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Mr. Zachary Vestario

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Helthous Vestario) and was a member of The Furry Cocks

Daily log:

Well, nothing out of the ordinary happened. The villagers got the city up and running fine. Nothing more to report here.
Intersting. It seem as though I may be in trouble of some one. how ever I do not fear. for this person I was warned about, does not seem to be in the area. On a lighter note. A second city was erected.
I have now commanded my armies to a succesful seige, and we have taken over a small village to the south of Thyana Volco. VICTORY was iminent.

Mr. Helthous Vestario

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X, got 1 heir(s) (Helthous Vestario II) and was a member of The Furry Cocks

6/28/10 (5:33 AM)
A new Era has begun, and with it. My people, my clan, has meet new friends, known as the Furry C*cks, and a new land in witch we can hopefully find peace.
(9:42 PM)
How ever, The Holy Mother seems not to agree with us. For a small unit from AoA (Army of Anubis) has reached my LoS (Line of sight) and seems to be approaching us. I am thinking of trying a Diplomatic solution first due to their unseen, and yet known, Overwhelming power.
6/29/10 (4:00 AM)
The Regiment of AoA has left us alone for now. Bless the Holy Mother! She protects us!
(10:18 PM)
Thank you Holy Mother, for alowing use to Erect the great Anthenous Tower. In witch we will find Sanctuary in time of war. It will be a great religious symbol for our people. (People of Thyana cities.)
It seems that Mother has left us, we are falling. Anthenous Tower has been taken by AoA. It seems that we will Be gone.
It seems I have made a mistake. The tides of war are slowly turning to our side. Slowly we are gaining an upper hand. And I am glad of our efforts.

Mr. Helthous Vestario II

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X, got 1 heir(s) (Zachary Vestario II) and was a member of The Furry Cocks


Mr. Zachary Vestario II

Lived in age 1 of Fantasia, got 1 heir(s) (Zachary Vesatrio II) and was a member of The Furry Cocks


Mr. Zachary Vesatrio II

Lived in age 2 of Mantrax, got 1 heir(s) (Zachary Vestario II) and was a member of The Furry Cocks

It seams that we had to evacuate to somewhere else, So, my people made a Haven for all to live. The power I hold is waining in my own country. I feel alone.
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