies, and Airborn is doing a little as mage. Drakos is maging as well. Durza should come out with a massive army a little later in the era. I'm just about to send around 40k slingers and 10 ponies at Paladins to take them out. That's a fair army for this stage. For sure not the best but enough to beat Paladins, and probably any other army on Zet. Yeah, this is the first era without connected worlds. Music just killed Feds and are about to kill Imperium Corps (Kath +JLT). We NAPed Music at the start of the era, so once we kill Paladins I'm not sure what we will do... :/ maybe break the NAP if Music agrees to and have a cool duel? Oh well it's been really fun, and will continue to be. There are a few other smaller kingdoms, but we can kill them all.

Only got to PoFF. Didn't even take all the cities though. There was still one with 400k guys in it... Couldn't quite take it before era end. Music showed with about 10 days left and decimated PoFF. I believe we still would've won but not as completely as we did with Music.

Karac has to leave for 1 era (school stuff) so yeah. Didn't get many people though, just Don and Hiroshima. Oh well I think we'll do well next era. I'm actually considering not going Halfer next era, although I probably will

Mr. Arthur Dent

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Arthur Zonds Fav) and was a member of Brotherhood of the Wolf


Mr. Arthur Zonds Fav

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Arthur Has Lynns Jonny Pickle) and was a member of Brotherhood of the Wolf


Mr. Arthur Has Lynns Jonny Pickle

Lived in age 2 of Mantrax, got 1 heir(s) (Zaphod Beeblebroxiv) and was a member of Brotherhood of the Wolf

Huh, apparently I was never in LULZ. Well last era I was. I think we got third :P I placed 47th :D Cause I don't farm wohoo. BoW again. Now we have 3 characters! I have 2 on talents, will dominate.
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