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Mr. Whats Yours

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Victim).


Mr. Victim

Lived in age 19 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Vitcim).


Mr. Vitcim

Lived in Era 47 and got 1 heir(s) (Wasting Time).

First era back after a break. I figured id try soloing the noob world of Talents, i was a few days late.

LOL my name was suppose to be Mr Victim

I had the song dont fear the reaper in my head so thats what i named my kingdom. put a pic a small description of the grim reaper.

Orc- dropped Northwest corner- Training Gaia. a solo player tried taking my starting city. I quickly took his 2 cities. Bluenightmare(Guide of Talents) attacked me so i also took his cities. I Napped with Last of the Hybrid wolves(also latestarters). Started training nazzy with plunder.

Dustan and Opium of Sanitorium attacked my core, their combined power was more then i could handle, i grouped up my 2400 nazzy and some mus and headed south leaving my cities and their larger slower armies behind. i reached Ozy of Sanitoriums city his defenses were too strong. i waited around a day drawing their armies north from their core, i then swarmed their core with 24 armies of 99 nazzy i plundered and burned half to the ground, took a few and retreated to a city in the outskirts. Sanit proceeded to try and attack Guide of Talents, leaving their core empty. i returned with my swarm and took the entire core.

Aquafix(Guide of Talents) attacked some of my swarm who were looking for remaining Sanit. Once Sanit was done i aimed for Guide of Talents. quickly took out Mr. Guide of Talents and Hybrid took the rest of them. Mr Monds of Guide of Talents jumped ship and joined Hybrid.

With noone left to fight i asked hybrid if they wanted to fight it out they agreed. them being 10(9 because their elf was trying for Arma) and me being 1 they assumed they would win, but in all my battles previous, i had minimal losses and had accumulated 20k nazzy. i brought the bulk of them to monds front door and kicked it in wiping out most of his troops, little did i know he had a massive amount of mus in his core, 3 ticks from reaching his city he RoFed 10K of my Nazzy, at this point im worried. i have mus stationed all over the map but no mts, and all my nazzy are in what was Monds core. Hybrid sends out large armies in all directions to my main core areas. To my delight all their armies have 0 mus. so army after army attempts to take my city, as it preps i rof like crazy and whack it with small armies of nazzy.

so after a few days i train up nazzy in each core and start to squeeze hybrid. after all is said and done, i take the entire map except for Gothmoggle and bonkers a solo player with 50% protection. only losing 4 cities to hybrid during the war.

Thought i needed a warm up in lower world but i shouldnt have wasted my time. even experienced players play like noobs on noob worlds.

Mr. Wasting Time

Lived in age 21 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Wasting Time).


Mr. Wasting Time

Lived in age 23 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Tuukka Rask).

wasting time in noob worlds, practicing a new starting method. looks like it works good. might have figured out how bihn gets such high numbers spamming gaia.

Mr. Tuukka Rask

Lived in age 22 of Tutorial X, got 1 heir(s) (Sofa Awesome) and was a member of Poodles From Hell

asked a few people if they wanted to practice spamming on mantrax.

I dropped 2 days, got a bad drop no where near mountains so i dropped city and raced for a mountain, didnt build many mines but still managed to save a good amount for spamming. came oop with 42K gaia. i made my first move to the southern RoC city which was a mistake, i ended up taking it but the northern one would have been better, would have taken faster and been closer to more cities. as well as being in front of my spam city.
Slavik also had a hand in slowing me down as he took my second city preventing me from saving enough for military 5.

even tho i came oop with a decent amount of troops i didnt have the econ set up to get me to military 5 and keep training gaia.

Mr. Sofa Awesome

Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Dvsklown) and was a member of Poodles From Hell

Playing in Poodles From Hell. Desert map.

Playing Orc again

Started a few hours late, and worked a lot during protections, but still managed to get a decent start. Came out with 32K gaia and a lot more training. I came out attacking first tick oop, but every city I prepped Immortals managed to hold me off.

Poodles for the most part are doing good, putting up a good fight with immortals, Peeved seems to have again gotten a great start. He managed to take the entire southwest corner of our crater. other then that for the most part we are either trading cities back and forth or stalemating with Immortals. Almost 2 weeks in and I imagine that the winner of this oop war will be determined in the next few days.

Poodles won key battles managed to take 2 magic cities in the same hour, wiping out all long range magic from Immortals. Oops and Timur and Paper managed to wipe out the northwest section, I scattered and took many cities from the northeast, Peeved managed to be everywhere and after a long hard battle, only one Immortals city remained. Tyrgalon managed to be a pain the entire war up until the very end.

me, Peeved and willie headed to the southeastern crater occupied by feckers and mirror, we found their blockers to be well defended so we attacked the feckers and mad cities on the outside of the crater, made good progress, but our lack of magic support forced us to return to the core to get an Aotd. with both peeved and myself needing Aotd at the same time, we all left the area with no intentions to return, as LGC and Mad had invaded our core.

LGC slowly took our core, I lost 12K of my nazzy to ownage, thought I had added the mus but didn't. I built up and trained some nazzy in the deep south, reached 2K and split them up into 130 armies and sent them to take easy cities which they did, Oops came with me into LGC core and prepped their Arma city which had no defense in it. HAHA. While in their core I plundered one of their inactives and also just taking cities I ended up with enough resources to train up 12K more nazzy, so I swarmed again with 36 hours left of the era, took many cities and gained much plunder again. Not many paying attention at this point so I figured why not.

9.Mr. Sofa Awesome of Poodles From Hell (Orc)
Had 1,142,585 land, 1,186,524 troops and 23 science points. Killed 1,254,612 soldiers, won 151 of 276 battles and captured 143 cities.
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