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Mr. Drakol

Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Drakelion) and was a member of The Falcons

Episode One
The Rising
Trained with greater strenght than a Nazgul he rised in rank. His tribe was small near the end of Era 18, he was selected as a general for Kepebbo Ingietum, made sole for destruction of Kepebbo. After thier victory he was chosen by the king near his death by a wound. So Drakol became king and learned to use his strenght better.

Suddenly the tribe became bigger. A kingdom was born! Drakol moved his camp to a new area. It was not barren, like his old lands.. But this land was infested by enemies. If he was to survive, he needs to find allies.

The camp starts moving west after battle. With the supplies needed and find unsettled land near a montain, which they dubbed Lakrovar. Which means Big Mountain. He settled near the mountain for easy food and and gold.

Drakol announces that Lakrovar is the Capital. He adresses the wishes he hopes to fulfill and set out to building. With the confidence from the battle of Kepebbo the built. Built thier kingdom and thier hopes! Its time the Rising has begun!


The council called Drakol to meeting. Head of the council announced financial problems.
Drako replies, "But since when did we have an interest in money?"
So the Council says "Agreed, but to help your tribe, no, your kingdom."
Drakol replied "I agree, one of the reasons to settle near a mountain. We are still beginning. We need to spend money -" but was cut off.
"But, Sire, we have a food shortage! Our people will desert us and die!" Argued the Council.
"Sir, I have sent a company for food with 350 gold. The food from that should keep us alive till we stabalize!"
"And after.." questioned the Council.
"We will move out, I am currently planning more cities. Our food, military, gold, and lumber problems will be over. We have scientists working."
"Great, but what about our neighbors?"
"We are first in this area. So we will be the strongest here. We will wipe out any other that pose threat. Besides, The nearest citys from hear are months away... "

Rise of Gold

"We are not hungry yet, we still have a chance." said a member of the council.
"The King has ordered... Nearly 300 Farms to be built."
The King walked in.
"I am stabalizing our current food before our farming city and advancement at Cylithia begin.
Days Later....
The crowds started roaring. Thier food stock burst to 30,000. And to make sure this never happens again. A farming city is being mantained.
And the Drakol Army is rising to power. The kingdom is no longer in poverty.
They have risen to 200,000 pieces of gold. This is a day of celebration!


300 Spies were found.
"Drakol commands that you tell you leaders location!" said a soldier.
A spy said "I am the leader of my village. We need this kingdom."
They drew thier swords and a battle occured.
50 "spies" were killed and 20 ran. The other 30 commited suicide.
Only 3 solders were killed and the "Spies" were taken and became slaves...

The End

The kindom was vicously overun in two days. Without the army completely complete the army faltered. Drakol had died in battle and sent his son off with 1000 followers to protect the king for revenge.

Mr. Drakelion

Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Dravos) and was a member of THE EVIL SIDE


15 years of being a nomad and finally they have decided to settle. Near a lake, in honor of thier former fallen capital, it is name Licorrovar. Drakelion is the second heir. The begginer of the Second Legacy.
The kingdom has joined the Invent Empire. Dethanes is soon built. Wiht Invict cornering Dethnaes and his allies... what are they to do.


The battle has begun against INVICT. Drakel initiates his small troops for battle. The legacy of Drakel will meet its end. Will they live, or will they die! His cities are spread apart. The Northeast contains Drakel Outpost. The South includes Last Fate and Forestier. And to the west lies Irigat.


A total of 4. Two more have been added. The king is making plans for the fifth. All is needed know is to biuld his cities and create an army. Time has begun to rise!
Drakel has fled up north. Time will tell thier fate now...


Drakel has been reborned stronger than ever.
Only problem, an army of a 100,000 troops have been reported to be seen..
Drakel has created an army and is starting construction on a new one. But time may be short and may die again. His life has included of running and keep on running.

War Once Again

Battle arises again, and with death lingering near Drakel has sent his small army. One of the only way they can win is byu getting allies.. judgement day is near..


Drakelion dies.. from sickness. His son become corrupt. The Dark Side is near to him. He is EVIL...

Sir Dravos

Lived in Era 20, got 1 heir(s) (Malus) and was a member of Phil Reborn

Dravos Sets out on his journey, as of now. Only one kingdom rules. The Dark Side.. Soon there will be rebellions, and war will be near. Dravos takes his followers and sets out for a journey of many days, to reach.. home.

Dethanes is finally built. The capital. Dravos plans to move further north. Its time to rise again. He plans to allie to Ziex, soon ready for combat. Honor of dwarves!

Irigat and and another city is already being planned. 2 more are needed at least. One as an outpost and another as a mining city. Dravoses empire is small compared to others, but that will soon change. His army is beginning, and soon to station in another allied city.

Dravos has created the most prosperous kingdom of his family. The Dravos Empire with Dethanes as its capital. Its allies are at war, and finally Dravos is moving out..

Finally Dravos has made his strongest kingdom of his family legacy yet. Everybody is wealthy.. food is abundant. Dravos recieves a call for battle and he sets out...

Three danger spots in his world are seen, the EVIL side had control, but the GOOD has risen finally. Overpowering the EVIL the GOOD swoop in from the north and takes out the northern border. The GOOD has finally established a base.

Dravos creates a military camp, 'Midoutpost'. Troops are trained and rienforcments are sent to Qik Point, the center. Qik point was originally an outpost for the EVIL army and to keep the GOOD at bay...

A massive army is seen rampaging through the south-east area. Fortunately, the attack is repelled, but the GOOD have set up a stronghold there. War is constant now.

The north is overtaken, the south-east position looks grim. Although in the center the EVIL are conquering.

In the south-east the EVIL regains a foothold from the rienforcements and recoils staggering the GOOD. But the battle is still undecidable.

The center is overtaken by the GOOD. Midoutpost is attacked. Fortunately, the attacker has some 5000 troops. Midoutpost currently has 10000 located in it. The center is destroyed, Dravos plans to retreat after his army is destroyed.

The GOOD are weeding themselves to the core in three directions. The people sense a massive spell cast. Armageddon it seems like.. Dravos plans to send his son off to protection...

EVIL has lost, now Malus is fleeing towards another world. A more safer one, although, ge shall aid EVIL if the calls are called. He is EVIL till death!

Destroy all GOOD! Rise with EVIL!

Sir Malus

Lived in Era 20, got 1 heir(s) (Malus) and was a member of Phil Reborn

Quickly Malus sets up three cities, Lakrovar, Novus, and Fista. He is quickly planning another city, but compared with his allies, he is still incompetent. With and income of 30k a day.. but the resource is good, even though there is a small stone shortage. Maybe.. Malus, will die, and not survive the horrific battle. He needs only 100k a day, and he will amass a grand army. A grand.. grand army.. right now, nearby Dwarves supplied Malus with Dwarven armor and weapons made specially for Malus and his troops. A gift from 'Dwarf Kin', as the refer to it...

Malus' allies are preparing for battle. And yet, Malus is weak. What happened to his kingdom, his ancestors were able to rise quickly than this.. He is talking with his advisors and will plan an army soon. But right now, the economy is too small still. Meanwhile, Malus trains his soon to be troops, and his small 50 men army. Those men are destined to be officers and scouts.

Malus is preparing an army, as guard for his kingdom. Finally he has the financial resources needed. Right now, he continues to advance on his research on war. And with the help of his newly trained mages, created Magic Swords and Mithril Armour. Malus' uprising is about to begin!

Two more cities are being planned. The scout has found mountain filled with gold near the armory. And Also a lake, which is to be first built in three days. The food production is about to run low, so they are planning to use thier reserves and surpluses 3,000,000 food. The mathmaticians guarantee that that the supply will keep them fed, enough before they have the farm set up and up and running. The size of Malus' kingdom has doubled, so now, he is making a farm to uphold that. For now, Malus plans, every three cities, a farm must be built.

Malus is know rousing two armies to fight. The camp is filled, so it will only provide small armies of around 10000 men. So Malus prepares to build a larger one, one hopefully to accomadate 100,000 men. 'Dreadnaught' with the help of others repelled an army from reaching a base. And is now enroute to 'One Way' or 'Western Blocker'.

The food is running low, Malus bought 100,000 Food to ensure that people don't go hungry. The farms are coming well under way, the population has increased so building projects may take more quickly.

The food is rapidly deteriorating, Malus plans to station his army in an allied city and work on the food. The unexpected 'Call to Arms' spent away money needed on food. For now, Malus plans not to spend money except for food and the construction of Frotson.

'Dreadnaught is now stationed at 'Achre' temporarily. The morale of the army is decreasing, then, he will set out back to 'One Way'. The farm is more under way, but the amount of building able to be built at one time is still small. If Frotson can just get the size of Fista, then the famine will be over.

Famine will be over in a month, the food will be plentiful again. His kingdom will eat plentifully again. The Phil are destroying the Holy.. this war will belong to Phil. Holy is being crushed. For now, his army is stationed, but will move out once famine is over.

Malus wants to send his men in battle, his army has braved three battles. And now he wants them to strike 'Riverside'.. most likely a farm.. it belongs to Holy, so he will take it and use it as a strong hold.

His army is on a magnificent march, a march for victory. Malus and Phil Reborn has defeated Holy. Phil launches an attack on the most powerful city in the world, and start to raid surrounding city.

Long live Phil Reborn!

Sir Malus

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Malus) and was a member of Phi Empire

Malus was sick, he couldn't move his army.. or order a city to be built.. A problem struck the camp. Many died in an inability to make decisions. Once Malus was cured, he quickly ordered to move to a mountain and set up an outpost. By that time, the Phil Empire was already overun by Legacy.

Malus raced to create an army to battle Legacy, and is still doing it now. Even with his small income, he orders for an army to be trained. And it is beggining. He plans to take over a nearby city, he suspects it a mine. Or better, an armory.

Malus was overran, his short life was ended... Malus the II is no longer. He sent his son off, to quickly rebuild..

Sir Malus

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Malus) and was a member of Phi Empire

Malus III stood in KK Iii, he was raised there for a few years.. now he wants to take his few followers and rebuild his kingdom. He wants to be strong like his grandfather, stronger.. Malus loaths his father for being weak. He moves out, looking for a place to live.

Malus is given orders, important orders. Now, Malus is seeming able to have a good growth rate with around a 20K gold income. He thinks to have around 50,000 and a decent army of at least 10,000 Men. Then he could focus on increasing economy to hold 50,000 men. Malus is willing to pump lots of money, more than his grandfathers, into getting a decent army. And this army- it will fight, unlike his grandfathers who's army saw battle just once or twice, and where little skirmishes.

Malus is now beggining to carry out his orders, but on other hand.. he has a problem, and unless it is solved, he will not be able to carry out the order to full extent. His land has very little trees, which are required to build houses. He plans a small camp, a Lumber Camp.. to build... very close to Navidad Palace. His architects begin planning on two cities..

A kingdom known as PeaceKeepers of PKS declared WAR upon us. They immideatly sent massive armies of 100,000 men to attack us, and most of the time we defend in Black Gate. Everytime we stop the army and gain a foothold, Lector comes back making us defend while they retake thier territory. We are at a stalemate, and it sickens me I can't do something significant enough to make them have an edge in this battle. Unfortunatly, I can't train many more troops, my income has sunk low. It has devided by two. Right now, the weight to make it rise lies on the town of Doryiskom's shoulder. They need to become a big city like Navidad Palace, or Idus Lake City, then the Navi Kingdom will barely need a new mine until later. A 100K army would be his limit.. a some of a 200K cost. Well.. until he has a larger income.

His army is much longer than it originally thought it would have been. Malus has rode himself into battle and captured three cities. Now, Legacy has overun Phi Territory, and Phi was slow to react due to the bulk forces up north. Doryiskom was captured, but Malus does plan to take- it- back!
All hail Phi! Glory to the Phi Empire!

Makior is sick, his end may be near. Who nows.. his sickness may subside or not. As of now, it has no signs of clearing up. The sickness baffles the doctors, they don't even know what they are fighting. Strange, isn't it?

Malus has died today. His council remains, but then a mage rushed in and said, "Somebody, has cast Armageddon! We will die within ten days! We can only save a few." The hier of Malus, some soldiers, and the most healthiest and richest people were chosen. Most of them, council members. The Mages prepared a barrier to protect them, it was to be sustained the last day of Armageddon.

The last day, the chosen people rushed to protection, but a riot broke out. Many unchosen people tryed to get in the boundaries of the barrier. A bloodbath ensued killing many, soldiers and peasants. Eventually, while the bloodbath still rages and barrier still stood. Armageddon was cast. Everybody.. except a few, died.
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