Family History
Mr. The Last Airbender
Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X, got 1 heir(s) (The Last Air Bender) and was a member of The Avatar
Mr. The Last Air Bender
Lived in age 17 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Fancy Shoes).
Mr. Fancy Shoes
Lived in Era 47, got 1 heir(s) (Pathetic Harmless Victim) and was a member of Storm Cloaks
Back to my old stomping grounds in Valhalla. havent told anyone im playing again. Decide to go solo.
Elf- Dropped mid-North. a couple days late. everyone is getting oop as i dropped. plan is to defend 90k long enough to train AMs. H2o2 and SC are to the east, SC easily takes them out. Nap with Pure. CF with SC.
H202 rebuilding to the west, SG creeps in and slowly takes H202, magic 8, train AMs, mining 5, military5, train ams. SG tests the waters of my city, SG takes 3 of Pure's(inactive) cities, i take pures old cities back and forth with SG, SC moves in and SG retreats, SC and i take H202s 2nd core.
At this point SC doesnt have magic range into SG's core, i do. SG has more armies then i can chase down with my one army of AMs, SC has enough. SC and i agree it is mutually beneficial that i join SC.
Now in SC, we continue towards SG, their main blocker full of troops from multiple people. unable to defeat. but i cast CW and proceed to next blocker. i sat my army in the next blocker and stopped SG armies from entering their own core. while i held back SG. I SSed SGs elf and stole magic 9, also got to military 8 and mining 8. Tim, Perturbed, and Paper met LDK's armies in the northwest. after 2 days LDK had no large armies left, SC took their entire core.
Sent armies towards LS Core, over 200K AMs , SC discussed arma, agreed we would break through most of LS before casting Arma. cast a few dragons that got stuck.
Reached and took LS core. cast a dragon that could fly yay!!! it attacked our newly aquired cities. sorry guys!!
Mr. Fancy Shoes cast a spell upon us... Casting Armageddon from Top Hat upon Zztop with 32% chance of success...If our defence holds, Armageddon will start within 240 days.
1. Mr. Fancy Shoes of Stormcloaks (Elf)
Had 764,644 land, 645,707 troops and 35 science points. Killed 1,558,701 soldiers, won 39 of 42 battles and captured 28 cities.
Mr. Pathetic Harmless Victim
Lived in age 20 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Plunder And Burn).
Stormcloaks moved to Nirvana so i moved with them.
Halfling-i dropped 36 hours late. From the looks of it most of the players were dropped to the south of where we settled. by the time im out of protection the fighting has already begun. protection was good for me, i ended up coming out in 3rd place. Tried an old building strat and it worked good.
I trained up a bunch of ponies and took out a couple of candlewax cities, then moved further south and too a city from Yucca. i then tried to move further south but got frozen, then RoFed. i should have known better, was 7 days in and i knew it was a possibility.
So I took a candlewax city and smacked an orc army. but was soon trapped by Valar. my army bounced out of Zergs core. so I built up in Hideaway. Executor and Dark Templar both prep for a couple days and Templar attacks with low % I win and a few hours later Executor attacks taking the city. I should have hit executor, but I saw him moving as army towards him so I figured he was gomma merge up before attacking, figured id let some injured heal, but he attacked the next hour. I lost everything.
Valar moves in and takes the core. So ends our first attempt at Nirvana.
Mr. Plunder And Burn
Lived in age 19 of Tutorial X, got 1 heir(s) (Non Stop Disco) and was a member of The Titans
Mr. Non Stop Disco
Lived in age 19 of Tutorial X, got 1 heir(s) (Phillip Oliver Holes) and was a member of The Grim Reapers
Mr. Phillip Oliver Holes
Lived in Era 47 and got 1 heir(s) (Bazinga).
Joined up with the new kingdom The Grim Reapers. Halfer oop Mage is the plan. Ill turn attacker eventually.
i hate playing halfer, wont happen again for a long while