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Mr. Tiber Septim

Lived in Era 26, got 1 heir(s) (Calus Septim) and was a member of Templar Crusaders

This story is not about the life of Tiber Septim, but the Legend. He is one of the bravest soldiers to ever walk the battlefield, he has sustained wounds that would kill a lesser man, but he shrugs it off and goes to his men's aid. He has saved the lives of countless men with his quick thinking and Legendary leadership. He is a true Hero.

Long ago when Tiber was young he joined the Imperial Legion and was under the command of General Pental, he took part in a great battle. There mission was to take a heavily guarded fortress named Aleno Yar. Tiber was a fresh recruit but alread an able swordsmen. He was put in command of fifty of the ten-thousand troops under General Pental. His orders were to take out a small fort nearby, the fort contained fifty catalpults and one hundred men and the battle's success rested upon that fort. Tiber took a covert approach and they snuck through a hole in the rear of the fort and lit the catapults on fire. While the enemy was distracted trying to put out the fires the Septim soldiers slaughtered the enemy. Not one man was lost on Tiber's, 100 were lost on the enemies' side.
General Pental decided to promote Tiber to Captain for his bravery and gave him command of fifty more men. It wasn't long until another battle took place...this time it was not far from the capital city of Cidel...
Enemy forces approached and Tiber and his men were in charge of the cities' defence. The Emperor had all of his Generals away on foreign missions and did not forsee an attack.
The sky shone crimson on that day meaning a bloody battle was about to take place. Tiber Septim and his hundred men stood outside the city gates while the city watch where perched upon the city walls, bows ready. All was silent, not a single noise pierced the steel wall of silence.
Suddenly, the silence was broken by the roars of catapults and massive siege engines. One-thousand men walked alongside them.
Men roared and clashed as the battle erupted around them. Tiber slashed and hacked his way through countless men, trying to make his way towards thier commander. If the commander was defeated the odds would change very quickly.
Then, Tiber saw him, clad in silver armor, armed a massive great sword, wearing a silver mask. Tiber charged and swung his sword, the commander blocked and swung at Tiber, barely missing his neck. Tiber lunged at his chest and the enemy commander dodged and swung his sword, Tiber blocked but his sword flew from his grasp by the power of his swing. The commander swung his sword down to give a finishing blow but Tiber rolled sideways and picked up a fallen soldier's spear. Tiber got up and dodged the enemy commander's next swing and pierced his heart with the spear.
Tiber looked around and saw that only fifty of his men remained. He ordered them to retreat to the gates and to defend there. The enemies looked and saw there leader with a spear sticking out of his heart. Some ran away, some mourned there leader, few attacked. With the help of the City Watchmen's arrows Tiber won the battle.
When Tiber approached the fallen commander and removed his mask. To Tiber's supprise, it was the enemy Emperor, Cidel had won...for now.

For his heroism at the battle of Cidel, Tiber Septim was granted the rank of General and was given 5000 men to command and lead through battle. His conquests ranged from one end of the world to the other, he was loved by his men and feared by his enemies.

One day Tiber was assigned to take an enemy stronghold, not a hard task as it was a small stronghold guarded by only a couple hundred soldiers, so they decided to just charge the thing and get it over with. What a big mistake that was, as they charged they saw that it was not a human guard, it was demons.
Demons who could crack a skull with the flick of a wrist, they could jump ten feet in the air and fire an arrow at the height of the jump, and they could sustain ten spears to the back and still crush a skull. Tiber couldnt issue orders in time, the battle had begun!
Tiber joined the battle and slashed at a demon who turned and faced Tiber. "YOU DARE FACE ME HUMAN, DIE SCUM!" The demon swung and Tiber blocked and the Demon blade slashed through Tiber's sword like butter. The demon raised his sword and slashed it through Tiber's neck. "Pathetic human", he muttered as he walked away...

Tiber awoke three days later in a small room. The doctor saw he was awake and screamed in terror. "ZOMBIE", he said as he ran in utter terror. Tiber looked around, it wasn't a hospital, it was a Morgue...Tiber felt around his neck as he remembered the battle, the utter screams of his falling men, and the Demon. Anger boiled in the pit of his stomache, he will slay that day.
A soldier entered the room with a pike. "You're no zombie, but how in the gods name did you survive, no matter, the general will want to see you."
He walked through the camp and looked at the startled faces gazing at him. "Zombie", one muttered. He reached the General's tent and entered. He saw that the General was General Pental.
"Have a seat, Septim", said Pental. "Four-thousand men are dead Septim, thanks to your foolish action, four-thousand men are dead."
"General, I didn't know they were demons, i thought they were guards", Tiber whispered with strain due to his neck injury.
"Did I teach you nothing, or did it not go through to you, analyze the situation, then strike", said Pental
"What has happened to the enemies' fort said Tiber
"I took over the situation and went there, but by the time I arrived they had all abandoned the fort", said Pental
"Sir...I resign my commision as General", said Tiber
"No Septim, we have an even worse punishment for you..."

two weeks later
Tiber was taken to have an sentancing by the Emperor himself.
"Tiber Septim, your punishment for your misjudgement leading to the loss of human life is banishment from the Empire and all of its provinces, you are to be taken to a foreign land with your twenty-five surviving soldiers and left there, to die or to live..."

Three months later Tiber Septim landed on a foreign island and was stranded there, Tiber approached a village of one thousand native people

The End?

Journal of Tiber Septim

I have acquired a large blank book I will use as a journal of my days events. I am hoping that after my passing people will discover this book and see how I was from my point of view. Maybe somebody will understand my life for what it was, not what the believe it was. And so it is that gaze upon the walls of this study and write this journal.

Journal Day 1049, Era 26
Today I sent a group of soldiers and a small settling party to the river a few miles away. Upon there arrival they saw a beutiful place for a city, they named it Pelagius City, after my son Pelagius Septim. I wish to visit it tommorow and maybe I will make my son the Mayor of Pelagius City. My son will make a fine ruler some day. My other son, Calus has been arrested for being in a bar brawl, I better go get him out.

Journal Day 1066, Era 26
I have been a bit too busy to write in my journal for the past seventeen days. My plans were halted by the destruction of the Septim First army. I have decided on sending my son and a group of fifty soldiers to clear out some a goblin encampment nearby, my son needs the esperiance after all. If I could clear out and enemy fortress with fifty soldiers, hopefuly Pelagius can clear out fifteen goblins in an undefended camp.

Journal Day 1069, Era 26
Three days I have suffered, three days I have mourned, and three days I have wondered...what I did wrong. My son Pelagius is dead, not from the Goblins, but from mercenaries. My son and his platoon arrived at the goblin encampment to find them all dead, they didn't know what to think so they decided to head home, and a company of three-hundred mercenaries met them on the way back...and slaughtered them, on man made it back, a swordsmen who ran when he saw my son fall, I made the soldier a knight and charged him and one-thousand men with destroying the mercenaries. I do not yet know if they were successful. My other son Calus Septim is next in line for the throne, I dearly hope he will get his act together.

Journal Day 1070, Era 26
Calus was arrested again for assaulting a guard, I really did'nt want to bail him out this time but he's my son and I really do hope he'll change, he is drinking heavily now, heavier than he used to because of the loss of his brother, but I wont give up hope that he'll change. If he doesn't then...nobody will be able to take the throne after my death.

Journal Day 1073, Era 26
A man walked by my estate today shouting "The end is near" or something but now im not so sure, the skies are changing and I am wondering if he was right. Calus has become resentful of me and is getting into many fights, I hope he doesn't get into too much trouble.

Journal Day 1074, Era 26
A miraculous thing happened today, Calus was captured by bandits, I know it doesn't sound miraculous but I went to save him myself. And after I was done with them my son called me one of the greatest swordsmen he'd ever seen, he apologized for all of the crimes he had commited and promised to act like a future ruler from here on. I have also recreated The Septim First Army, destroyed by the forces of Messiah. I hope they will prove better than the old one.

Journal Day 1075, Era 26
I visited the grave of my wife today. Oh how I miss her, Dear Solina Septim. She was killed by a still unknown Virus. I plan on teaching Calus the basics of ruling for a while so I may be unable to write for a few days.

Journal Day 1085, Era 26
For ten days I have not Written in this Journal. I've been to busy teaching my son how to rule my Empire. I have also been teaching him to swordfight. He's pretty good. Pelagius would have been proud of his brother.

Journal Day 1096, Era 26
I can no longer ignore the signs, The end of the world is upon us, ive ordered the construction of a shelter to protect the future of my small empire. The skies are growing redder with every passing day. I hope I have not been too late.

Journal Day 1097, Era 26
It is underway and yet, I still do not think I will live through this. Calus will be a fine ruler should I die. I'll be happy to see my wife again.

Journal Day 1101, Era 26
The skies are red and soon fire will be raining from the heavens. The end of the world is still impossible to believe. The shelter is moving along nicely and soon it will be completed.

Journal Day 1114, Era 26
I took back Hysteria and Mewhos from Music and Zeon. Music looks like its going to counter attack but Zeon looks like it's busy. All of this doesn't matter though...not any more.

Journal Day 1115, Era 26
I found an orphan on the streets today, and I decided to take him in. His name is Charlie. He is sixteen years old and seems to have a good head on his shoulders.

Journal Day 1118, Era 26
The gods have abandoned us, nothing grows, no rocks will budge from the earth, and the trees have crumbled to dust. The shelter was almost finished, but it crumbled with everything in it. Hope is lost.

Journal Day 1123, Era 26
Charlie has extraordinary leadership skills and is pretty good with a blade for his youth. If things had been different then maybe he could have been a General. So be it.

Journal 1124, Era 26
The grass around the city has died. I have a large stockpile of food for all my cities though. So few will die. Nothing matters anymore. All hope is lost.

Journal 1130, Era 26
Hope is back! My scouts have found a small cave in the mountains. Large enough for one person. My Empires future is brighter than the skies above!

Journal Day 1135, Era 26
One person, my son. I only hope I have taught him enough. Charlie is a good lad. I only wish I could of known him long.

Journal Day 1137, Era 26
My mages forsee that there are only twenty-two more days left in this world. It is not the end that is bugging me, it is the suffering. The waiting is unbearable.

Journal Day 1158, Era 26
My son and I are heading to the shelter, I have not told him that I wont be joining him. Two more days now.

Journal Day 1159, Era 26
I knocked my son out and threw him in the cave, otherwise he wouldn't have stayed. It started as soon as I got back to Septim City. Fire flying from the sky, washing over the lands it approaches the city. A magnificent sight.

As Tiber stood atop a tower of his Castle, looking over the lands. A voice sounded behind him.
"Long time no see Tiber."
Tiber turned around and saw General Pental standing there.
"I thought I was done with you", said Tiber
"Not quite, the Emperor now wants you dead, but now that I see the inferno approaching, I know we are both going to die", said Pental.
"Thank you for pointing out the obvious, anything else", said Tiber
"How about a swordfight, for old times sake", said Pental
"Yes, im going to enjoy this", said Tiber
Tiber pulled out his blade, Pental pulled out his. Tiber charged and choped down at Pental, but Pental blocked. Pental swung at Tiber's neck but Tiber dodged. Pental kicked Tiber to the ground and held the sword at his neck.
"Goodbye Tiber."
"Not quite"
Tiber rolled from under the sword with amazing speed, jumped up, and kicked Pental. Pental fell to the edge of the tower and got up.
"You can't beat me Tiber."
The tower shook and Pental stumbled and fell. Tiber ran to the edge to see that the inferno was washing over the city, and Pental fell right into in.
"Goodbye Pental", said Tiber
"My time in this life, this world, is over." said Tiber as the fire rose over the tower.

Sir Calus Septim

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Pelagius Septim II) and was a member of Templar Crusaders

This is the story of Calus Septim, born to Tiber and Solina Septim during the 26th era. He was the yournger of two children and he was the ruler of the Septim Empire during the 27th Era. This is his story.

Born to Tiber and Solina Septim during the 26th Era, his mother died during his childhood. He became an alcohalic and got into many barfights and streetfights. On 1066 of the 26th Era his older brother, Pelagius Septim, died in battle against mercenaries. Calus blamed Tiber for his brother's death, making him resentful of his father. One day Calus was captured by bandits and his father rescued him. Upon seeing him fight he realized that if his father couldn't have rescued Pelagius, nobody could.
Calus quit drinking and started learning to become the ruler of his father's Empire. Until Armageddon started. On that day he thought he was going to die. But his father saved him again, sacrificing himself to save Calus, and the future of the Septim Empire.
Calus awoke in the cave and saw that the forrest was burning. He ran to the old site of the Septim City. And found nothing. Calus found all the survivors he could and started rebuilding his father's Empire.
Calus was soon married to Kyraria Julios, who became Kyraria Septim. Calus had two children, one of them being a boy named Pelagius, named after his brother. The other was a girl named Kytara.
Calus groomed Pelagius to be the future ruler of his Empire as his father did to him. Pelagius demonstrated great potential as a leader, and made Calus a very proud father.
Kytara turned out to be a great scientist, discovering cures to many different plagues. Her mother, Kyraria, was not interested in science, but she loved her none the less.

Sir Pelagius Septim II

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Tiber Septim II) and was a member of Templar Crusaders

Pelagius Septim II was the son of Calus and Kyraria Sepim. Pelagius married Adella Dibellus who became Adella Septim. He had one son named Tiber, named after his great-grandfather. Calus Septim was killed in the Battle of Septim City by archers thus making Pelagius the ruler of his father's Empire.

Pelagius Septim II sat in the war room of the Septim Castle. Three other people sat around the table: Calus Septim, Captain Anochus, and a battle-hardened General.

"We need to close the gates, troops can be seen over the horizon",said the General.
"No no no, closing the gates would ruin the morale of our citizens", said Anochus.
"Where the hell did you get your tactical training from, keeping them open would mean enemies puring through", said the General.
"Silence! we will close the gates, this meeting is over", said Calus.

After the meeting Pelagius left to the armory. When he got there he picked up his set of steel armor and put it on. He then walked down to the gates. Five-hundred men stood in front of the gates, the other five-hundred stood on the walls around the city.

Calus stood atop the wall wondering where the General was. He dismisses the thought as he sees the gates start to open.
"What in Akatosh's name is going on", he said as he ran to the gatehouse.

Meanwhile, Pelagius sees enemies start to pour through the gate. He wonders why they opened, shrugs, and charges into the battle. He slashes one across the chest, swings around and decapitates another.
"This is going to be a long fight", thought Pelagius as he continued fighting.

Calus bursts into the gatehouse to find Anochus smashing the lever.
"What the hell are you doing", asked Calus
"My duty", said Anochus
"To whom", asked Calus
"My client", said Anochus as he drew his sword.
Calus drew his sword and charged Anochus. Anochus blocked and slashed at Calus' legs, but Calus jumped over the blade and stabed at Anochus' heart. Anochus parried and slashed at Calus' throat. Calus jumped backwards and awaited Anochus' next attack.

Pelagius cut another poor soldier's head off.
"Retreat", cried a Septim soldier.
Pelagius looked around and saw many dead soldiers, Septim soldiers, and understood. Pelagius ran with them.

Calus blocked another of Anochus' blows and slashed at him. Anochus was too slow and it cut his chest.
"Just a scratch", said Anochus as he lunged at Calus. Calus blocked his attack and cut him again. This time on the neck. Anochus fell to the ground holding his throat.
"My client...will be most...displeased", whispered Anochus as he died.
Calus walked over to the gear mechanism and examined it, but Anochus sabotaged it beyond repair. Calus cursed and walked out.

Pelagius ran with the remaining soldiers to the castle. Once inside they shut the gates.
"Where's Kytara", he asked a guard.
"In the war room", said the guard.
Pelagius ran to the war room and opened the door to see his mother and sister.
"We have to go, we shut the gates but they won't last long", said Pelagius.
"Thank Stendarr your alive, let's go", said Kyraria
Pelagius took his mother and sister and ran to the front of the castle. Pelagius' friend, Garius Hasildor, waited for them at the stairs.

"Been wondering when you would show up, after you", said Garius

Calus ran along the walls towards the castle. He prayed that his family was alright. He saw a few enemies climbing ladders to the walls so he kicked the ladder down and continued on.

"All of you soldiers, follow me, there is a secret way out of the castle that I know of", said Pelagius
"Yes sir", they all said
Calus arrived at the gates.
"Wait for me", said Calus Septim
"Father? Alright! Let's go", said Pelagius
While the Septims and the guards started running, the enemies broke through the wall. One of the soldiers aimed his bow and shot Calus right through the back. Calus fell to the ground. Pelagius turned and ran to his father.
"Run you fool, and...take care of your mother for me", said Calus. Pelagius obeyed and ran from his doomed father.
Pelagius ran to the tunnel entrance waited until all of the people were inside, and jumped through. They walked through the tunnel for several miles until it ended, right under New London.

They stayed in New London for a while, then continued south, to Drakow , where they went east to a small river, after crossing the river they build a small town to try and continue their shattered lives.
Soon, Pelagius fell in love with a lady by the name of Adella Dibellus, whom he soon married. They had one child by the name of Tiber, after Pelagius' grandfather.
Tiber Septim II demonstrated good leadership ability and he was also very good with blades, maces, and bows. Pelagius was very proud of him.
Kytara also found somebody she loved, Garius Hasildor, Pelagius' best friend and Steward. Soon Kytara married Garius and became Kytara Hasildor. And had a child by the name of Caius Hasildor.
Pelagius enjoyed taking walks in the forrest, helped him think, but one day his peace was interupted.

Pelagius treaded on the dirt path of the forrest and stopped.
"Quiet, a bit too quiet", he thought to himself.
He dismissed the thought as he continued onward. Suddenly, an arrow flew down and barely misses his head. Pelagius jumped behind a tree and drew his sword. He peeked around it. One assassin, clad in black clothing, with a black scarf around his neck, was perched upon the tree.
Pelagius returned his head to the cover of the tree and thought up a plan. He was a long three miles from his city so no backup was available. Suddenly, two more assassins jumped around the tree with Scimitars. Pelagius blocked a slash from one while drawing his dirk. The other slashed and Pelagius rolled from his blow, out from the cover of the tree. The bowman shot an arrow that missed by a few inches.
Pelagius blocked another slash from one of the assassins and stabed him in the chest with his dirk. The assassin fell to the floor and the other jumped over his body and brought down his sword. Pelagius rolled backwards and dodged the blow. The bowman shot another arrow and it hit the ground.
The other assassin charged Pelagius and stroke with the force of two men. Pelagius blocked the blow and slashed his right arm with the dirk. The assassin put his sword in his other hand and kept on attacking.
Another arrow was shot from the bowman and it hit the dieing assassin. Pelagius continued to fight the injured one.
"My client wants not only you dead, but your whole family", said the assassin as they fought.
"Who is your client?", asked Pelagius.
The assassin ignored the question. The assassin attacked but missed. Pelagius seized the chance and cut his head off. Pelagius jumped out of the way of a newly fired arrow from the bowman.
Pelagius moved closer and closer to the bowman, hiding behind trees as he fired arrows. When Pelagius got close enough he threw his dirk at him. It hit him in the chest and the assassin fell from the tree. Pelagius walked over to the assassin and saw that he had hit him in the heart.
"No information from this one, better head home", thought Pelagius.
Upon returning to his city, Pelagius told his family of the assassin's attack, and his words.
"Who would want us dead, we have made no enemies", said Garius.
"Maybe one of the neighboring cities", said Tiber
"No, they have bigger fish right now", said Kytara
"Carnage?" asked Caius
"No, we're too far away from them, and all they wanted was our old city", said Garius.
"I'm not sure, but we better keep our eyes open", said Pelagius.

The Septim family remained on constant guard, absolute vigilance was practiced. Two years passed and some of the family got restless, Tiber went on a walk in the woods with two of his friends, Roderick and Nicholas. An arrow flew from the shadow of a tree and hit Nicholas in the neck. Tiber and Roderick ran and hid behind a tree. Ten assassins came out of the darkness and surrounded Tiber and Roderick.
"Prepare to die bo-" said an assassin as an arrow hit him in the neck.
Fifty Septim archers marched in, killing almost all of the assassins. They moved aside and Pelagius Septim II strided up.
"Leave some alive, we might want a bit of information out of them", said Pelagius.
But it was too late, the remaining assassins commited suicide by driving daggers into their chese. Pelagius walked up to Tiber.
"What you just did was stuiped, a man is dead now because of you", said Pelagius.
"I am sorry father, I was getting restless", said Tiber
"RESTLESS, RESTLESS! After what happened to me I would have thought you would put a little more consideration into your actions!", said Pelagius.
Tiber opened his mouth to speak but Pelagius cut him off.
"Not another word, we're going home", said Pelagius.
One of the archers stopped to pick up Nicholas' body and continued to follow Pelagius. Not a word was spoken until they got to the Septim Castle.
"Place the body in the Mortuary, a funeral is to be held two days from now", said Pelagius to the archer.
"Yes Sir", said the archer.
"Tiber, I hope you realize the consequences of your actions tonight, you are the future ruler of my Empire, and you must have good judgment in order to rule", said Pelagius
"Yes father", said Tiber
"Away with you then, I must speak to your mother about this incident", said Pelagius
Tiber ran off to bed and Pelagius went over to his room, where Adella was sleeping. He woke her up and relayed the night's events to her. She told him not to go hard on him and Pelagius agreed, he then let himself fall to sleep.

After Nicholas' funeral Pelagius couldn't find out who sent the assassins, as no more came. He slowly forgot the ordeal and went back to his normal duties.

Soon Pelagius and Adella had another son, whom they named Salius Septim. He was a good leader as all of his family was, but he was a godly warrior. He could defeat twenty Septim knights without gaining a scratch. Many thought him to be a God.
One day Tiber met a woman by the name of Angelus Tallius, whom he loved with all of his heart, as she loved him. Soon they got married, and Pelagius was very proud.
A few years later Pelagius' mother, Kyraria, died of old age. It was a sad day for the Septim family and especially Pelagius, who fell into a year long depression following her death. But when his grandchildren were born he recieved a renewed sense of happiness.
Tiber and Angelus had a son, whom they named Cephorus, and a daughter, whom they named Alessia. They were both good leaders and good warriors. Cephorus was good with his sword. Alessia was good with her bow.
Salius taught Cephorus many good dueling techniques, and Kytara taught Alessia how to use a bow. Alessia also learned how to use short blades such as dirks and daggers effectively.
Salius also found someone he loved, Vaermina Talia, who became Vaermina Septim. Salius and Vaermina had a child a few years later, Calus Septim II. Calus wasn't a naturally talented leader as most of the Septims where but he learned, but he was a hell of a swordsman. He was as strong as his father and twice as fast in his prime.
Caius Hasildor found somebody he loved, Isabella Yelesia, who became Isabella Hasildor. They had one child, Marius Hasildor. He was not a charismatic leader and held no interest in swordfighting, Marius was interested in the arcane arts. He was a talented mage and knew many spells and languages including the languages of Elves, Dwarves, Ogres, Trolls, Halflings, Demons, and of course Humans.
One day, while out on a walk, a man approached Tiber. He had many scars on his face and had white hair.
"Hello Tiber", he said
"Hello", said Tiber
"My name is General Zarrock, I was a friend of your grandfather.
"What? You must be mistaken", said Tiber
"Mistakes are something I don't make many of", said Zarrock
"Alright, I'll give you the benifit of the doubt, what do you want with me", said Tiber.
"Ahhh, it is not you I want, it is Pelagius", said Zarrock.
"Alright, I'll bring you to him, but you can't bring any weapons into the castle, got it?" said Tiber
"Yes, I understand", said Zarrock.
Tiber took Zarrock to Pelagius, and Pelagius didn't recognize him.
"Well, you may remember the invasion of Septim City", said Zarrock
"Yes, of course I do", said Pelagius
"Well, I was the General in charge of Septim forces", said Zarrock.
"I remember now, you were on the war council, nobody could find you during the battle, what happened", said Pelagius
"The tratior, Anochus, took me hostage and gave me to the enemies, it has taken me all this time to escape", said Zarrock
"Well, I'll give you everythi-" Pelagius was cut off by the sudden entrance of a soldier.
"Sir, enemies are invading, overwealming us."
"We need to escape, gather up my family and follow me", said Pelagius.
After they got together they all left towards the back of the castle. Right before leaving Pelagius was shot in the back with a fireball. His body disinigrated.
Nothing was left. But he will always be remembered as a hero, a leader, and a great man.

Sir Tiber Septim II

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Cephorus Septim) and was a member of Templar Crusaders

This is the story of Tiber Septim II, son of Pelagius Septim II and Adella Septim. He had one brother named Salius Septim and two children. One was a boy named Cephorus Septim, and the other was a girl named Alessia Septim. This is the story of Tiber Septim II.

Tiber sat at a table in the Septim Castle where General Falus Zarrock was meeting with his father, Pelagius Septim II. After a short conversation between the two a Septim guard ran into the room.
"SIr, enemies are invading, overwealming us", said the guard.
"We need to escape, gather up my family and follow me", said Pelagius.
Zarrock, Pelagius, and Tiber arose from their seats.
"Tell them to meet us in the entrance hall", said Pelagius.
After the guard left Tiber walked in the direction of the entrance hall.
"Tiber, not that way, we need to arm ourselves, Zarrock, can you still use a sword?" asked Pelagius.
"I may look old but I will always be able to defend myself", said Zarrock.
"Let's go", said Pelagius.
The trio ran up the stairs to the armory and armed themselves. Tiber grabed a longsword for himself, a bow for Alessia, and a Claymore for Salius. Pelagius picked up a shortsword and a dirk for himself, a Longsword for Calus, and a rapier for Garius. Zarrock already had his sword, but he picked up a few daggers and a staff. After arming themselves they ran for the entrance hall.
When they arrived Garius, Salius, Cephorus, Alessia, Angelus, Adella, Marius, Caius, Calus, Vaermina, Kytara, and Isabella were all waiting for them, a small army of Septims.
"What took you so long?" asked Alessia.
"We had to get weapons for you all", said Pelagius
After distributing the weapons they left down one of the hallways towards the library.
"After the takeover of Septim City I have made it a standard to always build escape routes", said Pelagius.
Upon their arrival in the library they were suprised to see thirty mages wearing black robes. They shot a fireball and hit Pelagius in the chest, disinigrating him. Marius raised his palmes and lightning arced forth from his fingertips. The enemies fell immediately. Tiber looked down at his father's ashes and a tear fell from his eye.
"Father", said Tiber.
"We have to go, there will be more of them", said General Zarrock.
"He's in shock, I'll grab him", said Salius
Salius walked over to Tiber and picked him up on his shoulders. They then ran over to a bookcase and pushed it open to reveal a small tunnel. Suddenly, a Septim knight ran up, followed by fifty Septim swordsmen.
"Wait!" said the Knight.
"Roderick? I havn't seen you in years", said Salius.
"No time for chatter, hurry through", said Zarrock.
The Septims, Hasildors, Roderick, Zarrock, and the fifty swordsmen followed through the passage and Calus shut the door behind them. Upon their emmergance from the tunnel they saw they were several miles away from Campsite. They went south for a time, gathering up a small army of peasants. They then settled a small city that they called New Septim City.
As the oldest son of Pelagius Septim II, Tiber became the new holder of the Septim throne. Zarrock became the Supreme Commander of the Septim Army, everbody wondered how an old man like that could fight with the best of them, until he revealed he was and elf and had a very long life-span.
Marius soon opened up the Arcane Acadamy, where devoted men and women could learn the arcane arts. Marius hired a band of teachers and fell in love with one, Iella Kelius.
Cephorus also found a loved one, Mara Harius, who became Mara Septim. They had a child about two years later whom they named Lucias Septim.
Lucias displayed weird behavior at an early age for he was insane. Lucias loved to eat paper, dance naked in front of guests, and he even went so far as to draw up intricate assassination plans for killing...a wild rabbit.
Cephorus and Mara had another son, whom they named Gaius Septim. Gaius had a sane head on his shoulders and he was a good swordsman. He also had a very noble spirit about him.
Calus married Dibella Antinous, who became Dibella Septim. She had twins: one a boy, one a girl. They named the boy Artorius and they named the girl Kyraria Septim II.
Artorius was an excellant swordsman and an avid spellcaster, he also had good leadership skills. Kyraria was a good archer and she also possessed good leadership skills.
Marius and Iella also had a child, whom they named Rufius Hasildor. Rufius was a good spellcaster as his father was and he had a happy spirit about him.

But one day, while Salius was walking through town square a lightning bold arced from on of the stalls. Salius pulled out his sword and the lightning went onto it. Salius charged at the stall and saw that their was a man in dark robes behind it. Salius moved his sword up to the man's throat.
"Who are you people?" asked Salius.
"We are the Shadow Assassins", said the man.
"Who sent you?" asked Salius
The man took his dagger and killed himself.
Salius returned to the castle and shared the news. Shadow Assassins was a clue, but it wasn't much. Salius went to Marius to ask about them.
"The Shadow Assassins are a foreign group, usually they don't come this far to kill somebody", said Marius.
"Interesting, thank you", said Salius.
No matter how many books Salius searched, he could not find out who the Shadow Assassins were. So he decided to give up until they struck again.
Tiber discovered that a group of goblins was accumulating near the river, so he decided to go drive them away. Tiber took fifty soldiers down to the river with him and discovered another party was speaking with the goblins. One man was wearing a hooded robe, the goblin wore a cheiftan's hat.
"How we do it?" asked the goblin.
"You are going to attack New Septim City and we are going to kill the Septims", said the robed man.
"Ok, me tell warriors, what in it for us?" said the goblin.
"Hmmmm, I would say that New Septim City would do just fine", said the robed man.
Tiber had heard enough.
"Ready your bows men", Tiber said.
The soldiers readied their bows.
"FIRE", said Tiber.
All of the soldiers shot and the arrows rained on the houses. One arrow hit the hooded man in the shoulder and he retreated into the darkness. Tiber chased him through the woods with two of the soldiers, the rest he left to clean out the goblin camp.
Tiber followed the man through the trees slowly catching up to him. After a while the man turned around.
"It is not wise to follow a Lieutenant of the Shadow Assassins", he said.
"Who is your client", said Tiber.
"Ahhh, that would spoil the fun now wouldn't it?" said the man.
Tiber charged at the man and the man jumped backwards. Suddenly a ring of fire appeared around Tiber and the soldiers.
"Finish him", said the man as he walked away.
The ring started getting smaller, and smaller, and smaller until one assassin fell down with an arrow in his neck and the others ran. The ring disappeared and Salius followed by Marius and Alessia ran up.
"Who were those people?" asked Alessia.
"Horrible mages, that's for sure", said Marius.
"They were Shadow Assassins", said Tiber.
"The Shadow Assassins? Who the hell is their client, he must be hell bent to send so many after us", said Salius.
"Let's talk about it at home", said Tiber.
After arriving at the Septim Castle they all sat around a long dining table. Cephorus, Zarrock, Calus, Iella, and Artorius walked in and sat as well.
"The Shadow Assassins have struck again", said Tiber.
"We don't know much about them", said Salius.
"We do know that their HQ is far away", said Zarrock.
"That isn't enough, if we found out where then maybe we could stop them", said Tiber.
"They are an ancient order, entirely devoted to their cause", said Iella.
"Everybody, we must scour the libraries and find out as much as we can, tommorow we will hold a meeting", said Tiber.
"Good idea", said Marius.
"All in favor, say I"
"I", they all said in unison.
"Alright, let's go", said Tiber.
The next day they met at dinner.
"I have only found one thing, they worship a god called Hadoras, who is the God of Darkness", said Tiber
The rest of the Septims hadn't found a thing, so they continued searching, but no matter how hard they tried, they could not find anything else.
They decided that they needed to capture an assassin, but no more came. Tiber gave up, and continued ruling his Empire.
Cephorus and Mara had a daughter as well, whom they named Galia, Galia was a strong ruler, and an able mage. She went to the Arcane Academy and was taught the skills of a mage by her cousin, Marius.
Tiber's mother died a few years later of old age. Tiber took it well as he knew she would be happy with Pelagius in Aetherius.
Tiber hired a new town guard captain after the old one died. The captain's name was Avolius. Captain Avolius was an able swordsmen and was a good friend of Cephorus, so Tiber trusted him as well.
Tiber soon founded Calus City, and appointed Salius the mayor. Salius was a good ruler, he knew what to do. Soon Calus had a third child, whom he named Pelagius Septim III.
Pelagius was an able spellcaster, swordsman, and leader. He loved to spend time in the wild, conversing with animals. Calus disapproved of this, but loved him nonetheless.
The fragile peace of the land was broken a few years later by the attacking forces of Red Hand. Tiber sat in the war room with General Zarrock, Sir Roderick, and Salius Septim.
"We need to retreat, it's suicide to stay, over one-thousand soldiers!" said Roderick.
"It is not impossible, unless we lose out bearings like we did in the battle for Septim City", said Zarrock.
"This is going to be one hell of a battle, one I am going to enjoy", said Salius.
"For Akatosh's sake, we have to run, it's our only hope", said Roderick.
"No it is not! If we hold and stick together we will prevail", said Zarrock.
"Let's leave it to Tiber", said Salius.
They all looked at Tiber, and Tiber gave his answer.
"We hold and fight", said Tiber.
They went to the armories to dress for battle. Tiber donned a suit of Dwarven made armor. Salius wore his custom obsidian armor. Marius wore blue robes. Calus put on a steel chest plate. Alessia wore leather armor. Cephorus wore steel.
The Septim family stood by the gates with their weapons ready. Two hundred soldiers stood beside them. Tiber turned around and adressed the soldiers.
"We have built this city from the ground up, from the days that my father, Pelagius Septim II, fleed from Septim City, to now we have had not a decent home. But now that we have a place to call our own, are we going to let it fall into another's hands?!?"
"No sir", they all yelled in unison.
"Then let us fight these foreign invaders, and let us win!" said Tiber as the enemies broke through the gates.
Tiber charged the enemies head on, stabbing one in the chest. He pulls his sword out and slices his head off, he turns around and cuts one's leg off, he turns and cuts through another's head like warm butter.
Salius Septim waited for the enemies to come to him, and when they came he gave them a great welcome. He stabbed one's heart, pulled his sword out and cut off another's arm, he then jumped over him and cut downwards, slicing one in half.
Marius Hasildor stood in the very back, he picked up a large group of soldiers and dropped them from two hundred feet up. He then shot fireballs on others.
Calus Septim II jumped into the battle, blocking two strikes with one hand and cutting off a man's arm with his other. He cut off two heads, ducked under a man's blow while stabbing him in the chest. He jumped backwards while blocking a blow.
Alessia sat atop the wall, shooting arrows with expert accuracy. She was careful not to hit allied solders as she shot others.
Zarrock stood atop the tower watching the fight.
"We aren't doing too good", he said. He continued shouting orders to his soldiers...
Cephorus faught down in the fray. He wasn't as good a soldier as Salius or Calus, but he was better than average. He blocked and stabbed, parried and slashed. The battle seemed endless until he saw his father stand upon the gate and shout.
"Retreat!" said Tiber as he jumped off the gate onto the ground. All of the Septims followed as they ran to the closest city, Calus City.
Calus city was only a few miles away, so they arrived in about four hours. Tiber knew the enemy would press on, so he prepared the peasants to move out of the city. Only one day later the enemy forces arrived...
Tiber told his family to run to Cephorus City, he would arrive soon. After they left Tiber prepared himself for the battle of a lifetime...

A few hours later...
Tiber stood at the front gate, ready to fight the massive force behind it. He saw death, standing with his scythe. He cursed Death and he just smiled and stood there.
When the enemies broke through Tiber charged into them, falling many men before a stray arrow caught him in the ribs. Tiber fell to the ground and looked at death, he walked towards him, scythe in hand, and just before he was going to strike, Tiber arose.
Death retreated, knowing it was not his time to go. Tiber ripped out the arrow and continued fighting. The soldiers looked at Tiber in awe, wondering how somebody could get back up after that.
Tiber pulled out his sword, and ran towards the enemies. The soldiers were not afraid of the man who had bested death, for they were well trained. Tiber fell one man, and another, and another, and a stray blade found its way into his arm.
Tiber fell again and an enemy walked towards him. The soldier held his sword to Tiber's neck, and Tiber saw death approach again. Tiber saw a dagger right next to his feet and he made a plan. Tiber picked up the dagger and stabbed the soldier in the leg, and once again death retreated.
Tiber rose from the ground with his sword in his good hand. And the enemies looked at him, amazed. Tiber looked around and saw that his soldiers were dead.
He ran into the soldiers and the soldiers jumped aside, Tiber ran out the gates and out towards Cephorus City. Which was twenty miles away.
Salius led the Septims and the Hasildors through the woods towards Cephorus City. He felt sorry for Angelus Septim, who he thought would soon be a widow, he felt sorry for Cephorus and Alessia because they would lose their father, and he felt bad, because he would lose his brother.
"Somebody's coming, hide!" said Salius
The Septims and Hasildors jumped into the bushes and they saw a man riding down the trail. Salius noticed that he did not ride a horse of Red Hand so he came out to greet him.
"Salius?" the stranger said.
"Tiber?" said Salius.
Tiber jumped off the horse and Salius greeted him.
"How did you survive?" asked Salius.
"The Gods gave me strength", said Tiber
Salius noticed a different quality in Tiber, he seemed at ease. Unlike his usual self.
"The gods must have given you more than strength", said Salius.
"Hmmmm, maybe", said Tiber.
"You're bleeding", said Angelus.
"I am?" asked Tiber "Because I do not feel a thing"
Angelus looked at Tiber's wounds and saw that he had a deep arrow wound and a sword wound that had gone down to the bone. Salius made camp and Angelus and Marius tended to Tiber's wounds.
"A weaker man would of been killed, and you would soon be dead had I not devoted three years of my life to discovering the arcane art of regeneration", said Marius
"As soon as we get to Cephorus City you're going to need at least a months rest before any plans of revenge", said Angelus.
When they arrived at Cephorus City Tiber rested for fifteen days before getting tired of the monotonous healing process. So Tiber went down to the War Room.
"Sir, we have just recieved word of General Zarrock", said Roderick.
"Yes, is he well?" asked Tiber.
"Not exactly, the letter was sent by Red Hand, he is being held in the New Septim City prison", said Roderick.

Meanwhile in New Septim City...
Zarrock sat in his cell, he wondered if Tiber had abandoned him just as his father had. He sat and thought when a big burly guard walked in.
"Time for the daily torture", said the guard menacingly.
Without a word Zarrock followed him. Zarrock was tortured with many devices until they brought him back to his cell, he then collapsed upon the bed and slept.

Back in Cephorus City...
"What?!?", asked Tiber
"He was captured by Red Hand forces during the attack on New Septim City", said Roderick.
"I want a group of ten knights to go to New Septim City and rescue General Zarrock", said Tiber.
"Yes Sir", said Roderick.

Back in the New Septim City Prisons...
Zarrock awoke with a start...he saw a man across the hall staring at him.
"General Zarrock, is it really you?" asked the man.
"Yes, it is me", said Zarrock.
"By Akatosh, I have a chance", said the man.
"Who are you?" asked Zarrock.
"Forgive me for lack of introductions but I am Lieutenant Gorris" said Gorris.
"I see", said Zarrock.
"Yes, you see, I am planning an escape, four other officers are being held here, and I plan to rescue them, but I am not a very stealthy person", said Gorris.
"So you need me to sneak them out", said Zarrock.
"Exactly, on my second day here the guard had to answer nature's call while in the middle of torturing me, I managed to slip one of my chains and steal a piece of metal, it has taken me a while but I have finaly gotten it into the shape of a lockpick", said Gorris.
"Ah, well let us use it tommorow, and get our freedom", said Zarrock.
Zarrock had never had better dreams.

In the forrest a few miles from New Septim City...
Roderick led his group of nine knights through the forrest. They rushed along the paths until they came to a small hole.
"Here it is, secret entrance to the Septim Castle", said Roderick.
The soldiers followed him into the tunnel and followed him down it. When they got to the end they pushed on the wall and saw that not a soldier was in the library.

Zarrock arrived in his cell after another day's torture and talked to Gorris when the guard walked away.
"You ready?" said Gorris.
"Yes", said Zarrock.
Gorris took about five minutes to unlock his door and two to unlock Zarrock's.
"If you follow my lead then we will not get caught, follow in my shadows". said Zarrock.
Gorris and Zarrock ran to the armory and peeked in the keyhole, one guard was inside and was looking pretty anxious. After a few moments he got up and ran out the door. Zarrock jumped out and broke his neck. After the guard died he urinated all over himself.
"Put on his uniform and grab his sword", ordered Zarrock.
Gorris did what he was told (Even with the urine on the armor, he is one loyal soldier) as Zarrock walked into the armory. He saw a dagger on the wall, grabbed it, and clinged it to his ankle.
Gorris was ready by the time Zarrock came back.
"You'll pretend to be escorting me to another cell, the officer's cells, do you know where they are located?" asked Zarrock.
"No, but I can ask", said Gorris.
Gorris and Zarrock walked down the hall until they came upon a soldier.
"Where is the four officers we managed to capture?" asked Gorris.
"Eh, oh in cell 3-C", said the Guard
"Thank you, all hail the Red Hand", said Gorris for good measure.
"Yeah yeah, whatever", said the guard as he continued down the hall.
Gorris and Zarrock continued to 3-C and when they arrived not a guard was in sight. Gorris pulled out the guard's keys and opened the doors.
"I am here to let you all out, walk in front of me as if you are still prisoners and we may just escape alive", said Gorris.
The officers said not a word as they moved in front of Gorris. They walked down the hall when suddenly a door opened and a man said: "Freeze!"

"Zarrock?" Roderick said
"Roderick?" Zarrock said
"How in the hell- there is no time for this, follow me, but let's kill this guard", said Roderick.
"He is no guard, he is Lieutenant Gorris of the Septim Army", said Zarrock.
"Alright, let's go", said Roderick.
They ran back into the library and down the tunnel, a few hours later they were back out in the forrest, and a day later, in Cephorus City.

Tiber gave them a heroes' welcome and even gave all of the officers one thousand gold each.
"I'm sorry I cannot give you more, but we are on a tight budget, Calus City was taken from us last night", said Tiber.
For his bravery and cunning Gorris was awarded the title of knight. And was promoted to Colonel. Zarrock went to the war room and met with Roderick, Tiber, and Salius.
"We have discovered a way around, through the mountains, to New Septim City. From there we will attack Calus City", said Tiber.
"Good plan, but what if it fails", said Zarrock.
"It wont", said Tiber.
The next day Tiber led a one hundred man task force to New Septim City. They attacked under the cover of darkness.
Tiber threw a grapple hook up onto one of the battlements, tested it, then climbed up, his men followed him. They snuck up behind a guard, slit his throat, and continued. They did this to about ten more guards, then realized that only ten guarded the city, they had won...for now.
One week later five thousand Red Hand troops poured into the gates, and Tiber was forced to retreat to Cephorus City once again. The armies of Red Blood moved forward, taking the core of his Kingdom. His King, Bliss, tried to stop them, but they were too strong.
Tiber knew they would soon be knocking at the gates of Cepherous City, and so he prepared. He had all of the Septims move to Tiber City, except Salius, he would not leave his brother's side.

Three days later...
Tiber stood with Salius at the gates of Cephorus City. Roars of hundreds of soldiers could be heard outside the walls. Two hundred knights stood ready at the gates in front of their leader. Tiber turned to address his troops.
"Today is a day that will be remembered! Not for the cunning of the enemy, but the bravery of you all! We shall carry this fight to the gates of hell itself! WE WILL PREVAIL!" yelled Tiber.
The cheers of the soldiers could be heard for miles around.
They turned and faced the gates, every soldier had a grin on his face. Tiber knew that all of his men would soon be dead, but he knew, he would be dead too.
"When do you think they'll break through the gate?" asked Salius. As he said it the gate splintered apart.
"Now", said Tiber.
The gate broke open and troops poured in like water through a drain. Knights fell to the enemies strength. But Tiber did not, he kept on fighting, not matter how many arrows struck him he kept going. Kept on fighting.
Tiber finally fell unconsious, Salius saw and ran to pick him up, he then left with him in his arms. Salius took him to Tiber City, where he died a few days later.
Two days after Tiber's death enemies broke through the gates. Salius led the Septims, the Hasildors, Zarrock, Gorris, and Roderick to safety.
Tiber's legend was not forgotten, he was remembered as a great commander, an excellant leader, and a legendary hero.

Sir Cephorus Septim

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Gaius Septim) and was a member of Templar Crusaders

This is the story of Cephorus Septim, son of Tiber Septim II and Angelus Septim. He had one sister who's name was Alessia Septim and a wife who's name was Mara Septim. He had two sons, Lucias Septim and Gaius Septim. This is the story of Cephorus Septim, fifth ruler of the Septim Dynasty.

Cephorus sat in his room of the Tiber City castle, he mourned the death of his father and wondered now what he would do as the new ruler of the Septim Empire. Suddenly a knock came to his door.
"Come in", said Cephorus.
The soldier stormed into the room.
"Sir, Red Hand has arrived, we are under attack!" said the soldier
"I'll be right down", said Cephorus.
Cephorus arose from his chair and strapped his sword to his belt. He then walked down to the War Room and saw that Zarrock, Roderick, and Salius were seated there.
You finally manage to pry yourself from you chair", said Salius.
"Yes", said Cephorus.
"We have bad news, our spies in New Septim City, Garius and Kytara Hasildor, were killed", said Salius.
"Who killed them!?" asked Cephorus.
"The Shadow Assassins", said Salius.
"Wha-" Salius cut him off.
"We have more important matters right now, we are under attack", said Salius
After explaining the situation they formulated a plan. They would escape with as many soldiers and peasants as possible down through the tunnels and they would burn the buildings to stop Red Hand from using them,
They followed the plan well, escaping through the tunnels before the enemies broke through the gates. Salius led around one thousand peasants and fifty swordsmen down through the tunnels and out on the other side of the mountains.
Afterwards they made camp and talked about the Shadow Assassins.
"The Shadow Assassins killed Garius and Kytara, that's sad news", said Cephorus.
"Yes, but one was captured, and tortured", said Salius.
"You actually caught one?" asked Cephorus.
"Yes, Gorris was visiting and he managed to catch one", said Salius.
"Wow", said Cephorus.
"We learned that they operate out of Cidel", said Salius.
"CIDEL? Tiber Septim I's homeland!" yelled Cephorus.
"Yes, but he wouldn't give up the name of the client, as he didn't know, only Shadow Assassin Lieutenant knows the client's name, and only one is in this land", said Salius.
The conversation was interupted by the arrival of Captain Avolius.
"Hello, we have discovered that the enemy is in pursuit, we have to pack up and leave", said Avolius.
They packed up and rode off into the forrest, the enemy one mile behind them, the enemies had faster horses and less people so they naturally rode faster. When they were one-hundred feet behind Calus and Salius jumped off their horses and pulled out their swords.
The enemies, suprised that their prey had turned to face them, couldn't stop fast enough so Salius jumped up and cut their heads off. Fifty more remained and jumped from their horses to fight.
Salius knew his son could fight so he took care of hmself. He blocked one soldier's slash and stabbed him in the chest, a soldier swung down so he rolled backwards. He disarmed a soldier and stabbed him in the chest.
Calus grabbed a man, kneed him in the chest, and drove his sword though his back. He then drop kicked a man and stabbed him through the back while he was on the ground. Another guys ran at him so he blocked his attack, picked him up, and threw him into another enemies' sword.
Salius and Calus finished off the soldiers and caught up with Cephorus. They soon built a city named Deathreach and spent a short while there. Gaius met a lady named Viola and had many dates with her. They soon married and had one child, Salius Septim II.
Lucias Septim went to the Deathreach mental hospital, where he got some of the best care possible, and it did not help a bit, Marius examined his mind and learned that the wound ran deeper, and had another cause, but was unsure of what it was.
Salius Septim II was a typical Septim, a strong leader and good swordsman. And he was also a good mage, making him a battlemage, he was a very usefull man to have on the battlefield.
Cephorus spent many hours a day trying to figure out where Cidel was, but he had no luck, Cidel's location would have to be taken from an assassin.
A few years later Caius died of unknown causes, Cephorus knew it was the assassins, poison was the most likely possibility. Cephorus tracked down the assassins with the help of Salius Septim I.
After tracking them down they both stabbed themselves, one of them didn't cut in the right area so he was taken to the hospital. They saved his life and asked him questions.
"Where is Cidel!?" asked Salius.
"I'll never let down my homeland, like your rotten ancestor Tiber Septim!" yelled the assassin.
"What can you tell us?" asked Cephorus.
"I'll tell you one thing, there is a spy in your midst", said the assassin,
"Who!?" yelled Salius and Cephorus in unison.
"Ahhhh, you can find out on your own, now can't you?" said the assassin.
Salius and Cephorus tortured the assassin for many hours before giving up.
"He will not crack", said Salius.
"I know", said Cephorus.
They gave the duty of torturing the assassin to Captain Avolius, and they returned to their normal duties.
Colonel Gorris Farilor married Alessia Septim and had one child, a boy by the name of Jorrus Farilor. Jorrus was a good swordsman and a grand officer, when he matured he commanded operations with perfection. He was a major asset to the Septim army. Cephorus pondered day and night who the spy was, and one day, he found out.

Cephorus stood atop the central tower of Deathreach. He wondered in his mind who the spy was when he heard a noise behind him, he turned and drew his sword. He saw that the intruder was a man in dark robes with a hood over his face to keep his identitiy a secret.
"Your father made the same mistake as to engage a Shadow Assassin Lieutenant, he was fortunate to have survived", said the Lieutenant.
Cephorus stood, ready for combat.
"You can talk you know, your father enjoyed talking to his enemies", said the Lieutenant.
"How did you get up here?", asked Cephorus.
"I am the spy, the one you have been hunting, it is easy for a spy to enter an area undetected", said the Lieutenant.
"The only good spies are dead, captured, or allied with me, you are neither so I'll have to fix that, now wont I?" said Cephorus.
"Now that's more like it! Your father was the same way, he thought he could fight off anything" said the Assassin.
Cephorus spared no more words, he attacked. Cephorus charged the assassin, but the assassin dodged the attack easily.
"Hahaha, you are a weak fool!" said the assassin.
The assassin drew his sword and attacked, and Cephorus had a tough time blocking his attacks. Cephorus finally realized that the man was toying with him. Cephorus tried and tried but he could not hit him.
The assassin kicked Cephorus down and held his sword high over his head.
"Your son, Gaius, will be joining you soon, very soon" said the Lieutenant.
Cephorus heard a door burst open and the assassin turned around, he gasped and ran to the ledge of the tower and jumped. Cephorus saw that his uncle, Salius, had saved his life.
"Who the hell was that?" asked Salius.
"The spy, a Shadow Assassin Lieutenant", said Cephorus.
"The spy, and we let him go? Dangit!" said Salius.
"Worst of all, I have no idea of his identitiy, he kept his hood down and his voice low", said Cephorus.
"It's ok, you're safe, let's go inside" said Salius.
After going inside they asked everybody for an alibi, and all gave one except two people, Captain Avolius and Colonel Gorris Farilor. Cephorus questioned the two, and found Gorris guilty of being the spy because he was last seen on the upper levels of the castle. He was locked away in the prison.

One day Cephorus was going on a walk through the city, he walked into an alley and he heard a voice behind him.
"Septim!" said the man
Cephorus turned around and saw a man in dark robes, Cephorus knew better than to fight so he chose the next option, flight. He ran away into the city streets.
As he ran he looked behind him, he saw that the Lieutenant wasn't behind him. When he arrived at the castle he released Gorris right away. Afterwards he asked three soldiers to bring Captain Avolius before telling Salius.
"I was attacked by the Lieutenant today, Gorris was in his cellso I know it is Avolius", said Cephorus.
"A valid conclusion, I would say the same", said Salius.
Salius and Cephorus talked a long while before Cephorus said, "I asked the guards to bring me Avolius, where are they?"
"Let's go check", said Salius.
They walked to Avolius' quarters and opened the door, he saw a disturbing site, the three guards were tied upon the walls, with a knife sticking out of each one's heart.
"By the gods, it was Avolius, that swine!" yelled Cephorus.
A dark robed man stepped into the room from the bedroom.
"Hello, this time you will not escape"
He waved his hands and the doors all shut. He drew his blade and attacked. Salius drew his sword and dueled the man. Salius struck the man's blade and he fell to the ground. Salius held his blade to the man's throat.
"By my authority of Cephorus Septim, I place you under arrest!" said Salius.
The man reached his arm out and a blue flame flew from his hand and hit Salius in the chest, Salius fell to the ground with a charred hole in his chest. The robed man arose from the floor.
"Salius Septim, always a strong swordsman, but a weak spellcaster, pity", said the Lieutenant.
Cephorus barely heard those words, anger boiled in his chest, the deaths of Kytara, Garius, Caius, and now Salius at this man's hands had lit Cephorus' temper. Cephorus saw red, he felt power flowing through his veins.
Cephorus looked up at the man, the dark evil man.
"Ahhhh, you're angry about his loss, you wish to hurt me, to do me harm, I'm afraid I'm too strong to be taken down", said the Lieutenant.
Cephorus' eyes were now white and his skin was red. He felt more and more energy pulse through him.
"You cannot defeat me, your time is at an end", said the Lieutenant.
Cephorus looked at the man and suddenly the room shook.
"What are you doing!?" yelled the man.
His hood fell back to reveal Avolius' face.
The entire room turned red and everything around him turned bright, Cephorus could not see, and when the light left, Avolius was gone, his ashes remained.

Several Days Later...
Cephorus awoke from his long sleep and looks around. He sees a Priest, Calus, Alessia, Marius, Mara, Gaius, and Galia stood around the table.
"Dad, are you alright?" asked Galia.
"Yes, where's Salius?" asked Cephorus.
"Dead, Salius was killed up there with you, we were hoping you could tell us what happened", said Alessia.
Cephorus suddenly remembered that night's events and told the family about them.
"Avolius killed Salius with magic? And you killed Avolius?", asked Marius.
"With Avolius dead we have no leads on the assassin's client", said Mara.
"We shall just have to wait", said Cephorus.

After many years of waiting through the fragile peace somebody attacked, an assassin struck down Cephorus in his sleep, killing him swiftly. Cephorus' family abandoned Deathreach and left the world of Fantasia. They wondered if they would ever return.

Sir Gaius Septim

Lived in Era 27, got 1 heir(s) (Salius Septim II) and was a member of Templar Crusaders

Gaius Septim was the son of Cephorus and Mara Septim. He had one brother, Lucias Septim, who was quite insane. His son's name was Salius Septim II and his wife's name was Viola Septim. This is the story of Gaius Septim, sixth ruler of the Septim Dynasty.

Gaius stood at the gates of Deathreach, an attack was soon expected so he was prepared. They had fifty soldiers and one thousand peasants remaining. Cephorus told them all to wait by the coast, that was before he died.
Cephorus was killed the previous night by an assassin, the assassin had escaped, and that bugged Gaius all the more. The rest of the Septims walked up to the gate.
"We must all leave Deathreach, it's doomed", said Gaius.
The other Septims agreed, and they left, they met up with the soldiers and the peasants at the coast. They had three ships. Everybody boarded the ships, Gaius could see Deathreach burning in the distance.

Several months later...
Gaius landed upon the world of Zetamania, it was no different than Fantasia except for the fact that it was a bit less crowded, and hopefully it was beyond the assassins reach. Gaius walked ashore and led everybody to a small area between the mountains, and built a city that they called Gaius City.
Kytara Septim met a man named Felix Ballerix, he loved her as she loved him and they married a few years later, they had one son and one daughter, the named the son Salius, and the daughter Dibella, after Kytara's mother.
Salius Ballerix became a General when he got older, but was killed at the battle of Gaius City. No remains were left to bury.
Dibella became a diplomat for her cousin, Gaius Septim.
Calus Septim II's son Pelagius Septim III married Ada Garilus and became Ada Septim, they soon had a son whom they named Cephorus after their cousin, Cephorus Septim. Cephorus Septim II was a good scientist, he created cures to many of man's ailments. He was also a respected doctor.
Artorius Septim met a woman named Kytara Harrius, whom he decided to marry. They loved eachother dearly and had many great adventures with him before they had a son, whom they named Calus and another, whom they named Tiber.
Calus Septim III grew up to become a good swordfighter and an able mage, he learned the tricks of a merchent well and started his own business with his brother, Tiber.
Tiber Septim III grew up to be good leader, a good warrior, but a great businessman, like his brother.
After a few years Salius Septim II met a woman named Bellatrix Torris, Salius loved her and after a few years of dating, married her, they had one child, Pelagius Septim IV. Pelagius was a warrior, he once warded off one-hundred men without taking so much as a scratch, he was also a charismatic leader.
Eventually they built a mining town called Garius City, after Garius Hasildor. It was successful and the Septims were able to fill up the coffers through it. They also built a farming settlement on the other side of the mountain, they called it Salius City, after Salius Septim. It held great success and it fed the Septim's Empire.
Lucias Septim was always insane, he had therapy, mages, and doctors try to cure him, but nothing could make him sane. He always repeated: "They're coming, they're coming" but nobody knew who "they" were.
A few years later a messenger approached with a message from the leader of The Demolishers. The Demolishers were a kingdom neighboring the Templar Crusaders, the kingdom Gaius was a part of. The messenger delivered the message and left, the message said:

The conditions of our Non-Agression Pact were that you don't have any cities on our side and no scouts.... i see one city and one scout on our i guess im canceling the Non-Agression Pact.

Gaius had not known of this term of the pact as he had not been here when the pact was made. He swiftly wrote a letter back asking to make some new terms for the pact. He then wrote a letter to a Viceroy of the Templar Crusaders telling him of the Demolisher's actions. Viceroy Rocketdude attempted negotiations but to no avail, he wanted war...
The NAP was going to be over in forty-eight days, so he started training troops. Swordsmen, Knights, Archers, and Catapults were what he had by the end, and he was damn well going to use them.
Gaius was training his soldiers one day when a man walked up, the man had greying hair and was clean shaven.
"Can I help you sir?" asked Gaius.
"Yes, you can, I am an experienced combat veteran and a very famous General where I come from", said the man.
"What do they call you?" asked Gaius.
"Wulf, they call me Wulf", said Wulf.
"Alright, well I'm going to see how you do in the training procedures and go from there", said Gaius.
"Sounds good", said Wulf.
Wulf passed all of the tests with excellant marks.
"You got to meet my commanding General, his name is Zarrock", said Gaius.
Wulf met with Zarrock and Zarrock eyed him carefully.
"You look familiar", said Zarrock.
"Can't be, I've never met you", said Wulf.
"Alright, but I have seen that face, I can't remember where though", said Wulf.
Zarrock and Wulf finished talking and Gaius walked over to Wulf.
"Due to your skills as a General I am promoting you to Colonel within the Septim Army", said Gaius.
Wulf let out a small smile.
"What are you smiling about?" asked Gaius.
"I am just...overjoyed at becoming a Colonel for your renowned army", said Wulf.
Gaius didn't think his military was famous, he didn't have many troops, but he didn't ask questions and dismissed Wulf. Wulf was given the reputation of a good solo operative and was given his own task force.
Wulf was soon given the task of destroying a mercenary camp a few miles away from the city, Wulf fought with legendary skill and it seemed that no man could beat him, not even the legendary Pelagius Septim IV.
Around twenty-seven days later he got word that the forces of Justin of the Demolishers were attacking one of Viceroy Rocketdude's settlements. Gaius informed him that the war shouldn't start for another twenty-three days, Justin's forces stopped the attack, When Gaius returned he told Wulf, Zarrock, Roderick, and Gorris of his negotiations.
"It is good that we managed to hold off the war for another twenty-three days, we need all the time we can get to prepare", said Zarrock.
"Yes, your grandfather would have been proud!", said Roderick.
"So would your great great great grandfather Tiber Septim", said Wulf.
"But you didn't know him, did you?" asked Gaius.
"I knew him, better than you may think", said Wulf.

The war between Templar Crusaders and The Demolishers soon started, and Templar Crusaders was losing. Zarrock decided to go to the city of Tollhouse with Roderick to help the allied soldiers while Wulf was put in charge of Gaius City's defense.

Zarrock stood on top of the highest tower in Tollhouse, watching the battle progress, he hated the fact that he had to sit up here while Roderick did all the ground work, he was too old to fight in any battles. Zarrock watched as the gate splintered apart and the enemies poured in, he had seen this happen so many times that he was almost used to it.
"A bit lonely up here, let me keep you company", said a man behind him.
Zarrock turned and saw a man in dark robes approach him.
"I know who you are, Shadow Assassin right?" said Zarrock.
"Yes, but we take on a different name in Zetamania, The Watchers", said the Assassin.
"The Watchers?" said Zarrock.
"Yes, unlike our other branch in Fantasia we like to stalk our prey before striking, thus we earned the nickname, The Watchers", said the assassin.
Zarrock looked at the gates and saw that most of the troops were dead, the rest were injured.
"Well, if you're here to kill me-"
Zarrock drew his sword
"-go ahead"
The assassin walked over to Zarrock and knocked the sword from his hand, the assassin stabbed the sword into his stomach and kicked him off the tower...

The gates opened and Roderick jumped into the battle, he was old, around sixty, but he was an elf like Zarrock. Roderick jumped into the fight, blocking and stabbing many men before they all backed away and a strange, dark robed man walked to him. The soldiers had formed a circle around Roderick, eliminating any chance of escape.
"Hello, Sir Roderick", said the man who Roderick realized was an assassin.
Roderick spared no words as he charged the mam. The man easily blocked the blow and stabbed, Roderick sidestepped the attack and stabbed at the man. He looked and saw a small hole in the circle of soldiers around him, he ran to it and the soldiers pulled thier swords to try and stop him. One of the swords missed, one cut his arm off, he kept running, out of the gates...

Wulf sat in the War Room with Gorris Farilor and Gaius Septim.
"Zarrock and Sir Roderick were killed by enemy forces two days ago in the city of Tollhouse, Roderick managed to escape with a severed arm, but died of blood loss a mile away from the is a sad day for the Septim Empire but we must choose a successor. I have thought this decision over and have decided to make Wulf the new Supreme Commander of The Septim Army. Gorris, I have decided to make you a General", said Gaius.
"This is a great honor, Sir", said Wulf.
"Thank you Sir", said Gorris.
"I am keeping you both stationed here, we must focus on the defense of Gaius City", said Gaius.

A few months later The Demolishers did attack...
Gaius Septim sat in his chair of the war room. Wulf, Gorris, and Calus sat around the table.
"We can't fight, they have 50 times the amount of men we have!" said Gorris.
"I agree, fighting here would destroy us, as I heard from a mentor of mine, "Those who run away live to fight another day" said Wulf.
"I don't think we should fight, it would serve no purpose other than to get us killed", said Calus Septim II.
"Then it is agreed, we will flee", said Gaius.

After a day of preparation, the people of Gaius City were ready to leave. Gaius and his people went to Garius City and evacuated the people there, but not before the enemy army showed up...

Gaius and his men stood at the gates, Gaius didn't need to say a speech, because nothing would raise these men's morale. Gaius turned around, he was going to say one anyways.
"Three times before we have been driven from out homes, three times! Septim City, New Septim City, and Cephorus City! And people keep kicking our butts out, well I'm tired of it, aren't you? We need to show them the strength of the Septim Army!"
The troops roared with thunderous applause and Gaius knew he had done all he could to improve their chances of winning. Calus walked up with his Aunt Alessia.
"That was some speech", said Calus.
"Yes, today we will show them", said Alessia
"I'm going to stay down here and fight alongside the men", said Gaius.
"As will I", said Calus.

Calus and Gaius stood at the gates, ready to fight an army of any size, the city had no walls so Alessia was on top of a roof, she was going to use her bow. Gaius saw the enemies coming and he readied his sword, Calus did the same and as soon as the enemies got close enough they attacked.
Calus stabbed a man and swung his sword around in a circular motion, chopping five people in half, Gaius stabbed a man through the chest and pulled his sword out to block an attack from behind but he was two slow, the sword went down his back, creating a long deep cut. Gaius fell to the ground and the man readied his sword for a fatal blow. The man swung his sword down...
Calus fought with the strength of a hundred men, stabbing, slashing, a chopping his way through. He looked back and saw a man sneaking up behind Gaius.
"Gaius! Look out!" said Calus, but it was too late, the sword had struck him. Calus ran to Gaius' aid...
Gaius layed on the ground, ready to face death as his ancestors had before him when a sword went through the man's back, his sword fell but a hand caught it, Gaius looked to see who the man was and saw that it was Wulf.
"Wulf I-"
"No time, we have to leave, I've aldready evacuated the peasants but a lot were killed, lets go!" said Wulf.
Gaius got up and saw that Alessia wasn't on the roof.
"Where is Alessia?" said Gaius.
"Hell if I know, I was barely able to find the other Septims", said Wulf.
Calus ran to Gaius and saw that Wulf had saved him.
"Thank the gods, you're-"
"We need to go", said Wulf.
Calus followed the aged warrior without question from the city...
The camp that Gaius had told the peasants to stay at was only a mile away, so as soon as they had arrived Gaius had told them to pack up. He had one small hope, a few years ago he had sent a small exploration party up north, contact hadn't been established but maybe they had built a city.
Septim asked a peasant if anybody had made it back from the city, the peasant told him that around five-hundred soldiers and most of the Septim family had made it out, all but Lucias...

Lucias Septim sat in a small dark room of the Garius City jail. He was running away from his pillow thinking that it was going to eat him. He kicked the imaginary pillow and it disappeared, he sat on the floor and started talking giberish. After a while a guard came.
"The General wants a work with you, Septim scum"
The guard took Lucias through the halls and out onto the empty streets, after a bit more walking they reached a house with two guards stationed outside, Lucias and the guard walked in. They saw a fat man with a small mustache.
"Hello, Lucias Septim", said the man.
"Hello, Lucias Septim", said Lucias.
"My name is General Bellanor", said Bellanor.
"My name is General Bellanor", said Lucias.
"Are you mocking me?" asked Bellanor.
"Are you mocking me?" asked Lucias.
"That's it", said Bellanor.
"That's i-", Lucias was cut off by a club lightly hitting his head...

Gaius Septim was taking a walk in some woods close to his campsite, he heard the chirping of birds, the pecking of woodpeckers, and the other sounds of the woods. As he walked through the woods he heard an unfamiliar sound, a sort of light humming sound. Gaius decided to walk towards it and found himself at a strange arch with strange symbols etched into it's surface.
Gaius heard a sound behind him, he turned around to see Wulf behind him.
"Hello Gaius", said Wulf.
"Hi Wulf, what is that thing", said Gaius.
"It is a Loredic Gate, one of few scattered across the lands of this continent", said Wulf.
"What does it do?", asked Gaius.
"It teleports the user to another random Loredic Gate", said Wulf.
Gaius eyed the gate closely.
"Could we use this to reach the other half of Templar Crusaders, Klondyke's forces?" asked Gaius
"Only one being may travel through these gates per year", said Wulf.
Gaius thought deeply and asked Wulf "Who do you think should go?"
"I think that the ruler must go to lead his people, for an Empire without a leader is like a tree without a root", said Wulf.
"Alright", said Gaius.
Gaius went back to the campsite and told everybody the news, nobody liked the idea of losing their leader, but they knew it was for the best. Gaius took his family and had Marius activate the gate.
"I will see you all in a few months time!" said Gaius as he walked through the gate.

Gaius felt like he was being sucked through a straw, a straw with lots of bends and curves. He flew through a dark tunnel for what seemed like centuries...and suddenly, he flew out the end.
Gaius got up with a sick feeling in his stomach as he looked around the area, it was a dark tunnel with ancient runes and hieroglyphics carved into the sides.
Gaius looked behind him and saw the portal, the wormhole had shut behind him, leaving a cold, gray, stone wall. He looked forward and saw light.
"I hope this thing teleported me to the right gate", said Gaius.
A few minutes later he emerged out into the sunlight onto a mountain peak. He looked down and saw a mining city with human style architecture. He opened his backpack and pulled out a long rope, he tied it to the side of the mountain and slid down. He arrived at the bottom fifteen minutes later and started towards the city.
After a bit of walking he reached the city, two guards were at the entrance.
"Excuse me, what is the name of this city?" asked Gaius.
"Gaius City, named after Gaius Septim", said the guard.
"Thank you", said Gaius as he continued to walk through the city until he saw a large castle in the center.
"That must be what I am looking for", said Gaius as he walked towards it, upon arriving a guard blocked his entry.
"Name and status", said the guard.
"Gaius Cephorus Septim, sixth ruler of the Septim Dynasty", said Gaius.
The two guard's faces wore shocked expressions, not a word was said as they beckoned him in. He walked into the throne room where he saw a fat man being entertained by a couple of harems.
Gaius recognized him immediately as Colonel Tiranus. Tiranus saw him but did not recognize him.
"Who is this peasant walking freely through my halls, I could use a good laugh" he beckoned to guards over to him "Use the drilling fire", said Tiranus.
The two guards approached Gaius, they were about to grab him when Gaius outstretched his arms and two large fiery holes appeared in their chests.
"Who are you?" asked Tiranus.
"Gaius Cephorus Septim, true ruler of this city", said Gaius.
"S-sir I am s-sorry", said Tiranus as he stepped down from the throne.
"The punishment for taking the throne of a Septim is usually death, but based on how many peasants you must have tortured I have an even better punishment for you", said Gaius.

Tiranus was hung by his arms in the town square, where every peasant was allowed to throw rocks at him. Gaius ruled his throne with compassion and kindness, as all his ancestors had before him. But peace can never last and war soon broke out between the Templar Crusaders and Destiny.

Gaius was forced to train knights, he trained many, but he was worried about the lack of a General. Gaius thought hard but none of his soldiers were leaders, they were all followers.

Wulf marched in front of the people he was leading, many had abandoned him and only two thousand of the original five-thousand peasants remained. His soldiers had stayed with their General. Wulf's thinking was interupted by lights up ahead, he saw that it was a city...

A messenger interupted Gaius' dinner one night.
"What is it, courier?"
"General Wulf and the rest of the Old Gaius City survivors are at the city of Flode Block B sir", said the messenger.
"That is great news! When will they arrive?" asked Gaius.
"Twelve days sir", said the messenger.

In twelve days the survivors arrived, Wulf, Alessia, Gorris, Calus, Pelagius, Salius, Viola, and the others. Gaius greeted his wife with a kiss, he then walked over to Wulf.
"I know you have been traveling with this group for many moons, but I need you to lead an army down south to the other Crusader's forces to protect the kingdom", said Gaius.
"Of course I will, how many men do we have?", asked Wulf.
"One-thousand seven hundred knights", said Gaius.
"What are their numbers?" asked Wulf.
"Over a seventy-five thousand", said Gaius.
"What are the other Crusader's numbers?", asked Wulf.
"Klondyke has around twenty thousand warlords, Fassy has around nine-hundred Nazguls, King Bliss' surviving peasants from the war with Demolishers were unable to create any troops in the time for the war with Rednas, I do not know how many troops Rocketdude has, and I am also unaware of Maxei's numbers", said Gaius.
"We may stand a chance if we can destroy their armies, but our troop's morale is too low to fight, we need you to join them in battle at Hah", said Wulf.
"I see, well, get ready, I will do the same", said Gaius.

Gaius had some peasants pack his things. After they were packed, he left with the Septim First Army to Hah. The journey was swift and the gods granted them good weather. They arrived at Hah in time for the battle, over the walls was a terrible sight, over seventy-five thousand soldiers, the battle ahead was be a terrible one. And elsewhere people were having their own adventures...

Lucias Septim lived through the clubbing at the hands of The Demolishers, and one day they left Zetamania for the faraway land of Starta, they left Lucias in a cell to starve to death. He layed in his cell for three hours before help arrived in the form of a click, his cell door opened.
Lucias walked out of his cell and walked down the halls mumbling to himself until he found an exit. He walked out and a man stood outside, the man turned around and looked at him and a sense of recognition spread over Lucias, but he could not remember where he had seen him.
The man walked over to Lucias.
"Hello Lucias Cephorus Septim", said the man.
"Hello Lucias Cephorus Septim", said Lucias.
"Now, we can't have you repeating my words, for that wastes time", said the man.
The man placed his hands on Lucias' brow and everything became clear to him. Lucias had become sane.
"Lets start over, Hello Lucias Cephorus Septim", said the man.
"Hello, who are you?" asked Lucias.
"I cannot tell you who I am, but I will tell you this, your brother has founded another city by the name of Gaius City, it is northeast of this area, about a months travel, go there, and help your brother", said the man as he disappeared.
Lucias decided to heed the man's advice and seek out his brother. He traveled a month before he reached his destination, Gaius City.

Wulf stood at the gates of Hah, roars of tens of thousands of soldiers could be heard outside the gate. Gaius stood next to him, clad in Dwarven armor. The Knights behind him wore Dwarven as well, but it would not protect them against the numbers of the enemy. The gates soon broke, and enemies poured in. Wulf fought with the bravery of the greatest heroes and struck down scores of men before he saw Gaius fall to a blade.
"Retreat!!!", yelled Wulf as he dodged a blow. He stabbed the man and ran for Gaius, he picked him up on his shoulders and ran like hell out of town.
When he was a safe distance away he put Gaius down. He looked at the wound, it was a deep stab wound, blood was pouring out. Wulf placed his hand on the wound and the sides of the cut came together, forming a white scar.

Gaius woke a few hours later in the middle of a wheat field, he got up and looked around and saw that he was one mile away from Gaius City.
"How and the hell did I get here?", he asked himself as he started off towards the city. Upon arriving he saw that it had two Destiny soldiers guarding the entrance.
"Name and position?", one of them asked.
Gaius paused for a minute then said: "Garius Hasildor, miner".
The soldier eyed him for a second and then said: "You may pass".

Upon arriving at the city Lucias saw that it was under attack by strange looking soldiers, he jumped behind a rock and watched the action. The action went on for three hours, and two hours after that a couple of soldiers walked to the gate and stood guard. Lucias went hunting and came back to see a man walk to the entrance, he talked to the guards for a minute, he then walked in.
Lucias was tired of waiting so he decided to do the same, he walked up to the gates and approached a guard.
"Name and position?", said the guard.
"Caius Garrilor", said Lucias.
The soldier let him pass...

Gaius saw a familiar face walk through the gate behind him and walked into a nearby tavern, he sat himself, Lucias followed him in and sat at the table with him.
"Hello Gaius", said Lucias.
"You are sane now? You remember me?", asked Gaius.
"Yes, and now we must work to recover this city, father would want it", said Lucias.
"How will we do it, got any suggestions?", asked Gaius.
"No, bu-"
The city alarms activated and fighting could be heard outside, Gaius drew his sword and looked out the window. Soldiers were taking the city, TC soldiers. Gaius walked out and approached them. One of them pointed a bow at him.
"Who are you?", asked a soldier.
"Gaius Cephorus Septim, Sixth ruler of the Septim Dynasty, son of Cephorus Tiber Septim, son of Tiber Pelagius Septim II, son of Pelagius Calus Septim, son of Calus Tiber Septim, son of the great Tiber Ignotus Septim!", said Gaius.
"Well, based on the fact that you know the Septim Family tree I'm guessin' you're the real deal, we have taken this city for you, but Destiny forces approach, and we must depart", said the soldier.
"Goodbye soldier of Maxei", said Gaius as the soldier ran off to assemble his men.

Two days later the enemies approached, but Gaius, Lucias, and the remaining peasants had already departed, leaving not a trace to the enemies. They ran across the countryside to Salius City, where they stayed.
"Where is the rest of the family, do you know?", said Gaius.
"No, I don't know", said Lucias
"Hmmmm, I'll be back soon", said Gaius as he went for the door.
A few hours later he returned with a Destiny guard. He seated him in a chair and pulled out a whip.
"Do you know where the Septim family is?", asked Gaius kindly.
"I have no clue", said the guard.
Septim whipped the guard.
"Do you know where the Septim family is!?", asked Gaius.
"Arrrrgggggghhhh, I!", said the guard.
Septim whipped him three times
"WHERE IS MY FAMILY YOU SWINE!?!?!", yelled Gaius.
"Arrrgggghhhh,", said the guard.
Septim whipped him
"I'll tell you all the names! Alessia Septim, Gorris Farilor, Viola Septim, Calus Septim II, Pelagius Septim IV, Salius Septim II, Bellatrix Septim, Pelagius Septim V, Pelgaius Septim III, Artorius Septim, Kytara Septim II, Felix Ballerix, Kyraria Ballerix, Salius Ballerix, Dibella Ballerix, Calus Septim III, Tiber Septim III, Cephorus Septim II, Marius Hasildor, Iella Hasildor, and Rufius Hasildor, have you seen any of them?", asked Gaius.
"You have a very large family, and I have not seen a single one!"
Septim whipped him five times.
"Have you?", asked Gaius.
"FINE! I have seen them all, they were moved from Goodison Park prison to Gaius City prison two days ago, now please stop whipping me!", yelled the guard.
Gaius called a guard, who escorted the Destiny guard to the prisons. Gaius regrouped the guard with the help of Lucias and marched to Gaius City, upon arriving he saw that the forces of Maxei Brutes had already taken the city. He approached the guard.
"I a-", Gaius was cut off by the guard.
"I know who the ruddy hell you are, you told me last week, Gaius Septim, we took this over for you, it seems they took it over and left it unguarded as they continued their rampage, so go ahead and take control of your city, we need to move out", said the guard as he went to regroup his soldiers.
Gaius ran to the prison and looked all down the halls for the Septims, he found them in the last cell. He unlocked the door and his wife, Viola, hugged him. Calus Septim II approached him.
"They've killed Marius, Alessia and Iella, they wouldn't give up your location because they really didn't know, so they...killed them", said Calus.
"They killed them?!? Where is Gorris and Marius's son Rufius?", asked Gaius.
Rufius and Gorris approached him.
"Those arses killed my wife, I will have my vengeance, Gaius, I want to lead a force of three-hundred knights into battle, we will help the rest of TC as best we can!", said Gorris.
"Of course Gorris", said Gaius as he turned to Rufius.
"Rufius, you have lost your parents, but they died like heroes, you know how much we cared for them, we care about you the same amount, I have lost my father and my mother as well, I know how it feels, the pain eventually goes away", said Gaius.
Rufius didn't say a word, he just walked away.
Gaius finished his reunion with his family and went to the Septim castle to organize Gorris's plans. Gorris soon departed with his newly-trained three hundred knights and freed Bullens End and By the way from Destiny's rule, but afterwards they went to Pelagius City to get more knighs for the cause.
Gaius wondered where Wulf disappeared to, but dismissed the thought as he taught his son, Salius, how to rule. Salius showed good leadership skills and impressed many among his father's Empire.
Rufius Hasildor soon found a wife, Carilla Wiela, and had three children, Salius Hasildor, Garius Hasildor II, and Iella Hasildor II. Salius and Iella were gifted mages, Garius was a strong swordsman. They helped the Septim Empire tremendously with their skills in several battles.

Wulf approached Gaius one evening.
"Wulf? Where have you been?", asked Gaius.
"Tending to my own business, it isn't important, what is happening in the lands?", asked Wulf
"It seems that we are doing ok against Destiny's forces, but it'll be good to have you back", said Gaius.
"Where is the army right now?", asked Wulf.
"We need time to train more knights, or else we won't be of any real use to TC", said Gaius.
"Yes, I'll train them, we need to build a city of soldiers, a place to train them off by themselves", said Wulf.
"I will order the settlement of the city, I'll call it, Lucias City", said Gaius.

Lucias City was settled, Wulf went and trained troops, it's location in the center of Salius City, Gaius City, and Pelagius City made it the base for the Septim Army as well. Troops from all over the Septim Empire poured into Lucias City, under the command of General Wulf. Gorris was stationed in Gaius City, he would protect it to the best of his tactical abilities. The Septim Empire was regaining it's strength. The war between Templar Crusaders and Destiny was like a big tug o' war, both sides were taking and losing cities. Viceroy Klondyke, Viceroy Rocketdude, Mr. Fassy Hole, and Mr. Maxei Brutes were doing a good job at fighting Destiny.
Salius Septim II had another son, whom he named Gorris after his mentor, General Gorris Farilor. He grew up to be a trusted advisor for his uncle, Gaius Septim.
Gaius's sister, Galia, married a man named Relius Villia, whom she fell in love with.
Galia married this man after a few years of dating and had twins, a son and a daughter, she named them Alessia and Roderick, after Alessia Septim and Sir Roderick.
Lucias Septim found love also, Xellia Herildor, but she died of the Spraggian Virus two years after they married, they had one son together before she died, they named him Caius Septim. He grew up to be one of the greatest warlords in the Septim Empire, second only to Wulf himself. He was taught the skills of a leader by Gorris Farilor and became his apprentice, on the day he died he took his position.

Gorris stood at the gates of Hah, 6000 knights and 500 swordsmen behind him.
"Bring up the ram!", yelled Gorris.
Around twenty knights picked up a large tree trunk and started ramming it into the gates. Gorris saw a movement out of the corner of his eye and an arrow hit him in the neck, Gorris fell to the ground, he looked around and saw a dark robed man standing on the walls, he gave a salute and disappeared. A few Knights ran over to Gorris, but he was already dead.
Caius Septim ran over to Gorris's body and kneeled by it. A small tear trickled down his cheek. He turned to the soldiers.
"General Gorris Farilor was...a hero, but we must push on! Ready the ram!", yelled Caius. The soldiers broke through the gate and attacked, but no soldiers were inside, just a bunch of peasants armed with whatever they could find.
"Drop your weapons and you will be spared, we are not here to harm you", said Caius.
"Do your worst, Septim scum!", yelled a man as he charged Caius. The knights attacked and killed many peasants, The city of Hah was now under TC control.

Gaius sat in the war room of the Septim Palace reading a tome when a soldier bursted into the room.
"Sir, we took Hah!", yelled the soldier.
"That is great news", said Gaius happily.
"But, General Gorris Farilor has fallen in battle. Caius Septim lead us in the taking of the city", said the soldier sadly.
Gaius felt a deep sorrow for Gorris's death, but he managed to look up at the soldier.
"Pull the army back, I sense danger approaching", said Gaius.

A few days later the army returned, and a few days after that the Russians attacked, the Russians were a Kingdom much more powerfull than Templar Crusaders at the time. Gaius went to the war room to discuss the matters with Marius Hasildor, General Wulf was missing again for an unknown reason.
"Marius, what should be done, what should we do?", asked Gaius.
"Gaius, the Russians are too strong, with Destiny attacking from the south there is but one thing you can do...flee", said Marius.
"Where do we flee to? I have seen the signs, armageddon is upon us", said Gaius.
"The portal that you went through to reach Gaius City, it can take more than one person, but a sacrifice is needed, the sacrifice MUST be somebody who had travelled through a portal before, Gaius, that is you", said Marius sadly.
Gaius looked down for a few seconds, and then looked up.
"Somehow...I knew this was true. We leave tomorrow, pack your things", said Gaius.
"Gaius, I am a mage, but I am over one hundred and twenty five years old. I am suffering from the Falian Virus. I have less than a month to live. I'll cover your escape, it is how I have always wanted to die", said Marius sadly.
"I...understand, good luck, Marius Hasildor", said Gaius as he got up and left the room.

The Russians did soon attack, and Marius stood at the walls of Gaius City. He raised his arms and a large field of fire washed over the Russian Army, he shot lighting from his fingers, and he frosted the army over with ice. But an arrow soon hit him, in the heart, and he fell from the walls down into the city...

After three days of climbing up the mountain, armageddon struck, they got to the top to a plateu where the cave lied on the other side.

Gaius ran with the other Septims. Fire rained from the heavens and killed peasants, knights, and Septims alike, Gaius ran to a the cave that held the rift portal, Gaius was told by Wulf that a sacrifice had to be made in order to allow more than one person through, Gaius walked over to the portal and turned around to face the others.
"Goodbye family and friends, my life has been full...and my soul shall rest easy. Good luck, for this is my end!", said Gaius as fire engulfed his body, leaving a small pile of ashes behind.
Salius had not known that his father had to die and let a tear go down his face, but the portal suddenly shone with the brightness of a million candles, Salius turned to the others.
"Lets go!", said Salius as he ran through the portal...

Gaius sat in a white room. He looked around and a chorus of voices called out to him.
"Welcome to the afterlife, Gaius, you have been a brave man in the world below. The lands of Mundus are a tough place to live, but you are in Aetherius now, so all shall be well"
"Who are you?", said Gaius.
"We are your friends and family, Gaius, come through the door, and meet us", said the chorus of voices. Gaius walked silently over and through the door.

Gaius saw Cephorus Septim, smiling at him. He saw his grandfather, Tiber Septim II, he too was smiling at him. He saw a man he had never met, and assumed that it was his Great-Grandfather Pelagius Septim II. Gaius saw his great-great grandfather Calus Septim. But no other man was there. Gaius approached Cephorus.
"Where is Tiber Septim", said Gaius.
"He returned to Mundus to help his desendants, he has done much for you", said Cephorus.
"What is he called now?", asked Gaius.
"I...cannot say...but he will always watch over the Septim family", said Cephorus.
"I understand father", said Gaius as he walked away. Gaius soon found a room that said 'Gaius Septim' on it, he decided to enter. It was a room like his own in Gaius City. Gaius sat down on the bed and looked up to see a hooded figure standing across the room.
"Who are you?", asked Gaius.
"Tiber Rellius Septim", said the man as he revealed his face...

Duke Salius Septim II

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Pelagius Septim IV) and was a member of Templar Crusaders

Salius Septim II was the son of Gaius Septim and Viola Septim. His wife's name was Bellatrix Torris, and he had one son named Pelagius Septim IV. This is the story of Salius Septim II, seventh Ruler of the Septim Dynasty.

Salius awoke to a loud boom and ran to his window of the Gaius City palace. He saw many large lizard creatures flying throughout the sky and his stomach dropped.
Salius grabbed his sword and buckled it to his belt. Salius then ran downstairs and saw that all of the Septims where already waiting in the main hall, his father was standing before them.
"The Russians are attacking, we must flee to the one place I know is safe. Follow me and stay close!", said Gaius as he turned towards Salius.
"Son, should I die tonight I want you to have this", said Gaius as he unbuckled a sword from his belt.
"Few people I have told about the origin of this blade. But it is very important that I tell you. This blade is called Firengard, it has been passed down since the time of Tiber Septim. It was forged by a now extinct race of master forgers we like to call Girens. This sword has powers only imagined by many, it's power can only be unlocked by one of Septim blood. I now pass this sword to you, as a Ruler to his Prince, as a father to his son. This blade, Firengard, is now yours. Use it son", and Gaius kneeled before Salius and held up the sword, Salius took the sword and looked at it. It was a beautiful blade, a shade of white that is hard to describe, many white stones engraved in it's hilt. Salius buckled the blade.
"Father, words cannot describe the feelings inside me, thank you", said Salius.
Gaius said nothing as he turned towards the Septims in the hall.
"Lets go!", said Gaius as he ran out the front door.

They split and ran through the city. Salius ran with Caius Septim, Rufius Hasildor, Pelagius Septim IV, and Salius's father, Gaius Septim. Salius drew the blade from it's sheath and attacked, the blade felt light and easy to use, almost like a stick, and when it struck it seemed to cleave through bone as if it were butter. Gaius was using another blade he brought with him of dwarven make. Pelagius charged and cuts a soldier in two, he then kicked the top half of the soldier into another soldier, sending him backwards. The Septims finally made their way to the front gate where a mighty nazgul stood, black as midnight, eyes as red as the fires of hell itself. Pelagius, Salius, Gaius, Rufius, and Caius walked slowly around it. The beast shook it's enormous head as it charged the Septims and Rufius. Pelagius ran towards it and jumped onto it's tail. The beast shook it's tail, but Pelagius hung on through it. Rufius ran upto it and stabbed it in the eye, the beast roared and slashed at Rufius, who managed to dodge backwards. Salius ran upto it, Firengard in hand, and brought it down upon the beast's head. The nazgul let out one last cry as the blade sunk through flesh and bone alike, leaving but a stump. Gaius looked at them all.
"C'mon! Let's go!"

Gaius, Salius, Caius, Rufius, and Pelagius ran to the edge of the mountains and met with the other Septims, Gaius led them to the cave that he had arrived in and did something Salius never expected. He sacrificed himself in order for the others to survive. Salius turned towards the others and led them all through the portal to lands unknown.

Salius fell from the portal and landed roughly on the stone floor beneath him. He got up and looked behind him, his cousin, Caius Septim, walked towards him with Salius's son, Pelagius.
"Hello cousin, we seem to have arrived in another cave! Oh well, give the order and we'll move out", said Caius.
Salius turned towards the crowd of Gaius City survivors.
"Alright, lets move out!", said Salius.

They walked around for several days until they found a perfect spot for a city. They built and built and eventually a large city stood before them, they named it Septim City. They stayed barely a year before tragedy struck. Salius Septim II was assasinated by the Shadow Assassins in his sleep. The city was abandoned and Pelagius Septim IV took the throne as leader of the Septim Empire. Although Salius's rule was short-lived, he was forever remembered as one of the greatest fathers a man could have.

Duke Pelagius Septim IV

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Gaius Septim II) and was a member of Templar Crusaders

Pelagius Septim IV was the only son of Salius Septim II and Bellatrix Septim. He was considered by most one of the greatest warriors in the Septim Empire. He was fourth of the Septims to be named Pelagius, and the second Pelagius to rule the Septim Empire. This is the story of Pelagius Septim IV, eighth ruler of the Septim Dynasty.

Pelagius walked up the dark stairs to his father's room. His father had called for him. Pelagius pushed the door open and saw his father standing in the center of the room, a sword in hand. Salius turned towards Pelagius.
"Son, it is your right to inherit this sword, Firengard, it is the family sword of the Septims. Forged for Tiber Septim I by a race of master forgers known as Girens. It has the power and qualities of all the Septims. The combat prowess of Salius Septim I, the leadership skills of Tiber Septim, the magic of Marius Hasildor, the power of the whole Septim Bloodline. It can only be used by one of Septim blood, as our bloodline has a power that has been seen only once. The battle Cephorus had against his tratior Captain, Avolius. So, Pelagius Septim IV, I offer you the blade, Firengard, do you accept?"
Pelagius looked astonished.
"Yes father, I do", said Pelagius.
Pelagius knelt before Salius as he passed the blade to Pelagius.
"Use it well, my son. I am going to sleep now. I bid you goodnight", said Salius.
"Yes father", said Pelagius as he left the room.

Pelagius went down to his room and examined the blade. The sheath was gold with red rubies engraved into it. The hilt of the blade was the same, Gold with red rubies. Pelagius pulled the blade from the sheath and saw that it had a blue blade and a white flame was emiting from it. Pelagius took a dagger from his desk door and put it up against the flame, the dagger melted as if it had been ice touching the flame. Pelagius was amazed and quickly put the blade back into it's sheath, he leaned it against the wall and went to bed.

Pelagius woke the next morning to a guard running in.
"Sir! Salius Septim II has been assassinated!", said the guard.
Pelagius jumped out of his bed and grabbed his sword, he pulled a large cloak on and ran out of the room. Rage and sorrow clouded his mind as he ran up the stairs to his father's room. He saw a few guards crowding around the body.
"Out...NOW!", roared Pelagius.
The guards ran from the room as Pelagius approached the body of his father. A large circle with an X was carved into the flesh. Pelagius knew who had done the work.
"Shadow Assassins", muttered Pelagius as he stormed from the room. He ran down the stairs and bumped into General Wulf.
"Wulf, do you have any ideas as to who would know the location of my father's assassin?", asked Pelagius impatiently.
"As a matter of fact, I do. A man lives on the street, a street urchin, if he doesn't know, I'm unsure. He lives in the alleyway between Carile Tavern and Roald's books", said Wulf.
"Thank you", said Pelagius as he ran down the stairs and out of the castle. He found the urchin living in a small crate. Pelagius walked up to him.
"Do you know the location of Salius Septim II's killer?", asked Pelagius.
"It gonna cost ye", said the urchin.
Pelagius grabbed a few coins from his pocket and gave them to the man.
"Alrigh', I been hearin' two guys talking in the taver', they were plannin' to kill yer fadda", said the urchin.
"Why didn't you tell the guard!?!", yelled Pelagius.
"Dey nevah listen' to me, dey tink I be a drunk", said the urchin, "But I'm no drunk"
"Did you hear where they were going?", asked Pelagius.
"Yeh, I did, da city of Sonata, to the inn of Xeril", said the urchin.
Pelagius ran from the alley and went up to the castle, he jumped on his horse and started off towards Sonata, he arrived one day later and walked to the inn of Xeril where he saw two robed figures at the bar. Pelagius approached and they both pulled out shortswords.
"You killed my father, did you not?", asked Pelagius.
"We did, now we're gonna finish you!", said a robed figure as they both charge Pelagius. Pelagius drew Quicksilver faster than anybody could think possible and blocked both of their blades. He cut one man in half with ease and cut the other's blade in half. The man looked at it, astonished, as Pelagius cut his head from his body. Pelagius then stormed from the inn and quickly left the city of Sonata.

Pelagius returned to Septim City and saw that it was in ruins, Wulf leading the survivors.
"Who has died?", asked Pelagius.
"I am sorry, but a lot of Septims died tonight at the hands of the Predators", said Wulf
The Predators was one of the strongest Kingdoms in Mantrax.
"Who..who have died?", asked Pelagius sadly.
"Your great uncle, Lucias Septim, Rufius Hasildor, Cephorus Septim II, and Galia Septim", said Wulf.
Pelagius felt a knot grow in his throat, revenge burned inside of him, he placed his hand on the hilt of his sword and a sudden calmness spread over him.
"We must flee", said Pelagius.
"Where to?", asked Wulf.
"To the other Templar Crusaders, there we may build what we can", said Pelagius.

Pelagius, Wulf, and the other Septims travelled to a spot close to the other crusaders and built Pelagius City, the Capital of the Septim Empire. They soon build Lucias City and Garius City. Pelagius met a woman named Sylia Zarilus, whom he married and had three sons with. The first he named Gaius Septim II, the second he named Cephorus Septim III, the third he named Calus Septim IV.
Gaius was an able leader and great philosopher. He was strange, in a way. He seemed to know the answer to everything.
Cephorus seemed to inherit Pelagius's warrior skills. He could fight off a hundred men without gaining a scratch. He was also a charismatic leader.
Calus was very introverted, never leaving the castle and rarely leaving his room. Few knew what he did inside.

Pelagius's grandmother, Viola Carilus, soon died at the age of ninety-four. Pelagius hosted a grand funeral for her. She was buried in the Septim graveyard, with her son: Salius, her brother-in-law, Lucias Septim, Cephorus Septim II, and her sister in law, Galia Septim. She died peacefully, devoid of war, a way few Septims did die, for that, Pelagius was happy.

Pelagius approached Wulf's room one night and knocked twice on his door. Wulf answered a few minuted later.
"Yes Pelagius?", asked Wulf.
"I would like to know...who exactly are you? You came out of nowhere and seemed to climb through our military ranks easily. You have also not aged at all in the time I have known you", said Pelagius.
"Ahhhhh, well...come in", said Wulf as he ushered Pelagius into his room. It had wooded floors and a nice rug sat in the center. A fire burned peacefully in the fireplace.
"Have a seat", said Wulf as he sat down.
Pelagius sat and Wulf faced him.
"I am an Elf, born in the lands of Wylia. I was raised in a family of soldiers, learning strategies and tactics easily. Soon I joined the army, where forty years of war plagued me. Then I retired and lived happily for 68 years. Then I joined your ranks. I do not age because I am an Elf. Does that answer your questions?", asked Wulf.
"I suppose, thank you", said Pelagius, whom really didn't believe a single bit of Wulf's story. Pelagius walked from the room, shrugged, and walked away.

Salius Hasildor met a woman by the name of Syliana Rellia and decided to marry her. The ceremony was attended by Pelagius Septim IV and Sylia Septim, Garius Hasildor II, Iella Hasildor, Salius and Dibella Ballerix, Tiber Septim III, Calus Septim III, Wulf, Alessia Villia, Roderick Villia, Syliana's side of the family, and two of Pelagius's three sons, Gaius Septim II and Cephorus Septim III.

Salius Hasildor waited at the end of the long aisle with the priest standing behind him. Syliana walked towards him with her father holding her arm next to her. Her father let her arm go and Syliana walked over to Salius. They held eachother's hands and the priest faced them. The ceremony went on until they kissed, and cheers echoed throughout the room. Pelagius looked at his wife.
"I remember this day", he said.
"As do I", said Sylia.
At the reception Pelagius was sitting at a table with Sylia, Gaius, and Cephorus. Pelagius saw the waiter approach.
"We are serving steak or chicken", said the waiter.
Pelagius and Gaius ordered steak, Cephorus and Sylia ordered chicken. The waiter left and came back twenty minutes later with a tray of food. Pelagius saw a glint in his eye as he pulled a dagger. Pelagius saw the man stab down at Gaius and Pelagius grabbed his arm, Gaius elbowed him in the stomach, and Cephorus punched him in the face. Sylia walked over to him and kicked him in the chest.
"Alright assassin! Who sent you?", asked Pelagius loudly as a crowd formed around them.
"My client!", spat the assassin.
Pelagius grabbed a nearby knife and pulled the assassin into the restroom, Gaius and Cephorus followed. Pelagius threw the man to the floor and as he rose, kicked him down again. Pelagius checked the man for weapons and found none, Pelagius stood up.
"I'm going to ask you again, who sent you?", asked Pelagius.
"My client!", yelled the assassin.
"Who is your client?", asked Pelagius impatiently.
"I cannot tell you, I swore an oath!", yelled the assassin.
"If I were you, I would tell him", said Gaius.
The man spat at Pelagius. Pelagius took the knife and cut off the man's ring finger. The man kept his mouth shut to muffle his yell.
"I really don't mind doing this, so tell me...or lose your index finger", said Pelagius.
The man looked up at Pelagius.
"I...will...not...SAY!", said the assassin.
Pelagius grabbed the man's hand and cuts off the man's index finger.
"Please tell me, I must get back to the reception", said Pelagius passively.
"Tell him, please", said Cephorus.
"NO!", spat the assassin.
Pelagius readied his knife again and the man looked up at him.
"Fine...all I know is that he called himself X when talking to us, he wouldn't...he wouldn't say a name", said the assassin.
Pelagius kneed the man in the chest.
"Stay here with him while I fetch guards", said Pelagius to Gaius and Cephorus as he left the room, he came back with guards who took him to the dungeons, Pelagius sat at his table with his sons and Salius Hasildor walked up to him.
"That just about made this wedding perfect", Salius joked.
"I'm sure it did, Salius", said Pelagius jokingly.

Assasins struck many times after the wedding, they managed to kill Cephorus Septim II, Tiber Septim III, Calus Septim III, Salius Ballerix, and Dibella Ballerix, ending the line of Salius Septim I's decendants, but on the night they tried to kill Salius Hasildor, the guards caught the assassin before they could, and Pelagius tortured him himself.

Templar Crusaders soon made Pelagius a Viceroy of Templar Crusaders. Pelagius was joyous about this and hosted a celebration to which many people showed up, even Calus came out of his room for a bit. But soon war was brought upon TC by Predators, who attacked with no mercy. Pelagius was forced to build an army. He made swordsmen as they were good defenders in large masses. Wulf was in charge of the city's defenses. Pelagius knew an attack would be soon. Pelagius met with his advisors to decide the best course of action, Caedos, Villius, Lithius, Zeller, and Nylos all met with Pelagius.
"Pelagius, I suggest that we help the crusaders in their war", said Nylos.
"I would suggest that we don't go to war, we should stay out of this", said Caedos.
"My lord, we should go to war, Predators will wipe you out whether you go to war or not!", said Zeller.
"War cannot be avoided, we must fight", said Villius.
"I am guessing that we must go to war", said Lithius.
"War? Why do we have the authority to destroy human life?!", yelled Caedos, "Pelagius, don't listen to them, don't go to war!"
"Know your place Caedos, and also know that if you try to command me again I will see to it that you are thrown in the dungeons, understand?", asked Pelagius.
"Yes sir", said Caedos grudgingly.

The Septim Empire's first battle was right outside Lucias City. An army of three-hundred was camping outside, ready to take the city. General Caius Septim stood at the gates.
"Ok soldiers! We aren't even going to give them a chance to take the city. We have a thousand, they have three hundred, so lets take care of this!", yelled Caius as he looked up at the gateman.
"Open the gates!", commanded Caius,
The man started to open the gates and Caius started thinking. He had a grudge against the Predators. They had killed his father, Lucias. When the gates opened Caius followed by his men, walked out, the gates shut behind them as they marched over to the enemy encampments. Caius saw a man on lookout and aimed his bow at the man, Caius loosed the arrow and it struck the man in the throat, Caius put the bow away and pulled out his sword.
"ATTACK!", yelled Caius as he charged into the camp. Caius ran into a tent and fell two groggy soldiers before they even had a chance to grab a blade. Caius then cut the side of the tent and jumped out, he ran to another tent and the slaughter continued. Soldiers started to wake and fight back as their numbers dwindled, and some of Caius's soldiers died, but he didn't care, he was on a rampage. Caius finally killed the last soldier and looked around. Thirty-eight of his men were dead, three hundred of theirs were dead, it was one of the few victories that the Septim Empire would have over any of the Predators.

Caius Septim stood outside Lucias City with his thousand men, Predators were marching towards the city. Caius turned to his men.
"They have taken Garius City, but they won't take Lucias City, for we will defend it as a mother bear protects her cub, give them hell!", said Caius as he ran towards the enemy. Caius blocked and parried many blows but eventually a club found his head, Caius fell to the ground, still clinging to life, but barely. Lucias City had fallen.

Soon after that Pelagius City fell, Pelagius Septim IV stood to protect it while the others ran, his sons offered to stay but Pelagius refused, Pelagius walked up to Gaius a few minutes later and took the sheath of Firengard, with the blade inside, and gave it to him. Pelagius explained the sword's history and Gaius was astounded. Pelagius then heard horns sound and pushed Gaius away.
"Run away! NOW!", yelled Pelagius.
Gaius ran away to join his brothers and mother in fleeing as Pelagius pulled his other blade out.
"Come get some", he muttered as he charged into battle.

Pelagius slashed at a man's throat and kicked another soldier in the face at the same time, Pelagius then parried three blows at once and stabbed one man. Pelagius ran up on top of the wall and dueled three men at once. He killed two and kicked the other off the wall. Pelagius then turned to face the other approaching soldiers. Pelagius saw that they wore black robes and knew what it meant, Shadow Assassins. Pelagius ran at them and cut one down with all his might. He brought his sword around and cut another two in half, he then blocked two other's blades and cut them both in half. Then three of them shot a stream of red fire at him and he collapsed into ash...

The histories of Tiber Septim, Calus Septim, Pelagius Septim II, Tiber Septim II, Cephorus Septim, Gaius Septim, Salius Septim II, and Pelagius Septim IV are copyright of Septim.

Duke Gaius Septim II

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Tiber Septim IV) and was a member of Templar Crusaders

Gaius Septim II was the son of Pelagius Septim IV and Sylia Septim. He had a wife named Cyria Casades and had two sons and one daughter. The eldest son's name was Tiber Septim IV, the daughter's name was Alessia Septim II, and the younger son's name was Pelagius Septim V. This is the story of Gaius Septim II, Ninth Ruler of the Septim Dynasty.

Gaius ran with all his might, Firengard hung safely buckled at his belt. His two brothers, Cephorus and Calus, ran beside him. Calus was a very pale man who spent most of his time locked away in his room working on things unknown to Gaius and Cephorus. His mother, Sylia Septim, ran behind him as well. They ran for many miles until they finally reached the city of Ninja Haven. They bought four horses and set off to build a new city.

A year later Gaius City stood as the new capital of the Septim Empire. Gaius soon met a woman named Cyria Casades. Gaius soon married her and had two sons named Tiber Septim IV, the other's name Pelagius Septim V, the daughter's name was Alessia Septim II.
Tiber was a great ruler as almost all Septims were. He also fought with the ferocity of his grandfather. He was tought how to lead armies by General Wulf and became a General of the Septim Army at the age of eighteen.
Pelagius's strengths lied not with ruling, leading, or fighting, but with his mind, he had a strong grasp of magic that seemed to rival Marius Hasildor's. At the age of twenty-two he started Septim Academy, a magical institution that tought others how to control their arcane powers.
Alessia also knew the arcane arts, but she was not as strong with them as Pelagius. She also possessed great leadership skills and took over Pelagius's position as head of Septim Academy. Pelagius willingly gave that position to her and left to the mountains and became a hermit, constantly studying the arcane arts.

Gaius assigned Alessia, Pelagius, and a few scholars to figuring out the location of the lost continent of Cidel. Pelagius and Alessia many sleepless nights over many months to figure out the solution. They asked rulers far and wide, searched entire libraries, and one day...they found it.

Pelagius and Alessia ran up to their father.
"We found it, Cidel!", said Alessia and Pelagius in unison.
"Where is it?", asked Gaius desperately.
Pelagius conjured a table and placed the map on it, Pelagius pointed his finger to an empty ocean.
"Cidel stands there!", said Pelagius.
"You are sure?", asked Gaius.
"Of course we are!", yelled Alessia.
"Then I will personally lead an expedition to Cidel, I apoint my brother, Cephorus, regent until I return", said Gaius, "I leave tomorrow, if you would like to accompany me you may"
"Of course we do! We want to see what we have researched for the last five months", said Alessia.
"Alright then! To Cidel! We leave in a month", said Gaius.

A month later Gaius Septim II, Alessia Septim II, Pelagius Septim V, General Wulf, and thirty other men stood in front of a large ship. They walked onto it and prepared it, one hour later the ship was off, Pelagius stood at the wheel.
"To Cidel we go!", yelled the Septims.

A few months later they saw land in the exact location Pelagius and Alessia had said. As soon as they arrived Wulf jumped off the ship and looked at the land.
"This is not Nirvana, Valhalla, Zetamania, Fantasia, or Mantrax. This must be Cidel", said Wulf.
Gaius, Pelagius, and Alessia jumped off.
"Lets go, men, stay with the ship!", said Gaius.
"Aye aye sir!", said the men.
Wulf and the Septims walked for a long while before finding a small village, they approached a large building that could only be a tavern. They walked in and sat down, the bartender approached.
"What'll it be?", asked the bartender.
"Five ales, where is Cidel City?", asked Gaius.
"Cidel City? Cidel City!? How can you not know where it is! It's about five miles north of here!", said the barkeep.
After finishing there drinks they paid the bill and left. They followed the barkeep's directions and soon saw a gigantic city before them, thousands of ships lined up at it's harbor. They approached the gates, the guard let them in and they walked around before Wulf led them to the palace, upon entering they saw two guards protecting the throne room.
"Give me your weapons!", said the guards.
"I'd prefer to keep them", said Wulf as he raised his hand, two powerful beams erupted from them, the guards fell seconds later. Wulf led them to the throne room.
"How do you know where everything is?", asked Gaius.
"I", said Wulf as he approached the throne where an old man sat, the man looked up.
"You! YOU!", he yelled.
"", said Wulf.
"You're supposed to be dead!", yelled the man that could only be the Emperor.
"Heroes never truly die", said Wulf.
"You two know eachother?", asked Gaius.
"I am General Tiber Ignotius Septim of the fifth Cidellian legion", said Wulf, "Of course we know eachother"
Gaius nearly passed out.
"Tiber Septim is dead!", yelled Gaius.
"Tiber Septim is more alive than he has ever been", said Wulf.
"Let me explain why I was really banished from Cidel, it was not because of a military mistake as most believe, it was a conspiracy", said Tiber, "My father was born Ignotius Cidellius, at a young age my grandparents, Emperor Fallius Cidellius and Empress Arillia Cidellius were killed by assassins, Ignotius was taken by the maid to an orphanage where he was put up for adoption, Wellius and Lillian Septim happily adopted him and he became Ignotius Septim. The man in front of you's disgrace of a grandfather, my great uncle, took the throne upon my grandparent's death. My father met my mother, Catherine, and had me. I became a soldier of the Cidellian Legion and soon rose up to General, a bit of research was done on me and the Emperor soon realised that Fallius Cidellius did in fact have a son. He sent me on a mission against many hired demons and expected me and my whole army to die, but I survived, and the only way to cover it up was to exile me and kill me far away from Cidel, they sent General Pental, who failed to kill me, I died but was brought back to life a few years later by the gods, my mission is to kill you, Emperor Fidellus Cidellius, and I intend to succeed", and with that Tiber drew his sword, "As the true ruler of Cidel, I hereby strip you of your rule!"
Tiber grabbed Fidellus Cidellius and threw him onto the ground in front of the throne. Cidellius tried to crawl away, but Tiber stabbed him through the back and stomped his head into the ground. Tiber pulled his blade out of Fidellus's corpse and looked at Gaius, whom was very white by now.
"I thank you all for helping me accomplish my goal of defeating the false Emperor, I will now take my birthright and become Emperor of Cidel, what are your plans?", asked Tiber.
"I...will return to Gaius City, where I belong", said Gaius.
"Alright, I have one gift for you all", said Tiber.
"What is that?", asked Gaius.
Tiber raised his hands and Gaius, Alessia, and Pelagius rose up into the air, they glowed bright blue, fell back to the ground, and resumed their normal color.
"Our bloodline has a strong power in it, the power of all of Cidel is in our now have that power, only Cephorus has discovered it apart from me, but he used it on accident", said Tiber.
"Thank you Tiber", said Gaius.
"I will now open a portal to take you back to Gaius City, it will remain opened so that you may always visit to ask guidance", said Tiber.
"Farewell Tiber, until we meet again", said Gaius, Alessia, and Pelagius as they walked through the portal.

They landed on the cold floor of a brightly lit room and looked around. Gaius recognised it as the Septim Palace. Cephorus rushed up to him.
"Gaius, your back! Where is Wulf?", he asked.
Gaius told Cephorus the whole story, Cephorus looked at Gaius amazingly.
"So...Wulf was the legendary Tiber is...incredible!", said Cephorus.
"Yes it is, now we must focus on our Empire though, what has happened in my absense?", asked Gaius.
"Not much actually, no assassins or anything", said Cephorus.
"Good, then let us build this Empire", said Gaius as he went to sit in his throne.

Gaius soon built the city of Cephorus City, which was a lumber town. It was a key city for the Empire. And with every passing day the Predators came closer...and the other Crusaders prepared their armies. Gaius promoted a man by the name of Antonis Xarxes to the rank of General, and Gaius still had no idea as to where Caius Septim had disappeared to. Gaius ordered Xarxes to train an army, for war would soon be upon them.

As the Predators grew closer Gaius decided to send a small scout force consisting of the five best soldiers in the empire. Captain Bartimaeus Wellius, General Antonis Xarxes, Lieutenant Fathis Ules, Captain Darilus Remus, and Captain Hallius Carus. After assembling the left from Fort Zarrock and out through the Wall of Ajax, soon coming upon the main Predator battle group.

"Alright soldiers, we're getting close, so be quiet", whispered Xarxes.
The soldiers went through a group of green bushes, they soon came upon an enemy encampment to see them cheering, the group came closer to see that they had a hostage tied up with them.
"Let us now spill the blood of a Septim to grant us good luck on the battlefield!", yelled a soldier.
The soldiers cheered him on.
"A Septim?!", said Xarxes, "The hell with scouting! Get ready men, we're going in!"
Xarxes pulled out his bow and the others did the same.
"Fire when I say!", they let out five arrows, one hit the commander and the others hit a few other soldiers.
"Intruders! Gather arms!", yelled a soldier right before an arrow found his neck. The fight carried on for a few minute, the soldiers never saw where they were being attacked from. Soon Bartimaeus hit the last soldier.
"Lieutenant Ules", said Xarxes.
"Yes sir?", asked Ules.
"Go get the Septim and bring him back here", ordered Xarxes, "We'll cover you"
Ules ran out over to the tied up hostage and untied him, the hostage weakly looked up at him, Ules picked him up and brought him back to Xarxes.
"By the Gods! That's Caius Septim! He's been missing since the battle of Gaius City!", said Xarxes, "Bartimaeus, he'll ride with you, we have to get him back to a Septim controlled city as soon as possible", said Xarxes.
"Yes sir", said the men.

Soon they arrived back in Fort Zarrock with Caius Septim and sent a message out to Gaius City, they gave him immediate medical attention, they soon found out that he was going to be alright. Gaius Septim II himself soon came to check on his cousin, and found that he was now over sixty, where last time he saw him he was about forty. They had him for twenty years.

"Gaius?", asked Caius.
"I am here", said Gaius.
"How's the Empire going?", asked Caius.
"Predators are about to attack again, but this time we are a bit more prepared", said Gaius.
"Where's Wulf?", asked Caius.
"You're not going to believe this, but Wulf turned out to be Tiber Septim himself", said Gaius.
A look of shock spread across Caius's face.
"T-Tiber Septim? But he's dead!", said Caius.
"He died, but he is alive again, we went to Cidel and found out that we are in fact the rightful rulers of Cidel", said Gaius.
"The rightful rulers? Wow, that is...incredible! So where is Tiber now?", asked Caius.
"In Cidel City, he took his rightful position as Emperor of Cidel", said Gaius.
" Predators are attacking soon?", asked Caius.
"Yes they are", said Gaius.
"I want to lead an army against them, fight back", said Caius.
"I cannot do that, you are over sixty, although you can be my military advisor", said Gaius.
"That'll do", said Caius.
"Alright then, I must return to my duties as Emperor, but please come to Gaius City when you've recovered", said Gaius.
"I will", said Caius.
Gaius left the room and rode off to Gaius City.

A few months later Gaius stood at Fort Zarrock in front of five thousand knights, General Xarxes and Caius Septim stood behind him.
"Soldiers of the Septim Empire! I am proud to see the army we have managed to create in this short amount of time, the Predators will be strong and seasoned so you will need all the preparation you can get. You will all soon be locked in combat with the Predators, so are you ready!?", yelled Gaius.
"YES SIR!!!", roared the mass of soldiers.
"Good, you are all dismissed", said Gaius as he left the stage.

Gaius travelled back to Gaius City where he entered the portal to Cidel, he saw Tiber Septim sitting on his throne.
"Gaius! Good to see you!", said Tiber.
"Good to see you too Tiber, I was wondering if you had any advice on what to do with regards to Predators", said Gaius.
"Well, I trained Caius myself, he is a good tactician but is getting old in years, where Xarxes is young and strong, but not quite as experienced as Caius. I believe they make the perfect combination for what is to come", said Tiber.
"Thank you Tiber, how are things here?", asked Gaius.
"We're doing great! Everybody responded well to my rise, my cousin wasn't even mourned", said Tiber.
"That is good, I must leave you now as I have important matters to attend to, I will visit soon", said Gaius.
"Alright, see you soon", said Tiber as Gaius jumped through the portal.

Gaius City was soon taken by Predators, under a man named Leafblighter, Gaius escaped with his sons, daughter, and Caius yet the rest of the Septims died in the attack, Gaius Septim II, Tiber Septim IV, Alessia Septim II, and Pelagius Septim V were the last of the Septims...

Gaius arrived in Caius City with his two sons and daughter behind him, Caius stood to his left and General Xarxes stood at his right, His brothers and mother had died in the attack, along with his cousins, he looked sadly up at the approaching man, Gaius recognised him as Bartmaeus Wellius.
"Milord! What is the matter?", asked Bartimaeus.
"Gaius City has fallen, inform the other cites", said Gaius.
"Yes sir", said Bartmaeus.

They soon rebuilt Gaius City upon the old ruins of the old Gaius City, and after many years it was taken by the same forces that burnt it down, the portal to Cidel was closed by Tiber to prevent an invasion of Predators, Gaius and his family fleed to Caius City, but it too soon fell, they made Fort Zarrock the command center for the Septim Empire.

Soon every city in the Septim Empire fell to the armies of Predators, they fleed to the last outpost of the Templar Crusaders, the Wall of Ajax...

Gaius Septim II stood at the wall, an army of four thousand enemies were but a mile away, Gaius turned to his men.
"Men, I have never been one for words, but I will say this, whoever dies here today will be forever remembered as a hero of the Septim Empire! You all are giving your lives for the Empire, and I know that in Atherius we will be honored, so let us fight!", and with that Gaius turned to the oncoming forces, his sons and daughter was being led away by General Xarxes, he knew that his family would live on. Gaius had given Firengard to Tiber Septim IV before they left, so Gaius drew a steel longsword from a sheat at his side. Gaius turned to the archers near him.
"ATTACK!", he yelled.
The archers fired and many enemies fell, yet more came, they broke through the gates and slaghtered enemies before coming up the ladders to where Gaius was. Gaius slashed at one, slitting his throat, and stabbed another, he kicked one off the wall. A sword then entered Gaius's stomach.
"For the Empire!", yelled Gaius as the enemy pulled his sword out, Gaius grabbed his sword and stabbed the enemy in the chest before falling off the wall and into the hard ground below...

Duke Tiber Septim IV

Lived in Era 28, got 1 heir(s) (Lucias Septim II) and was a member of Ritz

Tiber Septim IV was the son of Gaius Septim II and Cyria Septim. He had a wife named Syl Tyria and had two sons. The eldest of the two sons was Artorius Septim II, the younger was Lucias Septim II. This is the story of Tiber Septim IV, Tenth Ruler of the Septim Dynasty.

Tiber walked across the barren plains of Fordas, his brother and sister walked behind him. He turned to them.
"Alessia, Pelagius, we are the last of the Septims. Father is dead, Caius is too, I-I have no idea what to do...", said Tiber.
Alessia walked up to him and looked him in the eyes, "Yes you do, for you are a Septim", she said.
Tiber thought carefully, Templar Crusaders was practically dead, the family Kingdom had no hope of survival, he felt the hilt of Firengard and asked, "What shall we do?"
Suddenly he knew, he looked up at his brother and sister.
"We shall go to Lord Epyon, he was a good friend of our father's, he has a Kingdom called Ritz, maybe we could find sanction there", said Tiber.
"I cannot think of any other option", said Pelagius, "Alright, let us go."

They travelled for many months, almost a year, before reaching Epyon's Kingdom, there they walked up to him on his throne, Pelagius and Alessia bowed, but Tiber stood and looked upon Epyon's face.
"Lord Epyon, I come to ask if you would take us into your Kingdom", said Tiber.
"Of course!", said Epyon, "Any Septim will always be a friend of Ritz!"

Tiber Septim IV and his two siblings joined Ritz, and so they built a city named New Septim City. They also built Cephorus City and Calus City.

One day Tiber Septim IV was sitting at his desk writing a letter when a large portal appeared behind him, Tiber drew Firengard and readied himself when a familiar figure walked out.
"Greetings Tiber Septim IV", said the man, "I am Tiber Septim I, how are you?"
"I havn't seen you in a while, Tiber, how are you doing?", asked Tiber IV.
"Rather good, Cidel is going well", said Tiber I.
"That is good, we have left Templar Crusaders, it was a rough decission, but it had to be done", said Tiber IV.
"That is too bad, the Septim family has been in Templar Crusaders since my rule, but I fear it had to be so", said Tiber I.
"It did, I must leave you now Tiber, for I have important work to do", said Tiber IV.
"Good luck", said Tiber I, "You'll need it."
Tiber Septim IV turned and walked through the portal, back into his land...

Tiber Septim IV walked through the streets of New Septim City, Firengard hung at his side. He suddenly heard a yelp from one of the alleyways and went to investigate. He saw a woman of his age being robbed by two gigantic looking men. Tiber ran up and pushed one of them away.
"I would advise you to walk away now!", yelled Tiber, one of the men saw the fire in Tiber's eyes and turned to his friend.
"We should leave", said the mugger.
"We can take him!", he turned to Tiber, " You picked the wrong fight!", they both drew shortswords and Tiber drew Firengard. They brought their swords down and Tiber deflected with ease, he stabbed one blade deep into a mugger's chest and the other mugger paused and saw his dead friend.
"You killed Joruus!", he said as he attacked, he brought his blade down hard and would have broke any other sword, but Firengard was not just any sword. Tiber spoke "Gierda" as he struck and Firengard cleaved through the mugger's blade, Tiber then stabbed the blade into the mugger's throat, and the mugger fell to the ground. Tiber turned to the woman and helped her up, her hair fell back to reveal a face of beauty that could only be beaten by the Goddess of Love.
"Are you well?", said Tiber.
"I-I think so, thanks to you", she said.
"I am Tiber Septim IV, Ruler of the Septim Empire", said Tiber.
"Tiber Septim!? I was saved by a Septim!? I...I am Syl, Syl Tyria", said Syl.
"Good to meet you Syl, may I buy you something to eat or drink?", asked Tiber.
"S-Sure!", said Syl.

After a long dinner and much conversation, Tiber realized that Syl was the woman he loved. They soon married and had two children, the first of which was Artorius Septim II, the younger was Lucias Septim II.
Artorius was a very nice and trusting person, he would give you the clothes off of his back if you needed them, and was next in line for the throne, while Lucias was younger, and weaker physically, he had a cunning mind, and could easily outwit Artorius.

For many years Tiber ruled with peace and prosperity, until finally it came to the day of his death, at the age of sixty. He approached his son, Lucias, one morning, Lucias was sitting at his desk.
"My son, Lucias, I will be passing the throne to your brother tomorrow, I am not of the best health, and may die within the year. Lucias rose from his desk.
"Father? Why is it always the eldest who gets the right to rule? Why can the youngest not?", asked Lucias.
"Because it has to be so...Tiber the first made the rule and it is to be followed", said Tiber.
Lucias fingered the hilt of the dagger at his side.
"Alright father...", said Lucias as suddenly he pulled the dagger out and stabbed his father in the stomach, "You win...", whispered Lucias.
"Lucias...why?", asked his dieing father weakly.
" has to be so...", said Lucias as he let his father go, he fell upon the floor and Lucias wiped the blood from the dagger in his hands. He walked from the room...

Artorius was eating dinner when he heard the news, he rose and placed his hand on his hilt.
"WHO KILLED MY FATHER?!", he roared.
"Your brother, Lucias", said the messenger weakly.
Artorius fell back into his seat, "Lucias? But...why?"
"Lucias contacted me before we learned of his part in the murder, he asked you to meet him outside of town", said the messenger.
"I will meet him, and place him under arrest", said Artorius as he rose from his seat, he walked from the building slowly.

Outside of town Lucias stood waiting, he saw his brother approach.
"Brother! Good to see you!", said Lucias with fake warmth.
"Why did you kill father, Lucias, why?", said Artorius.
"I am sorry, but it had to be so", said Lucias.
"I am afraid, by my authority as Crowned Prince of the Septim throne, I must place you under arrest", said Artorius.
Lucias ran and Artorius followed, they ran through the fields for several miles until they reached the forest, they continued running until Lucias doubled over panting and Artorius tackled him. Artorius was about to knock his brother out when a sword went through his chest, Artorius looked upon his brother and then he fell, blood gushing from his mouth. Lucias got up and looked at the killer of Artorius.
"Thank you assassin, here is your pay", said Lucias as he handed the assassin a bag of coins, "I may call upon you again..."
With that Lucias turned, he walked back to the city and walked in to his mother's room, she slept on the bed. Lucias approached and grabbed a pillow, he held it to her face and she screamed, she flailed around and then went still.
"Sorry mother...but you were too dangerous, too cunning, to be kept alive", said Lucias as he turned and left. He then sent guards to Pelagius's room, where they executed him for "Treason", and at last Lucias sent the guards to his aun't room, he did not get a response for several hours, until a messenger ran to him.
"Five guards are dead sir! All in Alessia Septim's room!", he said.
Lucias went up to his aunt's room and found five dead guards, two of whom had died from a bow, and the other three died from a blade. Lucias cursed, "I want a price on her head...of five hundred gold coins..."
"Yes sir", said the messenger...

Prince Lucias Septim II

Lived in Era 29, got 1 heir(s) (Aesius Septim) and was a member of Music

Lucias Septim II was the son of Tiber Septim IV and Syl Tyria. He was the most vile of the Septim Rulers, he killed his father and brother in order to become Ruler, and he killed his mother and uncle to keep them quiet. This is the story of Lucias Septim II, Eleventh Ruler of the Septim Dynasty.

Lucias Septim II sat upon his massive throne, a man kneeled before him.
"Milord, it was a simple mistake!", he said.
"Silence Alvus, guards, kill him", said Lucias.
Two massive men in black armor approached the man cowering on the floor.
"Please milord! I will not make the mistake again!", he said pleadingly.
" won't", said Lucias as his guards beheaded Alvus in front of Lucias. One picked up the dead man's body and took him away while the other motioned to the corner, suddenly a man ran through the door with a mop and started cleaning the blood.
Lucias sat there for a minute, until General Antonis Xarxes ran into the room.
"Lucias! Alvus was a fine soldier! Anybody could have made that mistake!", said Xarxes.
"Xarxes, do you wish to share his fate?", asked Lucias coldly.
"Lucias, I served your father well...but I do not wish to serve you", said Xarxes.
"You speak boldly for a man with two guards in the room! Guards, attack!", said Lucias.
The guards drew their swords and suddenly Xarxes drew his, he turned and deflected their blows before driving his sword into one of their hearts, he slashed the other ones neck and held his blade to Lucias's throat.
"If it were not for my loyalty to your father, your death would have been now, but it is not meant to be here. My Elven blood tells me so", said Xarxes as he turned, "Until we meet again, Lucias."

A few weeks later...
Alessia Septim II sat in a small room in an inn, she was in the town of Rubyia, far from the Septim capital. She was still surprised at her nephew's actions. She placed a small dagger under her pillow and drifted to sleep. She woke the next morning, and placed the dagger at her side, she slung her bow across her back and put on a hooded cloak, she pulled the hood up and walked out the door.
"Hello Maia", said the innkeep.
"Hello Boris", said Alessia.
She walked into the streets and started walking until she saw a Septim soldier riding down the street, she kept walking to not draw attention and got past safely. She did not look back...

Lucias sat shocked at what had happened, he sat for several seconds before whispering, "Guards...", he waited then said it again louder, two guards bursted in seconds later to see their companions dead on the floor.
"They were killed by a tratior! Antonis Xarxes! Find him!", yelled Lucias.
"Yes sir!", said the guards.

Xarxes was never found, so Lucias continued his rule under very heavy security, but he knew that Xarxes would never come after him. One day Lucias heard of a small town sprouting up inside the Septim Empire's borders and went with his guard of a hundred knights to investigate, upon their arrival a man approached.
"Hello, what can I do for you?", he asked.
"You are inside the borders of the Septim Empire, leave now or be killed!", yelled Lucias.
"We have made our homes here, can we may an agreement, maybe we can join your Empire", said the man.
"I gave you two options, leave or die, which will you choose?", asked Lucias.
"We will not le-", the man was cut off by an arrow into his heart.
"Burn the town...", said Lucias, "Burn it except for that house, I have business there...", said Lucias.

Jerius Cabolsar was a young Knight in the Septim Army, he saw his ruler go into a hovel, he then heard a woman's screams and cries as he burnt a house, and after a long while Lucias Septim emerged.
"What are you looking at?", asked Lucias.
"Nothing sire", said Jerius as he started to burn a nearby barn.
"Good", said Lucias.

Lucias ruled with an iron fist for many years, and the Septim Empire fell into darkness, the people starved while Lucias grew fat, the cities' walls crumbled, and many died. It was many years until the damage was undone.

Lucias sat upon his throne, torches flickered on the walls, and his guards were asleep. But suddenly a young man entered.
"Who are you?", asked Lucias.
"I am Aesius Septim, I am your son...", said the intruder.
"Lies! I have no sons!", yelled Lucias.
"You remember the town you burned? The woman you raped? That was my mother", said Decimus.
"I guess we must duel then!", snarled Lucias as he rose and pulled out Firengard.
"That is...fine with me", said Aesius as he pulled out a steel shortsword. Lucias was about to strike at Aesius, but realized that his blade was heavy, it fell to the ground. Aesius walked up to it and picked it up, he swung and the blade felt light as a feather.
"Hate and greed is not the Septim way", muttered Aesius.
"Please...I ask this not as your father, but as an old man, have pity on me...have mercy", whispered Lucias.
"I cannot bring myself to cut down an unarmed fine...I will give you mercy. Pick up this blade...pick it up and duel me...", said Aesius as he drew a steel longsword and threw it down next to Lucias, Aesius then put down FIrengard and kicked it away.
"I will not taint our family's blade with your foul blood...", said Aesius.
Lucias picked up the longsword and gripped it as a man who had not used a blade in a long time would. Aesius held his up and Lucias struck at Aesius. Aesius smacked Lucias's blade aside easily and stabbed his own into the wicked man's chest.
"Now, father, you shall go to join the souls of the will not join your father, or your father's father, or any other Septim...goodbye, my father, I wish I had been another's son!", said Aesius as he pulled the blade from Lucias, Lucias fell down silently and Aesius sheathed his shortsword, he walked over and picked up Firengard, he attached it to his own blade and looked to see Antonis Xarxes and his wife, Alessia Xarxes, approaching.
"I see we have trained you well...I offer to you the services of a General...I am old in human years, but as I am part Elf, I have many to go...I am sure our son would also be happy to serve you, Emperor Aesius Septim", said Antonis.

Prince Aesius Septim

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Cephorus Septim IV) and was a member of Music

Aesius Septim was the son of Lucias Septim II and a peasant named Hera Cossal. He was raised by Antonis Xarxes and Alessia Septim II. They trained him in melee combat, the effective use of heavy and light armor, archery, magic, mace combat, shields, and Antonis taught him tactics. This is the story of Aesius Septim, twelfth ruler of the Septim Dynasty.

Aesius turned around to see twenty guards approaching him.
"I am Prince Aesius Septim, heir to the throne of Emperor Lucias Septim II!", said Aesius with authority.
"No, you are the assassin of Lucias Septim II, and the punishment is execution, kill him!!!", said the leader of the guards.
Aesius knew his fate and quickly jumped behind his father's throne, the guards halted and Aesius unbuckled Firengard and its sheath (Which he had buckled before the guards had arrived). Aesius jumped from behind the throne and threw Firengard into a mirror over the fireplace in the side of the throne room. The sword flew through and the mirror rippled and went straight just as an arrow entered Aesius's throat.

Prince Cephorus Septim IV

Lived in Era 30, got 1 heir(s) (Calus Septim V) and was a member of Music

Cephorus Septim IV was the son of Aesius Septim and Rosa Versilus. Aesius married Rosa when he was eighteen, and planted the seeds of fatherhood that same night, a half a month later he killed his father and died in the process, leaving Cephorus with nothing of his father but his memory. Rosa died in child birth, but lived long enough to name her child Cephorus. This is the story of Cephorus Septim IV, thirteenth ruler of the Septim Dynasty.

Rosa layed in her bed, a doctor stood by it. The screamed in pain as contractions hit her, and the doctor told her to breath calmly, an hour later a baby boy layed in her weak arms, she looked up at the doctor and said with pleading eyes, " I say, my son...will be called Cephorus, and he will be Antonis Xarxes", she breathed heavily, "Please, do this...his whole family depends on it."
And with that, Rosa died, leaving the poor doctor the task of finding Antonis, and when he did Antonis took him sadly and thanked the doctor for his deed, Antonis gave the doctor a good sum of gold and took Cephorus inside.
"So here he is, the last of a great dieing line...", said Antonis sadly, "Do not fear, for I will take care of you."

A nine year old Cephorus stood in the training room of Antonis's house, a wooden sword was held tightly in his hand. In front of him Antonis stood with another wooden sword in his hands. Cephorus struck at Antonis and wood met wood, Cephorus's sword was parried away and Antonis struck at the opening, Cephorus barely managed to block in time before having his legs knocked from under him and then having a sword aimed at his throat.
"Well done, your father would be proud", said Antonis, "You are nine and could probably beat quite a few bandits out there."
"Thank you Antonis...", said Cephorus.

Three years later Cephorus walked through the woods and found a stone, he brought it back to Antonis and Antonis took the stone.
"This is quite a bit of good fortune for us, we can now contact one of your relatives!", said Antonis.
"I thought I was the last of the Septims?", asked Cephorus.
"Well...yes, and no. Your relative is in the far away land of Cidel. His name is Tiber Septim", said Antonis.
"Alright...", said Cephorus.
Antonis walked over to his mirror and placed the stone in front of it.
"Cazar vu resar VERSOX!", encanted Antonis.
The mirror glowed and waved around like a bowl of water, then Antonis waved Cephorus over.
"Go and meet him...I will stay here", said Antonis.
"Alright...where is he?", asked Cephorus.
"In the mirror, now jump in...", said Antonis.
Cephorus looked at the mirror carefully and decided to trust Antonis, he jumped in and felt ice spread throughout his body before falling upon a cold stone floor, he looked up and saw a smiling man that looked to be in his fifties.
"Hello Cephorus, I am Emperor Tiber Septim of Cidel...I have been waiting for you. Your grandfather had a mirror like this in his throne room, but fortunately his father never told him its true potential, when a Septim rises to the throne he learns of it, young Lucias was never coronated officially and if Tiber were to die in battle, his most trusted advisor, Antonis Xarxes, would have told Lucias", said Tiber, "Oh, and I have something for you, follow me."
Cephorus followed Tiber through the great Cidellian halls and reached a large door guarded by two Cidellian soldiers. The soldiers opened the doors and Tiber walked through, Cephorus followed and what he saw amazed him, a room roughly a mile long and fifty feet high piled nearly to the roof with treasures, swords of ancient heroes, armor of the great Dwarven kingdoms, and the universal treasure, gold. Cephorus gasped and Tiber turned to him.
"Well boy, are you going to stand there all day with your jaw on the floor or are you going to recieve what I am to give you?", asked Tiber.
Cephorus followed Tiber through the narrow tunnels build under the mountain of gold and reached a chest, Tiber spoke a few words and opened it to reveal a beautiful sword.
"This is Firengard, it is to be given to the former owner's closest relative, that is you", said Tiber.
"Can you help me in Fantasia, can you not give me some of your massive treasury?", asked Cephorus.
"Cidel is not allowed to interfere with any Fantasia politics, that is the rule of the Gods...if I was to break that rule, Cidel would be destroyed...", said Tiber.

Cephorus returned to his land and took rule of a tribe of dwarves and humans, he married a human woman named Dissia Rossmar and had three sons. Calus was the oldest, he was wise beyond his years, but was not strong enough to hold a blade, he was weak in strength but strong in mind. His middle son, Aesius, could fight with the Gods, but could not think to save his hide. And the youngest son, Antonis, was both intelligent and strong, but not nearly as smart as Calus and not as strong as Aesius. When Cephorus died after sixty years of peace, Calus was named Emperor Calus Septim the fifth.

Prince Calus Septim V

Lived in Era 31, got 1 heir(s) (Gorris Septim) and was a member of Freedom Fighter

Calus Septim V was perhaps the most intelligent ruler in the history of the Septim dynasty. He was born with osteogenesis imperfectecta, which meant that his bones had the qualities of glass. He could not move without the aid of a cane, and even then he could barely walk. Yet his cunning was stronger than that of even his ancestor, Tiber Septim. His brother, Antonis Septim, led the armies of the Septim Empire, while his middle brother, Aesius, fought with the soldiers on the battlefield. This is the story of Calus Septim V, fourteenth ruler of the Septim Dynasty.

Calus sat upon his throne, his weak arms rested on the armrests. A man stood before him.
"Greetings Xarxes...why do you come now to visit me?", asked Calus.
"Calus, I knew your father, he was a great man. And you are a great man, yet I am getting old, even for an elf...I want to serve as your military advisor..."
"...that sounds like a fantastic idea...please...take a seat...", with a slow gesture a wooden chair was brought forth and Xarxes sat.
"Now, the Disian raiders are coming in from the mountains...what shall I do?", asked Calus.
"Let them come and meet the ferocious bite of our arrows and the solid walls", said Xarxes.
"What if they have catipults?", asked Calus.
"Then burn the woods", said Xarxes.
"Ahhh, I see that you have not lost will be my advisor...", said Calus.

Aesius Septim II had three sons and two daughters, the oldest he named Cassius Septim, whom was just like his father, cunning and strong. The second, a daughter, he named Dissia Septim, after his mother, she was a great archer and an excellent user of magic. The third, another daughter, he named Rosa Septim, after his great grandmother, she was a master alchemist, and a good chef as well. The forth, a son, he named Artorius Septim III, he was a master of all forms of magic, but was a weak melee fighter. And the last child, his son, he named Pelagius Septim VI, and he turned out to be a master tactician and an able swordsman, he became a General at the young age of 20 and led the Septim Empire to many victories under his father, High General Aesius Septim II.

The brute, Antonis, has one son, whom was intelligent and brave, but died at the age of fifteen to assassins, Antonis was never the same, and died at the age of forty five of depression. His wife died soon after.

Calus Septim V managed to have a son, whom to his relief, did not have the disability his father did. His son was named Gorris Septim, after the great General from many years ago. Gorris proved to live up to his name, as he was a greater tactician than his cousin, and won many battles, yet he was never good with a blade or any other weapon than his mind.

Calus Septim V died, on a day like any other, no red skies or fiery demons. The armies of the north came and slaughtered all in their path, they reached Calus, and saw him standing with a small dagger in his hands. A massive brute marched forth, the King of the North.
"Calus Septim V! You dare draw a blade upon me, you crippled fool?", asks the King.
"A cripple may still kill one that is whole, my enemy", says Calus.
The King draws his great battleaxe and swings it at Calus, Calus attempts to sidestep but falls and breaks his tailbone and leg. Both stick out of the leg, the brute kneels next to the cripple.
"Well well, how will you kill the whole one now?", asks the brute.
" know, the pain, you get used to it after a lifetime", says Calus as he slashes his dagger across the Northern King's throat, the King falls to the ground with a torrent of blood pouring from his mouth. The King's son walks forth and kicks Calus, he draws his longsword and cuts the head off of the the fourteenth ruler of the Septim Dynasty.

Prince Gorris Septim

Lived in Era 32, got 1 heir(s) (Bertilius Septim) and was a member of Freedom Fighter

Gorris Septim was a master tactician, his strategic skill scared his enemies more than a squadron of enraged nazgul. His skill as a warrior, however, was lacking. His wife was Cresa Veldensia and his children were Bertilius Septim and Orecia Septim II. This is the story of Gorris Septim, fifteenth ruler of the Septim Dynasty.

Gorris sat mounted upon his steed on a grassy battlefield, his army stood behind him, loyal to the end. Before them was the capital, Septim City. The enemy cavalry rushed at the Septim Army, but at the last moment the pikemen in the front raised their pikes and the enemy cavalry rammed right into the wall of pikes. The cavalry rushed forth and towards the enemy pikemen, but at the last moment changed directions and attacked at the flanks while the footmen, with shorter, faster longswords attacked the pikemen. The footmen destroyed the pikemen while the cavalry destroyed the enemy footmen, the enemy archers were locked in combat with the Septimian Archers. After the footmen and pikemen were defeated, the cavalry charged at the archers, whom were slaughtered by the riders. After the battle the siege weaponry got into position, destroying the walls of Septim City. As soon as the walls were only rubble, the Septimian soldiers invaded the city, slaughtering all enemies in their path.

"What will I do with you...murderer of my father?" Gorris asked the Northern King's son, who had been coronated earlier that day.
The young man did not answer, but merely looked up. His cold eyes stared into Gorris's, which were the eyes of his his father, the eyes of a Septim.
"You speak it because of guilt, or pride?" asked Gorris.
The Northern King still said nothing.
"Pride is a mortal fault that many great men and women have fallen prey to, for most it is the one thing that causes their death", said Gorris.
The Northern King looks up.
"I guess that means I am great...", says the King.
"No, it means you are a fool", and with that Gorris draws his sword and cuts the head off the Northern King.
" for my father...", said Gorris.

Gorris found his father's body beaten and hung from the balcony of the master bedroom, he took it down and placed in on a pyre. After burning the body he placed the ashes in the catherderal's undercroft, afterwards he went to the throne room, where he was coronated Emperor Gorris Septim I. He immediately began planning campaigns against smaller tribes and chiefdoms. After conquering a country, he would give his soldiers land there so that if a revolt ever rose, there would be experienced soldiers already there to deal with the situation. Gorris constantly read books on past tacticians such as Farilor, Tiber Septim, and Zarrock. Many cities and armies fell by his orders, and his tactical skill became legendary. He married Countess Yevi Belluvis of Sufar and had one daughter, followed five years later by a son. He named the daughter Oresia and the son Bertilius. His daughter was given the title Countess of Sufar and was given rule over it, but as custom, the firstborn son was to be given the crown. Towards the end of the thirty-second Era, Gorris Septim was killed by an assassin. The assassin was caught by the Emperor's bodyguard, Javis, but the Emperor's throat had already been slit. The next day, the eleven year old Prince Bertilius Septim became Emperor Bertilius Septim I.

Prince Bertilius Septim

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Bertilius Septim II) and was a member of Freedom Fighter

Bertilius Septim was crowned at an early age, with no father to raise him he was raised by his great uncle Aesius Septim the Second, along with his sister. This is the story of Bertilius Septim, sixteenth ruler of the Septim Dynasty.

A fourteen year old Bertilius sat in his great uncle's study reading the book Tactics of the twenty-seventh Era by Gorris Farilor. After finishing the book he had spent three days reading he walked down the hall and into his uncle's room. His great uncle was seventy then, and had lost the strength of his youth, but still had the cunning, having been one of the greatest battle commanders of the thirty-first era.
"Uncle, I have finished the book you asked me to read", says Bertilius.
"Good, and hopefully you have learned that catapults are ineffective against cavalry...", muttered Aesius.
"I have uncle", said Bertilius.
"Good, now go down to the training room and spar with Cassius, and when you're done with that go to sleep", said Aesius.
Bertilius did as he was told and went down to the training room in the Imperial Palace. His uncle had been named regent until Bertilius turned eighteen, though his uncle really didn't want the post, at his age all he wanted to do was enjoy the rest of his life and not endure the pain of politics. As Bertilius approached the double doors of the training room, they opened and a man who looked like a forty-five year old version of Aesius walked out.
"Hello cousin", said Bertilius.
"Hello, ready to spar?" inquired Cassius.
"Of course", said Bertilius.
Cassius walks into the training room with Bertilius and hands him a wooden longsword, Cassius took one as well and counted down, "3...2...1...go!"
Bertilius attacked, but Cassius was more experienced, and he knocked the blow aside easily.
"C'mon, try to land a blow on me!", yelled Cassius.
Bertilius attacked with ferocity, but without finesse, and his wooden sword was knocked to the floor and Bertilius recieved a swift smack in the side for his effort. Bertilius picked up the blade again and went at it.
Four hours later Bertilius walked up to his room battered and bruised, having landed two blows on Cassius, Bertilius felt proud, but humiliated at the same time, however, he was young, and had a long future ahead of him.

The years went by slowly for Bertilius, his fifteenth birthday came, followed by his sixteenth, and his seventeenth, but a month before his eighteenth birthday, something terrible happened. Aesius was found dead in his study, not of old age, but a nightblade had slit his throat while he was bent over a copy of the Prasudomium. Rosa, Disia, and Pelagius Septim the sixth were also found dead. But while those murders were happening, a man crept silently towards Bertilius's bed, a knife in hand, he had come through the window. As he approached a man ran in and attacked yelling, Bertilius awoke to the scene and grabbed a longsword by his bed. He also attacked and the assassin drew a shortsword to fend off Bertilius. After two minutes of combat, Bertilius's longsword entered the assassin's ribcage. Bertilius turned to see that his savior was Cassius Septim.
"What is going on?" asked Bertilius.
"I found my father dead in his study, and knew that you were next!", yelled Cassius angrily, "We need to check on my brothers and sisters!"
Bertilius went with his cousin to the royal quarters to find all of his cousins except Artorius with their throats slit. Not even their husbands and wives were spared. Cassius punched the wall, and a voice startled them, "Hello brother...why cousin, why are you still alive?"
They turned to see Artorius Septim the third standing with six assassins.
"You!", spat Cassius.
"Yes older brother, me...", said Artorius, "Say it, go ahead, say the things that are always said in epics. Go ahead and ask why I would slay my kin! It's because Bertilius isn't fit to rule!"
Bertilius started forward, but Cassius held him back, his rage did not cloud his judgement, on the contrary, it made it clearer.
"Follow my lead", he whispered.
Cassius suddenly ran to the left and drew his sword, he broke the window with the hilt and jumped, Bertilius followed without hesitation and they landed in a swimming pool. They swam to the other side and got up to see the boots of an assassin, Cassius grabbed his legs and pulled him into the pool, Bertilius helped Cassius drown the foul assassin before running with him to the castle wall, where they found a ladder. They climbed up onto the wall and jumped off of it, they grabbed a tree and climbed down it onto the ground.
"Follow me Bertilius!", said Cassius as he ran into the forest.

After seven hours of running they reached the town of Covos, with a population of six hundred and seventy five men, women, and children. Bertilius approached the gatekeeper with Cassius at his side.
"I am Emperor Bertilius Septim of the Septim Empire, there is trouble in the capital..."

Thirty minutes later they sat in the mayor's home at the end of the main street.
"My cousin, Artorius the third, has slain the regent, Aesius the second, and has taken the throne. They will be looking for me, and will come here", said Bertilius.

One day later, five hundred peasants and fifty swordsmen, the militia of the town, followed their Emperor out. The mayor and one hundred twenty five men and women stayed behind, not wanting to leave their homes. Three hours later, as Bertilius and his large group hiked up a mountain, they turned to see smoke rising from Covos, Bertilius moved on, knowing that he had done everything he could short of forcing them out.

Seven days later the city of Aeson was settled, named after the late Regent. On the day the first building was finished, Bertilius turned eighteen years of age and legally became Emperor of the Septim Empire. As the town grew into a city, travellers brought news that Artorius had renamed his Empire, the Artorian Empire.

Bertilius sat in his throne room when a blood stained messenger ran through the doors. Bertilius rose and ran to him.
"What is it?", asked Bertilius.
"Fort Roderick has fallen to the armies of Cease", said the messenger.
"Take him to the clinic", said Septim to his guards, "Prepare the men for battle."

The War raged for only six months before Bertilius and his allies lost the war, Bertilius's only son, unborn upon his death, was named Bertilius Septim II.

Prince Bertilius Septim II

Lived in Era 33, got 1 heir(s) (Waldorfius Septim) and was a member of Freedom Fighter

Bertilius Septim the Second was crowned the day he was born, as his father had died before his birth. His mother raised him well, along with her second husband, Nestor Valicius, who was a good friend of Bertilius Septim the First. He married the Emperor of Helledon's daughter, Boethiah Yellon, his marriage was long and happy until his wife's death, Bertilius was eighty-five. This is the story of Bertilius Septim, seventeenth ruler of the Septim Dynasty.

Bertilius's first memory was attending the funeral of the great General Antonis Xarxes, who had served almost every Septim from Gaius Septim II to Bertilius Septim I. Many gathered around, he remembered old Cassius shed one tear, he was a tough old man, but the death of a Cidellian Hero would make many men cry.

Ten year old Bertilius stood in the training circle with his wooden sword, Major Senfan approached and began dueling Bertilius, Bertilius did well, but he wasn't a trained soldier, and couldn't defeat Senfan. Senfan taught Bertilius many things, one of them being that mistakes were opportunities to learn, not to lament, and that he should not worry about them.

Seventeen year old Bertilius Septim II approached his stepfather, and regent of the Septim Empire, Nextor Valicius.
"Greetings Nestor", said Bertilius.
"Greetings Bertilius", said Nestor, "Tomorrow is the day you will be crowned Emperor, I hope you havn't forgotten."
"I have been waiting my whole life, of course I havn't", said Bertilius.
"Just checking", said Nestor.

Young Bertilius stepped forward, his red cape trailed behind him, held by eight women. He kneeled, and his stepfather placed the crown upon his head. Bertilius Septim II rose Emperor of the Septim Empire and Commander of all her armies.

He immediately started a campaign against Artorius, who was aged at that time. After five months of war, the Septim Army advanced on the old capital.
Bertilius rode forward on his magnificent brown horse, Zerisar, he stabbed his spear through an enemy and drew his sword, he slashed through two more enemies and Zerisar trampled even more as they rode through the streets. The Royal Riders rode beside him, killing many as well, the mithril armor of the horses protected them against blows, making the Royal Riders the best in the land. Bertilius reached the palace and bursted through the doors on his horse, Artorius the Third stood ready with his bow, he shot an arrow at Bertilius, missing by a hair, Bertilius rode forward and jumped from his horse, he walked forward and cut the bow in half.
"Fight me with a sword, you coward!" he yelled.
Artorius drew his blade and attacked to be quickly disarmed by Bertilius.
"This is for my father's suffering, his uncle's death, and his children's deaths!" yelled Bertilius before stabbing the blade through Artorius's neck.
The battle was swiftly won after that, with the leaderless forces surrendering after hearing news of their leader's death.

One month later Bertilius rode through his streets in a white chariot pulled by the grandest white horses in the Empire. The crowd cheered him, and old Nestor knew that his stepson would do quite well.

He gave old Cassius the position of governor of the conquered Artorian Empire, renamed the Province of Aeson.

Bertilius's reign was prosperous and long, better than his father's. At the height, fourteen legions of knights were at his command, along with four legions of spellcasters. The capital of his Empire, Septim City, flourished. He was remembered as the great warrior-emperor of the Septim Empire. He died on a day like any other, he died not of assassination, or wounds sustained in battle, but from old age, unlike many of the Septim Emperors. He died at the grand old age of one hundred five years old. His son, Waldorfius Septim, was coronated later that week, at that time he was nearly eighty himself.

Prince Waldorfius Septim

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Waldorfius Septim II) and was a member of Freedom Fighter

Waldorfius Septim was the son of Bertilius Septim II and Boethiah Septim. He had a wife named Tyria Valdoron and had one son, Waldorfius Septim II. This is the story of Waldorfius Septim II, Eighteenth Ruler of the Septim Dynasty.

Waldorfius's reign was short, as he died quickly. At the age of eighty-five he had a heart attack. He died with one son, the sixty year old Waldorfius Septim II.

Prince Waldorfius Septim II

Lived in Era 34, got 1 heir(s) (Waldorfius Septim III) and was a member of Freedom Fighter

Waldorfius Septim II was the son of Waldorfius Septim and Tyria Valdoron. He had a wife named Venera Nemur and had one son, Waldorfius Septim III. This is the story of Waldorfius Septim II, Nineteenth Ruler of the Septim Dynasty.

The second Waldorfius's reign was somewhat longer, but still short. He died within ten years of his crowning from a strange disease that twisted the inside of his body, making the tissue grow massive growths on it. The Septim line was continued by his only son, Waldorfius Septim III.

Prince Waldorfius Septim III

Lived in Era 34 and got 1 heir(s) (Tiber Septim IV).

Waldorfius Septim III was the son of Waldorfius Septim II and Venera Nemur. He had a wife named Bae Vellor and had one son, Tiber Septim V. This is the story of Waldorfius Septim III, Twentieth Ruler of the Septim Dynasty.

Waldorfius was a kind, yet weak hearted ruler. His kindness won him the love of his people, but his weak heart made him unfit for any military service at a young age. He ruled until his death at the age of forty in his palace. An assassin of pure hatred pierced his heart with a silver dagger.

Many attended his funeral.

Prince Tiber Septim IV

Lived in Era 35, got 1 heir(s) (Validus Septim) and was a member of Fusion

Tiber Septim IV was actually Tiber Septim V, but his servent filled in the wrong number on his birth certificate, and so he was the second Tiber Septim IV. He was a rather average ruler, he cared not about his people, or money, he just ruled. He had one son, Validus Septim.

Prince Validus Septim

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Validus Septim II) and was a member of Freedom Fighters

Validus Septim was a strong man in his youth, and able to cut through solid stone with Firengard, but his life was cut short by an accident on a horse. He had one son, Validus II.

Prince Validus Septim II

Lived in Era 36, got 1 heir(s) (Valan Septim) and was a member of Freedom Fighters

Validus Septim was an intelligent mage, but no amount of magic could save him from a thousand blades.. He had one son, Valan, with his wife, Ballavana.

Prince Valan Septim

Lived in Era 37, got 1 heir(s) (Pelagius Septim VII) and was a member of Freedom Fighters

Valan Septim I was the son of Validus Septim II and Ballavana Haegon. He had a wife named Xalana and had two children, Pelagius Septim VII and Oresia Septim II. Valan was a brave man, who fought on the frontlines with his men. He also followed the code of a Knight, and helped those in need, always. Finally, he was excellent with a blade, skilled with a bow, and well trained in the use of magic. He advanced the Septim Empire to new heights, making it a major power of the World of Nirvana. This is the story of Valan Septim, Twenty-forth Ruler of the Septim Dynasty.

"Arise, Sir Knight," said Emperor Validus II of the Septim Empire. Validus was getting old at over sixty years of age, but his mind was still as sharp as ever. Valan rose from his kneel, and his father looked into his eyes.
"Not since the days of Gaius the second has a Septim been brave, valiant, and strong enough to be named a Knight of the Order of the Dragon," said Validus, "My son...I know that some day you will make a fine ruler."
"Thank you father," said Valan.
"No, thank you my son," said Validus proudly.
Valan smiled, he was now approaching forty, but his youthful smile had never faded. Valan turned to see his wife, Xalana, and his two children, the twenty year old Pelagius, and the fifteen year old Oresia, watching him.
"Congratulations dear," said Xalana.
"Thank you," said Valan as he kissed her.
"How are my grandchildren doing?" asked Validus with a chuckle, "Keeping your archery up, Oresia?"
"As always," said Oresia.
"And Pelagius, have you gotten teleportation down yet?" asked Validus.
"I've gone a few feet, but I don't want to try any more than that at the moment," said Pelagius.
Validus frowned behind his graying beard, "I'll show you later, it's quite simple, just don't move your legs..."
Validus then turned to Xalana.
"You doing alright?" asked Validus.
"Of course, I'm keeping Valan out of trouble for you," said Xalana.
"Good!" said Validus with a laugh.
The gathering lasted a few more hours before Valan and his family rode back to Herval.


Herval was a magnificent city, but nowhere near as grand as Septim City. Valan ruled Herval and the surrounding lands, and they prospered greatly. His official title was "Duke of Herval", but he was more a King under an Emperor than anything. A month after the knighting ceremony, he received terrible news from Septim City, they were under attack. He told his son to ready the troops, and he got on his horse, Zerisar, and rode off towards the city.


Validus was standing in his throne room. He looked very fierce, like a battlemage of old legends. He wore Cidellian armor, and he held in one hand a white staff. His other hand held the living sword, Firengard. He heard fighting outside, Septim soldiers being slaughtered by foreign enemies. A few minutes later, soldier rushed into the throne room.
"Don't move! Our leader wishes to speak with you!" yelled a soldier.
"Then by all means, bring him in," said Validus.
A minute later, a tall man entered the throne room, his black Imperial cape was carried by four men.
"I am Emperor must be Validus. I wanted the pleasure of killing you myself," said Vrax.
"Well then, I am sorry to disappoint you," said Validus as he turned and quickly threw Firengard at the mirror linking Cidel with Septim City. Firengard knew what to do, it knew not to travel to Cidel, but to destroy the mirror. The blade shattered the mirror that had linked Cidel to Septim City. And with its destruction, a great burst of magical energy was released. Pure white energy erupted from the mirror and disinigrated Vrax and his men, along with Validus and all of Septim City. The white energy washed over Septim City and destroyed everything. Before he threw it, Validus did not worry about the citizens, as they had been evacuated two days before. A few seconds later, all that remained was a smooth crater, and in the center, the living sword Firengard was sticking out from the ground.


"No!" roared Valan as he saw the city begin to glow.
He fortunately turned away in time to avoid permanent blindness as the magical wave destroyed the city. He was still five miles away from the city walls, five miles out of range of the blast. A shockwave flew across the landscape and knocked Valan off his feet, but did not spook Zerisar. The horse was too well trained for that. Valan got up a few seconds later and got on Zerisar. He rode the last ten miles and reached the crater a few hours later. He saw the blade at the center of the crater and got off his horse. With great sorrow building in his heart, he fell to his knees.
"Father...mother..." said Valan.
A single tear travelled down his cheek before he got up, he then grabbed some rope from his saddlebags and tied it to a tree. Using it, he rappeled down the side of the crater and grabbed Firengard, he then noticed another white glow. After climbing over to it, he found that it was Firengard's sheath. He buckled the blade and climbed back up to see Pelagius with one hundred swordsmen, the Herval guards.
"I...I'm sorry about Grandfather," said Pelagius.
"It's alright son, he died well and made sure that our enemy could not strike again. We have that to be thankful for. Septim City is destroyed, and so are many cities in the Septim Empire. So let us rebuild, and remember those that fell in the war," said Valan.


With no army to maintain the Empire, the Septim Empire soon crumbled. Herval was destroyed by raiders, and Valan was forced to evacuate his people. The one hundred guards and one thousand peasants soon formed a new city, New Cidel. New Cidel would from that day forth be the new capital of the Septim Empire.

New Cidel grew quickly, but it was close to the mountains, and could not be used for farming or lumber gathering. Two new cities were founded as a result. Cropsford for farming purposes, and Oakridge for lumber gathering. The reconstruction of the Septim Army was also a priority, and Fort Xarxes, named after the legendary General Antonis Xarxes, was born. Pelagius soon met a woman from an ally of the Septim Empire, Lady Ballana Undrenor. They were perfect for each other, and after three years, they were married.

As the couple kissed on the podium, Valan smiled. He knew that one day, the same would happen for his daughter, and he was ready. Attending the ceremony were several allies of the Septim Empire, including King Cedric Deallus, a wise old man called Scientist, and a strange being named Shezmu. After the ceremony, Pelagius and Ballana Septim approached Valan together, and Valan smiled proudly.
"May your marriage be happy and endless," said Valan.
"We're so proud of you, son," said Xalana.
"Thank you," said Pelagius.
The party carried on long into the night, and eventually, the moon rose to the center of the dark sky, and the party ended.


The next day, Valan called Pelagius to his office, as he rarely spent time in his throne room.
"Hello father," said Pelagius, "Why have you called me here?"
"Take a seat, son," said Valan.
Pelagius did as he was told, and Valan looked up from the letter he was writing.
"This is going to Regent Vedem Phen of Herval. I believe it is time for the Crown Prince to rule his own city, wouldn't you say?" asked Valan.
"Really?" asked Pelagius.
"Of course, my father did the same for me when I got married to your mother," said Valan.
"Thank you, father!" said Pelagius.
"You're welcome, I hope you know how to rule," said Valan with a smile.


One year after Pelagius's marriage to Ballana, she gave birth to a healthy baby boy, and they named him Validus, the third Septim to have that name. Ten months after that, she gave birth to another boy, whom they named Anochus. She proceeded to give birth to five more Septims, only one of which being stillborn. Their children were, in order of oldest to youngest: Validus III, Anochus, Alessia III, Cephorus V, Bertilius III, and Xana Septim. Validus became a Knight of the Order of the Dragon, as his grandfather had, and served as their Knight Commander until the Septim Empire would require him for the post of Emperor. Anochus and Alessia were gifted in the arcane arts, and went on to reconstruct and reopen Hasildor Magic Academy, which hadn't been remembered for centuries. Cephorus V went on to become a General of the Septim Empire, he died in battle with honor and courage. Bertilius became a scholar, and wrote the book "A History of the Septim Empire", which was seperated into six volumes due to their length. Xana, the youngest child, married Duke Vask Rell and became Duchess Xana Rell.


Three years after Pelagius's marriage, Oressia also got married to a General of the Septim Empire, Gaius Arkon. Valan approved of the marriage, and they raised three healthy children, Erar, Nemun, and Vena. Erar went on to become a Cidellian Military Officer like his father while Nemun went on to become a priest. Vena became the Duchess of Kallon.


"You have the report?" asked Valan.
"Of course, sire. The Dark cities of Finnstarland and Gteborg were taken. Finnstarland was taken by the First Army, while Gteborg was taken by a coalition of the First and Third armies," said the steward.
"Good," said Valan, "Keep me informed..."
"Yes, your majesty," said the steward.


Over the years, Valan's body grew older, and even though his mind was sharp, he felt the end coming quickly upon him. Upon celebrating his 71st birthday, he decided that he would coronate his son and enjoy the rest of his life as an advisor. Pelagius Septim VII, son of Valan Septim and direct descendant of Tiber Septim, became the Emperor of the Septim Empire. As such, he received the only symbol of office: Firengard. This ends the story of Valan Septim's rule.

Valan is widely believed to be one of the greatest rulers in the Septim Empire's history, behind only Tiber Septim and on par with many of the greatest Septim Emperors. His thirty one year reign is known as one of the golden ages, and as such, he is now remembered as Emperor Valan the Great.

Prince Pelagius Septim VII

Lived in Era 38 and got 1 heir(s) (Validus Septim III).

Pelagius Septim VII the son of Valan Septim I and Xalana Marus. He also had a sister named Oressia. Pelagius's wife was Lady Ballana Undrenor and several children: Validus III, Anochus, Alessia III, Cephorus V, Bertilius III, and Xana Septim. Xana, Bertilius, and Cephorus had no children, and instead spent their days learning and exploring new lands. They established trade routes with the distant continents of Cidel and Ersos and Bertilius became Pelagius's greatest student. Validus married Lady Vallena Hargrave of Lonovo and they had two children together, Pelagius VIII and Validus IV. Alessia and Anochus both departed to the lost continent of Plathora and were never heard from again.

Pelagius VII was a student of his grandfather, Validus II, and learned much from him before his death. He also served as the grandmaster of the Venefician Order, and helped reform it to more acceptable standards. Finally, he was excellent with a staff, and spent much of his youth discovering spells that had long been forgotten. He followed his father's example, and continued to increase the Septim Empire's power and influence. Eventually, however, his end drew near, and he coronated his firstborn son, making him Emperor Validus III of the Septim Empire. Grandmaster Pelagius Septim VII of the Venefician Order spent the rest of his days instructing his students in the arcane arts and died peacefully in his sleep.

Prince Validus Septim III

Lived in Era 39, got 1 heir(s) (Pelagius Septim VIII) and was a member of Templar Crusaders

Validus Septim III, son of Pelagius Septim VII, was a decent ruler at best. Under his rule, the Septim Empire lost quite a bit of power that had been gained by Pelagius VII and Valan I. However, he redeemed himself in the military victory at Arnaeth, losing his life in the process. His son, Pelagius VIII, became the Emperor.

Prince Pelagius Septim VIII

Lived in Era 40 and got 1 heir(s) (Gaius Septimus Cidellus).

Pelagius Septim VIII was the worst ruler the Septim Dynasty had ever produced, leading to the downfall of the Septim Dynasty and the rise of the Septim-Cidellian Dynasty of the Septim Empire.

His son, also heir to the legendary, and finally deceased, Tiber Septim Cidellus in Cidel, became known as Gaius Manius Septimus Cidellus, first ruler of the Septim-Cidellian Dynasty and ruler of both Cidel and the Septim Empire.

Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus

Lived in Era 47 and got 1 heir(s) (Alexius Septimus Cidellus).

Gaius Manius Septim was born to the worst Emperor in the history of the Septim Empire, Emperor Pelagius VIII. His mother, Carania, died in childbirth, and his father had little time for him. The closest thing to a father Gaius had was his teacher, the great mage-scholar Furinus. He had one wife named Morgana, and six children, including the future Emperor Alexius I.


The fourteen year-old Crown Prince, Gaius Manius Septim, walked through the Septol Palace, he was like his many ancestors, he had brown hair, green eyes, and it was predicted that by adulthood he would be 5'11" like his many ancestors. His father, the half-mad Pelagius VIII Septim, was currently meeting with a foreign ambassador, and was probably embarassing himself as always. He had little love for his father, for he would be remembered as the man who brought ruin and disorder to the once great Septim Empire. Gaius's mentor, Furinus, was like a father, and to Gaius, he was his father. Gaius walked into the Septol Palace library, and saw Furinus standing at the desk, his blue robes hanging to the floor and his wooden staff resting against the wall.
"Greetings Master Gaius," said Furinus, not taking his eyes from the book he was currently devouring.
"Hello Furinus," said Gaius as he took off his uncomfortable white Royal robe, leaving him in a white tunic with a gold trim and a pair of white slacks. He didn't know why his family was obsessed with the color white, maybe for some sort of misguided sense of symbolism. He had been to Cidel, which was ruled by his great and immortal ancestor Tiberius I Cidellus, also known as Tiber Septim. It was a city of marble and gold, and Gaius always admired the way Tiber had administrated it. For nearly three hundred years, there had been peace in Cidel. It was largely due to Tiber's diplomacy, but the rest was due to his military skill. Nobody wanted to challenge a legendary commander over border disputes, and nobody dared form a coalition. However, Tiber was getting old. Gaius didn't really know how old Tiber was, and neither did Tiber. Nobody really kept track, but it was estimated that he was close to a thousand years old. He had the blood of a God, but that could only go so far.


Gaius Septim was twenty-two when he heard that Tiberius Cidellus had fallen ill, and twenty-four when Tiberius Cidellus sucumbed to his illness. The greatest leader the world had ever known was dead. Usually, the bodies of Emperors would be burned, but Tiber was an exception. His body was preserved and put in a sarcophagus. Thousands of years from then, the body would still be seen by the ancestors of those living at the time. The body would look the same as the day Tiber died. A month before Tiber died, however, Pelagius VIII died as well. He drank a bottle of poison, according to the official report, but Gaius had suspicions that his own guards forced him to do so.

The Coronation had not taken place yet when Tiber died, and according to Cidellian Imperial Law, Gaius Septim was his heir. The Septimic Imperium that had began under the great Tiber I Septim would now be united with the Cidellian Empire. There would be problems, many problems, and the chief of which would be the distance between the two domains. Neither nation boasted a significant navy, and both were seperated by a large body of water that many liked to call the "Ocean".

Another problem would be the massive administrative mess that was the Septim Empire, or Principality of Septimia. It was recognized in the Cidellian Empire as a Principality, and not an Empire due to its vassal status and its unauthorized and unrecognized establishment by Tiber Septim, however, it was recognized as an Empire or a Kingdom on its home continent.

The administrative mess came from the destruction of its trade, the massive decentralization as a result of weak monarchs, and the widespread poverty of the Septimic citizens. The Cidellian Empire, on the other hand, was a shining gem of a nation, having been masterfully ruled by the wise hand of Tiberius for the last several centuries. Gaius needed to make a decision, would he risk the Cidellian Empire's security by attempting to save the now small and insignificant Septim Empire, or would he move his court to the land of his ancestors and leave the Septim Empire to burn? The logical choice was open for him, and all he had to do was take it.


Emperor Gaius IV Septimus-Cidellus, Emperor of Cidel, Prince of Septimia marched into the Golden Palace flanked by the Tiberian Guard that had been formed, along with most aspects of the Cidellian Empire, by the great Tiberius I. The Septim Empire had been trusted to Furinus, but Gaius did not expect much. The Cidellian Empire had several countries ready to pounce after Tiberius's death, and the security of the Empire would require Gaius's full attention.


Gaius's life was marked, unfortunately, by a constant stream of wars with neighboring kingdoms, tribes, and empires. The Septim Empire fell within the first twenty years of his reign, and Furinus had been forced to flee to his pupil's court by one of many barbarian kings. Gaius died at the age of eighty-three, leaving six children and a somewhat secure Cidellian Empire.
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