Family History

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Sir Riashin

Lived in Era 10 and got 1 heir(s) (Riashin).

Appearing as a winged lord from the sky, Riashin quickly gained followers who beleived him to be none other than a god. After many trials and tribulations he built an empire, but was gone before another moon had passed. He left in his place, a son, the half-human Rlaidhael.

The future of the heir to Riashin's throne is yet to be decided.

Sir Riashin

Lived in Era 11, got 1 heir(s) (Riashin) and was a member of Paramount Warring Nobles of Time

Shortly after birth Rlaidhael's caretaker decided to rename the small boy after his father, Riashin. Often teased as a child about his appearnce the half-human found comfort among the hideous trolls. In his teens the scarred boy rose up as a leader among a group of trolls, and after gaining more followers decided to settle a town of his own. From Envar begins the quest of Riashin the second.

He had begun his conquest by taking a couple of enemy cities and building one of his own, but just as he was beginning to grow powerful he was struck into a coma for five days, and when he awoke he found that his empire had dwindled to almost nothing. His last city in ruins, Riashin decided to send his only son far away from this area of the world, to start anew. Thus Riashin III began his life as a leader, determined to build an empire greater than his grandfather, which his own father had failed to do.

Sir Riashin

Lived in Era 11 and got 1 heir(s) (Kaslan).

Riashin III began his empire humbly, away from the trials that his father had faced and determined to build an empire greater than his grandfather had even dreamed of.

Riashin did not stay humble for long however, and began a campaign against a nearby troll leader for fear that he might draw followers away from Riashin himself. After crippling the leader and preparing to finish him off a new threat appeared and drove riashin back into his first town. A heroic effort by his soldiers narrowly saved his small empire, and a new campaign by a friend of his father's turned his enemy's attention elsewhere, allowing him to rebuild awhile in peace.

For now Riashin's territory is drawing friends, but a gathering does not come without enemies. Soon large armies came through, and crippled the allies, but thanks to the invisibility spells, left most of their area intact. Suddenly a great storm of fire and metal swept across the world, killing many rulers, and leaving only the firstborn of each alive.

Sir Kaslan

Lived in Era 12 and got 1 heir(s) (Raidel).

Riashin's son, by the name of Rlaidhael had been born without wings, making him indistinguishable from a human. Riashin, greatly disappointed in this, had sent his son far away to learn magic, and become a great sorceror. Rlaidhael's trainer had only two pupils, himself and the trainer's son. Both excelled greatly in the way of magic, and had begun to master the aspects of shape-shifting, which is what Riashin had truly wanted, so that his son could gain the wings he had been born without.

Rlaidhael and Kaslan, his classmate, had become great friends, but things soon took a tragic turn. In a lesson involving the mastery of fire, Rlaidhael lost control, and burned Kaslan's father to death. Kaslan in a fit of rage turned on Rlaidhael and disintigrated him entirely. After looking back on what he had done, Kaslan knew what Riashin would do if he found out that his son had been murdered, and so did the only thing he could think of. Kaslan took Rlaidhael's form, with the addition of wings, and journeyed back towards Riashin's empire.

Upon his arrival he found only fragments of what Rlaidhael had spoken of, scattered ruins and caves filled to the brim with the survivors of the great storm that had decimated so much. Kaslan united the remnants and pulled away from the carnage wrought by the disaster, into a remote area. Riashin's old servants now followed Kaslan with a blind loyalty, simply beleiving him to be the son of their beloved master. If they only knew the truth....

Taking advantage of these trusting warriors, Kaslan began conquering nearby towns and cities, slowly increasing his territory. Before many moons had passed Kaslan owned all the land on a large plateau between two rivers, expanding from a western bridge to the eastern edge of the realm. Growth does not come without its trials although, and it was not long before Kaslan met his first.

With the added stress of ruling multiple towns, Kaslan liked to take walks in the evenings. Obvioiusly he could not do as himself, and so he had a habit of reverting to his old form at night. In his normal human appearance he was attractive, and had been with many women, none of them knowing his true identity. That was, at least, until he made the mistake of laying with a witch. In the morning he found himself in magical bonds, at the mercy of the witch.

The sorceress glanced his way, "Ah, so I see you've awaken oh great deceptive one. What you have done to the people of this kingdom is unforgiveable."

Kaslan opened his mouth to let her have it, but checked himself, "What I have done is save these mongrels from the terror of anarchy, they would have all died had I not come back."

"The only thing larger than your empire is your ego, and both shall deflate soon. I plan on releasing your secrets to the people of this kingdom, and I have no doubt that they shall desert you."

Kaslan glared at her, "How did you know?"

"I'm a telepath, I read your mind as you slept. And that's right, I can tell what you may want to do before you do it, you have no chance in a battle of sorcery against me."

"Shall we test your beleifs?", said kaslan as a book slowly rose off a table behind the witch. However, as the book flew towards he she simply flicked her hand and the book burst into flames, and the witch was hit by nothing more than ash.

When the witch looked back towards Kaslan's bed however, she saw nothing but the magical bonds she had put into place. Hearing an incantation behind her she whirled around and fired a bolt of ice at the figure in the corner, but the bolt hit nothing but a lingering shadow figure of her enemy, who had utilized one of the many spells in his repetiore to create shadow copies of himself.

As the witch slowly turned, looking for the slightest movement or indication of her enemy, she came face to face with herself. This copy had her hand poised, aim straight at the real witch. The new enemy shouted "Besingir!", and a beam of flame erupted from her hand, taking the witch full in the chest. She was blasted against the wall, and a gaping hole was left in her black robes. This however had only stunned her, and she stood, the gleaming mithril beneath her robes had neatly deflected the flame, without so much as a blemish.

The witch made use of the shock her armor had caused the shape-shifter, and hit him with a powerful telekinetic wave, sending him flying through the wall of her house and out into the street. Kaslan flew through a crowd of people, and was pursued by the witch who, upon realizing that Kaslan had likely shifted once again, darted into a crowd of people.

Kaslan's new shape, the lycanthrope or werewolf, stole from roof to roof, as a bird hunting its prey. When he noticed a woman in black robes and a witch's hat, he leapt into the air, coming down with one of his great clawed paws protruding from her back. Kaslan howled his victory as the witch slid off his claws and fell to the ground, dead.

While still gloating, Kaslan was struck by a boulder, hurtled towards him at great speed. The great wolf was thrown through a window of the local tavern, and the witch followed.

"Tsk tsk, killing the innocent citizens of your own kingdom? Now I'm sure even for you that is a new low."

Kaslan rose slowly to his feet, anger glowing in his eyes. As he glared at the witch with his teeth bared, his back erupted into flame, and a mane of fire encircling his neck. While his own hair remained actually unsinged, the temperature in the tavern rose considerably, but few noticed as everyone had already fled from the terrible battle. The now burning wolf grew two feet taller, and his teeth increased their own length by nearly three inches. Smoke flowed forth from his nostrils as his tail exploded into its own flames, and the claws on both his arms and legs extended further.

The form Kaslan now held was that of the Hellhound, a form he had before attempted but never acheived. Now however, he stood before the strongest enemy he had ever faced, in the full glory of the great Hellhound.

"You think getting a little taller and starting to burn is going to help you? Think again," challenged the witch as she shot a huge geyser of water towards Kaslan out of her raised left hand. The moment that Kaslan was hit by the wave was when he lost control, and the unpredictable Hellhound took over.

Kaslan exploded into a ball of flames, and reformed behind the witch before she knew what had happened. The witch was hit in the small of the back by the great paw of the Hellhound, and slammed against the ground. Without giving her time to recover Kaslan grabbed her around the legs and flung her through the roof of the tavern, now in shambles, and jumped after her. With an outstretched arm, Kaslan impaled the witch on his claws, and with a jolt of flame incinerated her body.

Leaving a small crater as he landed back in the tavern, Kaslan breathed a beam of fire around him, reducing the building to rubble. With the Hellhound still in control the entire town was in danger, and Kaslan was powerless to stop it.

He awoke many hours later, laying in the middle of burnt bodies and smoldering ruins of what was once a great and important town to him and his empire.
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