Family History

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Mr. Xanonymousx

Lived in age 1 of Fantasia and got 1 heir(s) (Anonymous The Lazy).


Mr. Anonymous The Lazy

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Anonymous The Evil) and was a member of Some Guys


Mr. Anonymous The Evil

Lived in age 3 of Zetamania, got 1 heir(s) (Anonymous The Peace Keeper) and was a member of Peacekeepers


Mr. Anonymous The Peace Keeper

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Anonymous The Peace Keeper) and was a member of Peacekeepers

Total: +6,174,365 -568,592 +2,506,443 +538,845
Army Upkeep: -313,419
Building Upkeep: -959,951
Total Income: +4,900,995


[23:57] #: # Mr. Anonymous The Peace Keeper, member of Peacekeepers has won 43 battles (84%) and captured 42 cities. He has 38 cities with a total of around 1,201,000 buildings.

Most Fearsome Rulers

1. Mr. Nehsharb has won 82 battles, captured 80 cities and killed a total of 769534 men and women.
2. Mr. Sgtfartalot has won 38 battles, captured 60 cities and killed a total of 803330 men and women.
3. Mr. Korwynn has won 43 battles, captured 57 cities and killed a total of 927578 men and women.
4. Mr. Hope has won 34 battles, captured 44 cities and killed a total of 217815 men and women.
5. Mr. Anonymous The Peace Keeper has won 43 battles, captured 42 cities and killed a total of 2285767 men and women.
6. Mr. Kastiel has won 25 battles, captured 42 cities and killed a total of 541557 men and women.
7. Sir Horus XII has won 55 battles, captured 37 cities and killed a total of 510070 men and women.
8. Mr. Lackadaisical Grim Darkhammer has won 32 battles, captured 32 cities and killed a total of 440483 men and women.
9. Sir Jondrus Swiper has won 25 battles, captured 32 cities and killed a total of 237620 men and women.
10. Mr. Great Uncle Bulgaria has won 24 battles, captured 23 cities and killed a total of 485466 men and women.

* Only battles fought against armies with more than 5000 OP/DP counts as win/loss.

Mr. Anonymous The Peace Keeper

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Anonymous The Peace Keeper) and was a member of Peacekeepers


Mr. Anonymous The Peace Keeper

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Anonymous The Medieval Warrior) and was a member of Medieval Warriors


Mr. Anonymous The Medieval Warrior

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Anonymous The Celestial Mage) and was a member of Celestial Crystal

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