Family History

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Mr. Acerf

Lived in Era 44, got 1 heir(s) (Acerf) and was a member of Gladiators

heh just happy to play again :) this game is like a drug and i need another does of it... soo... to recall my past experiences...

. . .

Era 30 Lenard

Played under the name of Bintok, this was the start of my adventures in VU. I started mid-era joined Kingdom hearts, met some friends (Sorra, Kat, ...)

Era 31 Grumpy Old bastard

Played under the name Acerf III, this time together with some friends i created a KD named Swarm and together with Generation we ruled over Starta

Era 32 White Widow

Used the name Bintok again, seeking new adventures i joined a very skilled bunch of people in the KD of Frumentarii. Hehe this was a fun experience through feeding one another KD members reached some new heights. We ruled over Valhalla.

Era 33 Dark Blood

Played under the name Acerf, this era again i switched KDs and joined The Devastators. We tried our luck on Mantrax (moving up a world again). Didnt win mantrax, but learned a few things

Era 34 Bill Thomas Killman

Played under the name Acerf, I got together with some of my friends and played on Valhalla. This was a very important era as with some new friends i met we were about to create a KD that is still around to this day. hehe maybe not help create but i was scouted and invited to join what came to existence in the following era and become known as the KD of Foundation.

Era 35 Grumpy old Star

Played under the name Face, this era i joined the KD Foundation and taking a huge leap i played on Fantasia for the first time. It was a successful run, having very skilled comrades at my side we made a huge mark and name for ourselves as Foundation.

Era 36 Elsin

I came back and used my name Acerf again. Our KD Foundation together with Aurora took control over Fantasia and ruled it!! It was a farm-fest at the end having noone else to fight i was ranked 3rd strongest player on Fantasia that era.

Era 37 Kobuskan

Played as Acerf again. I stayed with Foundation again and fought over Fantasia

Era 38 Messiah

Played as Acerf, in Foundation. This was the Last era i played seriously. Together with Foundation we had a smashing success, again leaving nothing in our path.

. . .

Sir Acerf

Lived in Era 45, got 1 heir(s) (Acerf The Muppet) and was a member of Gladiators

siejeje... halfers :D

Sir Acerf The Muppet

Lived in Era 46 and got 1 heir(s) (Acerf Reborn).


Sir Acerf Reborn

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Acerf The Barbarian) and was a member of Kingdom Hearts


Sir Acerf The Barbarian

Lived in Era 47 and got 1 heir(s) (Acerf The Clown).


Sir Acerf The Clown

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Acerf The Clown) and was a member of Psycho Circus


Sir Acerf The Clown

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X, got 1 heir(s) (Acerf The Clown) and was a member of Psycho Circus


Sir Acerf The Clown

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Acerf The Lama) and was a member of Psycho Circus


Sir Acerf The Lama

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Acerf The Clown) and was a member of Psycho Circus

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