Family History

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Mr. Horus

Lived in Era 41, got 1 heir(s) (Horus II) and was a member of Royal order of Claidmore

Banished for eras by his own will, Horus's anger grew exponentially as he watch battles from the sidelines. He previously was a proud warrior. In his off time he lived as a farmer and gained recognition in his region as a hearty worker that rarely needed sleep. He had deserted his previous kingdom, Royal Order of Claidmore to study and felt the need now, to return. He sought out his old companions and found them. Regrouping themselves, Latha was sought as an early target. It was conquered easily and Horus's legion of troll were recognized on the battlefield as on of the most feared.

Mr. Horus II

Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Horus III) and was a member of Royal order of Claidmore

An early war with Rebirth sidetracked Horus's plans this era and he was forced to Armageddon. He faced immediate resistance from Domination and ...

Mr. Horus III

Lived in Era 43, got 1 heir(s) (Horus IV) and was a member of Brotherhood of the Wolf

... ROC joined forces with BOW to fight Domination. Horus was frustrated when the two KDs merged and he now longer fought under a ROC banner. Slightly disappointed he fought on, making homestead in Nirvana and Fantasia while exploring Starta and Midgard.

Domination neared defeat and a new front was created, this time against Fight Club

Mr. Horus IV

Lived in Era 44, got 1 heir(s) (Horus V) and was a member of Black Flag

Horus III was regarded as one of the 100 strongest rulers of his era. This did not satisfy him so he sent his only son, the forth in the heriditary line, to become more powerful under the watchful eye of Hamish in Black Flag. Horus IV is seen as a prodigy. His mother, a former whore turned wizard from the world of Midgard bestowed not only wisdom and beauty upon her only son, but a curse of magical intuition. Horus IV's intution allows him to speak many languages and read the thoughts of his enemy. Horus IV engaged in espionage where he obtained secret information from God warning the citizens of many realms that the end would be near if Horus IV was not resurected as the King's successor. Horus IV then took a bride Kristenious so he could hide among the citizens of Valhalla where he waits for the arch angel to come to him giving him the sign to begin his what will be posthumus walk upon this land and to walk as a unified soldier within the kingdom of Valhalla. Hail Valhalla.

Mr. Horus V

Lived in Era 45, got 1 heir(s) (Horus The Loser) and was a member of Black Flag

Music and MAD pushed Horus from Valhalla. Then LDK pushed Horus from Armageddon to Talents. From Talents He launched an attack on an undefended MAD on Valhalla. He claimed over 20 cities the previous era.

His son, Horus V, set forth on Armageddon to begin the era of Bluelight. Hamish and Horus once again tried a small kingdom against the likes of kingdoms 10 times or more, their size. They failed, once again and were pushed from Armageddon.

They set forth to Fantasia, hearing rumors that if that world could be conquered the respect gained would be immense.

Sir Horus The Loser

Lived in Era 45, got 1 heir(s) (Horus VI) and was a member of Black Flag

Horus V died valiantly on the battlefield, but his only son escaped and ran. Having a strong warlike family, and then acting like a coward an running meant that young Horus would be branded a deserter, a loser.

Sir Horus VI

Lived in Era 46, got 1 heir(s) (Panic The Forgotton) and was a member of Black Flag

Horus VI knew how to regain respect. He returned to his roots and joined ROC to get on the fiercest of battlefields: Fantasia. He felt bad about leaving the kingdom of Black Flag, but he had promises to keep. FEAR was the first target, and a big one at that!

As the battle with FEAR was waged, History Matters and Fate entered the scuffle. Fantasia truly was home to massive wars. Horus's land was organic and fragmented as he settled where he could, but never allowed himself to drop out of the discussion.

The war ultimately did not end well. In his last days, Horus commanded his archers to fire until they emtied the last quiver. Fate and Fear were too much to take. Horus was one of the last generals in his kingdom to demise.

Sir Panic The Forgotton

Lived in Era 46, got 1 heir(s) (Horus VII) and was a member of Royal order of Claidmore


Sir Horus VII

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Horus VIII) and was a member of Black Flag

The wife and son of Horus VI escaped to Armageddon following the fall of the Royal Order on Fantasia. The son, Horus VII, vowed to restore his father's name and contacted Hamish immediately. Horus took the throne of Black Flag and recruited a talented team of ten.

The first target was Music. Though Music was larger they had always appeared a healthy target. Then, Fear attacked Music. Rather than make new plans and travel great distances for a foe, Horus commanded that Black Flag march on Music anyway. Being opportunistic was not one of his father's strong points, so he figured he give it a try.

Sir Horus VIII

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Horus IX) and was a member of Black Flag


Sir Horus IX

Lived in age 2 of Mantrax, got 1 heir(s) (Horus X) and was a member of Black Flag


Sir Horus X

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Horus XI) and was a member of Black Flag


Sir Horus XI

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Horus XII) and was a member of Black Flag


Sir Horus XII

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Horus XIII) and was a member of Black Flag

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