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Sir Fantastic

Lived in Era 12, got 1 heir(s) (Hayabusa) and was a member of Defender of the Unholy Noble Empire

The days were numbered as Hayabusa and his Queen looked upon the horizon as Armageddon occured. The world was up but they took with them the 50 most noble men and set off on a journey to the land of Fantasia as the set up their old kingdom. The Days went on in numbers as Hayabusa watched his kingdom grow again to what it once was and he looked upon the horizon and noticed how the dark lords were coming to try and reclaim land that was once theirs. Hayabusa fought the Dark Lords well but they were too much for Hayabusa and he fell in battle but his body was never found. Fantastic took over his fathers kingdom and aimed to restore peace to the world.
Fantastic joined forces with the kingdom of Heaven and set off on a mission to reunite the whold world as one and to be part of a grat society which would be remembered in days to come.
Day by day Fantastic strolled the Halls of Heavens great kingdom as he watched his king rule over the mighty kingdom with great wisdom and Authority. Fantastic and his new wife Ruby had many towns to there names and the biggest was The Black Pearl, symbolising the gift that Fantastic gave Ruby on their wedding day. Ruby was a very talented magician and could turn anything she wanted into gold. They grew very close together and nothing could seperate them but Anglimedias, Fantastics brother in law grew angry at their happiness, he himself having nothing because of his anger.
He approached Fantastic and challenged him to a duel "you got everything, the towns you have should have been mine, Ruby should be my wife and you should be dead".
Fantastic looked on with shock as he said "what have you become, you hide yourself in darkness and try and take what rightfully belongs to me and my Family"
"Not for long you stupid fool, prepare to die" Anglimedias drew his sword as Ruby came round the corner and saw the fight, Anglimedias decided to kill Ruby first so he lunged his sword at her but Fantastic saw this and dived in front of Ruby as the sword went through his body.
Anglimedias laughed "you stupid fool, you honestly thought that i was going for her, now she is mine as is everything you once had". Ruby looked on is horror when suddenly a man came out, it was Hayabusa revived from the dead "Anglimedias you have failed me and its time for you to leave". Hayabusa banished Anglimedias to a land all on his own where there was nothing but a little house and some food. Hayabusa came to Fantastic and healed his son and said "you have done a great job, you are heroic just like me, i wish you and Ruby well". Hayabusa dissappeared into the mist as Fantastic stood up and said "lets rule this kingdom well and make sure everyone lives in peace with no wars, long live Hayabusa".

All was well till a mage from the town of Shango attempted to kill Ruby claiming he was more powerful, lightning bolts struck Ruby down over and over as she grew weak, her good looks were doing to waste when suddenly the strength returned as she thought of everything and saw her future, she sent a powerful wave of energy as she knocked the evil mage on the ground, dead.
Her husband some came the where saw lay, weakened by the blasts, he made sure that she got better and he stayed by her side right through her recovery, Ruby realised during that time that she was lucky to have Fantastic as a husband and everyone else knew she was as well :P
Days went by as the Dark Lords from the North attempted to take lands off everyone they could as Fantastic looked on from his throne, he summoned his most loyal Generals and told them to prepare themselves because he didnt know what the Dark lords would try and do.
The days grew on as Fantastic knew his time was up, he sent his child and his young maid to a land far far away to save them from this horrible spell known as ARMAGEDDON

Fantastic was known as a peaceful ruler but if you crossed him then he could wipe you out completly with ease.

Sir Hayabusa

Lived in Era 12, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Defender of the Unholy Noble Empire

Fantastic looked on as the world was about to be destroyed but in the distance he saw a bright light calling him, the light grew nearer and nearer as the peasants thought the world would end. He remembered his father mentioned this light, it was the light that made him immortal and turned him into Hayabusa the fifth. He smiled, looked upon all of his kingdom and the mysteriously vanished along with Ruby.
Hayabusa as he was now known landed on a mysterious world, he joined forces with the Dune kingdom in a quest to take what was rightfully DUNE territory. He saw a village in this distance, he saw it was burning and along with Ruby when over to it, he saw innocent halflings being slaughtered by the orcs, he drew his sword and charged at them, a bright light shone as the orcs were blinded by the light. Each of the orcs were killed and Hayabusa was named ruler of this small empire, he knew he could make it the most powerful in the world and so he set off on his new adventure along with Ruby and only time will tell if he succeeds.

The Start of Hayabusa's Career started in the Era Of Jeroen where after a bugged era he managed to grab a respected 7th place. He was taught by Drunk, one of the greatest players of all time and in his second era Hayabusa then went higher in E L and became Viceroy and changed many tactics for the next era. Hayabusa then went on for the 2nd time to get a top ten with Dwarf in his new kingdom of NED. Next era Hayabusa fought Rambo for a while and learnt alot from it and managed a 33rd position but had impressed. He then joined OWN and came 20th. 2 Eras later he returned and joined the mighty kingdom of H, he got 10th and fought alongside Goek and togglo again, two great friends of his.

In real life Hayabusa is known as Ryan and he has girls swarming around him literally but prefers to stay with his girlfriend of 3 years Ruby.
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