Family History

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Mr. Hbo Original Program

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X, got 1 heir(s) (Larry David) and was a member of Hidden Shadows


Mr. Larry David

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Binhette The Contrabandista) and was a member of Dark Side

#57 Mr. Larry David of Dark Side (Human)
Had 166421 land, 168322 troops and 30 science points. Killed 198191 soldiers, won 3 of 6 battles and captured 2 cities.

Interesting end score for starting so late in the era.

Ms. Binhette The Contrabandista

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Issa Stu Ped Elf) and was a member of Dark Side

The Contrabandista

The plot of the opera is slight indeed, as will be seen from the following sketch:

Inez de Roxas, the young widow of a defunct brigand chief, holds in captivity a forlorn Spanish damsel named Rita. The prisoner's rescue is determined upon by her lover, Count Vasquez. His efforts are for some time foiled, and the persecuted Rita is constantly watched by San Jose and Sancho. The two amiable Iberian thieves are nick-named respectively the Wolf and the Lion. They are deadly enemies, and candidates for the hand of Inez de Roxas. Any one fortunate enough to captivate this dusky Queen of banditti immediately becomes captain of the band. "Such is the law of the Ladrones," and the Wolf and the Lion being equally unsuccessful, compel a tourist photographer, one Mr. Grigg to sue the robber's widow. He is condemned to be married in four days, and is forthwith invested with the "sacred hat" worn by the successive leaders of the Ladrones. The game of cross purposes is still industriously played by the Wolf and the Lion, and they both terrify poor Grigg in the most cruel manner. The Lion at last turns traitor, and leads a party of Spanish soldiers to the rescue of Rita and the photographer, and to the very camp of the Ladrones. Such is the plot, which is elaborated and worked out by the aid of wild absurdities too numerous to recount.

survived the gangbang...
Ms. Binhette The Contrabandista of Dark Side (Orc)
Had 27043 land, 1233 troops and 24 science points. Killed 232654 soldiers, won 43 of 88 battles and captured 31 cities.
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