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Sir Thorium

Lived in Era 13, got 1 heir(s) (Thebes) and was a member of Saiyan Empire

Thorium, son of Temetris. after his father was cruely punished for an act he did not commit, young Thorium was taken to be raised by monks. once he was 20, the age of adulthood, they told him of his true family. of Temetris. the boy learned much of his family history and lived to avenge his family name. he also learned of his fathers will - to biuld a City named after him and for that City to be an ally of the Saiyan Empire, the country he loved so dearly much... Thorium set out to do as his great father had asked and biult the great city of
Almanosa II. He named it after his mother and the city his father had built before. he later built a mining colony and named it Mining. then INVICT took over Almanosa II. he was so angered he insulted their king destroyed his mining city and sent his one man army to attack New Sweet.

Sir Thebes

Lived in Era 13, got 0 heir(s) and was a member of Saiyan Empire

after mourning over his father's stupid death, remained loyal to the Saiyan Empire. he built his first city which he named- Audacity which in engligh language means bold courage, and adventerous. he later went on to buil the city of Mina which in spanish language means "mine" ( as in mining ). he also built Alborasa as LEGACY was tearing through his country's region as a fort and mining city. it was soon taken over. he was angered and built Alborada, which was also taken. he built an army to attack legacy but as Driken grew closer with more and more power, he begged for mercy. although he later repented, for he attacked and conquered Esperia from legacy hands. Driaken was frustrated and started to attack his remaining cities, until one was left - the brave city of Audacity. with no defences he only relied on the limited but loyal help of his kingdommates. he counted his time left as Driaken was coming closer. and he wrote this speech in the forum of his kingdom for all his allies to see, " Well fellow kingmates its only a matter of time before Draiken comes and pulverises me. i could have lived on... he granted me mercy, but then i changed my mind- i would die for the Saiyan Empire. and the time has come, for i have taken over one of his cities and he has destroyed my only army and 2nd city. he will now target Audacity my last stronghold... and i shall not live to see it breath once more, for my grave has already been made. and let to all know of i - Sir Thebes, the one who could live on, but died for Honor. " and forever shall he be remembered...
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