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Mr. Gallyon

Lived in Era 19 and got 1 heir(s) (Gallyon).

100.4 FM(FirstMan) 8/23/2006
Radio : a fantastic new show is presented with the 3 Toodles,
Spoon the leader of the 3, Gallyon, and i dunno the 3 one.
u can c this fantastic show, but there are some requirments.


*1* Be Dutch.
*2* Be drunk.
*3* Be crazy.
*4* Be a female.
*5* Don't be gay.

if u want to c the fantastic 3 Toodles, u need to call this number : +310591633036 ( €6,30/m )

The horny lady on the phone will then tell u to fill in a Survey that can be found at this site :

**will be continued**

100.4 FM(FirstMan) 8/24/2006

Radio : ey, we got fantastic news about the fantastic show about the 3 fantastic Toodles.
yesterday i told u to call a number and fill in a survey.
today i'm going to tell u the latest news.

the fantastic show is every Sunday,
if u want to c it with ur own eyes, then u need to call the horny lady again, u know her number.
this time she'll ask u some information.

Tomorrow the first 5 persons that passed the test and may c the show will be anounced, also the place where this show is will be anounced.

that was everything for today.
we are now going to listen to a fantastic song from......called...

«««««« later more »»»»»

100.4 FM(FirstMan) 8/25/2006

Radio : today everybody was hoping to hear the first 5 persons that passed the test, and the place where the show is.
one of the 3 Toodles would come to this studio to tell u that.
but this afternoon we got a mail.

with terrible news, it said that he couldn't come because there were some problems.
i sended a reporter to him to ask what problems there were.

the Toodle said: i've no comment.
and he walked through,
we hope to have some news for u tomorrow.

that was everything for today about the 3 Toodles.

*100.4 FM*
this is today's weather,
in the northern parts of.... it can be rainy, for that we advice u take an umbrella.
in the southern parts of...we expect snowstorms....for.......terrible....*beep*

©® Later More ®©

srry for not updating was busy,
going to change the whole story soon, keep checking

Mr. Gallyon

Lived in Era 20 and got 1 heir(s) (Gallyon).

not in the mood for writing anything usefull here

Mr. Gallyon

Lived in Era 21, got 1 heir(s) (Gallyon) and was a member of Toodliffic


Mr. Gallyon

Lived in Era 21 and got 1 heir(s) (Gallyon).


Mr. Gallyon

Lived in Era 20, got 1 heir(s) (Gallyon) and was a member of The Destroyers

wanna have 50 city's this era
record = 32

Mr. Gallyon

Lived in Era 22 and got 1 heir(s) (Gallyon).


Mr. Gallyon

Lived in Era 22, got 1 heir(s) (Gallyon) and was a member of Spaghetti

Spaghetti, YUM!!

merry X-mas to everyone...
and a happy new year :D

Mr. Gallyon

Lived in Era 23 and got 1 heir(s) (Gallyon).

Maging this Era :D
i am not ghey!!! Sp00nie is wrong...

wanna cast arma...ABLE TO DO THAT!!! :) only need permission
damn somebody was first...i already had 30% on casting it :D

Spaghetti is gonna win this era,
i was kinda era is gonna be mine
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