Family History

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Mr. Karniforius

Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Bartimaeus XI) and was a member of Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame


Mr. Bartimaeus XI

Lived in Era 42, got 1 heir(s) (Bartimaeus XII) and was a member of Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame


Mr. Bartimaeus XII

Lived in Era 43, got 1 heir(s) (Bartimaeus The Archangel) and was a member of Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame


Mr. Bartimaeus The Archangel

Lived in Era 43, got 1 heir(s) (Bartimaeus The Hybrid) and was a member of Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame


Prince Bartimaeus The Hybrid

Lived in Era 44, got 1 heir(s) (Bartimaeus XIV) and was a member of Fallen Angels

Well Era. 42 and 43 weren't the best, but Once I came to Latha and started the kingdom Last of the Hybrid Wolves I found some great companions that I think can make us a great and competitive kingdom in the era's to come.

Prince Bartimaeus XIV

Lived in Era 44, got 1 heir(s) (Smile Now) and was a member of Fallen Angels

**After the last year of leaving Ravage Regime and his love behind. Bart than goes on to have a great Era on the world Latha by finishing 2nd on the world. On the world Latha Bart founded a kingdom called The Last of the Hybrid Wolves and finds great generals that stand beside him. But the downfall to this kingdom was when Bartimaeus decides to merge with a kingdom Storm Knights and there leader wasn't a true leader and Bart leaves but at this time it was too late all gates to kingdom were closed and now one was allowed in. Here Bart's men leave him and only Bones, Tiger, and an OLD friend Resistance follow him. At the end of that year Bart writes to his love and expects to pick things up where they left off and this is where he has his wake up call. After the long time without communication it turns out his only love in the world has moved on the another.....Wraith was his name. After being turned down on his proposal Bart turns away and goes to his newly founded kingdom Fallen Angels and waits for the next year of war to begin. Here Bart will find his true potential for war and will excel to his peak out of the anger he has for himself of letting his only love slip away. Fallen Angels has now begun its decent into Nirvana..................**

" Well it seems that Fallen Angels is amongst the top kingdom of Nirvana and we are ranked 5th. We have landed near the powerful kingdom Revelation and I have sent a messenger out this morning of possible relations. Day 2 of the year and still no reply from Rev. Dip. Jade. I just hope we have something before its too late. We did sign a CF with Leper Knights today. This should keep us focused on the main threats soon to come."

** As the year begins to settle in and all the lords begin to concentrate on their kingdom future plans and present ones. Bartimaeus seems to be scrambled on what to do with so many possibilities and yet all with their downfall bigger than the greater good outcome. Well as Bart is in his tower studying his possible foes he receives a letter............ A letter he hasn't seen since the before the new year started. He knew it was from......... his lost love. Bart reads the message and too his shock Wraith was gone and Lady still had feelings for him. Bart writes back in a rush and sends out the letter revealing that he always will have feelings for her. This may be the start of a new beginning for Bart but you have to wonder how will this affect his kingdoms future....... He could excel past his peak with a new burning ambition or he could turn in reverse for love. Can he balance what could be Barts new quest along with his kingdoms future...........**

"Day 3 of the new year and today I am faced with some difficult decisions. RVL and GOTF are at war )the top 2 kingdoms of Nirvana), but its 30 - 19 RVL in favor. If RVL defeats GOTF we are the next target with us being on the border. I have sent word to GOTF of a MAP against RVL to hopefully rid them, but was this the right choice idk, but as of right now its what i feel we need to do to make our first step into our domination..................................... Ahhhh its now the closing of the day and so much has happened. Rvl has slaughtered my scouts with out mercy. This shows that there do not tend to be friendly and it only proves my thoughts of us being targets later on and it also seems we may have an enemy to our east and north.....Ugh this is what I hated about leading. Idk whether to tend to the east, south, or north. Pokemon shouldn't be too bad neither should Juicy, but for Rvl all of our efforts will need to be focused on them........ I will have to think about this more... But one good thing has happened I was offered leadership of Crazy with my proposition of a merge if we both agree. Crazy was a great kingdom years back and are on some hard times right now for me to lead them back to the glory days would be much of an honor, but I will have to discuss this with my second. Well other than kingdom business I sent word to my Lady Wicked in Valhalla and she has agreed to marry me! This has truly been the best news since the year has started and hopefully i will get to see her soon and hold her in my arms just as I did so long ago."

**As day three closes it seems Bart is faced with some tough decisions regarding the kingdom. He is also faced with the love of his life accepting his proposal. Though Bart's day's seem to grow longer and longer with the stress he has he now will have the burning passion to want to be with his love in Valhalla. This is where we will truly find out where Bart's ambition will take him. Will he make it through these tough times and bring his kingdom to the top? Can he do it and yet see his love for their marriage? Or will his kingdom fall through all this turmoil that runs through his quarters day in and day out? This truly will test Bart's metal not only has a warlord but as a leader!!!**

"Day 4 - 5 of the new year. These past two days have been very stressful. I get no word back from GOTF on the alliance i offered them either, so now we could worry about both RVL and GOTF depending on the victor. One good thing has happened in these two days, but even this has its down side. I have been offered leadership of the once great kingdom CRAZY but they do have a tarnished rep due to last era. I can't really say i know what happened, but all i know is that my love was involved in it and seems very upset with them. Thats where the down side comes in to play. I accepted the leadership role and merged my kingdom with CRAZY but Lady Wicked wasn't to pleased with my decision, but i know in my heart it was the best thing for the kingdom. But before I joined the kingdom though I did state we need a name change and new banner for the simple fact no one really likes CRAZY anymore due to the past era. I thought this would help the issue with my lady but it seems her issue is with Landry the leader that offered me the leader position. I don't exactly know what happened with him and her but I do know he was accusing fellow RR (ex CRAZY members) members of things that weren't done or said. Well beside the issue with my lady and CRAZY a new one has presented himself at my desk as well. An old friend of mine by the name of Duke Random has declared war on me today. Which of course would involve the kingdom. But by us merging we took in CRAZY'S issues as well, so not only do we have war with Pokemon but now we have to fight another friends kingdom called Juicy. A two front war is not what i had in mind for a reconstruction era but I guess it must be done. Well on the other hand it doesn't look like we will have to deal with RVL later for they have no ill intentions towards us and dont plan to and thats but that can all change, but in besides that its great news......... Well now we are under a new banner to symbolize a new beginning for CRAZY and we are now called -Psychedelic- with a vortex banner, but in search for a new banner I found a beautiful one which I plan to use for next era with my love Lady Wicked. Along with creating this new kingdom with her I also took into consideration of changing my name with her for a name we both shall share and make people fear!"

** Well it truly seems that Bartimaeus has alot of pressure on his shoulders: Fighting a two front war, nothing final from RVL, nothing at all from GOTF, and personal issues with Lady Wicked. This seems almost too much for any man to handle but Bart is handling it. Now the question is will he crumble under all this pressure? Or will he prove to be the man that Wicked sees? Bartimaeus has the ability to balance a 2 front war and resolve his personal life. He has the power to do all of this and bring his kingdom to the top like he so much wants, but we all know the saying "Pressure Breaks Steal Pipes." But will he bust is the ultimate question? Day in and Day out bad news has come across his lands and just when he sees light in the storm a dark cloud seems to cover it back up. Bart seems to think that he has already put one foot into the wrong direction as far as his love life is concerned. He made a decision that sits uncomfortably with his soon to be wife, but he has to ask himself did he think about all the consequences when he made the decision? Than we have to ask ourselves will this continue (him to make decision with out thinking it through fully) causing even more disruption in the relationship. Well the ultimate question we have to wonder is does Bart have enough will power to save his what seems to be disrupted relationship with his only true love and yet get his kingdom out of this hole they are in and excel? Well we shall find out very quickly if he can manage his kingdoms future but for his love life that is to come in time!**

Prince Smile Now

Lived in Era 44, got 1 heir(s) (Bartimaeus The Djinn) and was a member of Killer Klownz


Prince Bartimaeus The Djinn

Lived in Era 45, got 1 heir(s) (Wiley Coyote) and was a member of Killer Klownz


Prince Wiley Coyote

Lived in Era 45, got 1 heir(s) (Wiley Coyote) and was a member of Looney Toons


Prince Wiley Coyote

Lived in Era 46, got 1 heir(s) (Bartimaeus The Fallen Angel) and was a member of Looney Toons


Prince Bartimaeus The Fallen Angel

Lived in Era 46, got 1 heir(s) (Bartimaeus The Fallen Angel) and was a member of Looney Toons


Prince Bartimaeus The Fallen Angel

Lived in Era 46, got 1 heir(s) (Bartimaeus The Fallen Angel) and was a member of Looney Toons


Prince Bartimaeus The Fallen Angel

Lived in Era 46, got 1 heir(s) (Bartimaeus The Djinn) and was a member of The Fallen


Prince Bartimaeus The Djinn

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Bartimaeus The Elderly) and was a member of The Fallen


Prince Bartimaeus The Elderly

Lived in Era 47 and got 1 heir(s) (Bartimaeus The Sleeper).


Prince Bartimaeus The Sleeper

Lived in Era 47 and got 1 heir(s) (Barty).

Ehhh after having a rough last era and taking the last 20 days off. I am back on the world of starta. Let's see where this takes me.........

Prince Barty

Lived in age 2 of Mantrax and got 1 heir(s) (Iodine).


Prince Iodine

Lived in Era 47 and got 1 heir(s) (Bartimaeus The Weary).


Prince Bartimaeus The Weary

Lived in Era 47 and got 1 heir(s) (Nutcracker).


Prince Nutcracker

Lived in Era 47 and got 1 heir(s) (Espion).


Prince Espion

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (The Djinn) and was a member of British Petroleum

Day 1 - I return to a world of change to hope one day find my way once again.

Bartimaeus The Djinn

Lived in age 7 of Armageddon and got 1 heir(s) (The Lazy One).


Bartimaeus The Lazy One

Lived in age 7 of Armageddon, got 1 heir(s) (The Weak) and was a member of Genocide


Bartimaeus The Weak

Lived in age 7 of Armageddon, got 1 heir(s) (The White) and was a member of Genocide


Bartimaeus The White

Lived in Era 47 and got 1 heir(s) (The Kush Smoker).


Bartimaeus The Kush Smoker

Lived in Era 47 and got 1 heir(s) (The Long Lived).


Bartimaeus The Long Lived

Lived in age 13 of Good vs Evil and got 1 heir(s) (The Quiet).


Bartimaeus The Quiet

Lived in age 15 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (The Wise).


Bartimaeus The Wise

Lived in age 15 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (The Djinn).

Back after a year off... and things are different very different. In my first attempt to establish myself I was cut down and forced to relocate. There I farmed up to rank 10 after getting a 3 day late start, but than I let my guard down and was stabbed in the back by what I thought were old friends..... so here i am now steadily growing in what I thought was a safe area until not only do I see the kingdom Froggoville in my sights and now I see approaching Timmiev armies......

Bartimaeus The Djinn

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (The Reborn) and was a member of Genocide


Bartimaeus The Reborn

Lived in age 15 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (The Crack Fiend).

Last era or Age 14 of Valhalla was the second one back after a year off in RL. Brought back Genocide and actually found a good bunch of guys that are loyal. We had literally 75% of the map but faced a few problems in the end; Inactivity, Traitors, and mostly communication issues, but now were back on Valhalla for another go we are a kingdom of 8 but only 5 are really active, so we'll see how things go.

Bartimaeus The Crack Fiend

Lived in age 17 of Tutorial X, got 1 heir(s) (The Mentally Unstable) and was a member of Discpicable


Bartimaeus The Mentally Unstable

Lived in age 17 of Tutorial X, got 1 heir(s) (The Tired) and was a member of Discpicable


Bartimaeus The Tired

Lived in age 17 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (The Cult Leader).


Bartimaeus The Cult Leader

Lived in age 15 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (The Undead).

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