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Sir Xiax

Lived in Era 14, got 1 heir(s) (Xiax) and was a member of Demons Palm

Mr Xiax, Legend among men, made immortal for his numerous accomplishments in the Era of the Jeker, among them is the feat of starting several colonies, and amassing an army of more than 1000 men! He will live on in our memories just as his son Sir Xiax lives on today. Defender of his kingdom, bearing the brunt of the Mirrir and Serenity invasion forces, he persevered in the face of impossbile obstacles. Truly a legend.

Viceroy Xiax

Lived in Era 15, got 1 heir(s) (Xiax) and was a member of Demons Palm

Growing up in the dark alley ways of the magestic city Moonland Keep has given Xiax a look on life few others share. When every move can be your last, you don't exactly go anywhere fast. From his experience on the dark seedy streets, the lord of the land thought Xiax a perfect person to be his advisor... He lived to regret that decision, or you could say he died to regret that decision. After the mysterious death of their Lord, the people of Moonland Keep were leaderless and afraid. It was during that time of confusion, Xiax was able to seize the power of the Lord's proclaiming himself the new Lord. The people, desperate for a strong leader and afraid of the killer on the loose, accepted Xiax without question as their new Lord. And thus began the iron fisted rule of Xiax, the people's Lord.

Sir Xiax

Lived in Era 18, got 1 heir(s) (Xiax) and was a member of Peacekeepers

And so as the era began, Xiax, a humble peasant soon rose to the rank of knight in the glorious kingdom of the Peacekeepers. Thrice he slayed nubs from the Nub Table invading the Territory of the Glorious PKS, killing all who dared venture into his territory. Holding back waves upon waves of enemies from Holy and Zeon, Xiax made a bold move and retreated deep into enemy territory, losing the towns he spent his life building but gaining new and even better ones along the way. His armies were unstoppable and the entire area of enemy towns lied helpless and ripe of his taking. Xiax took over all the towns he could, pillaging and killing harmless and innocent peasants along the way, turning millions into slaves and selling them off on the market to fund his crazed dream for total domination. As he got deeper and deeper into enemy territory though, the resistance got fiercer, small bands of nubs (zeon) started banding together to drive him off, but their puny armies were no match for the glorious ever-victorious armies of Xiax. After taking several more towns, including a few very lucrative ones, Xiax was hit by mage resistance so fierce he feared he may not be able to advance further, and with no reinforcements on the way, he was forced to endure the barrage.

Sir Xiax

Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Xiax) and was a member of THE EVIL SIDE


Sir Xiax

Lived in Era 20 and got 1 heir(s) (Xiax).


Sir Xiax

Lived in Era 21, got 1 heir(s) (Xiax) and was a member of Powerful Kingdom Survive


Sir Xiax

Lived in Era 21 and got 1 heir(s) (Xiax).

Xiax, the very name inspires terror and awe, mixed together in some great soup of awerrorness. Xiax, the one who ruled all of Midd... Visual Utopia, Spanning from across mountain tops, his glorious cities made entirely of gold stood shining as the pinnacle of power and glory. He had so much gold in fact that everything is his cities is made of gold, the houses, furniture, even the food. Although this gave terrible constipation to the villagers, their love and respect for their great leader Xiax far outweighed their pain. It was during this era, Xiax a member of PKS decided to rule the world with his pure awesomeness. In a single month, he amassed an army of over 1000!! Hobgoblins, sending his enemies running to their mommies who Xiax have already had intercourse with, well he had intercourse with most mothers, since thats how they became mothers. That's right, I even had intercourse with your mother, because their was no other way for her to get a child since no other man is manly enough to get a woman pregnant and satisfy her. Yeah... your mother was pretty good, though she was too needy so I dumped her. You suck, I'm not talking to you anymore.

Sir Xiax

Lived in Era 20, got 1 heir(s) (Father) and was a member of Antagonizing Donkeys


Sir Father

Lived in Era 22, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Peacekeeper

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