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Sir Erunion

Lived in Era 13, got 1 heir(s) (Erunion) and was a member of The Fellowship

Is a great Lord. He came from the elves to lead the halflings and intends to RULE THE WORLD!!!! :-) He was a brave adventurer and fought many battles, stopped the orc attack and was the best soldier of the elves.

Sir Erunion

Lived in Era 14, got 1 heir(s) (Telcontar) and was a member of Peacekeepers

My father, Erunion Telcontar the first, was the younger of two brothers, the older, Mac, was a good man, but money corrupts, when our father died, he stole the inheritence, my share and his, fled to the east, set up a kingdom and prepared to destroy my father, when he realized that my fathers city was too well protected to take, he hired corrupt soldiers from the kingdom war to sack my fathers city, and at the same time spread a web of lies about my father. When my father died, at the forefront of the battle I went to have revenge, but found out that Mac had died. I met his son, I desired peace, but he tried to kill me, but we dissolved our differences and signed a peace treaty, and now are allies, we fight for king Rothgar, and we will win!

P.S. Mac the second still believes the lies spread about my father.

Erunion's empire was being built, The Brave and Mighty Peacekeepers were flurishing..... However the rulers of NT looked with envious eyes upon our lands....... They feigned peace.... We members of PKS thought we were secure, safe from all enemys..... But we were wrong.... NT built up their plans, they trained their armys.

Months passed, all was quite, Erunion helped Mac invent the great sport hockey..... But all the time the envious eyes of NT were trained on us, Their king, who unlike many of is kingdomates was wise and honourable, sent us a declaration of war, it was to start soon, but The evil "sir" love and "Lord" Bertrand Deugsclin, with their crony Mearge the Midge, launched early assaults, messages were sent out, troops were trained and sent to the walls as soon as possible, but it was not soon enough.

City after city fell to the semmingly unstoppable onslaught of NT, shocked by the dishonosty of their kingdom mates Sir Donut Forsakeme and Lady Galadriel Linwallen left NT, and joined the peacekeepers in their fight for peace and survival, Rivendell fell, and nargothrond, they were recaptured, they fell again it went on and on and on, the murderer, Pallando the adept, took the camp of Ithilien, he swarmed the gates of udun, he overwhelmed the fortress of barad-dur........ But we are the Keepers of the Peace, we will overthrow the usurpers, we will fight!

Sir Telcontar

Lived in Era 15, got 1 heir(s) (Erunion Telcontar) and was a member of Peacekeepers

It seems an age since I had time to write, for I, Erunion, am the Commander in charge of My nephew, Sir Telcontar's army. There has been much fighting, Telcontar trained an army of riders, we had nothing to send them against, until WAR attacked Sir Jadbalja! This was the perfect way to test our prowess and military might, or so we thought..... There were many battles, we swept through Wars northern lands unchecked, seemingly unstoppable, WAR had but one city left in the area, just one.... We attacked it, we had a good chance of victory, we stormed in, but were repulsed! While our troops recuperated in one of the many towns we captured, WAR launched a sneak attack, blitzing through our territory, cutting off our resources then finnaly crushing our army. This was a savage blow, we were forced to flee south, where the remnents of Jadbalja were. We flourished, in fact we became rich and powerful, but not enough, again WAR hunted us down, again they pushed us back, we fled south, now we are trying to rebuild.....

Sir Erunion Telcontar

Lived in Era 16, got 1 heir(s) (Erunion Telcontar) and was a member of Peacekeepers

I have lived for many years, Not without experiences, Not without fear, not without strength.

I have fought many battles, Against WAR, against NT, against Legacy and against Abydos.

After era's of fighting I landed in the north east, near legacy. We were at peace, but legacy sent us a declaration of war. I fought, taking a city, losing a city, but they were too many, and I was overwhelmed. I fled to Nargothrond to the south.
It was peaceful for a time, my men went north to the Core of the Peacekeepers, I built a Mage Tower and worked long and dilligently improving my prowess as a mage, and that of my men. We soon became a lethel force, destroying 2/3's of enemy armys by raining fire from the sky. But it was not enough. I built an army of archmages but I was overwhelmed. Fleeing south to Nargothrond I found The Treacherous Katsumoto trying to take PKS lands. This could NOT be stomached! I sent my men south and we were winning but The evil Zaragoth decided that we looked like a good target. He swarmed all of us in the area, but, with the will to live, I sent an army of 11000 men south to take Fizban (who was helping Zaragoth) and Zaragoth by surprise. It worked. Zaragoth was nowhere to be seen and Fizban's army was always a step behind mine. Finnaly thouhg, at Southern Charm, Fizban cought up with me. I was preparing for a brutal and bloody battle, when Fizbans men scattered, some stayed and were killed by my men, some joined Viceroy Leo (also of legacy, but who desired peace with PKS) and some dissapeared, becoming peasents in the most unlikely of places.

Sir Erunion Telcontar

Lived in Era 19, got 1 heir(s) (Erunion Telcontar) and was a member of Confederacy of Independent Systems


Sir Erunion Telcontar

Lived in Era 20, got 1 heir(s) (Erunion Telcontar) and was a member of Confederacy of Independent Systems


Sir Erunion Telcontar

Lived in Era 20, got 1 heir(s) (Erunion Telcontar) and was a member of Confederacy of Independent Systems


Sir Erunion Telcontar

Lived in Era 20, got 1 heir(s) (Erunion Telcontar) and was a member of Confederacy of Independent Systems


Sir Erunion Telcontar

Lived in Era 20, got 1 heir(s) (Erunion Telcontar) and was a member of Confederacy of Independent Systems


Lord Erunion Telcontar

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Erunion Telcontar) and was a member of Peacekeeper


Lord Erunion Telcontar

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Erunion Telcontar) and was a member of Peacekeeper


Lord Erunion Telcontar

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Erunion Telcontar) and was a member of Peacekeeper


Lord Erunion Telcontar

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Erunion Telcontar) and was a member of Peacekeeper


Lord Erunion Telcontar

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Erunion Telcontar) and was a member of Peacekeeper

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