Family History

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Mr. Argaios

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Perseus).


Mr. Perseus

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Watto) and was a member of Star Wars

We have stolen a mining science from The People of Stro Myown Wookie from Mr. Stro Myown Wookie and his/her people.
The People of Stro Myown Wookie from Mr. Stro Myown Wookie and his/her people have now lost one level in mining science.
The People of Stro Myown Wookie from Mr. Stro Myown Wookie and his/her people have now lost one level in mining science.
All of our Spellweavers survived the spell!

We have stolen a mining science from Pppower, owned by Mr. Principate and his/her people.
Pppower, owned by Mr. Principate and his/her people have now lost one level in magic level.
Pppower, owned by Mr. Principate and his/her people have now lost one level in mining science.
Pppower, owned by Mr. Principate and his/her people have now lost one level in magic level

The Death Star from Mr. Stro Myown Wookie and his/her people have now lost one level in military science.
The Death Star from Mr. Stro Myown Wookie and his/her people have now lost one level in military science.
The Death Star from Mr. Stro Myown Wookie and his/her people have now lost one level in mining science.
All of our Spellweavers survived the spell!

Mr. Watto

Lived in age 14 of Tutorial X, got 1 heir(s) (Watto The Toydarian) and was a member of Star Wars


Mr. Watto The Toydarian

Lived in Era 47 and got 0 heir(s) .

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