Family History

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Mr. Jarlaxle

Lived in Era 23, got 1 heir(s) (Jarlaxle) and was a member of Men of Bangafus

For the record now Jarlaxle is a forgotten realms character, he is not mine but I do wish to claim him that way *wink, wink*
Well then this story is mine so ya.

Mr. Jarlaxle

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Man) and was a member of Men of Bangafus


Ms. Man

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Dosu Kinuta) and was a member of Men of Bangafus

Ms.Man wasn't born he was...there -_-
His life was always hard but he showed
a high understanding of migica, and soon
became friends with Sansoku and they,
planned out wars, tactics and cooking
recipies as good friends. They both
soon heard the calling of Bangafus, and
along with their over seer, Tunk they
became the first followers of Bangafus.

The traveled for days, and weeks that soon
flowed into months and soon years till they
came across a large crater in the ground where
they discovered the final resting place of their god
Bangafus. This was the spot, the very place where
his massive body erupted in a huge explosion as
he transcended into heaven to join the higher beings.

To date Ms.Man can be found at the Temple of
Bangafus as the temple Migika Lord where thanks
to Sansoku whom soon heard the words of Bangafus
often in his head brought forth an orb he named
'Orb of Combustion' he was soon able to cast spells
using his mind as a focus point for the orb.

Ms.Man discovered something one day he has yet to
tell Sansoku, and that is Sansoku is the reincarnation
of bangafus.

Mr. Dosu Kinuta

Lived in Era 24, got 1 heir(s) (Man) and was a member of Men of Bangafus


Ms. Man

Lived in Era 24 and got 0 heir(s) .

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