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Mr. Livity

Lived in Era 22 and got 1 heir(s) (Livity).

Chapter 1

Its been a long time since i left Zion, i have travlled to the outer reaches of the seas and have seen wonders that would make even the mightest of men fell week in thir pressence. I have returned with a battle hardened army who fear no man but the Gods.

we returned to a land in ruin and my farther, no where to be found! My people are few and scarterd and their spirits weak. the time has come to give the lost peopl of zion, hope. It is time to gather my people so that we shall rise above where we should be and to find my farther.

We have left our home and travell to new lands where minrals and resources are rich, there we shall rebuild zion a new zion where we shall regain our strenght and our numbers.

In the mean time i will lead my troops and my people, i have dispatched 5 of my ellites to findout just what had happned to my farther, our home and who would be the one to feal my rath for the deeds done.

Cahpter 2

after many days of travling and fending of attacks from wild beasts, goblins and man alike we laid eyes on our reward , a land untouched by the hands of mortal man.

alwys sharp my troopshad already set up a make shit HQ and were establishing means of deffending from attack. those of my people with craft skill went to wrok garthing resources on order to make esential equipment needed. i took thoes who were left and together we, my people and i started to build the castle that would ensure our survival.

three days have past i have had no word of my troops and am begging to wonder whether i shuold have lead the mission my self. still i rest assured knowing surely that i would get word of, if not from my men.

The rise of our empire is slow but forth coming. The people are not worried about our saftey for they have faith in their leader, me! and for that i will not let them down. our resource gathering is going well. though our income is mot what it should be, i have told my people to set priority on the building of our mines.

i sense that my army will not be enough to fend off attacks from the other kingdoms. i dear not tell my people for the fear that they might lose hope. I shall start recruiting more wariors while traning my existing ones. i have confidense that in case of an attack they will give there all, dispite the odds of the battle.

i have goten word from my men after 2 weeks their reason for such a long mission was good enough. they returned with word from the near by kingdoms for they wish to join with me, or should i say they wish me to join them. i shall think of their offer and i told my men to infom them of this, though the matter at hand is the where abouts of my farther. My troops said that no ones knows exactly what happned and alot of the stories are to wild to be true

Mr. Livity

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Livity) and was a member of People Of Utopia

My name is Livity Son of Livity. I know not of my farther for my mother fled the city during the war before i was born. She said that my farther was a mighty and just King.She went on to tell me that he was hated by many man and beast alike. He would not join there kingdoms and for that they waged war on him. She said that he was a good man and hes name meant life so she named me after him, for in his death there was life me and i will avenge my farthers death and continue the quest he started, the search for his farther my grandfarther....I shall do my best to finnish what my farther started.

I am now ruler of the city of Life, it was founded by my mother and proves to me how much respect she commands being the wife of Livity my farther. she has begun to teach me what i need to know about being a ruler for her time will soon pass and mine shall come and i shall guide my people in the right path....and those who challange me shall not be threatned but welcomed. If they choose not to join me i shall deffend my self against them.

Mr. Livity

Lived in Era 22 and got 0 heir(s) .

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