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Mr. Nighthaven

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Nimilia Nighthaven) and was a member of Knight Templars

Nighthaven, a Legendspinner of sorts so they say, but what is a Legendspinner youŽd ask ?
Legendspinners are but frictions of a stream of chaos, neither good nor evil, yet interested in all that is live for a Legendspinners only desire is to entertain and entertain himself, for that they will do good or evil, tell truth and Lie, just like a bard, for thats how they earned their names.

Ms. Nimilia Nighthaven

Lived in Era 22 and got 1 heir(s) (Talparo).

Not alot Is known of Nimilia Nighthaven as her reign was one of the shortesd in Mantrax.
She did attemp to Settle down with a fellowship of elven, however With the domination and Onslaught caused by teh Kingdom of Fear she decieded to turn her eyes from Mantrax and Head for more prosperouse Lands.
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